Annarita Di Mise
University of Bari
PLOS ONE | 2013
Marianna Ranieri; Grazia Tamma; Annarita Di Mise; Giuseppe Vezzoli; Laura Soldati; Maria Svelto; Giovanna Valenti
In humans, gain-of-function mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene are the cause of autosomal dominant hypocalcemia or type 5 Bartter syndrome characterized by an abnormality of calcium metabolism with low parathyroid hormone levels and excessive renal calcium excretion. Functional characterization of CaSR activating variants has been so far limited at demonstrating an increased sensitivity to external calcium leading to lower Ca-EC50. Here we combine high resolution fluorescence based techniques and provide evidence that for the efficiency of calcium signaling system, cells expressing gain-of-function variants of CaSR monitor cytosolic and ER calcium levels increasing the expression of the Sarco-Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium-ATPase (SERCA) and reducing expression of Plasma Membrane Calcium-ATPase (PMCA). Wild-type CaSR (hCaSR-wt) and its gain-of-function (hCaSR-R990G; hCaSR-N124K) variants were transiently transfected in HEK-293 cells. Basal intracellular calcium concentration was significantly lower in cells expressing hCaSR-wt and its gain of function variants compared to mock. In line, FRET studies using the D1ER probe, which detects [Ca2+]ER directly, demonstrated significantly higher calcium accumulation in cells expressing the gain of function CaSR variants compared to hCaSR-wt. Consistently, cells expressing activating CaSR variants showed a significant increase in SERCA activity and expression and a reduced PMCA expression. This combined parallel regulation in protein expression increases the ER to cytosol calcium gradient explaining the higher sensitivity of CaSR gain-of-function variants to external calcium. This control principle provides a general explanation of how cells reliably connect (and exacerbate) receptor inputs to cell function.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2014
Grazia Tamma; Marianna Ranieri; Annarita Di Mise; Mariangela Centrone; Maria Svelto; Giovanna Valenti
Background: The trafficking of the vasopressin-dependent water channel AQP2 is regulated by post-translational modifications as phosphorylations and ubiquitylation. Results: AQP2 is subjected to S-glutathionylation, which is modulated by ROS production. Conclusion: AQP2 is sensitive to oxidative stress. Significance: Identifying this novel post-translational modification is crucial to understand renal diseases characterized by oxidative stress and AQP2-dependent water balance disturbance. Aquaporin-2 (AQP2) is the vasopressin-regulated water channel that controls renal water reabsorption and urine concentration. AQP2 undergoes different regulated post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation and ubiquitylation, which are fundamental for controlling AQP2 cellular localization, stability, and function. The relationship between AQP2 and S-glutathionylation is of potential interest because reactive oxygen species (ROS), produced under renal failure or nephrotoxic drugs, may influence renal function as well as the expression and the activity of different transporters and channels, including aquaporins. Here, we show for the first time that AQP2 is subjected to S-glutathionylation in kidney and in HEK-293 cells stably expressing AQP2. S-Glutathionylation is a redox-dependent post-translational modification controlling several signal transduction pathways and displaying an acute effect on free cytosolic calcium concentration. Interestingly, we found that in fresh kidney slices, the increased AQP2 S-glutathionylation correlated with tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced ROS generation. Moreover, we also found that cells expressing wild-type human calcium-sensing receptor (hCaSR-wt) and its gain of function (hCaSR-R990G; hCaSR-N124K) had a significant decrease in AQP2 S-glutathionylation secondary to reduced ROS levels and reduced basal intracellular calcium concentration compared with mock cells. Together, these new findings provide fundamental insight into cell biological aspects of AQP2 function and may be relevant to better understand and explain pathological states characterized by an oxidative stress and AQP2-dependent water reabsorption disturbs.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry | 2013
Giuseppe Procino; Serena Milano; Grazia Tamma; Silvia Dossena; Claudia Barbieri; Maria Celeste Nicoletti; Marianna Ranieri; Annarita Di Mise; Charity Nofziger; Maria Svelto; Markus Paulmichl; Giovanna Valenti
Background: We recently reported that aquaporin 5 (AQP5), a water channel never identified in the kidney before, co-localizes with pendrin at the apical membrane of type-B intercalated cells in the kidney cortex. Since co-expression of AQP5 and pendrin in the apical membrane domain is a common feature of several other epithelia such as cochlear and bronchial epithelial cells, we evaluated here whether this strict membrane association may reflect a co-regulation of the two proteins. To investigate this possibility, we analyzed AQP5 and pendrin expression and trafficking in mice under chronic K+ depletion, a condition that results in an increased ability of renal tubule to reabsorb bicarbonate, often leads to metabolic alkalosis and is known to strongly reduce pendrin expression. Methods: Mice were housed in metabolic cages and pair-fed with either a standard laboratory chow or a K+-deficient diet. AQP5 abundance was assessed by western blot in whole kidney homogenates and AQP5 and pendrin were localized by confocal microscopy in kidney sections from those mice. In addition, the short-term effect of changes in external pH on pendrin trafficking was evaluated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in MDCK cells, and the functional activity of pendrin was tested in the presence and absence of AQP5 in HEK 293 Phoenix cells. Results: Chronic K+ depletion caused a strong reduction in pendrin and AQP5 expression. Moreover, both proteins shifted from the apical cell membrane to an intracellular compartment. An acute pH shift from 7.4 to 7.0 caused pendrin internalization from the plasma membrane. Conversely, a pH shift from 7.4 to 7.8 caused a significant increase in the cell surface expression of pendrin. Finally, pendrin ion transport activity was not affected by co-expression with AQP5. Conclusions: The co-regulation of pendrin and AQP5 membrane expression under chronic K+-deficiency indicates that these two molecules could cooperate as an osmosensor to rapidly detect and respond to alterations in luminal fluid osmolality.
