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Featured researches published by Anja Žnidaršič.

Social Networks | 2012

Non-response in social networks: The impact of different non-response treatments on the stability of blockmodels

Anja Žnidaršič; Anuška Ferligoj; Patrick Doreian

Abstract Discerning the essential structure of social networks is a major task. Yet, social network data usually contain different types of errors, including missing data that can wreak havoc during data analyses. Blockmodeling is one technique for delineating network structure. While we know little about its vulnerability to missing data problems, it is reasonable to expect that it is vulnerable given its positional nature. We focus on actor non-response and treatments for this. We examine their impacts on blockmodeling results using simulated and real networks. A set of ‘known’ networks are used, errors due to actor non-response are introduced and are then treated in different ways. Blockmodels are fitted to these treated networks and compared to those for the known networks. The outcome indicators are the correspondence of both position memberships and identified blockmodel structures. Both the amount and type of non-response, and considered treatments, have an impact on delineated blockmodel structures.

Organizacija | 2014

Extended Technology Acceptance Model for SPSS Acceptance among Slovenian Students of Social Sciences

Alenka Brezavšček; Petra Šparl; Anja Žnidaršič

Abstract Background and Purpose - IBM SPSS Statistics is among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social sciences. Due to many practical values it is frequently used as a tool for teaching statistical concepts in many social science university programs. In our opinion, motivation to learn and to use SPSS during the studying process plays a significant role in building a positive attitude towards SPSS which influences its usage at the professional level after finishing study. Design/Methodology/Approach - The aim of this paper is the development of the model for analysing the acceptance of the SPSS among university students of social sciences. The model is based on the widely known Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In addition to the traditional components of the TAM, six external variables were included. The model is tested using the web survey on the university students of social sciences from seven faculties at three Slovenian universities. Results - The evaluation of the questionnaire was performed. Descriptive statistics were calculated. The dependencies among the model components were studied and the significant dependencies were pointed out. Conclusion - The results of the empirical study prove that all external variables considered in the model are relevant, and directly influence both key components of the traditional TAM, ≫Perceived Usefulness≪ and ≫Perceived Ease of Use≪. Therefore, our model is useful to study the adoption and continuous utilization of SPSS among the students of social sciences. The obtained results are useful for educators, and can help them to improve the learning process.

Social Networks | 2017

Actor non-response in valued social networks: The impact of different non-response treatments on the stability of blockmodels

Anja Žnidaršič; Anuška Ferligoj; Patrick Doreian

Abstract Social network data usually contain different types of errors. One of them is missing data due to actor non-response. This can seriously jeopardize the results of analyses if not appropriately treated. The impact of missing data may be more severe in valued networks where not only the presence of a tie is recorded, but also its magnitude or strength. Blockmodeling is a technique for delineating network structure. We focus on an indirect approach suitable for valued networks. Little is known about the sensitivity of valued networks to different types of measurement errors. As it is reasonable to expect that blockmodeling, with its positional outcomes, could be vulnerable to the presence of non-respondents, such errors require treatment. We examine the impacts of seven actor non-response treatments on the positions obtained when indirect blockmodeling is used. The start point for our simulation are networks whose structure is known. Three structures were considered: cohesive subgroups, core-periphery, and hierarchy. The results show that the number of non-respondents, the type of underlying blockmodel structure, and the employed treatment all have an impact on the determined partitions of actors in complex ways. Recommendations for best practices are provided.

Organizacija | 2016

Awareness and attitude towards Green IS in Slovenian enterprises

Alenka Baggia; Alenka Brezavšček; Matjaž Maletič; Petra Šparl; Hendry Raharjo; Anja Žnidaršič

Abstract Background: This study draws upon the use of Information Systems in support of achieving sustainability, known as Green IS. Furthermore, this study builds on the premise that Green IS offers the opportunity for organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate the effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Aim: In particular, this study aims to assess the extent of awareness among managers regarding the use and the acceptance of Green IS in Slovenian enterprises. Method: Using empirical data based on a large-scale survey among senior managers within Slovenian enterprises this study utilized several statistical methods (such as t-test, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression) to analyse the research questions. Results: In general, findings seem to suggest that institutional mechanisms might be a plausible explanation for differences regarding the attitude towards Green IS adoption. For instance, enterprises with at least one implemented sustainability related certificate expressed higher levels of willingness to use Green IS in order to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development. Moreover, the results of the regression analysis revealed that both Institutional Mimetic pressure and Internal Environment Impact has positive impact on Green IS adoption. Conclusion: The main conclusion is that the internal environmental impact is considered the most influential factor of the attitude towards Green IS adoption. The culture or individual perception of managers and employees play an important role in the Green IS adoption. Indeed, enterprises that have no intention of improving their environmental performance, but adopt Green IS by the means of seeking legitimacy among external stakeholders, cannot provide a sustainable improvement in environmental management.

