
The Holocene | 2009

Possible complexity of the climatic event around 4300—3800 cal. BP in the central and western Mediterranean

Michel Magny; Boris Vannière; Gianni Zanchetta; Eric Fouache; Gilles Touchais; Lera Petrika; Céline Coussot; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Fabien Arnaud

This paper presents an event stratigraphy based on data documenting lake-level changes as well as volcanic eruptions over the period 4500—3500 cal. BP from sediment sequences of Lakes Accesa in Tuscany (north-central Italy) and Maliq (Albania) in the central Mediterranean. The available data make it possible to recognise a tripartite climatic oscillation between c. 4300—3800 cal. BP. A phase characterised by drier conditions at c. 4100—3950 cal. BP appears to have been bracketed by two phases marked by wetter conditions and dated to c. 4300—4100 and 3950—3850 cal. BP, respectively. The deposition of the Avellino tephra occurred during the first humid phase, slightly before 4300 cal. BP, and that of an interplinian tephra AP2-AP4 (or Pr1) around 4050 cal. BP during the dry intermediate phase. This dry median episode may be related to the so-called ‘4.2 ka event’ observed in tropical areas as well as in northwestern Italy. A comparison of the Accesa lake-level record with palaeoclimatic terrestrial and marine records suggests that this complex climatic oscillation around 4300—3800 cal. BP affected the central and western Mediterranean area. The key position of the 4300—3800 cal. BP climatic oscillation at a crucial transition from mid to late Holocene in the Mediterranean and tropical areas, deserves major consideration in further investigations.

Journal of Archaeological Science | 2003

Land use change, soil erosion and alluvial dynamic in the lower Doubs Valley over the 1st millenium AD (Neublans, Jura, France)

Boris Vannière; Gilles Bossuet; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Emilie Gauthier; Philippe Barral; Christophe Petit; Martine Buatier; Alain Daubigney

Abstract Geochemical and particle size analyses, surface scanning magnetic susceptibility, microscopic charcoal counting and pollen analysis, have been carried out on two cores from the lower Doubs valley in order to reconstruct the land use history. The interpretation of anthropogenic pollen indicators and micro-charcoal deposits is discussed in relation to the lithological variation of sedimentary accumulation and evolution of the settlement. The environmental changes which occurred during the 1st and the 6th century AD reflect the impact of human activities on the landscape in the immediate surroundings of the site. Multiproxy indicators indicate that soil erosion as a consequence of agricultural activities including fire practices. A reactivation of hydrologic flow of the river recorded in the sedimentary sequences attests to a larger environmental perturbation between 1st–3rd and 7th–8th century AD.

The Holocene | 2013

Climate, vegetation and land use as drivers of Holocene sedimentation: A case study from Lake Saint-Point (Jura Mountains, eastern France)

Michel Magny; Aurélie Leroux; Vincent Bichet; Emilie Gauthier; Hervé Richard; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet

A multiproxy approach to a sediment sequence at Lake Saint-Point in the French Jura Mountains gives evidence of a strong coupling between changes in terrestrial and lacustrine ecosystems throughout the Holocene. The early Holocene (11,700–10,200 cal. BP) is characterised by the recovery of terrestrial and lake ecosystems favoured by climatic warming. During the middle Holocene (10,600–6200 cal. BP), the climatic optimum coincided with an extension of deciduous forests into the catchment area, while lake sedimentation is dominated by authigenic carbonates and low detrital inputs. After 6200 cal. BP, the Neoglacial favoured expansion of Abies-Fagus forests and increasing detrital inputs to the lake where ostracod fauna declined and changed in composition. After 1200 cal. BP, human impact was responsible for extensive forest clearings in the catchment area, while the lake basin shows contrasting pictures with increasing detrital input, resuming sedimentation of authigenic carbonates and changes in dominant ostracod species. Orbitally driven climatic variations were the dominant factor of environmental changes until c. 1200 cal. BP. Around 2600 cal. BP, human impact increased and became the major factor in the catchment area and the lake basin from 1200 cal. BP onwards. Finally, the Saint-Point record offers a clear illustration of how gradual changes in insolation or increasing human impact may provoke, even under temperate climatic conditions, abrupt responses in mid-European terrestrial and lake ecosystems, and how differences in the dates of tipping points revealed by proxies suggest specific threshold values depending on the sensitivity of indicators used and on their role in the different compartments of these ecosystems.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2010

Using seismic facies and pollen analyses to evaluate climatically driven change in a Scottish sea loch (fjord) over the last 20 ka

