Antero Järvinen
University of Helsinki
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | 2004
Christiaan Both; Aleksandr V. Artemyev; Bert Blaauw; Richard J. Cowie; Aarnoud J. Dekhuijzen; Tapio Eeva; Anders Enemar; Lars Gustafsson; E.V. Ivankina; Antero Järvinen; Neil B. Metcalfe; N. Erik I. Nyholm; Jaime Potti; Pierre-Alain Ravussin; Juan José Sanz; Bengt Silverin; Frederick Maurice Slater; L. V. Sokolov; János Török; Wolfgang Winkel; Jonathan Wright; Herwig Zang; Marcel E. Visser
Advances in the phenology of organisms are often attributed to climate change, but alternatively, may reflect a publication bias towards advances and may be caused by environmental factors unrelated to climate change. Both factors are investigated using the breeding dates of 25 long–term studied populations of Ficedula flycatchers across Europe. Trends in spring temperature varied markedly between study sites, and across populations the advancement of laying date was stronger in areas where the spring temperatures increased more, giving support to the theory that climate change causally affects breeding date advancement.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Suvi Ruuskanen; Heli Siitari; Tapio Eeva; Eugen Belskii; Antero Järvinen; A.B. Kerimov; Indrikis Krams; Juan Moreno; Chiara Morosinotto; Raivo Mänd; Erich Möstl; Markku Orell; Anna Qvarnström; Juha-Pekka Salminen; Frederick Maurice Slater; Vallo Tilgar; Marcel E. Visser; Wolfgang Winkel; Herwig Zang; Toni Laaksonen
Reproductive, phenotypic and life-history traits in many animal and plant taxa show geographic variation, indicating spatial variation in selection regimes. Maternal deposition to avian eggs, such as hormones, antibodies and antioxidants, critically affect development of the offspring, with long-lasting effects on the phenotype and fitness. Little is however known about large-scale geographical patterns of variation in maternal deposition to eggs. We studied geographical variation in egg components of a passerine bird, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), by collecting samples from 16 populations and measuring egg and yolk mass, albumen lysozyme activity, yolk immunoglobulins, yolk androgens and yolk total carotenoids. We found significant variation among populations in most egg components, but ca. 90% of the variation was among individuals within populations. Population however explained 40% of the variation in carotenoid levels. In contrast to our hypothesis, we found geographical trends only in carotenoids, but not in any of the other egg components. Our results thus suggest high within-population variation and leave little scope for local adaptation and genetic differentiation in deposition of different egg components. The role of these maternally-derived resources in evolutionary change should be further investigated.
Journal of Vascular Surgery | 1999
Leo Heikkinen; Matti Valtonen; Mauri Lepäntalo; Eija Saimanen; Antero Järvinen
Prosthetic graft infection as a result of Listeria monocytogenes is an extremely rare event that recently occurred in a 77-year-old man who underwent endoluminal stent grafting for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. The infected aortic endoluminal prosthesis was removed by means of en bloc resection of the aneurysm and contained endograft with in situ aortoiliac reconstruction. At the 10-month follow-up examination, the patient was well and had no signs of infection.
Hormones and Behavior | 2008
Bengt Silverin; John C. Wingfield; Karl-Arne Stokkan; Renato Massa; Antero Järvinen; Nils-Åke Andersson; Marcel M. Lambrechts; Alberto Sorace; Donald Blomqvist
The present study determines how populations of Great Tits (Parus major) breeding in southern, mid and northern European latitudes have adjusted their reproductive endocrinology to differences in the ambient temperature during the gonadal cycle. A study based on long-term breeding data, using the Colwell predictability model, showed that the start of the breeding season has a high predictability ( approximately 0.8-0.9) at all latitudes, and that the environmental information factor (I(e)) progressively decreased from mid Italy (I(e)>4) to northern Finland (I(e)<1). The results indicate that integration of supplementary information, such as ambient temperature, with photoperiodic initial predictive information (day length), becomes progressively more important in maintaining the predictability of the breeding season with decreasing latitude. This hypothesis was verified by exposing photosensitive Great Tits from northern Norway, southern Sweden and northern Italy to sub-maximal photo-stimulatory day lengths (13L:11D) under two different ambient temperature regimes (+4 degrees C and +20 degrees C). Changes in testicular size, plasma levels of LH and testosterone were measured. The main results were: (1) Initial testicular growth rate, as well as LH secretion, was affected by temperature in the Italian, but not in birds from the two Scandinavian populations. (2) Maximum testicular size, maximum LH and testosterone levels were maintained for a progressively shorter period of time with increasing latitude, regardless of whether the birds were kept on a low or a high ambient temperature. (3) In birds from all latitudes, the development of photorefractoriness, as indicated by testicular regression and a decrease in plasma levels of LH and testosterone, started much earlier (with the exception for LH Great Tits from northern Scandinavia) when kept on +20 degrees C than when kept on +4 degrees C. The prolonging effects of a low temperature was more pronounced in Mediterranean birds, than in birds from Scandinavia, and more pronounced in Great Tits from southern Scandinavia than in Great Tits from northern Scandinavia. Ecological implications of the results are discussed, as well as possible impact of global warming on the breeding success of European Great Tits from different breeding latitudes.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 2000