Organizacija | 2016

Differences between National Cultures Matter – Case of Slovenian-Korean Working Environment

Matej Tušar; Anja Žnidaršič; Gozdana Miglič

Abstract Aims: Global business today usually requires organizations to be present locally in countries where their customers are. To do this successfully, good cooperation with local people is needed. Therefore, this paper focuses on the integration of cultures in the business world. The insights from this study are expected to benefit Slovenian expatriates to foreign companies in South Korea, as well as national culture researchers. The main goals of this research include a comparison of Hofstede’s IBM survey results with the researched working environment, and identifying the benefits of merging two national cultures for the working environment. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to purposive samples within the researched working environments and the collected data analysed used SPSS, where the hypotheses were tested using a chi-square test and t-test for independent samples. Results: The results revealed significant differences between the two national cultures in the working environment, e.g.: fear of expressing disagreement towards superiors, commitment to work, preference of challenges, tendency to avoid conflicts and innovations - all differed according to nationality. Conclusion: Working together with people from different cultures requires a certain amount of adaptation (learning about another culture, expecting situations that are not usual). If this adaptation is successful, then cooperation between the different cultures can also be successful, leading to a potential output that is even better than cooperation between people from the same culture.

Organizacija | 2015

Students’ Perception of HR Competencies

Vesna Novak; Anja Žnidaršič; Polona Šprajc

Abstract Background and purpose: Human resource professionalism receives considerable attention in terms of the competence of individual. In this article, we want to bridge the existing competencies of students and the perceived competencies that they assume will be developed and obtained during their studies. The purpose of our paper is a) to present competencies in general, b) to determine the meaning of the development of competencies in the field of higher education, and c) to present the role of competencies in human resource management. The aim of this paper is to examine the human resource competencies among students, and their judgments regarding the competencies they have already received during their studies. Methodology: The questionnaire was distributed to full-time students of the Faculty of Organizational Science, University of Maribor, in such a way that both genders, both undergraduate and graduate studies, and all years of study were represented. We have measured students’ opinions concerning their current and future perceptions about professional competencies in the HR field. Results: Based on the self-assessment of fifteen HR competencies, we used hierarchical clustering performed with Wards method and standardized variables and got two clusters. A t-test was used according to low or high levels of students’ current competencies. The positive association between satisfaction with study programme and students opinion on development of competencies during their studies was confirmed with one-tailed Pearson correlation coefficient. Conclusion: The majority of students believe that they possess significant HR competencies. They have expressed a need for further education and training in that field. The students have assessed that the study programme allows them to acquire and develop the competencies for a successful task performance of the HR professional.

Organizacija | 2013

Management Competencies and Organizational Performance in CEE: A Comparison of Slovenia and Austria

Petra Šparl; Anja Žnidaršič; Helmut Kasper; Jürgen Mühlbacher; Jure Kovač

Abstract Today management competencies are seen as the only long-term strategic advantage of any company. However, from corporate experience we know that only 10 % of the knowledge acquired is transferred into entrepreneurial practice. Current trends in management development often overemphasize individual learning and ignore the missing fit between individual behavior and organizational performance. To meet these demands, we collected competency attributions of managers attending executive courses in Austria and Slovenia. A questionnaire with closed and open question will help to explore and compare the relation between organizational performance and current management competencies in these countries. The results confirm our predictions to a lesser extent. However, they represent a basis for further examination of the relationship between managerial competencies and organizational performance.

Organizacija in negotovosti v digitalni dobi / Organization and uncertainty in the digital age | 2018

Zaposljivost diplomantov Višje strokovne šole za gostinstvo in turizem Bled

Mateja Seničak; Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo, velnes in turizem Bled, Slovenija; Anja Žnidaršič; Vesna Novak; Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Kranj, Slovenija