Agnès Baltzer; Richard Bates; Zohra Mokeddem; Martine Clet-Pellerin; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Chantal Bonnot-Courtois; William E. N. Austin

Abstract Loch Sunart is a glacially over-deepened sea loch (fjord) on the west coast of Scotland, UK. The loch is divided into three sub-basins, separated by relatively shallow and narrow sills. A programme of data collection including high-resolution bathymetric sonar and sub-bottom seismic surveys were conducted in the loch as part of an investigation into the sedimentological and climatic change signatures preserved in western sea lochs since the Last Glacial Maximum. Very-high-resolution sub-bottom profiles were obtained using the SEISTEC boomer system. The seismic profiles revealed an igneous and metamorphic basement covered by a 10–70 m thick sediment sequence. Five different acoustic facies were recognized and interpreted in terms of glacial activity, ice retreat and subsequent Holocene sedimentation. These facies have been correlated to sediments sampled in a radiocarbon-dated 12 m long giant piston core (MD04-2833) acquired from the main basin of Loch Sunart. Pollen analyses conducted along the length of the core, together with 14C dating, indicate a complex series of palaeoclimate changes in the loch. In particular, five distinct cooling events have been recognized c. 9.8, 8.2, 5.8, 1.2 cal ka BP and 771–1211 cal a BP (possibly the Little Ice Age), corresponding to phases of Holocene rapid climate change.

The Holocene | 2016

Past mining activities in the Vosges Mountains (eastern France): Impact on vegetation and metal contamination over the past millennium:

Anne-Lise Mariet; Carole Bégeot; Frédéric Gimbert; Joseph Gauthier; Pierre Fluck; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet

Coring was carried out in a soligenous marsh in the Vosges Mountains in the past mining district of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (eastern France). High-resolution palynological, non-pollen-palynomorph, and geochemical analyses were performed along the core. Correlations between the herbal composition of the landscape and trace metals in the core reveal a specific palynological pattern during mining activities. Two main periods of anthropogenic impacts on vegetation and trace metal contamination are shown: during the 16th–17th centuries, for mining and smelting activities, and the beginning of the 20th century, for smelting and the Industrial Revolution. No drastic deforestations occurred near the study site, contrary to historical descriptions and prints of the valley. Controlled forest practices were implemented from the beginning of the record, that is, since cal. AD 1000, so the impact of mining activities seems to be less significant than expected near mining sites. We demonstrate that the minerotrophic characteristics of the record closest to past mining sites allows for (1) the description of the landscape associated with anthropogenic activities and (2) the recording of past trace metal emissions without post-depositional mobility.

The Holocene | 2014

Climatically-driven impacts on sedimentation processes in the Bay of Quiberon (south Brittany, France) over the last 10,000 years

Agnès Baltzer; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Zohra Mokeddem; Bernadette Tessier; Evelyne Goubert; Serge Cassen; Ange Diffo

The Bay of Quiberon (NW France), which is protected by the Quiberon Peninsula, provides well-preserved sedimentary archives for high-resolution reconstruction of Holocene climate variability. Very-high-resolution seismic profiles were obtained from two Seistec boomer seismic campaigns conducted in the bay. The seismic surveys reveal the deposition of five distinct sedimentary units. This succession is correlated with radiocarbon-dated sediments sampled in a long CASQ core (MD08-3204CQ). The analysis of the sediments shows significant changes in grain size, indicating a complex series of palaeo-climate events dated at 8800, 8600, 4270, 3860, 2470 and 1060 cal. yr BP. These may be correlated with millennial timescale climate variability corresponding to the phases of Holocene rapid climate changes (RCCs), associated with negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and usually characterized by weaker winter storms. On the contrary, periods between RCCs are characterized by the predominance of westerly winds and stormy conditions for Brittany (i.e. positive NAO). However, only storm events occurring during the RCCs have been preserved in the Bay of Quiberon. This paper aims to reconstruct the Holocene sedimentary infill of the bay, highlighting the role of episodic acceleration phases of the sea-level rise on the preservation of sedimentary archives. Thus, the Bay of Quiberon provides substantially a complete sedimentation record of the last 10,000 years characterized by a series of complex palaeo-environmental changes.

