
Trends in Plant Science | 1999

Molecular genetics of DNA repair in higher plants

Anne B. Britt

Damage to DNA occurs in all living things, and the toxicity and/or mutagenicity of the damage products are reduced through the activities of one or more DNA repair pathways. The mechanisms of DNA repair are best understood in microorganisms and mammals, but the field has recently expanded to include both plants and lower animals. These recent advances in our understanding of the molecular and classical genetics of DNA repair in higher plants include such aspects as the repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers, the correction of mismatched bases, and the rejoining of double strand breaks.

The Plant Cell | 2004

ATR Regulates a G2-Phase Cell-Cycle Checkpoint in Arabidopsis thaliana

Kevin M. Culligan; Alain Tissier; Anne B. Britt

Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated and Rad3-related (ATR) plays a central role in cell-cycle regulation, transmitting DNA damage signals to downstream effectors of cell-cycle progression. In animals, ATR is an essential gene. Here, we find that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) atr−/− mutants were viable, fertile, and phenotypically wild-type in the absence of exogenous DNA damaging agents but exhibit altered expression of AtRNR1 (ribonucleotide reductase large subunit) and alteration of some damage-induced cell-cycle checkpoints. atr mutants were hypersensitive to hydroxyurea (HU), aphidicolin, and UV-B light but only mildly sensitive to γ-radiation. G2 arrest was observed in response to γ-irradiation in both wild-type and atr plants, albeit with slightly different kinetics, suggesting that ATR plays a secondary role in response to double-strand breaks. G2 arrest also was observed in wild-type plants in response to aphidicolin but was defective in atr mutants, resulting in compaction of nuclei and subsequent cell death. By contrast, HU-treated wild-type and atr plants arrested in G1 and showed no obvious signs of cell death. We propose that, in plants, HU invokes a novel checkpoint responsive to low levels of deoxynucleotide triphosphates. These results demonstrate the important role of cell-cycle checkpoints in the ability of plant cells to sense and cope with problems associated with DNA replication.

Trends in Plant Science | 2003

Re-engineering plant gene targeting

Anne B. Britt; Gregory D. May

The genome sequence of Arabidopsis is complete and the genomes of plants representing legumes (Medicago truncatula) and grasses (rice) will soon follow. The rate at which new genes have been discovered has far outstripped the pace at which their function is determined. The greatest hurdle that plant biologists face in assigning gene function and in crop improvement is the lack of efficient and robust technologies to generate gene replacements or targeted gene knockouts. Many of the factors underlying these events remain to be elucidated. This review addresses the current status of plant gene targeting and what is known about the associated plant DNA repair mechanisms.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009

Suppressor of gamma response 1 (SOG1) encodes a putative transcription factor governing multiple responses to DNA damage

Kaoru Yoshiyama; Phillip A. Conklin; Neil D. Huefner; Anne B. Britt

The Arabidopsis sog1-1 (suppressor of gamma response) mutant was originally isolated as a second-site suppressor of the radiosensitive phenotype of seeds defective in the repair endonuclease XPF. Here, we report that SOG1 encodes a putative transcription factor. This gene is a member of the NAC domain [petunia NAM (no apical meristem) and Arabidopsis ATAF1, 2 and CUC2] family (a family of proteins unique to land plants). Hundreds of genes are normally up-regulated in Arabidopsis within an hour of treatment with ionizing radiation; the induction of these genes requires the damage response protein kinase ATM, but not the related kinase ATR. Here, we find that SOG1 is also required for this transcriptional up-regulation. In contrast, the SOG1-dependent checkpoint response observed in xpf mutant seeds requires ATR, but does not require ATM. Thus, phenotype of the sog1-1 mutant mimics aspects of the phenotypes of both atr and atm mutants in Arabidopsis, suggesting that SOG1 participates in pathways governed by both of these sensor kinases. We propose that, in plants, signals related to genomic stress are processed through a single, central transcription factor, SOG1.

