Anthony Colaprete
Ames Research Center
Science | 2010
Anthony Colaprete; Peter H. Schultz; Jennifer Lynne Heldmann; Diane H. Wooden; Mark Shirley; Kimberly Ennico; Brendan Hermalyn; William Marshall; Antonio J. Ricco; Richard C. Elphic; David B. Goldstein; D. P. Summy; Gwendolyn Diane Bart; Erik Asphaug; Don Korycansky; David Landis; Luke Sollitt
Watering the Moon About a year ago, a spent upper stage of an Atlas rocket was deliberately crashed into a crater at the south pole of the Moon, ejecting a plume of debris, dust, and vapor. The goal of this event, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) experiment, was to search for water and other volatiles in the soil of one of the coldest places on the Moon: the permanently shadowed region within the Cabeus crater. Using ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectroscopy data from accompanying craft, Colaprete et al. (p. 463; see the news story by Kerr; see the cover) found evidence for the presence of water and other volatiles within the ejecta cloud. Schultz et al. (p. 468) monitored the different stages of the impact and the resulting plume. Gladstone et al. (p. 472), using an ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), detected H2, CO, Ca, Hg, and Mg in the impact plume, and Hayne et al. (p. 477) measured the thermal signature of the impact and discovered that it had heated a 30 to 200 square-meter region from ∼40 kelvin to at least 950 kelvin. Paige et al. (p. 479) mapped cryogenic zones predictive of volatile entrapment, and Mitrofanov et al. (p. 483) used LRO instruments to confirm that surface temperatures in the south polar region persist even in sunlight. In all, about 155 kilograms of water vapor was emitted during the impact; meanwhile, the LRO continues to orbit the Moon, sending back a stream of data to help us understand the evolution of its complex surface structures. A controlled spacecraft impact into a crater in the lunar south pole plunged through the lunar soil, revealing water and other volatiles. Several remote observations have indicated that water ice may be presented in permanently shadowed craters of the Moon. The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission was designed to provide direct evidence (1). On 9 October 2009, a spent Centaur rocket struck the persistently shadowed region within the lunar south pole crater Cabeus, ejecting debris, dust, and vapor. This material was observed by a second “shepherding” spacecraft, which carried nine instruments, including cameras, spectrometers, and a radiometer. Near-infrared absorbance attributed to water vapor and ice and ultraviolet emissions attributable to hydroxyl radicals support the presence of water in the debris. The maximum total water vapor and water ice within the instrument field of view was 155 ± 12 kilograms. Given the estimated total excavated mass of regolith that reached sunlight, and hence was observable, the concentration of water ice in the regolith at the LCROSS impact site is estimated to be 5.6 ± 2.9% by mass. In addition to water, spectral bands of a number of other volatile compounds were observed, including light hydrocarbons, sulfur-bearing species, and carbon dioxide.
Science | 2010
Peter H. Schultz; Brendan Hermalyn; Anthony Colaprete; Kimberly Ennico; Mark Shirley; William S. Marshall
Watering the Moon About a year ago, a spent upper stage of an Atlas rocket was deliberately crashed into a crater at the south pole of the Moon, ejecting a plume of debris, dust, and vapor. The goal of this event, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) experiment, was to search for water and other volatiles in the soil of one of the coldest places on the Moon: the permanently shadowed region within the Cabeus crater. Using ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectroscopy data from accompanying craft, Colaprete et al. (p. 463; see the news story by Kerr; see the cover) found evidence for the presence of water and other volatiles within the ejecta cloud. Schultz et al. (p. 468) monitored the different stages of the impact and the resulting plume. Gladstone et al. (p. 472), using an ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), detected H2, CO, Ca, Hg, and Mg in the impact plume, and Hayne et al. (p. 477) measured the thermal signature of the impact and discovered that it had heated a 30 to 200 square-meter region from ∼40 kelvin to at least 950 kelvin. Paige et al. (p. 479) mapped cryogenic zones predictive of volatile entrapment, and Mitrofanov et al. (p. 483) used LRO instruments to confirm that surface temperatures in the south polar region persist even in sunlight. In all, about 155 kilograms of water vapor was emitted during the impact; meanwhile, the LRO continues to orbit the Moon, sending back a stream of data to help us understand the evolution of its complex surface structures. A controlled spacecraft impact into a crater in the lunar south pole plunged through the lunar soil, revealing water and other volatiles. As its detached upper-stage launch vehicle collided with the surface, instruments on the trailing Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Shepherding Spacecraft monitored the impact and ejecta. The faint impact flash in visible wavelengths and thermal signature imaged in the mid-infrared together indicate a low-density surface layer. The evolving spectra reveal not only OH within sunlit ejecta but also other volatile species. As the Shepherding Spacecraft approached the surface, it imaged a 25- to-30-meter–diameter crater and evidence of a high-angle ballistic ejecta plume still in the process of returning to the surface—an evolution attributed to the nature of the impactor.