Journal of Paleolimnology | 2018

Tracking past mining activity using trace metals, lead isotopes and compositional data analysis of a sediment core from Longemer Lake, Vosges Mountains, France

Anne-Lise Mariet; Fabrice Monna; Frédéric Gimbert; Carole Bégeot; Christophe Cloquet; Simon Belle; Laurent Millet; Damien Rius; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet

A 157-cm-long sediment core from Longemer Lake in the Vosges Mountains of France spans the past two millennia and was analyzed for trace metal content and lead isotope composition. Trace metal accumulation rates highlight three main input phases: Roman Times (cal. 100 BC–AD 400), the Middle Ages (cal. AD 1000–1500), and the twentieth century. Atmospheric contamination displays a pattern that is similar to that seen in peat bogs from the region, at least until the eighteenth century. Thereafter, the lake sediment record is more precise than peat records. Some regional mining activity, such as that in archaeologically identified eighteenth-century mining districts, was detected from the lead isotope composition of sediment samples. Compositional data analysis, using six trace metals (silver, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc), enabled us to distinguish between background conditions, periods of mining, and of other anthropogenic trace metal emissions, such as the recent use of leaded gasoline.

Journal of Environmental Quality | 2017

Lead Highly Available in Soils Centuries after Metallurgical Activities

Anne-Lise Mariet; Géraldine Sarret; Carole Bégeot; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Frédéric Gimbert

Lead (Pb)-contaminated sites that resulted from past mining and smelting activities still pose toxicological and ecotoxicological issues worldwide. A large body of research has been dedicated to evaluating the contamination and proposing mitigation strategies for recently contaminated sites (from the 19th century until the present). The possible impact of older contaminations has been much less investigated. The present study focuses on soils affected by Pb-silver mining and smelting activities during the 15th to 18th centuries. A combination of sequential extractions and X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the Pb fractionation and speciation in these soils. Despite the long passage of time, Pb was still highly available (1 and 6% of Pb present in the exchangeable fraction and 46 to 71% in the reducible fraction) and mostly present as Pb sorbed on iron (oxyhydr)oxides. Galena (lead sulfide, PbS) was observed in a soil sample from a kitchen garden, suggesting the recent use of smelter slags as soil amendments. This study shows that Pb is still highly available on this site after almost five centuries, probably because of the acidic character of the soil and the soil composition.

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment | 2018

High-temporal resolution landscape changes related to anthropogenic activities over the past millennium in the Vosges Mountains (France)

Anne-Lise Mariet; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Frédéric Gimbert; Christophe Cloquet; Carole Bégeot

Iron mining activities in the Bruche valley (Vosges Mountains, France) date historically from the Roman period to the mid-nineteenth century. The geochemical and palynological study of a core from the peat bog of Le Champ du Feu allows highlighting impacts of these activities over the past millennium. Trace metal contamination is recorded for lead (Pb), arsenic, zinc, and antimony during the Middle Ages, the sixteenth century, and from cal. ad 1750–1900, with several sources distinguished by Pb isotope analyses. Forest exploitation is attested by the palynological analysis of the core, with exploitation of Fagus for smelting processes and cutting of Abies for agro-pastoralism. This approach highlights several patterns of contamination, corresponding to the mixing sources and the contamination intensity, which can be linked to the pollen assemblage zones. Hence, anthropogenic activities such as mining and farming led to long-term modification of the landscape composition in this mountainous area.

STRATI 2013 | 2014

Original Detection Methods for Tephra Layers and Cryptotephras

Gwénolé Jouannic; Anne-Véronique Walter-Simonnet; Gilles Bossuet; Anne-Lise Develle; Eric Delabrousse; Christophe Loup

The building of independent and accurate chronologies is crucial to correlate environmental and climatic changes as reflected in biotic as well as abiotic signals from continental lacustrine sediments. The use of tephras, which are instantaneous and synchronous atmospheric deposits, as time-parallel markers, allows independent, high-precision regional and inter-regional correlations to be established. The development of effective, rapid methods to detect tephra layers in sedimentary records of various compositions is a challenge. Many traditional methods for the detection of tephra layers, such as regular sampling or magnetic susceptibility measurements, have shown their limits. Regular sampling takes a long time, and finding tephra layers is an uncertain process. Moreover, magnetic susceptibility is ineffective when tephra layers are composed of volcanic glass shards of differentiated magma composition. This study proposes three original methods to detect tephra layers: XRF, CT imaging, and quantitative sulphur analysis. XRF enables tephra layer composition elements and sediment to be differentiated. CT imaging may be used to observe 3D sedimentary structures. Sulphur analysis allows the environmental impact of degassing in volcanic eruptions to be examined. These methods can be used successfully to detect tephra layers of various chemical compositions in both peaty and carbonated deposits.

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