
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing | 2008

Tissue differentiation and bone regeneration in an osteotomized mandible: a computational analysis of the latency period

Antonio Boccaccio; Patrick J. Prendergast; Carmine Pappalettere; Daniel J. Kelly

Mandibular symphyseal distraction osteogenesis is a common clinical procedure to modify the geometrical shape of the mandible for correcting problems of dental overcrowding and arch shrinkage. In spite of consolidated clinical use, questions remain concerning the optimal latency period and the influence of mastication loading on osteogenesis within the callus prior to the first distraction of the mandible. This work utilized a mechano-regulation model to assess bone regeneration within the callus of an osteotomized mandible. A 3D model of the mandible was reconstructed from CT scan data and meshed using poroelastic finite elements (FE). The stimulus regulating tissue differentiation within the callus was hypothesized to be a function of the strain and fluid flow computed by the FE model. This model was then used to analyse tissue differentiation during a 15-day latency period, defined as the time between the day of the osteotomy and the day when the first distraction is given to the device. The following predictions are made: (1) the mastication forces generated during the latency period support osteogenesis in certain regions of the callus, and that during the latency period the percentage of progenitor cells differentiating into osteoblasts increases; (2) reducing the mastication load by 70% during the latency period increases the number of progenitor cells differentiating into osteoblasts; (3) the stiffness of new tissue increases at a slower rate on the side of bone callus next to the occlusion of the mandibular ramus which could cause asymmetries in the bone tissue formation with respect to the middle sagittal plane. Although the model predicts that the mastication loading generates such asymmetries, their effects on the spatial distribution of callus mechanical properties are insignificant for typical latency periods used clinically. It is also predicted that a latency period of longer than a week will increase the risk of premature bone union across the callus.

European Journal of Orthodontics | 2009

Numerical/experimental analysis of the stress field around miniscrews for orthodontic anchorage.

Antonio Gracco; A. Cirignaco; Mauro Cozzani; Antonio Boccaccio; Carmine Pappalettere; G. Vitale

The aims of this study were to analyse the stress distribution developing around an orthodontic miniscrew (OM) inserted into the maxilla and to determine the stress field changes for different screw lengths and for different levels of osseointegration occurring at the bone/screw interface. An integrated experimental/numerical approach was adopted. Using the photoelastic technique, the stress field arising in the bone after screw insertion and the application of the initial orthodontic load was assessed. The finite element (FE) method was used to determine the stress acting in the bony tissue after a given time following screw application, when, for the viscoelastic relaxation effects, the only stress field remaining was that due to the application of the orthodontic load. Different levels of osseointegration were hypothesized. Photoelastic analyses showed that stress distribution does not change significantly for moderate initial orthodontic loads. From the FE simulations, it was found that critical conditions occur for screws 14 mm long with an orthodontic load of 2 N. The optimal screw length seems to be 9 mm. For such a dimension, small stress values were found as well as low risk of lesion to the anatomical structures.

Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2012

Nanoscale characterization of the biomechanical hardening of bovine zona pellucida

Antonio Boccaccio; M. C. Frassanito; Luciano Lamberti; Roberto Brunelli; Giuseppe Maulucci; Maurizio Monaci; Massimiliano Papi; Carmine Pappalettere; Tiziana Parasassi; Lakamy Sylla; Fulvio Ursini; Marco De Spirito

The zona pellucida (ZP) is an extracellular membrane surrounding mammalian oocytes. The so-called zona hardening plays a key role in fertilization process, as it blocks polyspermy, which may also be caused by an increase in the mechanical stiffness of the ZP membrane. However, structural reorganization mechanisms leading to ZPs biomechanical hardening are not fully understood yet. Furthermore, a correct estimate of the elastic properties of the ZP is still lacking. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the biomechanical behaviour of ZP membranes extracted from mature and fertilized bovine oocytes to better understand the mechanisms involved in the structural reorganization of the ZP that may lead to the biomechanical hardening of the ZP. For that purpose, a hybrid procedure is developed by combining atomic force microscopy nanoindentation measurements, nonlinear finite element analysis and nonlinear optimization. The proposed approach allows us to determine the biomechanical properties of the ZP more realistically than the classical analysis based on Hertzs contact theory, as it accounts for the nonlinearity of finite indentation process, hyperelastic behaviour and material heterogeneity. Experimental results show the presence of significant biomechanical hardening induced by the fertilization process. By comparing various hyperelastic constitutive models, it is found that the Arruda–Boyce eight-chain model best describes the biomechanical response of the ZP. Fertilization leads to an increase in the degree of heterogeneity of membrane elastic properties. The Young modulus changes sharply within a superficial layer whose thickness is related to the characteristic distance between cross-links in the ZP filamentous network. These findings support the hypothesis that biomechanical hardening of bovine ZP is caused by an increase in the number of inter-filaments cross-links whose density should be higher in the ZP inner side.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2008