American Journal of Physiology-renal Physiology | 2015
Annarita Di Mise; Grazia Tamma; Marianna Ranieri; Maria Svelto; Bert van den Heuvel; Elena Levtchenko; Giovanna Valenti
The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a G protein-coupled receptor, which plays an essential role in regulating Ca(2+) homeostasis. Here we show that conditionally immortalized proximal tubular epithelial cell line (ciPTEC) obtained by immortalizing and subcloning cells exfoliated in the urine of a healthy subject expresses functional endogenous CaSR. Immunolocalization studies of polarized ciPTEC revealed the apical localization of the receptor. By Western blotting of ciPTEC lysates, both monomeric and dimeric forms of CaSR at 130 and ∼250 kDa, respectively, were detected. Functional studies indicated that both external calcium and the positive CaSR allosteric modulator, NPS-R568, induced a significant increase in cytosolic calcium, proving a high sensitivity of the endogenous receptor to its agonists. Calcium depletion from the endoplasmic reticulum using cyclopiazonic acid abolished the increase in cytosolic calcium elicited by NPS-R568, confirming calcium exit from intracellular stores. Activation of CaSR by NPS-R significantly reduced the increase in cAMP elicited by forskolin (FK), a direct activator of adenylate cyclase, further confirming the functional expression of the receptor in this cell line. CaSR expressed in ciPTEC was found to interact with Gq as a downstream effector, which in turn can cause release of calcium from intracellular stores via phospholipase C activation. We conclude that human proximal tubular ciPTEC express functional CaSR and respond to its activation with a release of calcium from intracellular stores. These cell lines represent a valuable tool for research into the disorder associated with gain or loss of function of the CaSR by producing cell lines from patients.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry | 2013
Grazia Tamma; Marianna Ranieri; Silvia Dossena; Annarita Di Mise; Charity Nofziger; Maria Svelto; Markus Paulmichl; Giovanna Valenti
Background: Human pendrin (SLC26A4, PDS) is an integral membrane protein acting as an electroneutral anion exchanger. Loss of function mutations in pendrin protein cause Pendred syndrome, a disorder characterized by sensorineural deafness and a partial iodide organification defect that may lead to thyroid goiter. Additionally, pendrin up-regulation could play a role in the pathogenesis of several diseases including bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, monitoring the plasma membrane abundance and trafficking of pendrin in the context of a living cell is crucially important. Methods: Trafficking of pendrin to the plasma membrane was monitored by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), a physical phenomenon occurring between two fluorophores (the FRET donor and acceptor) located in close spatial proximity. Because the efficiency of the energy transfer is inversely proportional to the sixth power of the distance between donor and acceptor, FRET is extremely sensitive to small changes in distance between the donor and acceptor and is therefore a powerful tool to determine protein-protein interactions. Results: FRET studies revealed that forskolin-induced cAMP production is associated with a significant increase of pendrin expression at plasma membrane, which is paralleled by a decrease in intracellular pH. Pendrin transposition to the membrane is accompanied with a partial depolymerization of actin cytoskeleton via Rho-GTPase inhibition. Conclusion: Trafficking to the plasma membrane is critical in the regulation of pendrin activity. Therefore, reliable tools for monitoring and quantifying this phenomenon are highly desirable.
