Anu Vinod Ranade
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
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Featured researches published by Anu Vinod Ranade.
Hand | 2008
Anu Vinod Ranade; Rajalakshmi Rai; Latha V. Prabhu; V. Rajanigandha; Prakash; Jiji P. Janardhanan; Lakshmi Ramanathan; M. D. Prameela
The extensor digitorum brevis manus, a supernumerary muscle in the fourth extensor compartment of the dorsum of the wrist, is a relatively rare anomalous muscle. Extensor digitorum brevis should be included in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue masses on the dorsal aspect of the hand as it may mimic cystic, neoplastic, inflammatory, and infectious masses arising in the dorsum of the wrist. Seventy-two upper limbs of male and female cadavers were dissected and examined to study the pattern of extensor tendons of the index finger. In the present study, we observed three cases (4.2%) of the extensor digitorum brevis manus on the left side. In one cadaver (0.72%), there was an additional tendon arising from the extensor indices which was inserted to the radial side of the dorsal digital expansion of the index finger. The extensor digitorum brevis manus muscle (EDBM), an anatomic variant of the extensor muscle of the dorsum of the hand, is found in approximately 2% to 3% of the population. This variation is, therefore, clinically and surgically relevant because the EDBM may be the only muscle responsible for the independent extension of the second digit. The aim of the present study is to report the incidences of this muscle thereby creating awareness of its existence and of its characteristic appearance to surgeons.
Clinics | 2008
Rajalakshmi Rai; Anu Vinod Ranade; Soubhagya R. Nayak; Rajanigandha Vadgaonkar; Pai Mangala; Ashwin Krishnamurthy
OBJECTIVE The omohyoid muscle is a long, thin muscle consisting of superior and inferior bellies and an intermediate tendon, which runs obliquely in the lateral cervical region. The omohyoid is important in neck dissections because it is the surgical landmark for level III and IV lymph node metastases. METHODS In the present study, the anterior and posterior triangle of the neck was dissected in 35 male cadavers and observed for variations in the omohyoid bilaterally. Observations were focused on variations in number, attachments, and position of omohyoid. RESULTS Among the 35 cadavers studied, double omohyoid was present in one cadaver, inferior belly originated from the clavicle in three cadavers, superior belly merged with the sternohyoid in two cadavers, and the omohyoid received additional slips from the sternum in one cadaver. Standard attachment and position of the omohyoid was observed in the remaining cadavers. CONCLUSION Variations of this muscle are important because of its close relation to the large vessels and brachial plexus. Because of the direct adhesion of the intermediate tendon to the anterior wall of the internal jugular vein and its connection with it through a thin lamina of the pretracheal layer of the cervical fascia, the contraction of the omohyoid muscle has a direct effect on the lumen of this vessel.
Clinical Anatomy | 2008
Mangala M. Pai; Soubhagya R. Nayak; Ashwin Krishnamurthy; Rajanigandha Vadgaonkar; Latha V. Prabhu; Anu Vinod Ranade; Jiji P. Janardhan; Rajalakshmi Rai
Kiloh–Nevin syndrome caused by compressive neuropathy of the anterior interosseous nerve in the forearm is believed to occur because of its compression by the accessory head of flexor pollicis longus (FPLah). Gantzer described two accessory muscles, the more frequent is the FPLah and the less frequently observed is the flexor digitorum profundus accessory head (FDPah). Many studies have reported the prevalence, origin, insertion, nerve supply, and relations of these accessory muscles, most of them focusing on the FPLah. This study was designed to investigate the prevalence, morphology, relation to median and anterior interosseous nerve, and also the coexistence of both the accessory heads. A total of 126 upper limbs of the embalmed cadavers were examined in this study. Fifty‐eight limbs (46.03%) showed the presence of the FPLah and 18 limbs (14.28%) had the FDPah. The most common origin of both the accessory muscle bellies was from the under surface of the flexor digitorum superficialis. The FPLah inserted into the FPL muscle at varying levels with 80% inserting into the proximal third of FPL, whereas the FDPah in all cases ended near the level of the wrist joining with one or more tendons of the FDP. Clinical implication of the variation is discussed. Clin. Anat. 21:252–258, 2008.
Clinics | 2008
Soubhagya R. Nayak; Ashwin Krishnamurthy; Latha V. Prabhu; Rajalakshmi Rai; Anu Vinod Ranade; Sampath Madhyastha
OBJECTIVE The tendons of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis muscles are quite useful in tendon transfer, such as in correction of finger clawing and restoration of thumb opposition. Knowledge of additional radial wrist extensor muscle bellies with independent tendons is useful in the above-mentioned surgical procedures. METHODS The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and antebrachial fascia of 48 (24 on the right side and 24 on left side) male upper limb forearms were dissected. The following aspects were then analyzed: (a) the presence of additional muscle bellies of radial wrist extensors, (b) the origin and insertion of the additional muscle, and (c) measurements of the muscle bellies and their tendons. RESULTS Five out of 48 upper limbs (10.41%) had additional radial wrist extensors; this occurred in 3 out of 24 left upper limbs (12.5%) and 2 out of 24 right upper limbs (8.3%). In one of the right upper limbs, two additional muscles were found. The length and width of each additional muscle belly and its tendon ranged between 2 – 15cm by 0.35 – 6.4cm and 2.8 – 20.8cm by 0.2 –0.5cm, respectively. The additional radial wrist extensor tendons in our study basically originated either from the extensor carpi radialis longus or brevis muscles and were inserted at the base of the 2nd or 3rd metacarpal bone. CONCLUSION The present study will inform surgeons about the different varieties of additional radial wrist extensors and the frequency of their occurrence.
International Journal of Morphology | 2008
Rajanigandha; R Rajalakshmi; Anu Vinod Ranade; Mangala M. Pai; Latha V. Prabhu; K Ashwin; P. J. Jiji
El conocimiento de los diferentes patrones de drenaje de las venas superficiales de la cabeza y cuello, en particular, las venas yugulares no solo son importantes para anatomistas, sino tambien para los cirujanos que operan a este nivel y para los medicos en general. Las variaciones son importantes tambien para los radiologos intervencionistas, quienes realizan procedimientos transyugulares, asi como implantaciones portales y portosistemicas transyugulares intrahepaticas o derivacion venosa selectiva. Resultados de estudios recientes informan que la venas superficiales, especialmente la vena yugular externa, es cada vez mas utilizada para la canulacion en diagnosticos y procedimientos terapeuticos. Se reporta una muy inusual variacion anatomica de la vena yugular externa del lado izquierdo, presente en un cadaver embalsamado de sexo masculino. Fueron realizadas evaluaciones embriologicas de la anomalia y se compararon con la literatura mostrando que se trata de una variacion rara.
International Journal of Morphology | 2008
Rajalakshmi Rai; Anu Vinod Ranade; Latha V. Prabhu; Prakash; Rajanigandha; Soubhagya R. Nayak
Presencia de musculos supernumerarios en la region pectoral han sido reportados. En un cadaver de un hombre se describe la presencia de un musculo Pectoralis Minimus. El musculo se localizaba profundo al musculo pectoral mayor y superomedial al musculo pectoral menor. La variacion se relacionaba con las ramas de los vasos toracoacromiales donde una de las ramas pasaba entre el musculo pectoral menor y la variacion muscular. La hiperabduccion del brazo puede comprimir estos vasos provocando sintomas vasculares. Estas variaciones se deben tener en cuenta durante los procedimientos quirurgicos en la region pectoral.
Clinical Anatomy | 2008
Anu Vinod Ranade; V. Rajanigandha; Rajalakshmi Rai; David A. Ebenezer
The aim of our work was to study the relationship between deep peroneal nerve (DPN) and dorsalis pedis artery (DPA) so that the frequency of these variations can be kept in mind by the angiographers and surgeons to ensure safe surgical approach during flap surgery. Ninety‐two legs in 46 cadavers were dissected to study the relationship between DPN and DPA on the dorsum of the foot. The relationship of neurovascular bundle of the dorsum of the foot was classified into four types. Type I: division of the DPN distal to the midpoint between the two malleoli (observed in 26 limbs). In Type II, the division of the DPN was midway between the two malleoli (seen in 20 limbs). Both Type I and II are further divided into two subtypes (a and b) depending upon the crossing pattern of terminal branches of the DPN over DPA. In Type III, multiple branches of DPN were noted in two limbs. In Type IV, the looping pattern of DPN around the DPA was considered and was seen in eight limbs. Awareness of possible variations in the relationship of the DPA to DPN on the dorsum of the foot is important for vascular and reconstructive surgeons. Because it might help in decreasing confusion when considering treatment options like microvascular anastomosis in reconstruction of the leg. Clin. Anat. 21:705–712, 2008.
International Journal of Morphology | 2008
Prakash; Rajalakshmi Rai; Anu Vinod Ranade; Latha V. Prabhu; Mangala M. Pai; Singh Gajendra
Durante una diseccion de rutina en el Departamento de Anatomia, se observaron multiples variaciones de los musculos del antebrazo, en relacion con el nervio radial y sus ramos, en el lado derecho de un cadaver de 34 anos de edad, de sexo masculino. Cerca de su origen el musculo braquioradial recibia fibras del musculo braquial y el nervio radial cruzaba entre ellos. El musculo extensor radial corto del carpo se encontraba ausente y el musculo extensor radial largo del carpo se continuaba con dos tendones en el segundo compartimiento del retinaculo extensor, bajo el musculo abductor largo de pulgar, antes de su insercion. La ausencia del musculo extensor radial corto del carpo se puede explicar en mamiferos inferiores, donde los dos musculos extensores radiales estan representados por un solo musculo. La ontogenia repite la filogenia y las variaciones anatomicas inciden en su desarrollo. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo al patron muscular se puede afirmar que en este caso existe menos evolucion que lo habitual. El curso del nervio radial entre las dos cabezas del musculo braquioradial, lo hace muy vulnerable a la compresion y las lesiones, que pueden manifestarse son, caida de la muneca (paralisis del nervio radial) o el sindrome del tunel radial (compresion del nervio interoseo posterior).
Morphologie | 2008
Mangala M. Pai; Soubhagya R. Nayak; Rajanigandha Vadgaonkar; Anu Vinod Ranade; Latha V. Prabhu; M. Thomas; R. Sugavasi
Variations of arm flexors are not uncommon with the exception of brachialis muscle. The role of brachialis is critical as it is the primary flexor of the elbow joint. Variations of brachialis are rare in literature. We present a case of an accessory-brachialis muscle (AcBr), found during routine cadaveric dissection. The AcBr originated from the lateral aspect of the brachialis muscle and lateral intermuscular septum. During its course towards the elbow, it crossed over the radial nerve and the distal tendon splits into two. The medial slip ran over the ulnar artery and merged with the deep fascia covering the pronator teres muscle, whereas lateral slip was inserted to the fascia covering the supinator. In the ipsilateral arm, an additional lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm (LCNF) was found coursing over the brachialis muscle medial to the LCNF. Clinical consideration of the present variations has been discussed. The present variation should be considered in the etiology of radial-tunnel syndrome (RTS).
International Journal of Morphology | 2007
Rajalakshmi Rai; Anu Vinod Ranade; Latha V. Prabhu; Mangala M. Pai; Sampath Madhyastha; Mangala Kumaran
Para estudiar su rol en el diagnostico antropologico, evaluamos el angulo de la mandibula y analizamos las relaciones de este angulo con la altura y ancho de la rama de la mandibula, en ambos sexos. Con un goniometro, en huesos secos, fue obtenido el angulo, alto y ancho de las mandibulas humanas. Los valores obtenidos fueron analizados estadisticamente. El estudio mostro diferencias estadisticamente significativas en el angulo mandibular como tambien en la altura de la rama de la mandibula, en ambos sexos. La media del angulo mandibular de la poblacion hindu fue 9 grados menor, comparada con la poblacion europea. Los resultados de este estudio pueden ser utiles al aportar datos antropologicos utilizados en las practicas medica y dental. Por otra parte, la mandibula de los hindues puede ser usada como dimorfismo sexual como es usual en trabajos antropologicos. Parece haber factores anatomicos desfavorabes importantes que pueden predisponer a los individuos a laringoscopias dificiles o intubacion