Science | 2010
G. Randall Gladstone; Dana M. Hurley; Kurt D. Retherford; Paul D. Feldman; Wayne R. Pryor; Jean-Yves Chaufray; Maarten H. Versteeg; Thomas K. Greathouse; Andrew Joseph Steffl; Henry Blair Throop; Joel Wm. Parker; David E. Kaufmann; Anthony F. Egan; Michael W. Davis; David C. Slater; J. Mukherjee; Paul F. Miles; Amanda R. Hendrix; Anthony Colaprete; S. Alan Stern
Watering the Moon About a year ago, a spent upper stage of an Atlas rocket was deliberately crashed into a crater at the south pole of the Moon, ejecting a plume of debris, dust, and vapor. The goal of this event, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) experiment, was to search for water and other volatiles in the soil of one of the coldest places on the Moon: the permanently shadowed region within the Cabeus crater. Using ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectroscopy data from accompanying craft, Colaprete et al. (p. 463; see the news story by Kerr; see the cover) found evidence for the presence of water and other volatiles within the ejecta cloud. Schultz et al. (p. 468) monitored the different stages of the impact and the resulting plume. Gladstone et al. (p. 472), using an ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), detected H2, CO, Ca, Hg, and Mg in the impact plume, and Hayne et al. (p. 477) measured the thermal signature of the impact and discovered that it had heated a 30 to 200 square-meter region from ∼40 kelvin to at least 950 kelvin. Paige et al. (p. 479) mapped cryogenic zones predictive of volatile entrapment, and Mitrofanov et al. (p. 483) used LRO instruments to confirm that surface temperatures in the south polar region persist even in sunlight. In all, about 155 kilograms of water vapor was emitted during the impact; meanwhile, the LRO continues to orbit the Moon, sending back a stream of data to help us understand the evolution of its complex surface structures. A controlled spacecraft impact into a crater in the lunar south pole plunged through the lunar soil, revealing water and other volatiles. On 9 October 2009, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) sent a kinetic impactor to strike Cabeus crater, on a mission to search for water ice and other volatiles expected to be trapped in lunar polar soils. The Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) observed the plume generated by the LCROSS impact as far-ultraviolet emissions from the fluorescence of sunlight by molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide, plus resonantly scattered sunlight from atomic mercury, with contributions from calcium and magnesium. The observed light curve is well simulated by the expansion of a vapor cloud at a temperature of ~1000 kelvin, containing ~570 kilograms (kg) of carbon monoxide, ~140 kg of molecular hydrogen, ~160 kg of calcium, ~120 kg of mercury, and ~40 kg of magnesium.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
Anthony Colaprete; Bruce M. Jakosky
Several geologic features suggest the presence of rock glaciers on the surface of Mars. These features include lobate debris aprons, concentric crater fill and lineated valley fill. The lateral extent of these rock glaciers can range from 5 km to over 20 km. A simple time-marching model is developed and used here to demonstrate the ability of ice and ice-rock mixtures to flow under Martian conditions. For temperatures lower than about 220 K, even pure ice becomes too rigid to flow and a glacier 5 km long could not have formed. Results from this model indicate temperatures 20 to 40 K higher than present average midlatitude temperatures (210 K), an ice content of no less than 80%, and a net accumulation rate of at least 1 cm year−1 are required to produce rock glaciers of the size seen on Mars.
Nature | 2005
Anthony Colaprete; Jeffrey R. Barnes; Robert M. Haberle; Jeffery Lee Hollingsworth; Hugh H. Kieffer; Timothy N. Titus
The nature of the martian south polar cap has remained enigmatic since the first spacecraft observations. In particular, the presence of a perennial carbon dioxide ice cap, the formation of a vast area of black ‘slab ice’ known as the Cryptic region and the asymmetric springtime retreat of the cap have eluded explanation. Here we present observations and climate modelling that indicate the south pole of Mars is characterized by two distinct regional climates that are the result of dynamical forcing by the largest southern impact basins, Argyre and Hellas. The style of surface frost deposition is controlled by these regional climates. In the cold and stormy conditions that exist poleward of 60° S and extend 180° in longitude west from the Mountains of Mitchel (∼ 30° W), surface frost accumulation is dominated by precipitation. In the opposite hemisphere, the polar atmosphere is relatively warm and clear and frost accumulation is dominated by direct vapour deposition. It is the differences in these deposition styles that determine the cap albedo.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2006
Timothy I. Michaels; Anthony Colaprete; Scot C. Randell Rafkin
[1] Using a 3-D, non-hydrostatic mesoscale Mars atmospheric model with detailed aerosol/cloud microphysics, we show that the formation of discrete afternoon clouds over the Olympus Mons volcano is due to the symbiosis of upslope thermal flow and a lee mountain wave circulation, and that these clouds exhibit complex particle distributions. Furthermore, we illustrate that this and other mountain-induced circulations transport large quantities of dust, water vapor, and water ice aerosol from lower altitudes into the free atmosphere general circulation. Therefore, these circulations are an important part of Mars’ net Hadley circulation and climatic forcing. Citation: Michaels, T. I., A. Colaprete, and S. C. R. Rafkin (2006), Significant vertical water transport by mountain-induced circulations on Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L16201, doi:10.1029/2006GL026562.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Anthony Colaprete; Owen B. Toon; Julio Magalhães
