Antonio Rolando
University of Turin
Journal of Insect Conservation | 1999
Enrico Barbero; Claudia Palestrini; Antonio Rolando
There is increasing concern about the conservation of dung beetles which are threatened by several peculiar dangers world-wide, both at the population and community level. A noticeable threat in Europe is the dramatic reduction in the number of cattle and sheep grazing in the open, which is associated with both intensive agriculture and the progressive reforestation of previously pastured areas. We studied dung beetle habitat and resource preferences at La Mandria Park (north-west Italy) which is a mosaic of open and wooded patches where domestic (cows and horses) and wild ungulates (deer and wild boar) co-exist. Scarabaeidae were numerically dominant, accounting for 61.5% of the approximately 3000 individuals sampled (Aphodiidae accounted for 32.5% and Geotrupidae for only 6%). However, when species richness was considered, Aphodiidae were dominant, with 17 of the 27 species found (Scarabaeidae with eight and Geotrupidae with two). Assuming a null hypothesis of equal probability of colonizing any habitat or faeces, we found that most species were significantly associated with one of the four dung types or with one of the two habitats considered. On average, Scarabaeidae preferred cattle dung and open habitats whereas most Aphodiidae used deer lumps and wooded habitats. In spite of the precise ecological choices observed at La Mandria, surveys from other European areas suggest that both habitat and food selection are quite flexible. From a conservation viewpoint, the ability of coprophagous beetles to choose herbivore faeces according to their availability and to select habitats that satisfy their own microclimate requirements may certainly be useful in preserving biodiversity. Agroecology, which implies some woodland and hedgerow management practices associated with pastoralism, could be the right approach to the management of the agricultural landscape. Conversely, in reforested areas, while wild ungulate populations should be preserved, some form of human disturbance, particularly clearings used for pastoralism, should also be maintained.
Biodiversity and Conservation | 2009
Matteo Negro; Marco Isaia; Claudia Palestrini; Antonio Rolando
Forest clearing for winter sport activities is the major force driving loss and fragmentation of the alpine forests. The establishment of ski-pistes involves impacts on every ecosystem component. To assess the extent of this threat we studied ground-dwelling arthropods (namely ground beetles and spiders) and small mammals (shrews and voles) at two ski resorts in north-western Italian Alps by pitfall trapping. Diversity parameters (mean abundance, species richness and Shannon index) of spiders and macropterous carabids increased from forest interior to open habitats (i.e., ski-piste or pasture), whereas parameters of brachypterous carabids significantly decreased from forest interior to open habitats. Diversity parameters of macropterous ground beetles were higher on pastures than on ski-pistes. Small mammals were virtually absent from ski-pistes. Observed frequencies in the three adjacent habitats were significantly different from expected ones for the bank vole Myodes glareolus and the pygmy shrew Sorex minutus. Generalized linear models showed that abundance, species richness and diversity of spiders and macropterous carabids of ski-pistes were best modelled by combination of factors, including grass cover and width of the ski-piste. Indicator Species Analysis showed that species that significantly preferred ski-pistes were less than those preferring pastures, and species which were exclusive of ski-pistes were very few. To retain arthropod ground-dwelling fauna of open habitats environmentally friendly ways of constructing pistes should be developed. After tree clearing, only the roughest ground surfaces should be levelled, in order to preserve as much natural vegetation as possible. Where necessary, ski-pistes should be restored through the recovery of local vegetation.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Beatrice Nervo; Claudia Tocco; Enrico Caprio; Claudia Palestrini; Antonio Rolando
Understanding of the role of body mass in structural-functional relationships is pressing, particularly because species losses often occur non-randomly with respect to body size. Our study examined the effects of dung beetle body mass on dung removal at two levels. First, we used the lab experiment to evaluate the efficiency of eight dung beetle species belonging to two functional groups (tunnelers, dwellers) on dung removal. Second, the same species employed in the lab were used in field mesocosms to examine the effects of the two functional groups on dung removal maintaining realistic differences in the total body mass between tunneler and dweller assemblages. Furthermore, the experimental assemblages contained one and four species within each functional group, so the effect of body mass heterogeneity was examined. We used a statistical approach (offset method) which took into account a priori constraints due to the study design allowing us to analyse the effect of larger species in mesocosm style experiments. Body size played a crucial role in dung removal: large beetles were more efficient than small ones and the percentage of removed dung increased with higher body mass heterogeneity. Tunnelers were more efficient than dwellers over both short and long time periods (one month and one year). Significant effects of dwellers were found only after one year. Moreover, our study showed that not including the body mass as an offset in the model resulted in sometimes different results, as the offset expresses dung removal independently of the body mass. This approach confirmed that body size is likely a pivotal factor controlling dung removal efficiency at multiple levels, from single species to overall dung beetle assemblages. Even though other specific traits should be examined, this study has begun to address the consequences of losing individuals with specific traits that are especially sensitive to perturbations.