Comparison of different orthodontic devices for mandibular symphyseal distraction osteogenesis: A finite element study

Antonio Boccaccio; Luciano Lamberti; Carmine Pappalettere; Mauro Cozzani; Giuseppe Siciliani

INTRODUCTION In this study, we aimed to analyze the displacement field and the level of stability for a human mandible that had symphyseal distraction osteogenesis. The mandible was fitted with various orthodontic devices: tooth borne, bone borne, and hybrid. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analyses were performed to study differences between the nominal aperture of the device and the actual mandibular distraction. Furthermore, displacement fields of the mandibular arch evaluated with and without mastication forces were compared to determine the level of stability of each appliance. METHODS Computed tomography scan images of the mandible were processed to create the finite element model, which was completed by modeling the distraction device. Three cases were considered: the distraction device attached to the first molar and the first premolar (tooth borne), to the canine and basal bones (hybrid), or only to the basal bone (bone borne). The nominal aperture of each device was 2 mm. Mandibular displacements in the mastication phase were analyzed in the case of unilateral occlusion on the second premolar. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Tooth-borne and hybrid devices allow orthodontists to better control the effective displacement transferred to the mandible by the distractor. Displacements of the mandibular arch were closer to the nominal aperture of the distractor than in the case of the bone-borne device. Hybrid devices were more stable under functional loads. However, parasitic rotations of the mandibular arms caused by mastication might counteract the benefits of distraction.

International Journal of Biological Sciences | 2016

A Mechanobiology-based Algorithm to Optimize the Microstructure Geometry of Bone Tissue Scaffolds

Antonio Boccaccio; Antonio E. Uva; Michele Fiorentino; Luciano Lamberti; Giuseppe Monno

Complexity of scaffold geometries and biological mechanisms involved in the bone generation process make the design of scaffolds a quite challenging task. The most common approaches utilized in bone tissue engineering require costly protocols and time-consuming experiments. In this study we present an algorithm that, combining parametric finite element models of scaffolds with numerical optimization methods and a computational mechano-regulation model, is able to predict the optimal scaffold microstructure. The scaffold geometrical parameters are perturbed until the best geometry that allows the largest amounts of bone to be generated, is reached. We study the effects of the following factors: (1) the shape of the pores; (2) their spatial distribution; (3) the number of pores per unit area. The optimal dimensions of the pores have been determined for different values of scaffold Youngs modulus and compression loading acting on the scaffold upper surface. Pores with rectangular section were predicted to lead to the formation of larger amounts of bone compared to square section pores; similarly, elliptic pores were predicted to allow the generation of greater amounts of bone compared to circular pores. The number of pores per unit area appears to have rather negligible effects on the bone regeneration process. Finally, the algorithm predicts that for increasing loads, increasing values of the scaffold Youngs modulus are preferable. The results shown in the article represent a proof-of-principle demonstration of the possibility to optimize the scaffold microstructure geometry based on mechanobiological criteria.

Journal of Orthopaedic Research | 2011

A Mechano-Regulation Model of Fracture Repair in Vertebral Bodies

Antonio Boccaccio; Daniel J. Kelly; Carmine Pappalettere

In this study a multi‐scale mechano‐regulation model was developed in order to investigate the mechanobiology of trabecular fracture healing in vertebral bodies. A macro‐scale finite element model of the spinal segment L3–L4–L5, including a mild wedge fracture in the body of the L4 vertebra, was used to determine the boundary conditions acting on a micro‐scale finite element model simulating a portion of fractured trabecular bone. The micro‐scale model, in turn, was utilized to predict the local patterns of tissue differentiation within the fracture gap and then how the equivalent mechanical properties of the macro‐scale model change with time. The patterns of tissue differentiation predicted by the model appeared consistent with those observed in vivo. Bone formation occurred primarily through endochondral ossification. New woven bone was predicted to occupy the majority of the space within the fracture site approximately 7–8 weeks after the fracture event. Remodeling of cancellous bone architecture was then predicted, with complete new trabeculae forming due to bridging of the microcallus between the remnant trabeculae.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine | 2008

Finite element analysis of cancellous bone failure in the vertebral body of healthy and osteoporotic subjects.

