
Plant Physiology | 2008

The Absence of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE1a in Arabidopsis Results in Acute Sensitivity to Combined Light and Drought Stress

Estelle Giraud; Lois H.M. Ho; Rachel Clifton; Adam J. Carroll; Gonzalo M. Estavillo; Yew-Foon Tan; Katharine A. Howell; Aneta Ivanova; Barry J. Pogson; A. Harvey Millar; James Whelan

Treatment of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) alternative oxidase1a (aox1a) mutant plants with moderate light under drought conditions resulted in a phenotypic difference compared with ecotype Columbia (Col-0), as evidenced by a 10-fold increase in the accumulation of anthocyanins in leaves, alterations in photosynthetic efficiency, and increased superoxide radical and reduced root growth at the early stages of seedling growth. Analysis of metabolite profiles revealed significant changes upon treatment in aox1a plants typical of combined stress treatments, and these were less pronounced or absent in Col-0 plants. These changes were accompanied by alteration in the abundance of a variety of transcripts during the stress treatment, providing a molecular fingerprint for the stress-induced phenotype of aox1a plants. Transcripts encoding proteins involved in the synthesis of anthocyanins, transcription factors, chloroplastic and mitochondrial components, cell wall synthesis, and sucrose and starch metabolism changed, indicating that effects were not confined to mitochondria, where the AOX1a protein is located. Microarray and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that transcripts typically induced upon stress treatment or involved in antioxidant defense systems, especially chloroplast-located antioxidant defense components, had altered basal levels in untreated aox1a plants, suggesting a significant change in the basal equilibrium of signaling pathways that regulate these components. Taken together, these results indicate that aox1a plants have a greatly altered stress response even when mitochondria or the mitochondrial electron transport chain are not the primary target of the stress and that AOX1a plays a broad role in determining the normal redox balance in the cell.

Plant Physiology | 2008

Mapping Metabolic and Transcript Temporal Switches during Germination in Rice Highlights Specific Transcription Factors and the Role of RNA Instability in the Germination Process

Katharine A. Howell; Reena Narsai; Adam J. Carroll; Aneta Ivanova; Marc Lohse; A. Harvey Millar; James Whelan

Transcriptome and metabolite profiling of rice (Oryza sativa) embryo tissue during a detailed time course formed a foundation for examining transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes during germination. One hour after imbibition (HAI), independent of changes in transcript levels, rapid changes in metabolism occurred, including increases in hexose phosphates, tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, and γ-aminobutyric acid. Later changes in the metabolome, including those involved in carbohydrate, amino acid, and cell wall metabolism, appeared to be driven by increases in transcript levels, given that the large group (over 6,000 transcripts) observed to increase from 12 HAI were enriched in metabolic functional categories. Analysis of transcripts encoding proteins located in the organelles of primary metabolism revealed that for the mitochondrial gene set, a greater proportion of transcripts peaked early, at 1 or 3 HAI, compared with the plastid set, and notably, many of these transcripts encoded proteins involved in transport functions. One group of over 2,000 transcripts displayed a unique expression pattern beginning with low levels in dry seeds, followed by a peak in expression levels at 1 or 3 HAI, before markedly declining at later time points. This group was enriched in transcription factors and signal transduction components. A subset of these transiently expressed transcription factors were further interrogated across publicly available rice array data, indicating that some were only expressed during the germination process. Analysis of the 1-kb upstream regions of transcripts displaying similar changes in abundance identified a variety of common sequence motifs, potential binding sites for transcription factors. Additionally, newly synthesized transcripts peaking at 3 HAI displayed a significant enrichment of sequence elements in the 3′ untranslated region that have been previously associated with RNA instability. Overall, these analyses reveal that during rice germination, an immediate change in some metabolite levels is followed by a two-step, large-scale rearrangement of the transcriptome that is mediated by RNA synthesis and degradation and is accompanied by later changes in metabolite levels.

