
Physics Reports | 2012

Modified Gravity and Cosmology

Timothy Clifton; Pedro G. Ferreira; Antonio Padilla; Constantinos Skordis

Abstract In this review we present a thoroughly comprehensive survey of recent work on modified theories of gravity and their cosmological consequences. Amongst other things, we cover General Relativity, scalar–tensor, Einstein–aether, and Bimetric theories, as well as TeVeS, f ( R ) , general higher-order theories, Hořava–Lifschitz gravity, Galileons, Ghost Condensates, and models of extra dimensions including Kaluza–Klein, Randall–Sundrum, DGP, and higher co-dimension braneworlds. We also review attempts to construct a Parameterised Post-Friedmannian formalism, that can be used to constrain deviations from General Relativity in cosmology, and that is suitable for comparison with data on the largest scales. These subjects have been intensively studied over the past decade, largely motivated by rapid progress in the field of observational cosmology that now allows, for the first time, precision tests of fundamental physics on the scale of the observable Universe. The purpose of this review is to provide a reference tool for researchers and students in cosmology and gravitational physics, as well as a self-contained, comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the subject as a whole.

Physical Review Letters | 2012

General second-order scalar-tensor theory and self-tuning

Christos Charmousis; Edmund J. Copeland; Antonio Padilla; Paul M. Saffin

Starting from the most general scalar-tensor theory with second order field equations in four dimensions, we establish the unique action that will allow for the existence of a consistent selftuning mechanism on FLRW backgrounds, and show how it can be understood as a combination of just four base Lagrangians with an intriguing geometric structure dependent on the Ricci scalar, the Einstein tensor, the double dual of the Riemann tensor and the Gauss-Bonnet combination. Spacetime curvature can be screened from the net cosmological constant at any given moment because we allow the scalar field to break Poincaré invariance on the self-tuning vacua, thereby evading the Weinberg no-go theorem. We show how the four arbitrary functions of the scalar field combine in an elegant way opening up the possibility of obtaining non-trivial cosmological solutions.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2010

Bi-galileon theory I: motivation and formulation

Antonio Padilla; Paul M. Saffin; Shuang-Yong Zhou

We introduce bi-galileon theory, the generalisation of the single galileon model introduced by Nicolis et al. The theory contains two coupled scalar fields and is described by a Lagrangian that is invariant under Galilean shifts in those fields. This paper is the first of two, and focuses on the motivation and formulation of the theory. We show that the boundary effective theory of the cascading cosmology model corresponds to a bi-galileon theory in the decoupling limit, and argue that this is to be expected for co-dimension 2 braneworld models exhibiting infra-red modification of gravity. We then generalise this, by constructing the most general bi-galileon Lagrangian. By coupling one of the galileons to the energy-momentum tensor, we pitch this as a modified gravity theory in which the modifications to General Relativity are encoded in the dynamics of the two galileons. We initiate a study of phenomenology by looking at maximally symmetric vacua and their stability, developing elegant geometric techniques that trivially explain why some of the vacua have to be unstable in certain cases (eg DGP). A detailed study of phenomenology appears in our companion paper.

Physical Review D | 2012

Self-tuning and the derivation of a class of scalar-tensor theories

Christos Charmousis; Edmund J. Copeland; Antonio Padilla; Paul M. Saffin

We have recently proposed a special class of scalar tensor theories known as the Fab Four. These arose from attempts to analyse the cosmological constant problem within the context of Horndeski’s most general scalar tensor theory. The Fab Four together give rise to a model of self-tuning, with the relevant solutions evading Weinberg’s no-go theorem by relaxing the condition of Poincaré invariance in the scalar sector. The Fab Four are made up of four geometric terms in the action with each term containing a free potential function of the scalar field. In this paper we rigorously derive this model from the general model of Horndeski, proving that the Fab Four represents the only classical scalar tensor theory of this type that has any hope of tackling the cosmological constant problem. We present the full equations of motion for this theory, and give an heuristic argument to suggest that one might be able to keep radiative corrections under control. We also give the Fab Four in terms of the potentials presented in Deffayet et al’s version of Horndeski.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2010

Lessons from the decoupling limit of Hořava gravity

Ian Kimpton; Antonio Padilla

We consider the so-called “healthy” extension of Hořava gravity in the limit where the Stuckelberg field decouples from the graviton. We verify the alleged strong coupling problem in this limit, under the assumption that no large dimensionless parameters are put in by hand. This follows from the fact that the dispersion relation for the Stuckelberg field does not have the desired z = 3 anisotropic scaling in the UV. To get the desired scaling and avoid strong coupling one has to introduce a low scale of Lorentz violation and retain some coupling between the graviton and the Stuckelberg field. We also make use of the foliation preserving symmetry to show how the Stuckelberg field couples to some violation of energy conservation. We source the Stuckelberg field using a point particle with a slowly varying mass and show that two such particles feel a constant attractive force. In this particular example, we see no Vainshtein effect, and violations of the Equivalence Principle. The latter is probably generic to other types of source and could potentially be used to place lower bounds on the scale of Lorentz violation.

