Angela Arruda
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Featured researches published by Angela Arruda.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2002
Angela Arruda
Este texto objetiva oferecer uma breve panorâmica da teoria psicossociologica das representacoes sociais, estabelecendo algumas pontes com as teorias feministas de genero. Nesse sentido, percorre as origens e fundamentos da teoria de Moscovici, as suas variacoes e alguns pontos de convergencia com as teorias feministas.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2005
Gisele Pereira Cardoso; Angela Arruda
A observância ou adesao terapeutica aos anti-retrovirais (ARV) e fundamental para o sucesso a longo prazo do tratamento para a infeccao pelo HIV. Devido a complexidade deste tema consideramos interessante analisa-lo a luz da teoria das representacoes sociais (RS). Deste modo, procuramos tracar o processo de construcao das RS da soropositividade em pacientes com HIV/Aids que aderem e nao aderem a terapia ARV. Realizamos um estudo exploratorio atraves de tecnicas observacionais e entrevistas com roteiro estruturado com 16 homens e 16 mulheres, aderentes e nao aderentes. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de conteudo categorial. Os resultados mostraram que para os aderentes, a soropositividade aparece associada a uma nova normatividade (tomar remedios). O remedio e objetivado destruindo o virus e existe a ancoragem no saber cientifico. Para os nao aderentes, a soropositividade e uma vivencia ameacadora. O uso da negacao impede a ancoragem no saber cientifico. Os remedios tornam-se a objetivacao da doenca. Como conclusao, podemos afirmar que, enquanto nos pacientes aderentes observamos RS bem estruturadas da doenca e do tratamento ARV, nos nao aderentes tais RS parecem ainda estar em construcao.
Historia Ciencias Saude-manguinhos | 2003
Maria Leide Wand-Del-Rey de Oliveira; Rachel Tebaldi Tardin; Mônica Duarte Cunha; Angela Arruda
Based on the theories of social representation (SC) and Central Core (CC), a structural study was undertaken regarding the neologism hanseniase (Hansens disease), the term adopted by Brazils Ministry of Health in the 1970s. Carried out during 2001, this study interviewed eight hundred housewives residing in the Rio de Janeiro and Duque de Caxias municipalities. It found that Hansens disease is part of a process of modernization of common thinking, anchored in the additional representation of leprosy. This finding is understandable from the perspective that the central structure of a social representation has a historical determination, so short -and middle-term changes are not to be expected. Furthermore, there has been no ongoing investment in social marketing to make the new terminology more widely known. The authors discuss the relation between social representation and the concept of the history of mentalities.
Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa | 2010
Carolina Fernandes Pombo-de-Barros; Angela Arruda
This text is a result of a theoretical research with two goals: to explore common points between the Emotional Development Theory by Winnicott and the Social Representations Theory by Moscovici, and to indicate the role of affection in the construction of social representations. To sustain the dialogue between the two theories, this text approaches perspectives from different authors who have looked into the processes of knowledge, perception and interaction, and who have defended the complexity of the social and cognitive phenomena as well as the need of a transdisciplinary paradigm to investigate them. It is also analyzed, in the conclusion, the presence of fear and solidarity in the results of Sandra Jovchelovitchs research on social representations and the public sphere in Brazil.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2010
Angela Arruda; Marilena Jamur; Thiago Melício; Felipe Barroso
Com base na teoria das representacoes sociais de Moscovici e a partir de contextualizacoes do fenomeno dos arrastoes, esse texto se propoe a discutir elementos que respondam as questoes: por que discursos criminalizantes, que afirmam a periculosidade do funkeiro, se fizeram tao presentes desde o inicio da decada de noventa no Rio de Janeiro? Como esses discursos, que apontam para uma determinada construcao social do funkeiro, interferiram na relacao do funk com a sociedade? A discussao passa pela compreensao dos dispositivos criados na sociedade carioca daquele periodo para a solucao de problemas com os quais ela se via confrontada. Trata-se de tentar compreender como, em certo momento, o funkeiro ganha um perfil amplamente difundido como problema que requer um tipo de intervencao especifica.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2008
Angela Arruda; Luana Pedrosa Vital Gonçalves; Sara Costa Cabral Mululo
Current paper studies how students’ vision of natives from different Brazilian states contributes to the social representations of Brazil through the study stereotypes. Data were collected by completive sentences. One thousand and twenty-nine private and public 1 and 2 year university students, aged 17 to 24, males and females, from seven states of Brazil, took part in the survey. Analysis of material was made through thematic content analysis. Results indicated that around one third of the students refused to give generalizing and hierarchized answers. This fact probably means that their idea of Brazil is of a single country in spite of its differences. However, even the stereotyped answers suggested an interesting idea of Brazilians and of Brazil, in which a structured field of meanings, knowledge and information which expresses its diversity, its contrasts and inequalities, may be identified.