Antonio Boccaccio; P Vena; D. Gastaldi; G. Franzoso; R. Pietrabissa; Carmine Pappalettere

The aim of this work is to assess the fracture risk prediction of the cancellous bone in the body of a lumbar vertebra when the mechanical parameters of the bone, i.e. stiffness, porosity, and strength anisotropy, of elderly and osteoporotic subjects are considered. For this purpose, a non-linear three-dimensional continuum-based finite element model of the lumbar functional spinal unit L4—L5 was created and strength analyses of the spongy tissue of the vertebral body were carried out. A fabric-dependent strength criterion, which accounts for the micro-architecture of the cancellous bone, based on histomorphometric analyses was used. The strength analyses have shown that the cancellous bone of none of the subject types undergoes failure under loading applied during normal daily life like axial compression; however, bone failure occurs for the osteoporotic segment, subjected to a combination of the compression preloading and moments in the sagittal or in the frontal plane, which are conditions that may not be considered to occur ‘daily’. In particular, critical stress conditions are met because of the high porosity values in the horizontal direction within the cancellous bone. The computational approach presented in the paper can potentially predict the material fracture risk of the cancellous bone in the vertebral body and it may be usefully employed to draw failure maps representing, for a given micro-architecture of the spongy tissue, the critical loading conditions (forces and moments) that may lead to such a risk. This approach could be further developed in order to assess the effectiveness of biomedical devices within an engineering approach to the clinical problem of the spinal diseases.

PLOS ONE | 2016

Geometry Design Optimization of Functionally Graded Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: A Mechanobiological Approach.

Antonio Boccaccio; Antonio E. Uva; Michele Fiorentino; Giorgio Mori; Giuseppe Monno

Functionally Graded Scaffolds (FGSs) are porous biomaterials where porosity changes in space with a specific gradient. In spite of their wide use in bone tissue engineering, possible models that relate the scaffold gradient to the mechanical and biological requirements for the regeneration of the bony tissue are currently missing. In this study we attempt to bridge the gap by developing a mechanobiology-based optimization algorithm aimed to determine the optimal graded porosity distribution in FGSs. The algorithm combines the parametric finite element model of a FGS, a computational mechano-regulation model and a numerical optimization routine. For assigned boundary and loading conditions, the algorithm builds iteratively different scaffold geometry configurations with different porosity distributions until the best microstructure geometry is reached, i.e. the geometry that allows the amount of bone formation to be maximized. We tested different porosity distribution laws, loading conditions and scaffold Young’s modulus values. For each combination of these variables, the explicit equation of the porosity distribution law–i.e the law that describes the pore dimensions in function of the spatial coordinates–was determined that allows the highest amounts of bone to be generated. The results show that the loading conditions affect significantly the optimal porosity distribution. For a pure compression loading, it was found that the pore dimensions are almost constant throughout the entire scaffold and using a FGS allows the formation of amounts of bone slightly larger than those obtainable with a homogeneous porosity scaffold. For a pure shear loading, instead, FGSs allow to significantly increase the bone formation compared to a homogeneous porosity scaffolds. Although experimental data is still necessary to properly relate the mechanical/biological environment to the scaffold microstructure, this model represents an important step towards optimizing geometry of functionally graded scaffolds based on mechanobiological criteria.

Applied Physics Letters | 2013

Effect of the Residual Stress on Soft Sample Nanoindentation

Antonio Boccaccio; Massimiliano Papi; Marco De Spirito; Luciano Lamberti; Carmine Pappalettere

Nanoindentation has recently emerged as a powerful tool for measuring nano- and microscale mechanical properties in tissues and other biomaterials. This technique has been used to measure the mechanical properties of microstructural features in cells, biopolymer networks, and complex biomaterials. Despite the wide use of the nanoindentation, the residual stress effect in the determination of soft samples elastic properties is still poorly explored. By using parametric finite element analysis and atomic force spectroscopy, we determined the relationships between residual stress and indenter geometry and how it can affect the structural response of polymeric spherical shells flattened on a hard surface.

Optical Engineering | 2008

General model for moiré contouring, part 1: theory

Cesar A. Sciammarella; Luciano Lamberti; Antonio Boccaccio

In the current moire literature, techniques to determine displacements, strains, and techniques to get geometrical parameters of surfaces using the shadow-projection moire method are considered two separated branches of moire. We have formulated a mathematical model that shows a deeper commonality between the two moire applications: strain fields and surfaces are tensors of the second order. A direct consequence of this property is that a system of orthogonal grids is required in both cases when Cartesian tensors are utilized. The two systems of lines projected on a surface to get its contour are assimilated to parametric lines used in differential geometry to describe a surface. The classical moire equations of projection and observation from infinity are extended to more general conditions of projection and observation. The use of four projectors (i.e., two groups of two projectors) in a mutually orthogonal system with one camera is shown to provide the necessary means to implement the model for high-accuracy contouring. Geometrical primitives are introduced to provide a simple and direct procedure to reduce all the measured values to a preselected coordinate system. Different views of the same surface are merged to the selected coordinate system directly without the need to introduce markers on the surface or utilize correlation methods to identify identical regions. Examples of the application of the new model of contouring to practical cases are presented in the companion paper “A general model for moire contouring, part 2: applications.”

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