Annette Cina
University of Fribourg
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Featured researches published by Annette Cina.
Behaviour Research and Therapy | 2008
Guy Bodenmann; Annette Cina; Thomas Ledermann; Matthew R. Sanders
The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the efficacy of an evidence-based parenting program (the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program), intending to improve parenting skills and childrens well-being. Parents participating in a Group Triple P program (n=50 couples) were compared with parents of a non-treated control group (n=50 couples) and parents participating in a marital distress prevention program (couples coping enhancement training (CCET)) (n=50 couples). The two major goals of this study were (a) to evaluate the efficacy of Triple P compared with the two other treatment conditions over a time-span of 1 year and (b) to answer the question whether this program that was developed in Australia is culturally accepted by Swiss parents. Results revealed that Triple P was effective with Swiss families. Mothers of the Triple P group showed significant improvements in parenting, parenting self-esteem, and a decrease in stressors related to parenting. Women trained in Triple P also reported significantly lower rates of childs misbehavior than women of the two other conditions. However, in men only a few significant results were found. Positive effects of the relationship training (CCET) were somewhat lower than those for the Triple P. These findings are further discussed.
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage | 2006
Guy Bodenmann; Annette Cina
Abstract This article presents a 5-year prospective longitudinal study exploring the effects of stress and individual and dyadic coping on relationship stability among couples in Switzerland. Stress and coping variables assessed at the beginning of the study (tl) were used as predictors for the relationship status five years later (i.e., stable-satisfied; stable-distressed; separated/divorced). At the time of first measurement, all three groups differed significantly in their stress and individual and dyadic coping profiles. On average, the stable-satisfied couples were characterized by a lower level of stress, practiced less dysfunctional individual coping strategies, and relied more frequently on interpersonal (dyadic) coping when dealing with stress. At the end of the five-year period, it was possible to classify couples with 62.1% accuracy into one of three groups-stable-satisfied, stable-distressed, or separated/divorced. On the basis of the predictor variables, 73.3% of the couples could be correctly classified as being either stable or unstable.
Swiss Journal of Psychology | 2001
Guy Bodenmann; Linda Charvoz; Annette Cina; Kathrin Widmer
This article presents a new preventive approach (Couples Coping Enhancement Training: CCET) aimed at expanding upon the scope of current prevention programs by focussing on stress issues and individual and dyadic coping skills. The cognitive behavioral prevention program is based on stress and coping research in couples and seeks to improve important skills with an 18-hour course. The effectiveness of the approach is examined with respect to 143 couples over a period of one year. The results show that couples participating in the program benefit in terms of a significant increase in marital quality and that intervention couples appraise their relationship even after one year as substantially improved in a number of domains (quality of marital communication, intimacy etc.). Our results support the importance of prevention for couples with low marital satisfaction even if they have been living together for many years.
Behavior Modification | 2006
Guy Bodenmann; Sandrine Pihet; Shachi Shantinath; Annette Cina; Kathrin Widmer
This study sought to assess the effectiveness of a marital distress prevention program for couples by examining how marital quality, especially marital competencies such as dyadic coping, could be improved by means of a prevention program focusing on the enhancement of coping resources (Couples Coping Enhancement Training). The study consisted of 59 couples in the intervention group and 59 couples in the matched comparison group. The results reveal that it is possible to improve marital quality, especially marital competencies, by means of one short-term intervention lasting 18 hr. However, the effects decreased after 2 years, raising the importance of booster sessions in helping to maintain effects over a longer period of time.
Kindheit Und Entwicklung | 2009
Annette Cina; Guy Bodenmann
Zusammenfassung. Die Bedeutung von Stress fr die Entwicklung von Stcrungen in der Familie und beim Kind wird in verschiede- nen theoretischen Modellen diskutiert. Es bestehen jedoch kaum empirische Arbeiten, welche die theoretischen Modelle in ihrer Ge- samtheitberprfen. Die Arbeit stellt Stress der Eltern in Verbindung zu kindlichem Problemverhalten dar, wobei wichtige innerfami- lire Risikofaktoren wie das elterliche Erziehungsverhalten, die Kommunikation in Konflikten sowie das Befinden in das Modell in- tegriert sind. Diese drei Variablen stellen zusammen die wichtigsten Prdiktoren von kindlichem Problemverhalten im familiren Rah- men dar. Das Modell wird anhand der Angaben von 255 Elternberprft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Modell eine gute Aufklrung erreicht und damit bedeutsame Hinweise geben kann, wie Stress im komplexen System der Familie mit der Entwicklung der Kinder zusammenhngen kann. Insbesondere kovariiert Stress mit ungnstigen Erziehungshandlungen, die wiederum mit einem strkeren Ausmas an kindlichen Verhaltensproblemen assoziiert sind. Schlsselwcrter: Stress, Erziehung, kindliches Problemverhalten, Risikofaktoren Relationship between parental stress and child problem behavior Abstract. The importance of stress for the development of family dysfunction and child misbehavior is often cited, but only few em- pirical works support the relationship between parental stress and dysfunctions in family members. This lack of empirical basis is es- pecially evident in the case of the three main predictors of negative child outcome within family variables: parenting, communication, and parentswell-being. This article proposes a theoretical model framing the relationship between stress, parental functioning, and child behavior. Based upon this model, the current study, analyzing data from 255 parents, has been conducted. Results reveal that an association between stress, poor parenting, communication problems, and negative well-being and child problems exists.