Molecular Pharmaceutics | 2013
Grazia Tamma; Marianna Ranieri; Annarita Di Mise; Alessia Spirlì; Annamaria Russo; Maria Svelto; Giovanna Valenti
Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) inhibitors have emerged as interesting therapeutic candidates. Of these, (S)-roscovitine has been proposed as potential neuroprotective molecule for stroke while (R)-roscovitine is currently entering phase II clinical trials against cancers and phase I clinical tests against glomerulonephritis. In addition, (R)-roscovitine has been suggested as potential antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory drug. Dysfunction of intracellular calcium balance is a common denominator of these diseases, and the two roscovitine enantiomers (S and R) are known to modulate calcium voltage channel activity differentially. Here, we provide a detailed description of short- and long-term responses of roscovitine on intracellular calcium handling in renal epithelial cells. Short-term exposure to (S)-roscovitine induced a cytosolic calcium peak, which was abolished after stores depletion with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). Instead, (R)-roscovitine caused a calcium peak followed by a small calcium plateau. Cytosolic calcium response was prevented after stores depletion. Bafilomycin, a selective vacuolar H(+)-ATPase inhibitor, abolished the small calcium plateau. Long-term exposure to (R)-roscovitine significantly reduced the basal calcium level compared to control and (S)-roscovitine treated cells. However, both enantiomers increased calcium accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Consistently, cells treated with (R)-roscovitine showed a significant increase in SERCA activity, whereas (S)-roscovitine incubation resulted in a reduced PMCA expression. We also found a tonic decreased ability to release calcium from the ER, likely via IP3 signaling, under treatment with (S)- or (R)-roscovitine. Together our data revealed that (S)-roscovitine and (R)-roscovitine exert distinct enantiospecific effects on intracellular calcium signaling in renal epithelial cells. This distinct pharmacological profile can be relevant for roscovitine clinical use.
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | 2017
Grazia Tamma; Annarita Di Mise; Marianna Ranieri; Ari Geller; Roberto Tamma; Alberta Zallone; Giovanna Valenti
Tolvaptan, a selective vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist, is a new generation diuretic. Its clinical efficacy is in principle due to impaired vasopressin‐regulated water reabsorption via aquaporin‐2 (AQP2). Nevertheless, no direct in vitro evidence that tolvaptan prevents AQP2‐mediated water transport, nor that this pathway is targeted in vivo in patients with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD) has been provided. The effects of tolvaptan on the vasopressin–cAMP/PKA signalling cascade were investigated in MDCK cells expressing endogenous V2R and in mouse kidney. In MDCK, tolvaptan prevented dDAVP‐induced increase in ser256‐AQP2 and osmotic water permeability. A similar effect on ser256‐AQP2 was found in V1aR −/− mice, thus confirming the V2R selectively. Of note, calcium calibration in MDCK showed that tolvaptan per se caused calcium mobilization from the endoplasmic reticulum resulting in a significant increase in basal intracellular calcium. This effect was only observed in cells expressing the V2R, indicating that it requires the tolvaptan–V2R interaction. Consistent with this finding, tolvaptan partially reduced the increase in ser256‐AQP2 and the water permeability in response to forskolin, a direct activator of adenylyl cyclase (AC), suggesting that the increase in intracellular calcium is associated with an inhibition of the calcium‐inhibitable AC type VI. Furthermore, tolvaptan treatment reduced AQP2 excretion in two SIAD patients and normalized plasma sodium concentration. These data represent the first detailed demonstration of the central role of AQP2 blockade in the aquaretic effect of tolvaptan and underscore a novel effect in raising intracellular calcium that can be of significant clinical relevance.