Saara M Weman; Pekka J. Karhunen; Antti Penttilä; Antero Järvinen; Ulla-Stina Salminen
BACKGROUND This study of reperfusion injury after coronary artery bypass grafting focuses on its contribution to fatal outcome, on its connection with myocardial infarction (MI) and on risk factors. METHODS A consecutive series of 190 patients (mean age 61.7+/-8.9 years) dying within 30 days following coronary artery bypass grafting was autopsied with concomitant postmortem angiography during 1980 to 1993. RESULTS Reperfusion injury was revealed in 49 (25.8%) patients, with concomitant MI in almost all (46 of 49) (p < 0.01). Reperfusion injury occurred in association with preoperative New York Heart Association (NYHA) III classification (p < 0.05), coronary endarterectomy (p < 0.01), long aortic clamping time (p < 0.01), and short postoperative survival (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Reperfusion injury was observed in one fourth of the deaths in association with MI. It occurred more often in patients with preoperative NYHA III symptoms and in those in whom endarterectomy was carried out and the anoxic time of the myocardium was longer. The shorter postoperative survival time indicates the lethal nature of this complication.
Ecology and Evolution | 2014
Anders Pape Møller; Frank Adriaensen; Alexandr Artemyev; Jerzy Bańbura; Emilio Barba; Clotilde Biard; Jacques Blondel; Zihad Bouslama; Jean Charles Bouvier; Jordi Camprodon; Francesco Cecere; Anne Charmantier; Motti Charter; Mariusz Cichoń; Camillo Cusimano; Dorota Czeszczewik; Virginie Demeyrier; Blandine Doligez; Claire Doutrelant; Anna Dubiec; Marcel Eens; Tapio Eeva; Bruno Faivre; Peter N. Ferns; Jukka T. Forsman; Eduardo Garcia-del-Rey; Aya Goldshtein; Anne E. Goodenough; Andrew G. Gosler; Iga Góźdź
Nests are structures built to support and protect eggs and/or offspring from predators, parasites, and adverse weather conditions. Nests are mainly constructed prior to egg laying, meaning that parent birds must make decisions about nest site choice and nest building behavior before the start of egg-laying. Parent birds should be selected to choose nest sites and to build optimally sized nests, yet our current understanding of clutch size-nest size relationships is limited to small-scale studies performed over short time periods. Here, we quantified the relationship between clutch size and nest size, using an exhaustive database of 116 slope estimates based on 17,472 nests of 21 species of hole and non-hole-nesting birds. There was a significant, positive relationship between clutch size and the base area of the nest box or the nest, and this relationship did not differ significantly between open nesting and hole-nesting species. The slope of the relationship showed significant intraspecific and interspecific heterogeneity among four species of secondary hole-nesting species, but also among all 116 slope estimates. The estimated relationship between clutch size and nest box base area in study sites with more than a single size of nest box was not significantly different from the relationship using studies with only a single size of nest box. The slope of the relationship between clutch size and nest base area in different species of birds was significantly negatively related to minimum base area, and less so to maximum base area in a given study. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that bird species have a general reaction norm reflecting the relationship between nest size and clutch size. Further, they suggest that scientists may influence the clutch size decisions of hole-nesting birds through the provisioning of nest boxes of varying sizes.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution | 2014
Anders Pape Møller; Frank Adriaensen; Alexandr Artemyev; Jerzy Bańbura; Emilio Barba; Clotilde Biard; Jacques Blondel; Zihad Bouslama; Jean Charles Bouvier; Jordi Camprodon; Francesco Cecere; Alexis S. Chaine; Anne Charmantier; Motti Charter; Mariusz Cichoń; Camillo Cusimano; Dorota Czeszczewik; Blandine Doligez; Claire Doutrelant; Anna Dubiec; Marcel Eens; Tapio Eeva; Bruno Faivre; Peter N. Ferns; Jukka T. Forsman; Eduardo Garcia-del-Rey; Aya Goldshtein; Anne E. Goodenough; Andrew G. Gosler; Iga Góźdź
Secondary hole-nesting birds that do not construct nest holes themselves and hence regularly breed in nest boxes constitute important model systems for field studies in many biological disciplines with hundreds of scientists and amateurs involved. Those research groups are spread over wide geographic areas that experience considerable variation in environmental conditions, and researchers provide nest boxes of varying designs that may inadvertently introduce spatial and temporal variation in reproductive parameters. We quantified the relationship between mean clutch size and nest box size and material after controlling for a range of environmental variables in four of the most widely used model species in the Western Palaearctic: great tit Parus major, blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and collared flycatcher F.albicollis from 365 populations and 79610 clutches. Nest floor area and nest box material varied non-randomly across latitudes and longitudes, showing that scientists did not adopt a random box design. Clutch size increased with nest floor area in great tits, but not in blue tits and flycatchers. Clutch size of blue tits was larger in wooden than in concrete nest boxes. These findings demonstrate that the size of nest boxes and material used to construct nest boxes can differentially affect clutch size in different species. The findings also suggest that the nest box design may affect not only focal species, but also indirectly other species through the effects of nest box design on productivity and therefore potentially population density and hence interspecific competition.
