
Journal of Immunology | 2004

Single Mucosal, but Not Parenteral, Immunization with Recombinant Adenoviral-Based Vaccine Provides Potent Protection from Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Jun Wang; Lisa Thorson; Richard W. Stokes; Michael Santosuosso; Kris Huygen; Anna Zganiacz; Mary Hitt; Zhou Xing

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has failed to control the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, and there is a lack of safe and effective mucosal vaccines capable of potent protection against pulmonary TB. A recombinant replication-deficient adenoviral-based vaccine expressing an immunogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag Ag85A (AdAg85A) was engineered and evaluated for its potential to be used as a respiratory mucosal TB vaccine in a murine model of pulmonary TB. A single intranasal, but not i.m., immunization with AdAg85A provided potent protection against airway Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge at an improved level over that by cutaneous BCG vaccination. Systemic priming with an Ag85A DNA vaccine and mucosal boosting with AdAg85A conferred a further enhanced immune protection which was remarkably better than BCG vaccination. Such superior protection triggered by AdAg85 mucosal immunization was correlated with much greater retention of Ag-specific T cells, particularly CD4 T cells, in the lung and was shown to be mediated by both CD4 and CD8 T cells. Thus, adenoviral TB vaccine represents a promising novel vaccine platform capable of potent mucosal immune protection against TB. Our study also lends strong evidence that respiratory mucosal vaccination is critically advantageous over systemic routes of vaccination against TB.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2004

TNF-α is a critical negative regulator of type 1 immune activation during intracellular bacterial infection

Anna Zganiacz; Michael Santosuosso; Jun Wang; Tony Yang; Lihao Chen; Maria Anzulovic; Scott Alexander; Brigitte Gicquel; Yonghong Wan; Jonathan Bramson; Mark D. Inman; Zhou Xing

TNF-alpha has long been regarded as a proimmune cytokine involved in antimicrobial type 1 immunity. However, the precise role of TNF-alpha in antimicrobial type 1 immunity remains poorly understood. We found that TNF-alpha-deficient (TNF(-/-)) mice quickly succumbed to respiratory failure following lung infection with replication-competent mycobacteria, because of apoptosis and necrosis of granuloma and lung structure. Tissue destruction was a result of an uncontrolled type 1 immune syndrome characterized by expansion of activated CD4 and CD8 T cells, increased frequency of antigen-specific T cells, and overproduction of IFN-gamma and IL-12. Depletion of CD4 and CD8 T cells decreased IFN-gamma levels, prevented granuloma and tissue necrosis, and prolonged the survival of TNF(-/-) hosts. Early reconstitution of TNF-alpha by gene transfer reduced the frequency of antigen-specific T cells and improved survival. TNF-alpha controlled type 1 immune activation at least in part by suppressing T cell proliferation, and this suppression involved both TNF receptor p55 and TNF receptor p75. Heightened type 1 immune activation also occurred in TNF(-/-) mice treated with dead mycobacteria, live replication-deficient mycobacteria, or mycobacterial cell wall components. Our study thus identifies TNF-alpha as a type 1 immunoregulatory cytokine whose primary role, different from those of other type 1 cytokines, is to keep an otherwise detrimental type 1 immune response in check.

Infection and Immunity | 2006

Intranasal boosting with an adenovirus-vectored vaccine markedly enhances protection by parenteral Mycobacterium bovis BCG immunization against pulmonary tuberculosis.

Michael Santosuosso; Sarah McCormick; Xizhong Zhang; Anna Zganiacz; Zhou Xing

ABSTRACT Parenterally administered Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine confers only limited immune protection from pulmonary tuberculosis in humans. There is a need for developing effective boosting vaccination strategies. We examined a heterologous prime-boost regimen utilizing BCG as a prime vaccine and our recently described adenoviral vector expressing Ag85A (AdAg85A) as a boost vaccine. Since we recently demonstrated that a single intranasal but not intramuscular immunization with AdAg85A was able to induce potent protection from pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge in a mouse model, we compared the protective effects of parenteral and mucosal booster immunizations following subcutaneous BCG priming. Protection by BCG prime immunization was not effectively boosted by subcutaneous BCG or intramuscular AdAg85A. In contrast, protection by BCG priming was remarkably boosted by intranasal AdAg85A. Such enhanced protection by intranasal AdAg85A was correlated to the numbers of gamma interferon-positive CD4 and CD8 T cells residing in the airway lumen of the lung. Our study demonstrates that intranasal administration of AdAg85A represents an effective way to boost immune protection by parenteral BCG vaccination.

