Angela Taboada
University of León
Journal of Insect Conservation | 2011
Angela Taboada; D. Johan Kotze; José Manuel Salgado; Reyes Tárrega
Species rich semi-natural grasslands are disappearing across Europe, affecting invertebrate diversity negatively. In NW Spain, the recent abandonment of traditional farming practices and the gradual decrease in grazing pressures are reducing the number and extent of montane grasslands. In this context, we investigated the composition of carabid beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) assemblages that inhabit semi-natural grasslands situated in long-term managed oak and beech forested landscapes. According to their spatial arrangement, the studied grasslands were classified into: (1) interior or gap grasslands (small and completely surrounded by continuous forest) and (2) exterior grasslands (large and connected to a variety of habitat types). Our results indicate that, within each forested landscape, the gap and exterior grasslands harboured particular carabid assemblages (i.e. exclusive or abundantly collected species), which were also distinct from the surrounding forest carabid fauna. Dissimilarities between gap and exterior grasslands in each landscape suggest great carabid diversity at the regional scale. We also detected species-specific responses as several carabids were mainly associated with gap or exterior grasslands. Consequently, in highly modified forested landscapes, semi-natural grassland remnants may constitute great value for the protection of the carabid fauna. Specifically, we recommend conservation strategies that preserve variety in grassland features and maintain proper management activities to prevent the loss of specialised species and a decrease in regional carabid diversity.
ZooKeys | 2011
Claudia Drees; Pietro Brandmayr; Jörn Buse; Petra Dieker; Stephan Gürlich; Jan Christian Habel; Ingmar Harry; Werner Härdtle; Andrea Matern; Hartmut Meyer; Roberto Pizzolotto; Markus Quante; Katharina Schäfer; Andreas Schuldt; Angela Taboada; Thorsten Assmann
Abstract We investigated the extent of poleward shifts in the distribution range of Agonum viridicupreum due to climate change in the western Palaearctic. Species’ records were obtained from extensive literature sources as well as from collections, and consistent amateur entomologists’ recordings. Within the general geographic range of the species, we analyzed in detail two parts of both, the northern and southern distribution range boundaries: (1 and 2) north-western Germany (leading or high-latitude edge), (3) Israel and (4) southern Italy (rear or low-latitude edge). Temporal changes in the occurrence data of the species indicated a northward shift of the leading edge of a minimum of 100 km within the last 50 to 100 years. In contrast, according to the data gathered, the rear edge has not changed during the last decades. Further studies are needed in order to fully understand the underlying mechanisms of the different behaviour of leading and rear range edges of Agonum viridicupreum in the current context of global change. Despite our incomplete understanding, chronosequences of the occurrence of the given species have the potential to optimize climate niche modelling to predict trends in the distribution range in the future.
European Journal of Forest Research | 2011
Reyes Tárrega; Leonor Calvo; Angela Taboada; Elena Marcos; José Antonio Marcos
We compared the structure of the arboreal layer and the diversity and species composition of the understory vegetation of three types of mature forest communities: oak (Quercus pyrenaica) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) plantations. Our main aim was to determine whether differences in these variables existed and were due to the identity of the dominant tree species. We selected four stands or replicates per forest type located geographically close and with relatively similar conditions. We found no differences in the arboreal structure of oak and beech forests, which were characterised by great variability in tree size, while in case of plantations, this variability was lower at both the intra-stand (estimated by the coefficient of variation) and inter-stand (i.e. the four replicates harboured trees of similar sizes) scales. However, the highest variability in the canopy layer of natural forests was not consistently linked to greater understory species richness. Indeed, the lowest plant species richness was found in beech forests, while oak forests harboured the highest value at either the sampling unit (per m2) or stand scales. The greatest negative correlation between plant diversity and the environmental variables measured was found for litter depth, which was the highest in beech forests. The results obtained by the CCA indicated that the four replicates of each forest type clustered together, due to the presence of characteristic species. We concluded that pine plantations did not approach the environmental conditions of native forests, as plantations were characterised by singular understory species composition and low arboreal layer variability, compared to natural woodlands.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Angela Taboada; Henrik von Wehrden; Thorsten Assmann