Physical Review D | 2011

Multi-Galileons, solitons, and Derrick's theorem

Antonio Padilla; Paul M. Saffin; Shuang-Yong Zhou

The field theory Galilean symmetry, which was introduced in the context of modified gravity, gives a neat way to construct Lorentz-covariant theories of a scalar field, such that the equations of motion contain at most second-order derivatives. Here we extend the analysis to an arbitrary number of scalars, and examine the restrictions imposed by an internal symmetry, focussing in particular on SU(N) and SO(N). This therefore extends the possible gradient terms that may be used to stabilise topological objects such as sigma model lumps.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2011

Bi-galileon theory II: phenomenology

Antonio Padilla; Paul M. Saffin; Shuang-Yong Zhou

We continue to introduce bi-galileon theory, the generalisation of the single galileon model introduced by Nicolis et al. The theory contains two coupled scalar fields and is described by a Lagrangian that is invariant under Galilean shifts in those fields. This paper is the second of two, and focuses on the phenomenology of the theory. We are particularly interesting in models that admit solutions that are asymptotically self accelerating or asymptotically self tuning. In contrast to the single galileon theories, we find examples of self accelerating models that are simultaneously free from ghosts, tachyons and tadpoles, able to pass solar system constraints through Vainshtein screening, and do not suffer from problems with superluminality, Cerenkov emission or strong coupling. We also find self tuning models and discuss how Weinberg’s no go theorem is evaded by breaking Poincaré invariance in the scalar sector. Whereas the galileon description is valid all the way down to solar system scales for the self-accelerating models, unfortunately the same cannot be said for self tuning models owing to the scalars backreacting strongly on to the geometry.

European Physical Journal C | 2015

A note on classical and quantum unimodular gravity

Antonio Padilla; Ippocratis D. Saltas

We discuss unimodular gravity at a classical level, and in terms of its extension into the UV through an appropriate path integral representation. Classically, unimodular gravity is locally a gauge fixed version of general relativity (GR), and as such it yields identical dynamics and physical predictions. We clarify this and explain why there is no sense in which it can “bring a new perspective” to the cosmological constant problem. The quantum equivalence between unimodular gravity and GR is more of a subtle question, but we present an argument that suggests one can always maintain the equivalence up to arbitrarily high momenta. As a corollary to this, we argue, whenever inequivalence is seen at the quantum level, that just means we have defined two different quantum theories that happen to share a classical limit. We also present a number of alternative formulations for a covariant unimodular action, some of which have not appeared, to our knowledge, in the literature before.

Physical Review D | 2014

Vacuum Energy Sequestering: The Framework and Its Cosmological Consequences

Nemanja Kaloper; Antonio Padilla

Recently we suggested a reformulation of General Relativity which completely sequesters from gravity all of the vacuum energy from a protected matter sector, assumed to contain the Standard Model. Here we elaborate further on the mechanism, presenting additional details of how it cancels all loop corrections and renders all contributions from phase transitions automatically small. We also consider cosmological consequences in more detail and show that the mechanism is consistent with a variety of inationary models that make a universe big and old. We discuss in detail the underlying assumptions behind the dynamics of our proposal, and elaborate on the relationship of the physical interpretation of divergent operators in quantum eld theory and the apparent ‘acausality’ which our mechanism seems to entail, which we argue is completely harmless. It is merely a reection

Physical Review D | 2007

How (not) to use the Palatini formulation of scalar-tensor gravity

Alberto Iglesias; Nemanja Kaloper; Antonio Padilla; Minjoon Park

We revisit the problem of defining non-minimal gravity in the first order formalism. Specializing to scalar-tensor theories, which may be disguised as ‘higher-derivative’ models with the gravitational Lagrangians that depend only on the Ricci scalar, we show how to recast these theories as Palatini-like gravities. The correct formulation utilizes the Lagrange multiplier method, which preserves the canonical structure of the theory, and yields the conventional metric scalar-tensor gravity. We explain the discrepancies between the näıve Palatini and the Lagrange multiplier approach, showing that the näıve Palatini approach really swaps the theory for another. The differences disappear only in the limit of ordinary General Relativity, where an accidental redundancy ensures that the näıve Palatini works there. We outline the correct decoupling limits and the strong coupling regimes. As a corollary we find that the so-called ‘Modified Source Gravity’ models suffer from strong coupling problems at very low scales, and hence cannot be a realistic approximation of our universe. We also comment on a method to decouple the extra scalar using the chameleon mechanism.

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