Swiss Journal of Psychology | 2002
Guy Bodenmann; Meinrad Perrez; Annette Cina; Kathrin Widmer
This article focuses upon a new preventive approach designed to improve personal stress management skills. The Coping Enhancement Training (CET) is derived from the Couples Coping Enhancement Training (CCET) and encompasses both an individual and a dyadic aspect. In this study, only the individual element is described. The training is based upon the transactional stress concepts of Lazarus and his coworkers and the further development of this approach by Perrez and Reicherts (1992). Personal coping skills are practiced over a six-hour period by means of theoretical, diagnostic and practical work. This article presents the rationale and content of the program, as well as data concerning the effectiveness of this approach after a period of two years. The data shows that subjects participating in the program displayed better individual coping skills (e.g. active problem-solving and positive self-verbalization) after the training and that they relied upon dysfunctional coping strategies (e.g. rumination and blaming strategies) less often even after two years.
Family Science | 2011
Annette Cina; Martin Röösli; Holger Schmid; Urs Peter Lattmann; Barbara Fäh; Michaela Schönenberger; Walter Kern-Scheffelt; Ashley K. Randall; Guy Bodenmann
Parent-oriented and school-oriented programs that aim to improve child behavior and mental health are well established, few studies focus on the possibility of additional benefits arising from a combined intervention. This study uses a randomized control trial and assesses whether the combination of two standardized evidence-based intervention programs, Triple P (a self-directed parent-oriented intervention that focuses on strengthening parenting skills) and Fit and Strong for Life (a school-based intervention that focuses on stress management skills for children), was more likely to improve parenting and child behavior compared to either program alone and to a no-treatment control group. Data including pre- and post-test measures, as well as four- month follow-up data, were obtained from 78 teachers and 745 parents. Using linear mixed models, results showed that parents in the self-directed Triple P condition engaged in less negative parenting behavior, more positive parenting strategies, scored lower on stress, and reported more parental self-efficacy at post-test. The effects remained at the four-month follow-up. Additionally, after treatment parents in the Triple P condition observed less behavioral problems in their child (although teachers did not). The Fit and Strong for Life intervention yielded no effects in respect to child problem behavior. Last, there was no additional benefit of the combined intervention group above that found for Triple P. This study encourages the utility, practicality, and efficacy of the self-directedTriple P Program and illustrates its effectiveness on positive parenting skills and problem child behavior.
Verhaltenstherapie | 2002
Annette Cina; Kathrin Widmer; Guy Bodenmann
The Effectiveness of the Couples’ Coping Enhancement Training (CCET): A Comparison of Two Training Versions Background: The following study presents the results of two versions of the Couples’ Coping Enhancement Training (CCET). The revised version of the training focuses especially on the dyadic coping, which in comparison with the individual coping is a stronger predictor for the long-term quality of close relationships. Results: The results of the comparison of the two training versions are in favor of the original version of the training, in which individual and dyadic coping are treated as equally important for the couple’s stress management. The enhancement of the relationship of these couples is higher and they report better improvements of the attention for the partner, the dyadic coping, the couple’s communication and their way to solve problems. The effect sizes for the changes of the individual and dyadic coping and the communication confirm the importance of the individual coping especially for the couple’s dyadic coping. Discussion: In general, the results highlight the necessity to promote individual and dyadic competences for the enhancement of the quality of close relationships both in prevention programs and in couple therapies.
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie | 2001
Guy Bodenmann; Meinrad Perrez; Annette Cina; Kathrin Widmer
Zusammenfassung. In diesem Artikel wird ein neues Training (Freiburger Stresspraventionstraining) vorgestellt, welches auf dem transaktionalen Stressansatz von Lazarus und MitarbeiterInnen und dess...
Zeitschrift Fur Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie | 2001
Guy Bodenmann; Annette Cina; Susanne Schwerzmann
Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Wie mehrere Studien zeigen, weisen Depressive objektiv wie subjektiv mehr Stress auf und gehen ungunstiger mit Belastungen um. Fragestellung: In diesem Beitrag interessiert die Frage, ob diese Defizite im Bewaltigungsverhalten nur in bezug auf individuelles Coping nachweisbar sind oder auch im interpersonellen, dyadischen Bereich beobachtet werden konnen. Methode: Die Fragestellung wird an 60 Depressiven (39 in akuter Depression und 21 Remittierte) in fester Paarbeziehung untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse belegen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen, wonach massig/schwer Depressive am ungunstigsten mit Belastungen umgehen, wahrend Remittierte sich nicht von einer nicht-klinischen Kontrollgruppe unterscheiden. Defizite liegen sowohl beim individuellen wie dyadischen Coping vor und sprechen fur generell eingeschrankte Copingressourcen von Depressiven. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Befunde verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit, in Therapien vermehrt auf die Ford...