Infection and Immunity | 2004

Single Intranasal Mucosal Mycobacterium bovis BCG Vaccination Confers Improved Protection Compared to Subcutaneous Vaccination against Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Lihao Chen; Jun Wang; Anna Zganiacz; Zhou Xing

ABSTRACT Whether the intranasal (i.n.) route of Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination provides better protection against pulmonary tuberculosis than subcutaneous (s.c.) vaccination remains an incompletely solved issue. In the present study, we compared both immune responses and protection elicited by single BCG vaccinations via the i.n. or s.c. route in BALB/c mice. While both i.n. and s.c. vaccination triggered comparable levels of primary immune activation in the spleen and draining lymph nodes, i.n. vaccination led to a greater antigen-specific gamma interferon recall response in splenocytes than s.c. vaccination upon secondary respiratory mycobacterial challenge, accompanied by an increased frequency of antigen-specific lymphocytes. There was also a quicker cellular response in the lungs of i.n. vaccinated mice upon mycobacterial challenge. Mice vaccinated i.n. were found to be much better protected, particularly in the lung, than s.c. vaccinated counterparts against pulmonary tuberculosis at both 3 and 6 months postvaccination. These results suggest that the i.n. route of vaccination improves the protective effect of the current BCG vaccine.

Science Translational Medicine | 2013

A Human Type 5 Adenovirus–Based Tuberculosis Vaccine Induces Robust T Cell Responses in Humans Despite Preexisting Anti-Adenovirus Immunity

Fiona Smaill; Mangalakumari Jeyanathan; Marek Smieja; Maria Fe Medina; Niroshan Thanthrige-Don; Anna Zganiacz; Cindy Yin; Armando Heriazon; Daniela Damjanovic; Laura Puri; Jemila S. Hamid; Feng Xie; Ronan Foley; Jonathan Bramson; Jack Gauldie; Zhou Xing

An adenovirus-based TB vaccine elicits T cell immunogenicity despite preexisting anti-AdHu5 immunity in people. Boosting BCG Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) has long been the standard vaccine for tuberculosis (TB). However, with TB incidence on the rise, especially in communities with heavy HIV prevalence, new vaccines are needed to work with BCG to accentuate the immune response. One such way to boost a primed immune response is by delivering pathogen-specific target antigens using adenoviral vectors. Yet, which adenovirus to use remains a matter of debate: People frequently have preexisting neutralizing antibodies to the more immunogenic vectors, and rarer vectors tend to be less immunogenic. Now, Smaill et al. show that a recombinant human type 5 adenovirus (AdHu5) has safety and efficacy in both BCG− and BCG+ adults with little observed effect of preexisting neutralizing antibodies. The authors immunized healthy subjects intramuscularly with their AdHu5 vector. The immunization was safe, well tolerated, and immunogenic in both BCG− and BCG+ individuals. However, individuals previously vaccinated with BCG were more likely to have polyfunctional T cell responses, which have been associated with protection. What’s more, although the patient numbers are small, Smaill et al. did not see an appreciable effect of preexisting neutralizing antibodies on the vaccine’s ability to boost the immune response. These data suggest that, at least for certain antigens, adenovirally delivered boosts can enhance the immune response to TB. There is an urgent need to develop new tuberculosis (TB) vaccines to safely and effectively boost Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)–triggered T cell immunity in humans. AdHu5Ag85A is a recombinant human type 5 adenovirus (AdHu5)–based TB vaccine with demonstrated efficacy in a number of animal species, yet it remains to be translated to human applications. In this phase 1 study, we evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of AdHu5Ag85A in both BCG-naïve and previously BCG-immunized healthy adults. Intramuscular immunization of AdHu5Ag85A was safe and well tolerated in both trial volunteer groups. Moreover, although AdHu5Ag85A was immunogenic in both trial volunteer groups, it much more potently boosted polyfunctional CD4+ and CD8+ T cell immunity in previously BCG-vaccinated volunteers. Furthermore, despite prevalent preexisting anti-AdHu5 humoral immunity in most of the trial volunteers, we found little evidence that such preexisting anti-AdHu5 immunity significantly dampened the potency of AdHu5Ag85A vaccine. This study supports further clinical investigations of the AdHu5Ag85A vaccine for human applications. It also suggests that the widely perceived negative effect of preexisting anti-AdHu5 immunity may not be universally applied to all AdHu5-based vaccines against different types of human pathogens.

Journal of Immunology | 2007

Mucosal Luminal Manipulation of T Cell Geography Switches on Protective Efficacy by Otherwise Ineffective Parenteral Genetic Immunization

Michael Santosuosso; Sarah McCormick; Elizabeth Roediger; Xizhong Zhang; Anna Zganiacz; Brian D. Lichty; Zhou Xing

Genetic immunization holds great promise for future vaccination against mucosal infectious diseases. However, parenteral genetic immunization is ineffective in control of mucosal intracellular infections, and the underlying mechanisms have remained unclear. By using a model of parenteral i.m. genetic immunization and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), we have investigated the mechanisms that determine the failure and success of parenteral genetic immunization. We found that lack of protection from pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) challenge by i.m. immunization with a recombinant adenovirus-vectored tuberculosis vaccine was linked to the absence of M.tb Ag-specific T cells within the airway lumen before M.tb challenge despite potent T cell activation in the systemic compartments. Furthermore, pulmonary mycobacterial challenge failed to recruit CD8 T cells into the airway lumen of i.m. immunized mice. Such defect in T cell recruitment, intra-airway CTL, and immune protection was restored by creating acute inflammation in the airway with inflammatory agonists such as virus. However, the Ag-specific T cells recruited as such were not retained in the airway lumen, resulting in a loss of protection. In comparison, airway exposure to low doses of soluble M.tb Ags not only recruited but retained Ag-specific CD8 T cells in the airway lumen over time that provided robust protection against M.tb challenge. Thus, our study reveals that mucosal protection by parenteral immunization is critically determined by T cell geography, i.e., whether Ag-specific T cells are within or outside of the mucosal lumen and presents a feasible solution to empower parenteral immunization strategies against mucosal infectious diseases.

Journal of Immunology | 2004

Activation of CD8 T Cells by Mycobacterial Vaccination Protects against Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Absence of CD4 T Cells

Jun Wang; Michael Santosuosso; Patricia Ngai; Anna Zganiacz; Zhou Xing

We have investigated whether both primary CD8 T cell activation and CD8 T cell-mediated protection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge could occur in mycobacterial-vaccinated CD4 T cell-deficient (CD4KO) mice. Different from wild-type C57BL/6 mice, s.c. vaccination with bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in CD4KO mice failed to provide protection from secondary M. tuberculosis challenge at 3 wk postvaccination. However, similar to C57BL/6 mice, CD4KO mice were well protected from M. tuberculosis at weeks 6 and 12 postvaccination. This protection was mediated by CD8 T cells. The maintenance of protective effector/memory CD8 T cells in CD4KO mice did not require the continuous presence of live BCG vaccine. As in C57BL/6 mice, similar levels of primary activation of CD8 T cells in CD4KO mice occurred in the draining lymph nodes at 3 wk after BCG vaccination, but different from C57BL/6 mice, the distribution of these cells to the spleen and lungs of CD4KO mice was delayed, which coincided with delayed acquisition of protection in CD4KO mice. Our results suggest that both the primary and secondary activation of CD8 T cells is CD4 T cell independent and that the maintenance of these CD8 T cells is also independent of CD4 T cells and no longer requires the presence of live mycobacteria. However, the lack of CD4 T cells may result in delayed distribution of activated CD8 T cells from draining lymph nodes to distant organs and consequently a delayed acquisition of immune protection. Our findings hold implications in rational design of tuberculosis vaccination strategies for humans with impaired CD4 T cell function.

Journal of Immunology | 2000

IL-12-Independent Th1-Type Immune Responses to Respiratory Viral Infection: Requirement of IL-18 for IFN-γ Release in the Lung But Not for the Differentiation of Viral-Reactive Th1-Type Lymphocytes

Zhou Xing; Anna Zganiacz; Jun Wang; Maziar Divangahi; Fauzia Nawaz

We demonstrated that IL-12 was induced during primary or secondary pulmonary adenoviral infection in wild-type (wt) mice. However, cellular responses were not compromised in the lungs of IL-12−/− mice. The level of IFN-γ in the lung was similar in wt and IL-12−/− mice during pulmonary viral infection. Upon Ag stimulation in vitro, lymphocytes from draining lymph nodes or spleen of infected IL-12−/− mice released large amounts of IFN-γ, but not IL-4, which were comparable to those released by wt lymphocytes. Furthermore, a predominantly IgG2a response to adenoviral infection was unimpaired in IL-12−/− mice. These significant anti-adenoviral Th1-type responses in IL-12−/− mice led to an efficient clearance of virus-infected cells in the lung. Whether IL-18 was involved in IL-12-independent anti-adenoviral immune responses was investigated. Abrogation of endogenous IL-18 by an Ab resulted in diminished IFN-γ release and lymphocytic infiltrate in the lung during adenoviral infection. Nevertheless, the development of lymphocytes of the Th1 phenotype was unimpaired in the absence of both IL-12 and IL-18. In contrast to their intact ability to mount Th1-type responses to viral infection, IL-12−/− mice suffered impaired Th1-type immune responses to pulmonary mycobacterial infection. Our findings suggest that IL-12, although induced, is not required for Th1-type responses to respiratory viral infection, in contrast to mycobacterial infection. IL-18 is required for the optimal release of IFN-γ in the lung during viral infection, but is not required for the generation of virus-reactive Th1-type lymphocytes. Th1 differentiation during respiratory adenoviral infection may involve molecules different from IL-12 or IL-18.

American Journal of Pathology | 2011

Negative Regulation of Lung Inflammation and Immunopathology by TNF-α during Acute Influenza Infection

Daniela Damjanovic; Maziar Divangahi; Kapilan Kugathasan; Cherrie-Lee Small; Anna Zganiacz; Earl G. Brown; Cory M. Hogaboam; Jack Gauldie; Zhou Xing

Lung immunopathology is the main cause of influenza-mediated morbidity and death, and much of its molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Whereas tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) is traditionally considered a proinflammatory cytokine, its role in influenza immunopathology is unresolved. We have investigated this issue by using a model of acute H1N1 influenza infection established in wild-type and TNF-α-deficient mice and evaluated lung viral clearance, inflammatory responses, and immunopathology. Whereas TNF-α was up-regulated in the lung after influenza infection, it was not required for normal influenza viral clearance. However, TNF-α deficiency led not only to a greater extent of illness but also to heightened lung immunopathology and tissue remodeling. The severe lung immunopathology was associated with increased inflammatory cell infiltration, anti-influenza adaptive immune responses, and expression of cytokines such as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and fibrotic growth factor, TGF-β1. Thus, in vivo neutralization of MCP-1 markedly attenuated lung immunopathology and blunted TGF-β1 production following influenza infection in these hosts. On the other hand, in vivo transgenic expression of MCP-1 worsened lung immunopathology following influenza infection in wild-type hosts. Thus, TNF-α is dispensable for influenza clearance; however, different from the traditional belief, this cytokine is critically required for negatively regulating the extent of lung immunopathology during acute influenza infection.

Mucosal Immunology | 2012

Mechanisms of delayed anti-tuberculosis protection in the lung of parenteral BCG-vaccinated hosts: a critical role of airway luminal T cells.

Carly Horvath; Christopher R. Shaler; Mangalakumari Jeyanathan; Anna Zganiacz; Zhou Xing

The immune mechanisms underlying unsatisfactory pulmonary mucosal protection by parenteral Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) immunization remain poorly understood. We found that parenteral BCG immunization failed to elicit airway luminal T cells (ALT) whereas it induced significant T cells in the lung interstitium. After Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) challenge, ALT remained missing for 10 days. The lack of ALT correlated with lack of lung protection for 14 days post-M.tb challenge. To further investigate the role of ALT, ALT were elicited in BCG-immunized animals by intranasal inoculation of M.tb culture-filtrate (CF) proteins. Installment of ALT by CF restored protection in the early phases of M.tb infection, which was linked to rapid increases in ALT, but not in lung interstitial T cells. Also, adoptive transfer of T cells to the airway lumen of BCG-immunized animals also accelerated protection. This study thus provides novel evidence that unsatisfactory lung protection by parenteral BCG immunization is due to delayed ALT recruitment after pulmonary M.tb exposure.

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