The Plant Cell | 2013

The Membrane-Bound NAC Transcription Factor ANAC013 Functions in Mitochondrial Retrograde Regulation of the Oxidative Stress Response in Arabidopsis

Inge De Clercq; Vanessa Vermeirssen; Olivier Van Aken; Klaas Vandepoele; Monika W. Murcha; Simon R. Law; Annelies Inzé; Sophia Ng; Aneta Ivanova; Debbie Rombaut; Brigitte van de Cotte; Pinja Jaspers; Yves Van de Peer; Jaakko Kangasjärvi; James Whelan; Frank Van Breusegem

This work reports the discovery of a cis-regulatory motif in the promoters of genes that are subject to mitochondrial retrograde regulation and the identification of transcription factors that bind to this element, thereby steering mitochondrial retrograde-induced gene expression. Upon disturbance of their function by stress, mitochondria can signal to the nucleus to steer the expression of responsive genes. This mitochondria-to-nucleus communication is often referred to as mitochondrial retrograde regulation (MRR). Although reactive oxygen species and calcium are likely candidate signaling molecules for MRR, the protein signaling components in plants remain largely unknown. Through meta-analysis of transcriptome data, we detected a set of genes that are common and robust targets of MRR and used them as a bait to identify its transcriptional regulators. In the upstream regions of these mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes, we found a cis-regulatory element, the mitochondrial dysfunction motif (MDM), which is necessary and sufficient for gene expression under various mitochondrial perturbation conditions. Yeast one-hybrid analysis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the transmembrane domain–containing NO APICAL MERISTEM/ARABIDOPSIS TRANSCRIPTION ACTIVATION FACTOR/CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON transcription factors (ANAC013, ANAC016, ANAC017, ANAC053, and ANAC078) bound to the MDM cis-regulatory element. We demonstrate that ANAC013 mediates MRR-induced expression of the MDS genes by direct interaction with the MDM cis-regulatory element and triggers increased oxidative stress tolerance. In conclusion, we characterized ANAC013 as a regulator of MRR upon stress in Arabidopsis thaliana.

The Plant Cell | 2013

A Membrane-Bound NAC Transcription Factor, ANAC017, Mediates Mitochondrial Retrograde Signaling in Arabidopsis

Sophia Ng; Aneta Ivanova; Owen Duncan; Simon R. Law; Olivier Van Aken; Inge De Clercq; Y. Wang; Chris Carrie; Lin Xu; Beata Kmiec; Hayden Walker; Frank Van Breusegem; James Whelan; Estelle Giraud

This work identifies a biological role for ANAC017 as an integral cellular component in mitochondrial retrograde signaling and a high-level transcriptional regulator that is necessary for H2O2-mediated primary stress responses in plants. Plants require daily coordinated regulation of energy metabolism for optimal growth and survival and therefore need to integrate cellular responses with both mitochondrial and plastid retrograde signaling. Using a forward genetic screen to characterize regulators of alternative oxidase1a (rao) mutants, we identified RAO2/Arabidopsis NAC domain-containing protein17 (ANAC017) as a direct positive regulator of AOX1a. RAO2/ANAC017 is targeted to connections and junctions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and F-actin via a C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain. A consensus rhomboid protease cleavage site is present in ANAC017 just prior to the predicted TM domain. Furthermore, addition of the rhomboid protease inhibitor N-p-Tosyl-l-Phe chloromethyl abolishes the induction of AOX1a upon antimycin A treatment. Simultaneous fluorescent tagging of ANAC017 with N-terminal red fluorescent protein (RFP) and C-terminal green fluorescent protein (GFP) revealed that the N-terminal RFP domain migrated into the nucleus, while the C-terminal GFP tag remained in the ER. Genome-wide analysis of the transcriptional network regulated by RAO2/ANAC017 under stress treatment revealed that RAO2/ANAC017 function was necessary for >85% of the changes observed as a primary response to cytosolic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), but only ∼33% of transcriptional changes observed in response to antimycin A treatment. Plants with mutated rao2/anac017 were more stress sensitive, whereas a gain-of-function mutation resulted in plants that had lower cellular levels of H2O2 under untreated conditions.