Sociedade E Estado | 2009
Angela Arruda
This text intends to pinpoint the relationship between the psychosocial theory of social representations by Serge Moscovici and the social sciences, based on the characterization of this theory as an interpenetrative approach between psychology and sociology. Firstly, the transit between psychology-social psychology and sociology will be briefly presented as one of the elements that explain the intertwining of the Theory of Social Representations (TSR) and social sciences. Next, it will be indicated how this intertwining is present in Moscovicis approach and how the TSR cannot escape it. The authors argument is that the relationship between these two fields is based on the conception of the social in Moscovicis thought, which does not neglect the importance of psychological aspects for social facts as well. The text concludes with some examples of research works that illustrate this point of view.This text intends to pinpoint the relationship between the psychosocial theory of social representations by Serge Moscovici and the social sciences, based on the characterization of this theory as an interpenetrative approach between psychology and sociology. Firstly, the transit between psychology-social psychology and sociology will be briefly presented as one of the elements that explain the intertwining of the Theory of Social Representations (TSR) and social sciences. Next, it will be indicated how this intertwining is present in Moscovicis approach and how the TSR cannot escape it. The authors argument is that the relationship between these two fields is based on the conception of the social in Moscovicis thought, which does not neglect the importance of psychological aspects for social facts as well. The text concludes with some examples of research works that illustrate this point of view.
Revista gaúcha de enfermagem | 2009
Vera Hein; Angela Arruda
A partir do trabalho com maes de criancas de baixo peso (BP) numa unidade de saude do Rio de Janeiro, tentamos apreender as representacoes sociais (RS) das maes das criancas desnutridas e suas praticas de saude, objetivando promover maior captacao e observância terapeutica. Um estudo exploratorio baseado na teoria de Moscovici incluiu relatos do grupo de maes e 20 entrevistas em profundidade, divididas em dois grupos: 10 maes cujos filhos obtiveram alta clinica da desnutricao infantil (DI) e 10 com filhos em atendimento medico. Fizemos uma analise de conteudo categorial tematica. As RS da DI estao ligadas a ideia da morte, a terminalidade da vida dos filhos. Elas preferem a terminologia Baixo Peso, que seria um atraso do desenvolvimento, recuperavel com cuidado materno e acompanhamento medico. O trabalho indica quanto o reconhecimento do saber consensual, popular, serve ao bom relacionamento com os servicos de saude, a observância terapeutica e captacao.Working with mothers of low weight (LW) children in a Public Health Unit in Rio de Janeiro, we tried to understand their social representations (SR) and health practices in order to influence the search for treatment and therapeutical observance. An explorative study based on the theory of Moscovici, included accounts from the group of mothers and 20 in-depth interviews, divided in two groups: 10 mothers whose children received clinical release and 10 mothers with children in medical treatment. We made a thematic content analysis. The study disclosed that SR of infantile malnutrition is associated to the idea of death, the end of life of their children. These mothers prefer to speak of LW, considered as transitory and recoverable by maternal care and medical treatment. The results of this work indicate how much the recognition of consensual popular knowledge, assists the good relationship with health services and therapeutical observance.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2009
Vera Hein; Angela Arruda
A partir do trabalho com maes de criancas de baixo peso (BP) numa unidade de saude do Rio de Janeiro, tentamos apreender as representacoes sociais (RS) das maes das criancas desnutridas e suas praticas de saude, objetivando promover maior captacao e observância terapeutica. Um estudo exploratorio baseado na teoria de Moscovici incluiu relatos do grupo de maes e 20 entrevistas em profundidade, divididas em dois grupos: 10 maes cujos filhos obtiveram alta clinica da desnutricao infantil (DI) e 10 com filhos em atendimento medico. Fizemos uma analise de conteudo categorial tematica. As RS da DI estao ligadas a ideia da morte, a terminalidade da vida dos filhos. Elas preferem a terminologia Baixo Peso, que seria um atraso do desenvolvimento, recuperavel com cuidado materno e acompanhamento medico. O trabalho indica quanto o reconhecimento do saber consensual, popular, serve ao bom relacionamento com os servicos de saude, a observância terapeutica e captacao.Working with mothers of low weight (LW) children in a Public Health Unit in Rio de Janeiro, we tried to understand their social representations (SR) and health practices in order to influence the search for treatment and therapeutical observance. An explorative study based on the theory of Moscovici, included accounts from the group of mothers and 20 in-depth interviews, divided in two groups: 10 mothers whose children received clinical release and 10 mothers with children in medical treatment. We made a thematic content analysis. The study disclosed that SR of infantile malnutrition is associated to the idea of death, the end of life of their children. These mothers prefer to speak of LW, considered as transitory and recoverable by maternal care and medical treatment. The results of this work indicate how much the recognition of consensual popular knowledge, assists the good relationship with health services and therapeutical observance.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2008
Angela Arruda; Luana Pedrosa Vital Gonçalves; Sara Costa Cabral Mululo
Current paper studies how students’ vision of natives from different Brazilian states contributes to the social representations of Brazil through the study stereotypes. Data were collected by completive sentences. One thousand and twenty-nine private and public 1 and 2 year university students, aged 17 to 24, males and females, from seven states of Brazil, took part in the survey. Analysis of material was made through thematic content analysis. Results indicated that around one third of the students refused to give generalizing and hierarchized answers. This fact probably means that their idea of Brazil is of a single country in spite of its differences. However, even the stereotyped answers suggested an interesting idea of Brazilians and of Brazil, in which a structured field of meanings, knowledge and information which expresses its diversity, its contrasts and inequalities, may be identified.