Plant Physiology | 1995

Repair of DNA Damage Induced by Ultraviolet Radiation

Anne B. Britt

Studies documenting the depletion of the ozone layer and the resulting increases in UV-B radiation (280-320 nm) at the Earths surface have served to focus attention on the biological effects of UV light. One obvious target for UVB-induced damage is DNA. Although a11 biological tissues are rich in UV-absorbing agents (largely nucleic acids and proteins) and plants produce additional UV-absorbing pigments, no DNA in superficial tissue can completely avoid UV exposure. Plants, like a11 living organisms, must have some capacity for the repair of UV-induced DNA damage. Because plants are unique in the obligatory nature of their exposure to UV, it is also conceivable that they may have evolved particularly efficient mechanisms for the elimination of UV-induced DNA damage. This review will summarize what we know about DNA repair mechanisms in higher plants. Readers interested in broader aspects of UV-induced damage and UV filters are directed to recent reviews (Middleton and Teramura, 1994; Strid et al., 1994; Fiscus and Booker, 1995). Our knowledge of DNA repair mechanisms in plants lags far behind our understanding of these pathways in animals, and a significant number of questions concerning the basic phenomenology of DNA repair in plants remain to be addressed.

The Plant Cell | 1994

A Light-Dependent Pathway for the Elimination of UV-Induced Pyrimidine (6-4) Pyrimidinone Photoproducts in Arabidopsis.

Ju Jiun Chen; David L. Mitchell; Anne B. Britt

Light-dependent repair of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidinone dimers (6-4 products) was investigated in an excision repair-deficient Arabidopsis mutant. As previously described, exposure to broad-spectrum lighting was found to greatly enhance the rate of repair of CPDs. We demonstrate that 6-4 products are also efficiently eliminated in a light-dependent manner and that this photoreactivation of 6-4 products occurs independently of the previously described 6-4 product dark repair pathway. The light-dependent repair of both 6-4 products and CPDs occurs in the presence of blue light (435 nm) but not upon exposure to light of longer wavelengths. We also found that high-level expression of the CPD-specific photoreactivating activity in the Arabidopsis seedling requires induction by exposure to light prior to as well as during the period of repair while the 6-4 photoreactivating activity is constitutively expressed. This differential regulation of the photoreactivating activities suggests that the Arabidopsis seedling produces at least two distinct photolyases: one specific for CPDs and the other specific for 6-4 products.

Photosynthesis Research | 2004

Repair of DNA Damage Induced by Solar UV

Anne B. Britt

Solar UV radiation induces significant levels of DNA damage in living things. This damage, if left unrepaired, is lethal in humans. Recent work has demonstrated that plants possess several repair pathways for UV-induced DNA damage, including pathways for the photoreactivation of both 6-4 products and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), the two lesions most frequently induced by UV. Plants also possess the more general nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway as well as bypass polymerases that enable the plant to replicate its DNA in the absence of DNA repair.

DNA Repair | 2010

A shared DNA-damage-response pathway for induction of stem-cell death by UVB and by gamma irradiation.

T. Furukawa; Marc J. Curtis; C.M. Tominey; Y.H. Duong; B.W.L. Wilcox; D. Aggoune; John B. Hays; Anne B. Britt

Both UVB radiation and DNA-breaking agents were previously reported to kill Arabidopsis stem cells. We demonstrate that death induced by UVB or by ionizing radiation (IR) requires Suppressor of Gamma Response 1 (SOG1), a transcription factor already found to govern many responses to these agents in Arabidopsis. DNA-damage responses (DDRs) triggered primarily by replication-blocking photoadducts or double-strand-breaks thus converge to a shared programmed-cell-death (PCD) pathway. Both UVB- and IR-induced PCD also require functional DDR protein kinases. Employment of atr atm mutants (uniquely available in Arabidopsis) shows that either ATR (which recognizes ssDNA) or ATM (which recognizes DSBs) suffices for PCD induction by either agent. Thus, DNA damage made by UVB or by IR engenders both ATM-activating and ATR-activating structures. The elevated PCD in UVB-irradiated atr and atm mutants suggests that in wt plants ATR and/or ATM may activate both pathways that avert PCD and those that elicit it. The similar PCD levels induced by roughly 30,000 unrepaired photoadducts vs. 20 IR-induced DSBs indicate that DDR damage-tolerance activities in this model stem-cell niche are remarkably efficient.

The Plant Cell | 2014

The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 Regulate the DNA Damage Checkpoint in Response to Reactive Oxygen Species

Dalong Yi; Claire Lessa Alvim Kamei; Toon Cools; Sandy Vanderauwera; Naoki Takahashi; Yoko Okushima; Thomas Eekhout; Kaoru Yoshiyama; John C. Larkin; Hilde Van Den Daele; Phillip A. Conklin; Anne B. Britt; Masaaki Umeda; Lieven De Veylder

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause DNA damage. In this work, two SIAMESE/SIAMESE-RELATED (SIM/SMR) genes that encode cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors are described as being part of a signaling pathway that arrests cell proliferation in response to ROS, revealing a novel cell cycle checkpoint-signaling cascade. Whereas our knowledge about the diverse pathways aiding DNA repair upon genome damage is steadily increasing, little is known about the molecular players that adjust the plant cell cycle in response to DNA stress. By a meta-analysis of DNA stress microarray data sets, three family members of the SIAMESE/SIAMESE-RELATED (SIM/SMR) class of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors were discovered that react strongly to genotoxicity. Transcriptional reporter constructs corroborated specific and strong activation of the three SIM/SMR genes in the meristems upon DNA stress, whereas overexpression analysis confirmed their cell cycle inhibitory potential. In agreement with being checkpoint regulators, SMR5 and SMR7 knockout plants displayed an impaired checkpoint in leaf cells upon treatment with the replication inhibitory drug hydroxyurea (HU). Surprisingly, HU-induced SMR5/SMR7 expression depends on ATAXIA TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED (ATM) and SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE1, rather than on the anticipated replication stress-activated ATM AND RAD3-RELATED kinase. This apparent discrepancy was explained by demonstrating that, in addition to its effect on replication, HU triggers the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS-dependent transcriptional activation of the SMR genes was confirmed by different ROS-inducing conditions, including high-light treatment. We conclude that the identified SMR genes are part of a signaling cascade that induces a cell cycle checkpoint in response to ROS-induced DNA damage.

Biotechnology Advances | 2015

Haploids: Constraints and opportunities in plant breeding

Sangam L. Dwivedi; Anne B. Britt; Leena Tripathi; Shivali Sharma; Hari D. Upadhyaya; Rodomiro Ortiz

The discovery of haploids in higher plants led to the use of doubled haploid (DH) technology in plant breeding. This article provides the state of the art on DH technology including the induction and identification of haploids, what factors influence haploid induction, molecular basis of microspore embryogenesis, the genetics underpinnings of haploid induction and its use in plant breeding, particularly to fix traits and unlock genetic variation. Both in vitro and in vivo methods have been used to induce haploids that are thereafter chromosome doubled to produce DH. Various heritable factors contribute to the successful induction of haploids, whose genetics is that of a quantitative trait. Genomic regions associated with in vitro and in vivo DH production were noted in various crops with the aid of DNA markers. It seems that F2 plants are the most suitable for the induction of DH lines than F1 plants. Identifying putative haploids is a key issue in haploid breeding. DH technology in Brassicas and cereals, such as barley, maize, rice, rye and wheat, has been improved and used routinely in cultivar development, while in other food staples such as pulses and root crops the technology has not reached to the stage leading to its application in plant breeding. The centromere-mediated haploid induction system has been used in Arabidopsis, but not yet in crops. Most food staples are derived from genomic resources-rich crops, including those with sequenced reference genomes. The integration of genomic resources with DH technology provides new opportunities for the improving selection methods, maximizing selection gains and accelerate cultivar development. Marker-aided breeding and DH technology have been used to improve host plant resistance in barley, rice, and wheat. Multinational seed companies are using DH technology in large-scale production of inbred lines for further development of hybrid cultivars, particularly in maize. The public sector provides support to national programs or small-medium private seed for the exploitation of DH technology in plant breeding.

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