Plant Physiology | 2009

Defining Core Metabolic and Transcriptomic Responses to Oxygen Availability in Rice Embryos and Young Seedlings

Reena Narsai; Katharine A. Howell; Adam J. Carroll; Aneta Ivanova; A. Harvey Millar; James Whelan

Analysis reveals that there is limited overlap in the sets of transcripts that show significant changes in abundance during anaerobiosis in different plant species. This may be due to the fact that a combination of primary effects, changes due to the presence or absence of oxygen, and secondary effects, responses to primary changes or tissue and developmental responses, are measured together and not differentiated from each other. In order to dissect out these responses, the effect of the presence or absence of oxygen was investigated using three different experimental designs using rice (Oryza sativa) as a model system. A total of 110 metabolites and 9,596 transcripts were found to change significantly in response to oxygen availability in at least one experiment. However, only one-quarter of these showed complementary responses to oxygen in all three experiments, allowing the core response to oxygen availability to be defined. A total of 10 metabolites and 1,136 genes could be defined as aerobic responders (up-regulated in the presence of oxygen and down-regulated in its absence), and 13 metabolites and 730 genes could be defined as anaerobic responders (up-regulated in the absence of oxygen and down-regulated in its presence). Defining core sets of transcripts that were sensitive to oxygen provided insights into alterations in metabolism, specifically carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and the putative regulatory mechanisms that allow rice to grow under anaerobic conditions. Transcript abundance of a specific set of transcription factors was sensitive to oxygen availability during all of the different experiments conducted, putatively identifying primary regulators of gene expression under anaerobic conditions. Combined with the possibility of selective transcript degradation, these transcriptional processes are involved in the core response of rice to anaerobiosis.

BMC Plant Biology | 2010

Defining reference genes in Oryza sativa using organ, development, biotic and abiotic transcriptome datasets

Reena Narsai; Aneta Ivanova; Sophia Ng; James Whelan

BackgroundReference genes are widely used to normalise transcript abundance data determined by quantitative RT-PCR and microarrays. However, the approaches taken to define reference genes can be variable. Although Oryza sativa (rice) is a widely used model plant and important crop specie, there has been no comprehensive analysis carried out to define superior reference genes.ResultsAnalysis of 136 Affymetrix transcriptome datasets comprising of 373 genome microarrays from studies in rice that encompass tissue, developmental, abiotic, biotic and hormonal transcriptome datasets identified 151 genes whose expression was considered relatively stable under all conditions. A sub-set of 12 of these genes were validated by quantitative RT-PCR and were seen to be stable under a number of conditions. All except one gene that has been previously proposed as a stably expressed gene for rice, were observed to change significantly under some treatment.ConclusionA new set of reference genes that are stable across tissue, development, stress and hormonal treatments have been identified in rice. This provides a superior set of reference genes for future studies in rice. It confirms the approach of mining large scale datasets as a robust method to define reference genes, but cautions against using gene orthology or counterparts of reference genes in other plant species as a means of defining reference genes.

Molecular Plant | 2014

Anterograde and retrograde regulation of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins during growth, development, and stress.

Sophia Ng; Inge De Clercq; Olivier Van Aken; Simon R. Law; Aneta Ivanova; Patrick Willems; Estelle Giraud; Frank Van Breusegem; James Whelan

Mitochondrial biogenesis and function in plants require the expression of over 1000 nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins (NGEMPs). The expression of these genes is regulated by tissue-specific, developmental, internal, and external stimuli that result in a dynamic organelle involved in both metabolic and a variety of signaling processes. Although the metabolic and biosynthetic machinery of mitochondria is relatively well understood, the factors that regulate these processes and the various signaling pathways involved are only beginning to be identified at a molecular level. The molecular components of anterograde (nuclear to mitochondrial) and retrograde (mitochondrial to nuclear) signaling pathways that regulate the expression of NGEMPs interact with chloroplast-, growth-, and stress-signaling pathways in the cell at a variety of levels, with common components involved in transmission and execution of these signals. This positions mitochondria as important hubs for signaling in the cell, not only in direct signaling of mitochondrial function per se, but also in sensing and/or integrating a variety of other internal and external signals. This integrates and optimizes growth with energy metabolism and stress responses, which is required in both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic cells.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2013

Cyclin-dependent Kinase E1 (CDKE1) Provides a Cellular Switch in Plants between Growth and Stress Responses

Sophia Ng; Estelle Giraud; Owen Duncan; Simon R. Law; Y. Wang; Lin Xu; Reena Narsai; Chris Carrie; Hayden Walker; David A. Day; Nicolás E. Blanco; Åsa Strand; James Whelan; Aneta Ivanova