Detailed understanding of a species’ natural history and environmental needs across spatial scales is a primary requisite for effective conservation planning, particularly for species with complex life cycles in which different life stages occupy different niches and respond to the environment at different scales. However, niche models applied to conservation often neglect early life stages and are mostly performed at broad spatial scales. Using the endangered heath tiger beetle (Cicindela sylvatica) as a model species, we relate presence/absence and abundance data of locally dispersing adults and sedentary larvae to abiotic and biotic variables measured in a multiscale approach within the geographic extent relevant to active conservation management. At the scale of hundreds of meters, fine-grained abiotic conditions (i.e., vegetation structure) are fundamental determinants of the occurrence of both life stages, whereas the effect of biotic factors is mostly contained in the abiotic signature. The combination of dense heath vegetation and bare ground areas is thus the first requirement for the species’ preservation, provided that accessibility to the suitable habitat is ensured. At a smaller scale (centimetres), the influence of abiotic factors on larval occurrence becomes negligible, suggesting the existence of important additional variables acting within larval proximity. Sustained significant correlations between neighbouring larvae in the models provide an indication of the potential impact of neighbourhood crowding on the larval niche within a few centimetres. Since the species spends the majority of its life cycle in the larval stage, it is essential to consider the hierarchical abiotic and biotic processes affecting the larvae when designing practical conservation guidelines for the species. This underlines the necessity for a more critical evaluation of the consequences of disregarding niche variation between life stages when estimating niches and addressing effective conservation measures for species with complex life cycles.
Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata | 2012
Angela Taboada; Carlos Pérez-Aguirre; Thorsten Assmann
A new method for collecting agile tiger beetles by live pitfall trapping Angela Taboada*, Carlos Pérez-Aguirre & Thorsten Assmann Institute of Ecology, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Scharnhorststrasse 1, Lüneburg D-21335, Germany, Area of Ecology, Department of Biodiversity and EnvironmentalManagement, University of León, Campus Vegazana s/n, León E-24071, Spain, and IES Valencia de Don Juan, Avenida de La Constitución 15, Valencia de Don Juan, León E-24200, Spain
Remote Sensing | 2018
Víctor Fernández-García; Carmen Quintano; Angela Taboada; Elena Marcos; Leonor Calvo; Alfonso Fernández-Manso
We aimed to analyze the relationship between fire regime attributes and the post-fire greenness recovery of fire-prone pine ecosystems over the short (2-year) and medium (5-year) term after a large wildfire, using both a single and a combined fire regime attribute approach. We characterized the spatial (fire size), temporal (number of fires, fire recurrence, and return interval), and magnitude (burn severity of the last fire) fire regime attributes throughout a 40-year period with a long-time series of Landsat imagery and ancillary data. The burn severity of the last fire was measured by the dNBR (difference of the Normalized Burn Ratio) spectral index, and classified according to the ground reference values of the CBI (Composite Burn Index). Post-fire greenness recovery was obtained through the difference of the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) between pre- and post-fire Landsat scenes. The relationship between fire regime attributes (single attributes: fire recurrence, fire return interval, and burn severity; combined attributes: fire recurrence-burn severity and fire return interval-burn severity) and post-fire greenness recovery was evaluated using linear models. The results indicated that all the single and combined attributes significantly affected greenness recovery. The single attribute approach showed that high recurrence, short return interval and low severity situations had the highest vegetation greenness recovery. The combined attribute approach allowed us to identify a wider variety of post-fire greenness recovery situations than the single attribute one. Over the short term, high recurrence as well as short return interval scenarios showed the best post-fire greenness recovery independently of burn severity, while over the medium term, high recurrence combined with low severity was the most recovered scenario. This novel combined attribute approach (temporal plus magnitude) could be of great value to forest managers in the development of post-fire restoration strategies to promote vegetation recovery in fire-prone pine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin under complex fire regime scenarios.
Ecological Questions | 2015
Elena Marcos; Angela Taboada; Leonor Calvo
We studied changes in the relationship between soil nutrient content and plant species richness in Calluna heathlands after seven years of experimental burning (B) and nitrogen fertilization (NF). Our results indicate that both the treatments (B, NF, B+NF) and modification of several soil characteristics (total N, available Na, and C:N ratio) reflected in a significant increase in plant species richness.
