Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak
Medical University of Lublin
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Featured researches published by Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | 2015
Grażyna Stadnicka; Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Grzegorz Jakiel
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was evaluation of the influence of stress urinary incontinence on womens quality of life. MATERIAL AND METHOD The study covered 275 women between 30-65 years of age. The study was conducted using the following tools: Gaudenz Questionnaire, Kings Health Questionnaire (KHQ), Female Sexual Function Index (FIFI) Questionnaire, and a questionnaire devised by the authors of the study. RESULTS The study shows that the disease has a negative effect on evaluation of the quality of thee womens lives. The symptoms of stress urinary incontinence had a significant influence on the feeling of emotional comfort, social and professional activity of the surveyed women - respectively p= 0.000; p=0.000; p=0.000. Nearly every third woman (28.7%) felt great mental discomfort related to the disease symptoms, 31.7% a considerable discomfort, 33.1% a moderate, and very few women (6.5 %) claimed that the disease had a minimal effect on their emotional state. About two-thirds of the surveyed women (68.7%) were sexually active, and the remaining 31.3% declared the lack of sexual intercourse. CONCLUSIONS The occurrence of stress urinary incontinence symptoms affects the quality of life of women, especially their mental state and interpersonal contacts. Most women with the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence fulfill their sexual needs; however, many of them do not feel complete satisfaction with their sex life.
Ginekologia Polska | 2018
Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Beata Dobrowolska; Joanna Tkaczuk Włach; Grażyna Stadnicka; Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Klaudia Pałucka; Magdalena Ziółkowska
OBJECTIVES The aim of the paper was to assess which health behavior indicators were characteristic for women with a multiple pregnancy. MATERIAL AND METHOD The study involved 35 women in multiple pregnancies. The inclusion criteria were: the completion of the 22nd week of pregnancy (22 Hbd, i.e., 22 weeks and 1/7) and the consent of the women to participate in the study. We used an original questionnaire devised by us specifically for our study, as well as a standardized research tool, Juczyńskis Health Behavior Inventory questionnaire, for the assessment of the pregnant womens health behaviors. RESULTS The overall rate of health behaviors was high and was on average 93.9 ± 10.8 points (7 sten scores). Indicators of the health behaviors of women in multiple pregnancies were high across all categories. However, the highest rate was observed in preventive behaviors. CONCLUSIONS The overall rate of health behaviors of women with a multiple pregnancy and all the individual behavior category indicators were high. However, the highest rate was for preventive behaviors. The indicator values of the health behaviors of the pregnant women in the study were not dependent on the variables adopted in this paper.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2016
Grażyna Stadnicka; Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Agnieszka Konstancja Pawłowska-Muc
Wstep/Cel. Celem pracy bylo sprawdzenie wplywu niektorych czynnikow na satysfakcje seksualną kobiet po urodzeniu dziecka. Material i metody. Badania przeprowadzono wśrod 360 kobiet bedących 3–6 miesiecy po porodzie. W badaniach wykorzystano specjalnie do tego celu skonstruowany kwestionariusz skladający sie z cześci autorskiej oraz standaryzowanego kwestionariusza Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire Female. Opracowania statystycznego dokonano za pomocą oprogramowania komputerowego IBM SPSS Statistics wersja 21. Do analizy statystycznej zastosowano test U Manna-Whitneya. Wyniki. Ankietowane kobiety byly w wieku 18–43 lat. Dla ponad polowy badanych (226; 62,77%) byl to pierwszy porod, a dla pozostalych (134; 37,23%) drugi lub kolejny. Ciąza zakonczyla sie porodem drogami natury u 242 (67,22%) badanych kobiet, a u 118 (32,78%) poprzez ciecie cesarskie. Pierworodki cieszyly sie lepszą jakością zycia seksualnego w porownaniu z wielorodkami (p = 0,001). Najwyzszą satysfakcje seksualną deklarowaly kobiety po porodzie naturalnym bez naciecia krocza (Me = 92,00). Stwierdzono istotne statystycznie roznice (p = 0,012) na poziomie satysfakcji seksualnej pomiedzy grupą badanych kobiet bez objawow i z objawami nietrzymania moczu. Wnioski. Subiektywna ocena satysfakcji seksualnej kobiet po porodzie zalezy od liczby porodow, sposobu ukonczenia ciązy oraz wystepowania objawow wysilkowego nietrzymania moczu.
Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century | 2016
Grażyna Stadnicka; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Klaudia Pałucka; Karolina Kostrzewska
Abstract Aim. The aim of this study was to search for a correlation between the quality of life and the sexuality of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Material and methods. The research was made with the use of the WHOQOL)-BREF questionnaire and the FSQ-28 scale. It included 72 women diagnosed with the (PCOS). Results. A better quality of life in the areas of psychology, social and background relations turned out to be to a moderate degree connected with the reactivity increase on the particular sexual reaction stages, excluding the sexual arousal domain. “Pain” and “relations with a partner” domains had a negative correlation with the given domains of the quality of life. The statistically significant correlation p<0.05 was observed between the overall quality of life and the following domains of the sexual response cycle: desire, lubrication, arousal, orgasm, foreplay and the relations with a partner. Conclusions. 1. All domains of the quality of life of women with PCOS are significantly connected with the majority of domains of the sexual response cycle. 2. The domains of the sexual response cycle are significantly differentiated by the sense of the quality of life. The perception of health in that respect is irrelevant.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2015
Klaudia Pałucka; Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak
Wirusowe zapalenie wątroby typu C jest waznym problemem epidemiologicznym. Wedlug danych opracowanych przez Światową Organizacje Zdrowia zakazonych jest okolo 3% światowej populacji. W Polsce, na podstawie badan przeprowadzonych w 2010 roku, wystepowanie przeciwcial anty-HCV w populacji wynosi 1,9%. Wykrywalnośc zakazenia jest wciąz niewielka. Świadczy o tym fakt, ze az 95% osob zakazonych HCV nie jest świadoma swojej choroby. W 2012 roku rozpoczeto realizacje projektu „Zapobieganie zakazeniom HCV”. Jest to program wspolfinansowany w ramach Szwajcarsko-Polskiego Programu Wspolpracy (SPPW). Cześcią tego projektu jest rowniez Pilotazowy Program badania kobiet w ciązy w kierunku zakazen HCV. Zakazenie wirusem u matki daje realne zagrozenie dla jej dziecka zarowno wewnątrzmacicznie, jak i w okresie porodu. Przekazanie przez matke wirusa HCV skutkuje pojawieniem sie przewleklego zapalenia wątroby typu C u noworodka, co w poźniejszym czasie daje szybki rozwoj choroby. Wrodzona postac zakazenia stwarza ryzyko pojawienia sie wloknienia wątroby juz we wczesnej mlodości. Wirus HCV po wieloletniej inkubacji moze prowadzic do marskości i nowotworu zlośliwego wątroby. Celem niniejszej pracy byl przegląd piśmiennictwa na temat zdarzających sie problemow w opiece polozniczej, świadczonej kobietom zakazonym wirusem HCV. Problemy Pielegniarstwa 2015; 23 (1): 123–127
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2015
Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Agnieszka Konstancja Pawłowska-Muc; Grażyna Stadnicka; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak
The problem of the violence against children is noticed by more and more people. The number of people, who object to any corporal punishment is also increasing. However, many adults still accept the use of corporal punishment in the process of education and they are not aware of the existing legal prohibition. It was the aim of this work to present the problem of violence against children and the participation of the midwife/nurse in the prophylaxis and the detection of abused children. The terms of violence, family/domestic violence and violence against children were defined in the paper. Following forms of the violence: physical, mental and sexual as well as the neglect were characterized. In the article, the dimension of the phenomenon in Poland was discussed. It was difficult to real assess it, because of the place of the violence. Very often, in fact, it happens among family, without any witnesses. Author described the role of nurses/midwifes in the identification of the harmed children. It was concluded, that the violence against the children cannot be unnoticed. There is a need to develop new and effective preventive programmes as well as to update and improve the nurses’ knowledge, especially in terms of changing law. Nursing Topics 2015; 23 (2): 246–250
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | 2011
Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Artur Wdowiak; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Kinga Syty; Grzegorz Jakiel
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2013
Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Beata Dobrowolska; Iga Piasecka; Klaudia Pałucka
Menopause Review/Przegląd Menopauzalny | 2009
Grzegorz Jakiel; Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Mirosław Melaniuk; Ewa Tobor
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research | 2018
Anna B. Pilewska-Kozak; Beata Dobrowolska; Celina Łepecka-Klusek; Grażyna Stadnicka; Lechosław Putowski; Justyna Malesa; Alvisa Palese