Animal Conservation | 2005
Paola Laiolo; Antonio Rolando
Among tourist activities in the Alps, winter sports have a prominent role because of the large scale of changes they cause at the habitat and landscape level. We have analysed whether ski resorts lead to significant threats to the avian diversity in the coniferous forests of the western Italian Alps, by comparing the bird communities of plots located in (1) the forest interior, (2) forest at the edge of ski-runs and (3) forest at the edge of pastures (the latter two are anthropogenic elements of forest fragmentation). Ski-runs produce a negative edge effect in the study forests: plots at their edges present lower bird species richness and Shannon diversity than those located in the forest interior or at the edges of pastures. In particular, birds typical of ecotone habitats seem to favour forest plots set at the edge of pastures. Ski-run-edges are linear landscape features that create high contrast edges; conversely, vegetation structure is more complex at the edge of pastures, attracting a rich and diverse avifauna. In the study area, pastures tend to be abandoned whereas winter sport resorts are increasing in extent. Accordingly, there is a need for coordinated management and cooperation between sport- and land-management agencies, in order to preserve native biodiversity while simultaneously managing land for sport activities.
Journal of Zoology | 2001
Antonio Rolando; Riccardo Caldoni; Augusto De Sanctis; Paola Laiolo
Foraging flocks of red-billed choughs (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) were studied in the Gran Sasso National Park (Apennines, Central Italy) to assess the relevance of neighbour distance and group size upon vigilance, after controlling for other confounding variables (feeding frequency, air temperature and time of the day). Both partial correlation and multiple regression analyses clearly suggested that neighbour distance was the major determinant of the vigilant behaviour in the red-billed chough, even though group size would also exert a certain influence. As no significant correlation between the two variables was found, it can be assumed that the relationship between vigilance and neighbour distance is not spurious. Feeding frequencies were not significantly correlated with the other variables, except for temperature, for which a positive correlation was observed. Since the red-billed chough usually feeds on insects, which become more active and available as temperature increases, we suggest that the feeding frequency of the red-billed chough mostly depends on food availability. Our results are discussed in the framework of the hypotheses put forward to explain vigilance behaviour. The conclusion is that the ‘individual risk hypothesis’ explains the behaviour of the red-billed chough better than the ‘many eyes hypothesis’.
Evolutionary Ecology | 2003
Paola Laiolo; Antonio Rolando
In this study we investigated the phylogenetic, morphological and ecological factors affecting the caw calls of 28 species of the genus Corvus, spanning the worldwide range of the taxon. The three phylogeographic groups identified by Goodwin (1986, Crows of the World, British Museum (Natural History), St Edmudsbury Press, Bury St Edmunds), i.e. the American stock, the Palearctic-African stock and the Oriental-Australian stock, were differentiated by some of the acoustic features of their calls, suggesting that historical factors may have played an important role in the evolution of vocalisations in this group. To assess the effects of morphology (body size and bill length) and environment (open vs. closed habitat) and to simultaneously take into account the phylogenetic effects, we used the phylogenetically independent contrast method. This manner of analysis revealed that body size was important in shaping the acoustic attributes of the caw call, as it influenced two temporal and two spectral variables, whereas the effect of bill length was far weaker. Notably, our results did not confirm the negative correlation between call frequency and body size that resulted in a phylogeny-free analysis of the same data in many studies on passerines. Larger Corvus species, in fact, utter calls with higher fundamental frequency than those of smaller species. Hence, these results show that incorporating phylogeny in analyses can substantially alter the conclusions reached by studies carried out with non-phylogenetic approaches. The acoustic environment, considered one of the most important forces driving the evolution of vocalisations in passerines, slightly influenced only two acoustic parameters in the Corvusgenus, call fundamental frequency and duration of pulsed units, both of which increased in the calls of forest species.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Claudia Tocco; Massimiliano Probo; Michele Lonati; Giampiero Lombardi; Matteo Negro; Beatrice Nervo; Antonio Rolando; Claudia Palestrini
In recent decades, pastoral abandonment has produced profound ecological changes in the Alps. In particular, the reduction in grazing has led to extensive shrub encroachment of semi-natural grasslands, which may represent a threat to open habitat biodiversity. To reverse shrub encroachment, we assessed short-term effects of two different pastoral practices on vegetation and dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Strategic placement of mineral mix supplements (MMS) and arrangement of temporary night camp areas (TNCA) for cattle were carried out during summer 2011 in the Val Troncea Natural Park, north-western Italian Alps. In 2012, one year after treatment, a reduction in shrub cover and an increase in bare ground cover around MMS sites was detected. A more intense effect was detected within TNCA through increases in forage pastoral value, and in the cover and height of the herbaceous layer. Immediately after treatment, changes in dung beetle diversity (total abundance, species richness, Shannon diversity, taxonomic and functional diversity) showed