Science of The Total Environment | 2018
Angela Taboada; Javier Calvo-Fernández; Elena Marcos; Leonor Calvo
Elevated atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is a major driver of change, altering the structure/functioning of nutrient-poor Calluna vulgaris-heathlands over Europe. These effects amply proven for north-western/central heathlands may, however, vary across the ecosystems distribution, especially at the range limits, as heathlands are highly vulnerable to land-use changes combined with present climate change. This is an often overlooked and greatly understudied aspect of the ecology of heathlands facing global change. We investigated the effects of five N-fertilisation treatments simulating a range of N deposition rates (0, 10, 20, and 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for 1 year; and 56 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for 9 years) on the Calluna-plants, the plant functional groups, species composition and richness of two life-cycle stages (building/young- and mature-phase) of Calluna-heathlands at their rear-edge limit. Our findings revealed a dose-related response of the shoot length and number of flowers of young and mature Calluna-plants to the addition of N, adhering to the findings from other heathland locations. However, cumulative high-N loading reduced the annual growth and flowering of young plants, showing early signs of N saturation. The different plant functional groups showed contrasting responses to the cumulative addition of N: annual/perennial forbs and annual graminoids increased with quite low values; perennial graminoids were rather abundant in young heathlands but only slightly augmented in mature ones; while bryophytes and lichens strongly declined at the two heathland life-cycle stages. Meanwhile there were no significant N-driven changes in plant species composition and richness. Our results demonstrated that Calluna-heathlands at their low-latitude distribution limit are moderately resistant to cumulative high-N loading. As north-western/central European heathlands under high-N inputs broadly experienced the loss of plant diversity and pronounced changes in plant species dominance, rear-edge locations may be of critical importance to unravel the mechanisms of heathland resilience to future global change.
Revista Ecosistemas | 2017
José Barquín Ortiz; Jose Manuel Álvarez-Martínez; Borja Jiménez-Alfaro; Daniel F. García; David R. Vieites; Enrique Serrano; Alberto González-Díez; Sergio Tejón; Estanislao de Luis Calabuig; Angela Taboada; Francisco José Purroy; Manuel del Jesus; Javier Naves; Alberto Fernández-Gil; Ángel Serdio; Antonio Lucio; Rodrigo Suárez; Joaquín Araujo
Delgado L.A. 2018. Landscape Heterogeneity and tree species diversity in a tropical forest. Development and validation of a methodological proposal. Ecosistemas 27(1): 105-115. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.1475 Many landscapes exist as unstable spatial-temporal mosaics where changes in patterns of biodiversity are affected by nature processes and the dynamic interaction between social and ecological factors. It is a consequence of the natural dynamics of socio-economic systems that regulate man-made tropical forests. However, a significant proportion of studies have made generalizations about the relative values of biodiversity, without taking into account the high levels of internal heterogeneity in the biophysical properties and land uses of each site. The purpose of this study is to propose and validate a methodology to delimit the heterogeneity of the landscape based on criteria that integrate the coupling of human-ecological systems such as: space-time dynamics of deforestation and fragmentation; complexity of the landscape structure; current and historical land use and biophysical variability. For this, the use of satellite images, landscape metrics, field work, documentary review and multivariate analysis were combined. The proposed methodology is intended to help guide the empirical delimitation of landscape heterogeneity as a prerequisite for the selection of similar landscapes and forest patches in studies of the diversity of tree species, in order to provide an opportunity to control the possible difficulties caused by variability in the proportion of forests, landscape configuration and successional states, in estimating its effects on forest richness and floristic composition.
Ecological Questions | 2015
Leonor Calvo; Sara Huerta; Elena Marcos; Javier Calvo-Fernández; Angela Taboada
We provide a synthesis of evidence of the effects of burning and N deposition on the provision of regulating ecosystem services of Cantabrian heathlands (NW Spain). We quantified carbon sequestration in litter, above and belowground biomass, root and soil compartments in heathlands after burning and burning plus N fertilization.