Background: Mitochondria send signals to the nucleus to modulate gene expression when mitochondrial function is perturbed. Results: Cyclin-dependent kinase E1 (CDKE1) was identified as an essential component in regulation of responses to perturbation of mitochondrial electron transport. Conclusion: Mitochondrial regulation is integrated with growth, energy, and other cellular stress signaling pathways. Significance: The identification of a molecular link between mitochondrial retrograde regulation and growth and stress signaling pathways. Plants must deal effectively with unfavorable growth conditions that necessitate a coordinated response to integrate cellular signals with mitochondrial retrograde signals. A genetic screen was carried out to identify regulators of alternative oxidase (rao mutants), using AOX1a expression as a model system to study retrograde signaling in plants. Two independent rao1 mutant alleles identified CDKE1 as a central nuclear component integrating mitochondrial retrograde signals with energy signals under stress. CDKE1 is also necessary for responses to general cellular stresses, such as H2O2 and cold that act, at least in part, via anterograde pathways, and integrates signals from central energy/stress sensing kinase signal transduction pathways within the nucleus. Together, these results place CDKE1 as a central kinase integrating diverse cellular signals and shed light on a mechanism by which plants can effectively switch between growth and stress responses.

Plant Physiology | 2016

Mitochondrial and Chloroplast Stress Responses Are Modulated in Distinct Touch and Chemical Inhibition Phases

Olivier Van Aken; Inge De Clercq; Aneta Ivanova; Simon R. Law; Frank Van Breusegem; A. Harvey Millar; James Whelan

Mitochondria and chloroplasts adapt to environmental changes via complex transcriptional regulation, the transcription factor ANAC017 regulating chemical inhibition responses and WRKY transcription factors modulating touch responses in Arabidopsis. Previous studies have identified a range of transcription factors that modulate retrograde regulation of mitochondrial and chloroplast functions in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). However, the relative importance of these regulators and whether they act downstream of separate or overlapping signaling cascades is still unclear. Here, we demonstrate that multiple stress-related signaling pathways, with distinct kinetic signatures, converge on overlapping gene sets involved in energy organelle function. The transcription factor ANAC017 is almost solely responsible for transcript induction of marker genes around 3 to 6 h after chemical inhibition of organelle function and is a key regulator of mitochondrial and specific types of chloroplast retrograde signaling. However, an independent and highly transient gene expression phase, initiated within 10 to 30 min after treatment, also targets energy organelle functions, and is related to touch and wounding responses. Metabolite analysis demonstrates that this early response is concurrent with rapid changes in tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and large changes in transcript abundance of genes encoding mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier proteins. It was further demonstrated that transcription factors AtWRKY15 and AtWRKY40 have repressive regulatory roles in this touch-responsive gene expression. Together, our results show that several regulatory systems can independently affect energy organelle function in response to stress, providing different means to exert operational control.

Plant Physiology | 2014

The Mitochondrial Protein Import Component, TRANSLOCASE OF THE INNER MEMBRANE17-1, Plays a Role in Defining the Timing of Germination in Arabidopsis

Y. Wang; Simon R. Law; Aneta Ivanova; Olivier Van Aken; Szymon Kubiszewski-Jakubiak; Vindya Uggalla; Margaretha J. van der Merwe; Owen Duncan; Reena Narsai; James Whelan; Monika W. Murcha

A mitochondrial import protein determines the timing of mitochondrial biogenesis during germination. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), small gene families encode multiple isoforms for many of the components of the mitochondrial protein import apparatus. There are three isoforms of the TRANSLOCASE OF THE INNER MEMBRANE17 (Tim17). Transcriptome analysis indicates that AtTim17-1 is only detectable in dry seed. In this study, two independent transfer DNA insertional mutant lines of tim17-1 exhibited a germination-specific phenotype, showing a significant increase in the rate of germination. Microarray analyses revealed that Attim17-1 displayed alterations in the temporal sequence of transcriptomic events during germination, peaking earlier compared with the wild type. Promoter analysis of AtTim17-1 further identified an abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive element, which binds ABA-responsive transcription factors, acting to repress the expression of AtTim17-1. Attim17-1 dry seeds contained significantly increased levels of ABA and gibberellin, 2- and 5-fold, respectively. These results support the model that mitochondrial biogenesis is regulated in a tight temporal sequence of events during germination and that altering mitochondrial biogenesis feeds back to alter the germination rate, as evidenced by the altered levels of the master regulatory hormones that define germination.

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