Anesthesia & Analgesia | 2000
Jouni Ahonen; Klaus T. Olkkola; Kalervo Verkkala; Leo Heikkinen; Antero Järvinen; Markku Salmenperä
Most patients undergoing minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass surgery can be awakened and tracheally extubated in the operating room. We have compared two techniques of total IV anesthesia in this patient population: 30 patients (aged 44 to 74 yr; 24 male) premedicated with temazepam were randomly assigned to receive either remifentanil-propofol or alfentanil-propofol. Anesthesia was induced with remifentanil 2 &mgr;g/kg or with alfentanil 40 &mgr;g/kg, with propofol, and maintained with remifentanil at 0.25 or 0.5 &mgr;g · kg−1 · min−1 or alfentanil at 0.5 or 1 &mgr;g · kg−1 · min−1. The stable maintenance infusion rate of propofol was adjusted for age. Times to awakening and tracheal extubation were recorded. Postoperatively, IV morphine provided by patient-controlled analgesia was used for 48 h. Times to awakening and tracheal extubation (mean ± sd) were shorter (P < 0.01) in patients receiving remifentanil, and interpatient variations in times to awakening and tracheal extubation smaller (awakening 25 ± 7 vs 74 ± 32 min, and extubation 27 ± 7 vs 77 ± 32 min). Analysis of variance revealed that postoperative consumption of morphine was dependent on both the intraoperative opioid and the time elapsed after surgery (P < 0.05): patient-controlled analgesia morphine use during the first 3 h after awakening was more in patients receiving remifentanil (P < 0.01). Implications Recovery of patients undergoing Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery is significantly shorter and more predictable after total IV anesthesia with remifentanil-propofol than with alfentanil-propofol, which may be important if the goal is that patients will be awakened and tracheally extubated in the operating room.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 2002
Leo Heikkinen; Antero Järvinen
Fistulous communication between the aorta and the pulmonary parenchyma developed in a 38-year-old woman 19 years after repair of a congenital aortic coarctation with Dacron patch aortoplasty. The fistula, inducing intermittent hemoptysis, arose from the suture line between the prosthetic fabric and the aorta. There was no infectious background or aneurysm at the primary repair site. The aortic segment including the prosthetic patch was resected and replaced with a Dacron tubular vascular prosthesis.
Oecologia | 2011
Tapio Eeva; Suvi Ruuskanen; Juha-Pekka Salminen; Eugen Belskii; Antero Järvinen; A.B. Kerimov; Erkki Korpimäki; Indrikis Krams; Juan Moreno; Chiara Morosinotto; Raivo Mänd; Markku Orell; Anna Qvarnström; Heli Siitari; Frederick Maurice Slater; Vallo Tilgar; Marcel E. Visser; Wolfgang Winkel; Herwig Zang; Toni Laaksonen
Carotenoids in the egg yolks of birds are considered to be important antioxidants and immune stimulants during the rapid growth of embryos. Yolk carotenoid composition is strongly affected by the carotenoid composition of the female’s diet at the time of egg formation. Spatial and temporal differences in carotenoid availability may thus be reflected in yolk concentrations. To assess whether yolk carotenoid concentrations or carotenoid profiles show any large-scale geographical trends or differences among habitats, we collected yolk samples from 16 European populations of the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca. We found that the concentrations and proportions of lutein and some other xanthophylls in the egg yolks decreased from Central Europe northwards. The most southern population (which is also the one found at the highest altitude) also showed relatively low carotenoid levels. Concentrations of β-carotene and zeaxanthin did not show any obvious geographical gradients. Egg yolks also contained proportionally more lutein and other xanthophylls in deciduous than in mixed or coniferous habitats. We suggest that latitudinal gradients in lutein and xanthophylls reflect the lower availability of lutein-rich food items in the northern F. hypoleuca populations and in montane southern populations, which start egg-laying earlier relative to tree phenology than the Central European populations. Similarly, among-habitat variation is likely to reflect the better availability of lutein-rich food in deciduous forests. Our study is the first to indicate that the concentration and profile of yolk carotenoids may show large-scale spatial variation among populations in different parts of the species’ geographical range. Further studies are needed to test the fitness effects of this geographical variation.