Scientific Reports | 2018
Annarita Di Mise; Grazia Tamma; Marianna Ranieri; Mariangela Centrone; L.P.W.J. van den Heuvel; Djalila Mekahli; Elena Levtchenko; Giovanna Valenti
Clinical and fundamental research suggest that altered calcium and cAMP signaling might be the most proximal events in ADPKD pathogenesis. Cells from ADPKD cysts have a reduced resting cytosolic calcium [Ca2+]i and increased cAMP levels. CaSR plays an essential role in regulating calcium homeostasis. Its activation is associated with [Ca2+]i increase and cAMP decrease, making CaSR a possible therapeutic target. Human conditionally immortalized Proximal Tubular Epithelial cells (ciPTEC) with stable knockdown of PKD1 (ciPTEC-PC1KD) and ciPTEC generated from an ADPKD1 patient (ciPTEC-PC1Pt) were used as experimental tools. CaSR functional expression was confirmed by studies showing that the calcimimetic NPS-R568 induced a significant increase in [Ca2+]i in ciPTEC-PC1KD and ciPTEC-PC1Pt. Resting [Ca2+]i were significantly lower in ciPTEC-PC1KD with respect to ciPTECwt, confirming calcium dysregulation. As in native cyst cells, significantly higher cAMP levels and mTOR activity were found in ciPTEC-PC1KD compared to ciPTECwt. Of note, NPS-R568 treatment significantly reduced intracellular cAMP and mTOR activity in ciPTEC-PC1KD and ciPTEC-PC1Pt. To conclude, we demonstrated that selective CaSR activation in human ciPTEC carrying PKD1 mutation increases [Ca2+]i, reduces intracellular cAMP and mTOR activity, reversing the principal dysregulations considered the most proximal events in ADPKD pathogenesis, making CaSR a possible candidate as therapeutic target.
The FASEB Journal | 2017
Marianna Ranieri; Kamyar Zahedi; Grazia Tamma; Mariangela Centrone; Annarita Di Mise; Manoocher Soleimani; Giovanna Valenti
High concentrations of urinary calcium counteract vasopressin action via the activation of the calcium‐sensing receptor (CaSR) that is expressed in the luminal membrane of collecting duct cells, which impairs the trafficking of aquaporin‐2 (AQP2). Pendrin/NaCl cotransporter double‐knockout (dKO) mice display significant calcium wasting and develop severe volume depletion, despite increased circulating vasopressin levels. We hypothesized that the CaSR‐mediated impairment of AQP2 expression/trafficking underlies vasopressin resistance in dKO mice. Compared with wild‐type mice, in renal inner medulla, dKO mice had reduced total AQP2 sensitive to proteasome inhibitors, higher levels of AQP2‐pS261, ubiquitinated AQP2, and p38‐MAPK, an enzyme that is activated by CaSR signaling and known to phosphorylate AQP2 at Ser261. CaSR inhibition with the calcilytic NPS2143 reversed these effects, which indicates that CaSR mediates the up‐regulation of AQP2‐pS261, ubiquitination, and degradation. Of note, dKO mice demonstrated significantly higher AQP2‐targeting miRNA‐137 that was reduced upon CaSR inhibition, supporting a critical role for CaSR in the down‐regulation of AQP2 expression. Our data indicate that CaSR signaling reduces AQP2 abundance both via AQP2‐targeting miRNA‐137 and the p38‐MAPK/AQP2‐pS261/ubiquitination/proteasomal axis. These effects may contribute to the reduced renal concentrating ability that has been observed in dKO mice and underscore a physiologic mechanism of the CaSR‐dependent regulation of AQP2 abundance via a novel microRNA pathway.— Ranieri, M., Zahedi, K., Tamma, G., Centrone, M., Di Mise, A., Soleimani, M., Valenti, G. CaSR signaling down‐regulates AQP2 expression via a novel microRNA pathway in pendrin and NaCl cotransporter knockout mice. FASEB J. 32, 2148–2159 (2018).
Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology | 2017
Annamaria Russo; Marianna Ranieri; Annarita Di Mise; Silvia Dossena; Tommaso Pellegrino; Emilia Furia; Charity Nofziger; Lucantonio Debellis; Markus Paulmichl; Giovanna Valenti; Grazia Tamma
Interleukin-13 (IL13) is a major player in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness in several respiratory disorders. Emerging data suggest that an increased expression of pendrin in airway epithelia is associated with elevated airway hyperreactivity in asthma. Here, we investigate the effect of IL13 on pendrin localization and function using bronchiolar NCI-H292 cells. The data obtained revealed that IL13 increases the cell surface expression of pendrin. This effect was paralleled by a significant increase in the intracellular pH, possibly via indirect stimulation of NHE. IL13 effect on pendrin localization and intracellular pH was reversed by theophylline, a bronchodilator compound used to treat asthma. IL13 upregulated RhoA activity, a crucial protein controlling actin dynamics, via G-alpha-13. Specifically, IL13 stabilized actin cytoskeleton and promoted co-localization and a direct molecular interaction between pendrin and F-actin in the plasma membrane region. These effects were reversed following exposure of cells to theophylline. Selective inhibition of Rho kinase, a downstream effector of Rho, reduced the IL13-dependent cell surface expression of pendrin. Together, these data indicate that IL13 increases pendrin abundance to the cell surface via Rho/actin signaling, an effect reversed by theophylline.