a limited disturbance effect caused by high cattle density. In contrast, dung beetle diversity significantly increased one year later both at MMS and TNCA sites, with a stronger effect within TNCA. Multivariate Regression Trees and associated Indicator Value analyses showed that some ecologically relevant dung beetle species preferred areas deprived of shrub vegetation. Our main conclusions are: i) TNCA are more effective than MMS in terms of changes to vegetation and dung beetles, ii) dung beetles respond more quickly than vegetation to pastoral practices, and iii) the main driver of the rapid response by dung beetles is the removal of shrubs. The resulting increase in dung beetle abundance and diversity, which are largely responsible for grassland ecosystem functioning, may have a positive effect on meso-eutrophic grassland restoration. Shrub encroachment in the Alps may therefore be reversed, and restoration of grassland enhanced, by using appropriate pastoral practices.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Anna L. M. Macagno; Astrid Pizzo; Harald F. Parzer; Claudia Palestrini; Antonio Rolando; Armin P. Moczek
Genitalia are among the fastest evolving morphological traits in arthropods. Among the many hypotheses aimed at explaining this observation, some explicitly or implicitly predict concomitant male and female changes of genital traits that interact during copulation (i.e., lock and key, sexual conflict, cryptic female choice and pleiotropy). Testing these hypotheses requires insights into whether male and female copulatory structures that physically interact during mating also affect each others evolution and patterns of diversification. Here we compare and contrast size and shape evolution of male and female structures that are known to interact tightly during copulation using two model systems: (a) the sister species O. taurus (1 native, 3 recently established populations) and O. illyricus, and (b) the species-complex O. fracticornis-similis-opacicollis. Partial Least Squares analyses indicated very little to no correlation between size and shape of copulatory structures, both in males and females. Accordingly, comparing shape and size diversification patterns of genitalia within each sex showed that the two components diversify readily - though largely independently of each other - within and between species. Similarly, comparing patterns of divergence across sexes showed that relative sizes of male and female copulatory organs diversify largely independent of each other. However, performing this analysis for genital shape revealed a signature of parallel divergence. Our results therefore suggest that male and female copulatory structures that are linked mechanically during copulation may diverge in concert with respect to their shapes. Furthermore, our results suggest that genital divergence in general, and co-divergence of male and female genital shape in particular, can evolve over an extraordinarily short time frame. Results are discussed in the framework of the hypotheses that assume or predict concomitant evolutionary changes in male and female copulatory organs.
Biodiversity and Conservation | 2010
Matteo Negro; Marco Isaia; Claudia Palestrini; Axel Schoenhofer; Antonio Rolando
The development of winter sport resorts above the timberline may affect every ecosystem component. We analyzed the effect of ski-pistes on the abundance and species richness of arthropods (namely carabids, spiders, opilionids, and grasshoppers) trapped in grasslands adjacent to the ski-run, on ski-pistes and at the edge between these two habitat types. Our results showed that diversity of brachypterous carabids, spiders, and grasshoppers decreased significantly from natural grasslands to ski-pistes. This was not true for the macropterous carabid guild, which included species with contrasting ecological requirements. The analysis of indicator species (IndVal) showed that most of the species (some of them precinctive to restricted areas in the north-western Alps) had clear preferences for natural grassland and few taxa were limited to ski-pistes. Generalized linear models suggested that the local extent of grass and rock cover can significantly affect assemblages: the low grass cover of ski-pistes, in particular, was a serious hindrance to colonization by spider, grasshopper, brachypterous, and some macropterous carabid species. The results obtained, support concerns over the possible disruption of local ecosystem functionality and over the conservation of arthropod species which are endemic to restricted alpine areas. In order to retain arthropod ground-dwelling fauna we suggest that: (i) new, environmentally friendly ways of constructing pistes should be developed to preserve as much soil and grass cover as possible; (ii) existing ski-pistes should be restored through management to promote the recovery of local vegetation.
Italian Journal of Zoology | 1997
Antonio Rolando; Giovanni Maffei; Claudio Pulcher; Andrea Giuso
Abstract The presence of bird species in the city of Turin (northwestern Italy) was recorded along a vegetation gradient ranging from truly urban environments to completely wooded areas. Two methods of censusing urban birds were used to focus upon the detection of all species (Atlas‐Type Method) and the evaluation of species abundance in each habitat (Transect‐Type Method). Both methods showed that in Turin few bird species (domestic pigeon Columbia livia, Italian sparrow Passer domesticus italiae and swifts Apus apus and Apus pallidus) intensively used highly urban areas. In contrast, most species made little use of the historical centre and the modern part of the city, and occupied habitats with vegetation including a patchy mosaic of meadows, plantations or semi‐natural woods. Species richness and diversity were very low in intensively urbanized areas and progressively increased along the vegetation gradient considered. This pattern of habitat occupancy suggests that most species inhabit urban areas wh...