V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali zaposljivost diplomantov Visje strokovne sole za gostinstvo in turizem Bled. Zaposljivost diplomantov je trenutno ena od najbolj aktualnih problematik. V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotocali na to, koliko casa diplomanti iscejo prvo zaposlitev, koliko diplomantov se zaposli v svoji stroki in koliko jih najde zaposlitve, za katere je potrebna nižja izobrazba. Namen magistrske naloge je bilo ugotoviti, ali so diplomanti s pridobitvijo izobrazbe zaposljivi na svojem podrocju oziroma v katerih panogah se dejansko zaposlijo, ko po zakljucku studija pridejo na trg dela. Hkrati pa nas je zanimalo tudi ali so sploh zaposleni. V prvem delu uspesno izvedene raziskave, ki smo jo na podlagi anketnega vprasalnika izvedli med diplomanti Visje strokovne sole za gostinstvo in turizem Bled, ki so diplomirali v casu od letnika 2008/09 naprej, ugotovili, da vecina anketirancev ni imela težav pri iskanju zaposlitve. V tem delu smo predstavili tudi težave in mnenja diplomantov glede zaposlovanja. V drugem delu raziskave, kjer smo preucevali zadovoljstvo anketirancev s prakticnim izobraževanjem v Solskem hotelu Astoria, smo ugotovili, da so diplomanti dobili dovolj prakticnega znanja za delo na svojem podrocju se pa kljub temu ne smemo zadovoljiti s trenutnim stanjem in moramo stremeti k stalnem napredovanju, nadgradnji in izboljsavam izvedbe prakticnega izobraževanja v Solskem hotelu Astoria. V tem delu smo predstavili tudi mnenja in predloge samih diplomantov glede izboljsave prakticnega izobraževanja. Cilj izvedbe prakticnega izobraževanja se mora v najvecji možni meri prilagoditi tako studentom kot tudi potrebam Solskega hotela Astoria.

Organizacija | 2018

Factors Affecting the Intentions to Use RFID Subcutaneous Microchip Implants for Healthcare Purposes

Borut Werber; Alenka Baggia; Anja Žnidaršič

Abstract Background and Purpose: While there are many studies regarding the adoption of Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID), only a few of them deal with RFID subcutaneous microchip (RFID-SM) usage by individuals. After the first in vivo tests conducted on volunteers from 1998 to 2000, the use of RFID-SM in healthcare remains limited. This study examines the likelihood of adopting RFID-SM in healthcare from the end user’s point of view. Design/Methodology/Approach: The aim of this paper is to develop and evaluate the model for analysing the acceptance of RFID-SM adoption. An extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for RFID-SM adoption is proposed and empirically tested in a cross-sectional study. Online survey was conducted using a convenience sample of 531 respondents. In addition to the three original components of TAM (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Behavioural Intentions to Use), three external variables (Health Concerns, Perceived Trust, and Age) were also included in the model. The model was validated with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling techniques. Results: Perceived Usefulness has a significant impact on behavioural intentions to adopt RFID-SM in the future, while the influence of Perceived Ease of Use is not significant. The most influential external variable is Perceived Trust, indicating the lack of confidence in personal data security ensured by the state and other institutions. As expected, Health Concerns factor has a negative effect on the Perceived Trust and Perceived Usefulness of RFID-SM. Conclusion: The results of the empirical study prove that all external variables considered in the model significantly influence the RFID-SM adoption. The Perceived Ease of Use is irrelevant to the attitude towards the RFID-SM adoption. In addition to the proposed model, the analysis of gathered data shows that the positive attitude toward the use of RFID-SM in healthcare is rising.

Organizacija | 2018

The Transition of Young People from Study to Employment in the Light of Student Work

Vesna Novak; Anja Žnidaršič

Abstract Background and Purpose: We are living in a time of accelerated globalization, which has a far-reaching impact for youth employment. Therefore, the paper presents the problem of the transition of tertiary educated young people into the working environment in terms of the importance of education and gaining work experience during their studies. The main purpose of the study was to analyze the attitudes and thinking of students regarding the selection of studies and work experience that young people are gaining during their studies with student work in connection with their job prospects. Design/Methodology/Approach: The data used in our research come from a broader research on Slovenian Youths (SY) dating back to 2013. Among all the respondents of SY we selected those who classified themselves as students aged between 19 and 24, who filled out the part of the questionnaire pertaining to employment. The research hypotheses were tested with the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent samples t-test. Results: We found that among students who chose to study for different reasons there were differences in the belief that they will immediately find employment after graduating. We also found that between those students who supported themselves during their studies and those who only studied there were differences in individual statements regarding their transition from education to employment. We concluded that work during their studies, especially in the field of the profession they were studying for, had a positive impact on the thinking of students pertaining to the transition toward employment. Conclusion: The analysis of employment issues faced by young people with tertiary education was supported by empirical data, while in conclusion suggestions for improvement were presented. The article also deepens the understanding of the problems of youth employment in a broader perspective and the understanding of the observed developments in society.


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Jure Kovač

Vienna University of Economics and Business

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