Ani Shabri
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Expert Systems With Applications | 2011
Shuhaida Ismail; Ani Shabri; Ruhaidah Samsudin
Support vector machine is a new tool from Artificial Intelligence (AI) field has been successfully applied for a wide variety of problem especially in time-series forecasting. In this paper, least square support vector machine (LSSVM) is an improved algorithm based on SVM, with the combination of self-organizing maps(SOM) also known as SOM-LSSVM is proposed for time-series forecasting. The objective of this paper is to examine the flexibility of SOM-LSSVM by comparing it with a single LSSVM model. To assess the effectiveness of SOM-LSSVM model, two well-known datasets known as the Wolf yearly sunspot data and the Monthly unemployed young women data are used in this study. The experiment shows SOM-LSSVM outperforms the single LSSVM model based on the criteria of mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE). It also indicates that SOM-LSSVM provides a promising alternative technique in time-series forecasting.
Hydrological Sciences Journal-journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques | 2012
Ani Shabri; Suhartono
Abstract This paper investigates the ability of a least-squares support vector machine (LSSVM) model to improve the accuracy of streamflow forecasting. Cross-validation and grid-search methods are used to automatically determine the LSSVM parameters in the forecasting process. To assess the effectiveness of this model, monthly streamflow records from two stations, Tg Tulang and Tg Rambutan of the Kinta River in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, were used as case studies. The performance of the LSSVM model is compared with the conventional statistical autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), the artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) models using various statistical measures. The results of the comparison indicate that the LSSVM model is a useful tool and a promising new method for streamflow forecasting. Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor L. See Citation Shabri, A. and Suhartono, 2012. Streamflow forecasting using least-squares support vector machines. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (7), 1275–1293.
Water Resources Management | 2012
Zahrahtul Amani Zakaria; Ani Shabri; Ummi Nadiah Ahmad
This study was to reinstate the development of regional frequency analysis using L-moments approach. The Partial L-moments (PL-moments) method was employed and a new relationship for homogeneity analysis is developed. For this study, the PL-moments for generalized logistic (GLO), generalized pareto (GPA) and generalized value (GEV) distributions were derived based on the formula defined by Wang (Water Resour Res 32:1767–1771, 1996). The three distributions are used to develop the regional frequency analysis procedures. As a case of study, the Selangor catchment that consists of 30 sites which located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia has chosen as sample. Based on L-moment and PL-moment ratio diagrams as well as Z-test statistics, the GEV and GLO were identified as the best distributions to represent the statistical properties of extreme rainfalls in Selangor. Monte Carlo simulation shows that the method of PL-moments would outperform L-moments method for estimation of large returns period event.
The Scientific World Journal | 2014
Ani Shabri; Ruhaidah Samsudin
Crude oil prices do play significant role in the global economy and are a key input into option pricing formulas, portfolio allocation, and risk measurement. In this paper, a hybrid model integrating wavelet and multiple linear regressions (MLR) is proposed for crude oil price forecasting. In this model, Mallat wavelet transform is first selected to decompose an original time series into several subseries with different scale. Then, the principal component analysis (PCA) is used in processing subseries data in MLR for crude oil price forecasting. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to adopt the optimal parameters of the MLR model. To assess the effectiveness of this model, daily crude oil market, West Texas Intermediate (WTI), has been used as the case study. Time series prediction capability performance of the WMLR model is compared with the MLR, ARIMA, and GARCH models using various statistics measures. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the individual models in forecasting of the crude oil prices series.
Neural Network World | 2011
Ruhaidah Samsudin; Puteh Saad; Ani Shabri
Time series consists of complex nonlinear and chaotic patterns that are difficult to forecast. This paper proposes a novel hybrid forecasting model which combines the group method of data handling (GMDH) and the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM), known as GLSSVM. The GMDH is used to determine the useful input variables for the LSSVM model and the LSSVM model that works as time series forecasting. Three well-known time series data sets are used in this study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the forecasting model. These data are utilized to forecast through an application aimed to handle real life time series. The results found by the proposed model were compared with the results of the GMDH and LSSVM models. Experiment result indicates that the hybrid model was a powerful tool to model time series data and provides a promising technique in time series forecasting methods.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2014
Ani Shabri; Ruhaidah Samsudin
A new method based on integrating discrete wavelet transform and artificial neural networks (WANN) model for daily crude oil price forecasting is proposed. The discrete Mallat wavelet transform is used to decompose the crude price series into one approximation series and some details series (DS). The new series obtained by adding the effective one approximation series and DS component is then used as input into the ANN model to forecast crude oil price. The relative performance of WANN model was compared to regular ANN model for crude oil forecasting at lead times of 1 day for two main crude oil price series, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude oil spot prices. In both cases, WANN model was found to provide more accurate crude oil prices forecasts than individual ANN model.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 2013
Zahrahtul Amani Zakaria; Ani Shabri
An approach based on regional frequency analysis using L moments and LH moments are revisited in this study. Subsequently, an alternative regional frequency analysis using the partial L moments (PL moments) method is employed, and a new relationship for homogeneity analysis is developed. The results were then compared with those obtained using the method of L moments and LH moments of order two. The Selangor catchment, consisting of 37 sites and located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, is chosen as a case study. PL moments for the generalized extreme value (GEV), generalized logistic (GLO), and generalized Pareto distributions were derived and used to develop the regional frequency analysis procedure. PL moment ratio diagram and Z test were employed in determining the best-fit distribution. Comparison between the three approaches showed that GLO and GEV distributions were identified as the suitable distributions for representing the statistical properties of extreme rainfall in Selangor. Monte Carlo simulation used for performance evaluation shows that the method of PL moments would outperform L and LH moments methods for estimation of large return period events.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 2013
Ummi Nadiah Ahmad; Ani Shabri; Zahrahtul Amani Zakaria
TL-moments approach has been used in an analysis to determine the best-fitting distributions to represent the annual series of maximum streamflow data over 12 stations in Terengganu, Malaysia. The TL-moments with different trimming values are used to estimate the parameter of the selected distributions namely: generalized pareto (GPA), generalized logistic, and generalized extreme value distribution. The influence of TL-moments on estimated probability distribution functions are examined by evaluating the relative root mean square error and relative bias of quantile estimates through Monte Carlo simulations. The boxplot is used to show the location of the median and the dispersion of the data, which helps in reaching the decisive conclusions. For most of the cases, the results show that TL-moments with one smallest value was trimmed from the conceptual sample (TL-moments (1,0)), of GPA distribution was the most appropriate in majority of the stations for describing the annual maximum streamflow series in Terengganu, Malaysia.
Hydrological Sciences Journal-journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques | 2011
Ummi Nadiah Ahmad; Ani Shabri; Zahrahtul Amani Zakaria
Abstract Statistical analysis of extremes is often used for predicting the higher return-period events. In this paper, the trimmed L-moments with one smallest value trimmed—TL-moments (1,0)—are introduced as an alternative way to estimate floods for high return periods. The TL-moments (1,0) have an ability to reduce the undesirable influence that a small value in the statistical sample might have on a large return period. The main objective of this study is to derive the TL-moments (1,0) for the generalized Pareto (GPA) distribution. The performance of the TL-moments (1,0) was compared with L-moments through Monte Carlo simulation based on the streamflow data of northern Peninsular Malaysia. The result shows that, for some cases, the use of TL-moments (1,0) is a better option as compared to L-moments in modelling those series. Citation Ahmad, U.N., Shabri, A. & Zakaria, Z.A. (2011) Trimmed L-moments (1,0) for the generalized Pareto distribution. Hydrol.Sci. J. 56(6), 1053–1060.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2015
Ani Shabri; Ruhaidah Samsudin
The accuracy of the wavelet-ARIMA (WA) model in monthly fishery landing forecasting is investigated in the study. In the first part of the study, the discrete wallet transform (DWT) is used to decompose fishery landing time series data. Then ARIMA, as a powerful forecasting tool, is implemented to predict each wavelet transform subseries components independently. Finally, the prediction results of the modeled subseries components are summed to formulate an ensemble forecast for the original fishery landing series. To assess the effectiveness of this model, monthly fishery landing recorded data from East Johor and Pahang states of Peninsular Malaysia have been used as a case study. The result of the study shows that the proposed model was found to provide more accurate fishery landing series forecasts than the individual ARIMA model.