Temperature data taken during the Mars Pathfinder entry are applied to a time dependent microphysical model of cloud formation. Our goal is to reproduce the characteristics of clouds observed at the Pathfinder site. We assume that the total water column abundance is 11 percipitable microns. We also assume that the atmospheric dust initially has a lognormal size distribution with a modal radius of 0.6 μm, r eff = 1.5 μm, and an optical depth of = 0.5. Three temperature profiles are used in the model calculations. The first is the Pathfinder entry observation. The second is this same profile but with the inversion at 10 km removed. The third simulation uses the temperature profiles calculated by the Ames Mars general circulation model for Mars Pathfinder conditions. In all cases clouds form at altitudes of 35-45 km. In addition lower thicker clouds form within the 10 km inversion of the unaltered profile, while peak cloud formation occurred near local noon at 20 km for the GCM calculated profiles. Given a combination of all three temperature scenarios, cloud optical depths, particle sizes, and colors are consistent with IMP observations.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer | 2015
Adrian J. Brown; Timothy I. Michaels; Shane Byrne; Wenbo Sun; Timothy N. Titus; Anthony Colaprete; Michael J. Wolff; Gorden Videen; Christian J. Grund
Abstract We present the scientific case to build a multiple-wavelength, active, near-infrared (NIR) instrument to measure the reflected intensity and polarization characteristics of backscattered radiation from planetary surfaces and atmospheres. We focus on the ability of such an instrument to enhance, potentially revolutionize, our understanding of climate, volatiles and astrobiological potential of modern-day Mars. Such an instrument will address the following three major science themes, which we address in this paper: Science Theme 1. Surface . This would include global, night and day mapping of H 2 O and CO 2 surface ice properties. Science Theme 2. Ice Clouds . This would including unambiguous discrimination and seasonal mapping of CO 2 and H 2 O ice clouds. Science Theme 3. Dust Aerosols . This theme would include multiwavelength polarization measurements to infer dust grain shapes and size distributions.
Science | 2016
Anthony Colaprete; Menelaos Sarantos; Diane H. Wooden; Timothy J. Stubbs; Amanda Cook; Mark Shirley
The Moons time-variable exosphere Earths Moon does not have a conventional gaseous atmosphere, but instead an “exosphere” of particles ejected from the surface. Colaprete et al. have used NASAs LADEE orbiter to investigate how the exosphere varies over time, by using the glow from sodium and potassium atoms as a probe (see the Perspective by Dukes and Hurley). The exosphere composition varies by a factor of 2 to 3 over the course of a month, as different parts of the Moon are exposed to sunlight. There are also increases shortly after the Moon passes through streams of meteoroids. Science, this issue p. 249; see also p. 230 The Moon’s tenuous atmosphere varies over each month and after meteoroid streams. [Also see Perspective by Dukes and Hurley] Despite being trace constituents of the lunar exosphere, sodium and potassium are the most readily observed species due to their bright line emission. Measurements of these species by the Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer (UVS) on the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) have revealed unambiguous temporal and spatial variations indicative of a strong role for meteoroid bombardment and surface composition in determining the composition and local time dependence of the Moon’s exosphere. Observations show distinct lunar day (monthly) cycles for both species as well as an annual cycle for sodium. The first continuous measurements for potassium show a more repeatable variation across lunations and an enhancement over KREEP (Potassium Rare Earth Elements and Phosphorus) surface regions, revealing a strong dependence on surface composition.
AIAA SPACE 2014 Conference and Exposition | 2014
Daniel R. Andrews; Anthony Colaprete; Jacqueline Quinn; Donald Chavers; Martin Picard
he Resource Prospector (RP) Mission is an in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) technology demonstration mission under study by NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate’s (HEOMD’s) Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Division. The mission, currently planned to launch in 2019, will demonstrate prospecting for volatiles and extraction of oxygen from lunar regolith as an ISRU demonstration. The mission will utilize the RESOLVE (Regolith & Environment Science and Oxygen & Lunar Volatile Extraction) payload, developed by NASA. RP will address key Strategic Knowledge Gaps (SKGs) for robotic and human exploration to the moon, Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs), and ultimately Mars. The concept of ‘strategic knowledge gaps’ for all potential human destinations was developed by HEOMD as a guide for Agency investments including robotic precursor missions and the SKGs were externally vetted and contributed to by all three analysis groups for the three key future human destinations: asteroids (Small Bodies Analysis Group or SBAG), the moon (Lunar Exploration Analysis Group or LEAG), and Mars (the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group or MEPAG), and then vetted by the international space community via the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG).