
Featured researches published by Anuttara Nathalang.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2013

Multispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: spatial signals of topographic niche differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity

Calum Brown; David F. R. P. Burslem; Janine Illian; L. Bao; Warren Y. Brockelman; Min Cao; L. W. Chang; H. S. Dattaraja; Stuart J. Davies; C.V.S. Gunatilleke; I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke; JianXiong Huang; Abd Rahman Kassim; J. V. LaFrankie; Jane B. Lian; Luxiang Lin; Keping Ma; Xiangcheng Mi; Anuttara Nathalang; S. Noor; Perry S. Ong; Raman Sukumar; Sheng-Hsin Su; I-Fang Sun; Hebbalalu S. Suresh; Sylvester Tan; Jill Thompson; María Uriarte; Renato Valencia; Sandra L. Yap

Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental heterogeneity.

Science | 2017

Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale

Joseph A. LaManna; Scott A. Mangan; Alfonso Alonso; Norman A. Bourg; Warren Y. Brockelman; Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin; Li-Wan Chang; Jyh-Min Chiang; George B. Chuyong; Keith Clay; Richard Condit; Susan Cordell; Stuart J. Davies; Tucker J. Furniss; Christian P. Giardina; I. A. U. Nimal Gunatilleke; C. V. Savitri Gunatilleke; Fangliang He; Robert W. Howe; Stephen P. Hubbell; Chang-Fu Hsieh; Faith M. Inman-Narahari; David Janík; Daniel J. Johnson; David Kenfack; Lisa Korte; Kamil Král; Andrew J. Larson; James A. Lutz; Sean M. McMahon

Maintaining tree diversity Negative interaction among plant species is known as conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD). This ecological pattern is thought to maintain higher species diversity in the tropics. LaManna et al. tested this hypothesis by comparing how tree species diversity changes with the intensity of local biotic interactions in tropical and temperate latitudes (see the Perspective by Comita). Stronger local specialized biotic interactions seem to prevent erosion of biodiversity in tropical forests, not only by limiting populations of common species, but also by strongly stabilizing populations of rare species, which tend to show higher CNDD in the tropics. Science, this issue p. 1389; see also p. 1328 A global analysis of ~3000 species and ~2.4 million trees elucidates variations in tree species diversity between tropical and temperate latitudes. Theory predicts that higher biodiversity in the tropics is maintained by specialized interactions among plants and their natural enemies that result in conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD). By using more than 3000 species and nearly 2.4 million trees across 24 forest plots worldwide, we show that global patterns in tree species diversity reflect not only stronger CNDD at tropical versus temperate latitudes but also a latitudinal shift in the relationship between CNDD and species abundance. CNDD was stronger for rare species at tropical versus temperate latitudes, potentially causing the persistence of greater numbers of rare species in the tropics. Our study reveals fundamental differences in the nature of local-scale biotic interactions that contribute to the maintenance of species diversity across temperate and tropical communities.

Archive | 2014

Evolution of Small-Group Territoriality in Gibbons

Warren Y. Brockelman; Anuttara Nathalang; David Greenberg; Udomlux Suwanvecho

This chapter endeavors to establish the basic environmental and social factors that have enabled the evolution of territorial behavior in gibbons, and perhaps other animals, and precluded it in cetaceans. These factors are given as three basic conditions, followed by some hypotheses and testable predictions that follow. These conditions concern (a) relatively homogeneous (nonclumped) resource distribution ; (b) high mobility and foraging efficiency ; and (c) range use exclusivity. Evidence from a study of diet and foraging in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar ) in central Thailand is brought to bear in testing predictions from conditions (a) and (b). The feeding range of the study group is relatively homogeneous and, although it changes in size seasonally, it does not shift much in location. The relatively long daily foraging path in relationship to range area suggests highly efficient foraging. Evidence is presented that the gibbons’ food sources are often known and frequently revisited, although they change from month to month. Because territory defense entails costs as well as benefits, defended territory should be set at a size at which resource limitation begins to occur in the population. Seasonal changes in ranging and social behavior suggest that this is the case in the study group.

Ecology | 2015

Effectiveness of primate seed dispersers for an “oversized” fruit, Garcinia benthamii

Kim R. McConkey; Warren Y. Brockelman; Chanpen Saralamba; Anuttara Nathalang

The largest fruits found in tropical forests may depend on complementary seed dispersal strategies. These fruits are dispersed most effectively by megafauna, but populations can persist where megafauna are absent or erratic visitors. Smaller animals often consume these large fruits, but their capacity to disperse these seeds effectively has rarely been assessed. We evaluated the contributions of gibbons (Hylobates lar) and other frugivores in the seed dispersal of the megafaunal fruit Garcinia benthamii, using the SDE (seed dispersal effectiveness) landscape. Gibbons preferentially consumed G. benthamii fruits and were the main seed disperser that we observed. However, gibbons became satiated when availability was high, with 57% of fruits falling to the ground unhandled. Recruitment of seedlings from gibbon-dispersed seeds was also very low. Elephants consumed G. benthamii fruit, but occurred at low density and were rare visitors to the trees. We suggest that gibbons might complement the seed dispersal role of elephants for G. benthamii, allowing limited recruitment in areas (such as the study site) where elephants occur at low density. Fruit availability varied between years; when availability was low, gibbons reliably consumed most of the crop and dispersed some seeds that established seedlings, albeit at low numbers (2.5 seedlings per crop). When fruit availability was high, the fruit supply overwhelmed the gibbons and other arboreal frugivores, ensuring a large abundance of fruit available to terrestrial seed dispersers. Although gibbons effectively dispersed more seeds at these times (20.7 seedlings per crop), there was the potential for elephants to move many more seeds. Complementary seed dispersal strategies may be important for megafaunal fruit, because they ensure that very large fruits are able to benefit from megafaunal dispersal but also persist where this dispersal becomes erratic. However, our data suggest that smaller seed dispersers might not be capable of replacing large dispersers, leading to potential changes in landscape-scale dispersal patterns where megafauna are absent.

Science | 2018

Response to Comment on “Plant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale”

Joseph A. LaManna; Scott A. Mangan; Alfonso Alonso; Norman A. Bourg; Warren Y. Brockelman; Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin; Li-Wan Chang; Jyh-Min Chiang; George B. Chuyong; Keith Clay; Susan Cordell; Stuart J. Davies; Tucker J. Furniss; Christian P. Giardina; I. A. U. Nimal Gunatilleke; C. V. Savitri Gunatilleke; Fangliang He; Robert W. Howe; Stephen P. Hubbell; Chang-Fu Hsieh; Faith M. Inman-Narahari; David Janík; Daniel J. Johnson; David Kenfack; Lisa Korte; Kamil Král; Andrew J. Larson; James A. Lutz; Sean M. McMahon; William J. McShea

Hülsmann and Hartig suggest that ecological mechanisms other than specialized natural enemies or intraspecific competition contribute to our estimates of conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD). To address their concern, we show that our results are not the result of a methodological artifact and present a null-model analysis that demonstrates that our original findings—(i) stronger CNDD at tropical relative to temperate latitudes and (ii) a latitudinal shift in the relationship between CNDD and species abundance—persist even after controlling for other processes that might influence spatial relationships between adults and recruits.

PLOS ONE | 2018

Different megafauna vary in their seed dispersal effectiveness of the megafaunal fruit Platymitra macrocarpa (Annonaceae)

Kim R. McConkey; Anuttara Nathalang; Warren Y. Brockelman; Chanpen Saralamba; Jantima Santon; Umaporn Matmoon; Rathasart Somnuk; Kanchit Srinoppawan

The world’s largest terrestrial animals (megafauna) can play profound roles in seed dispersal. Yet, the term ‘megafauna’ is often used to encompass a diverse range of body sizes and physiologies of, primarily, herbivorous animals. To determine the extent to which these animals varied in their seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE), we compared the contribution of different megafauna for the large-fruited Platymitra macrocarpa (Annonaceae), in a tropical evergreen forest in Thailand. We quantified ‘seed dispersal effectiveness’ by measuring the quantity and quality contributions of all consumers of P. macrocarpa fruit. Seed dispersal quantity was the proportion of the crop consumed by each species. Quality was defined as the proportion of seeds handled by each animal taxon that survived to produce a 2-month seedling. Megafauna (elephants, sambar deer, bears) dispersed 78% of seeds that produced seedlings, with 21% dispersed by gibbons (a medium-sized frugivore). The main megafaunal consumers displayed different dispersal strategies. Elephants were the most effective dispersers (37% of seedlings) and they achieved this by being high-quality and low-quantity dispersers. Bears displayed a similar strategy but were especially rare visitors to the trees (24% of the total seedlings produced). Sambar were high-quantity dispersers, but most seeds they handled did not survive and they were responsible for only 17% of seedlings. Gibbons displayed a high SDE relative to their body size, but they probably cannot match the role of elephants despite being more regular consumers of the fruit. The low density and poor regeneration of P. macrocarpa in the study site suggest that current dispersal rates by megafauna are insufficient, possibly reflecting reduced or missing megafauna populations. We show that different megafaunal species disperse seeds in different ways and may make unique contributions to the reproductive success of the plant species.

Biogeosciences | 2014

Local spatial structure of forest biomass and its consequences for remote sensing of carbon stocks

Maxime Réjou-Méchain; Helene C. Muller-Landau; Matteo Detto; Sean C. Thomas; T. Le Toan; Sassan Saatchi; J. Barreto-Silva; Norman A. Bourg; Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin; Nathalie Butt; Warren Y. Brockelman; Min Cao; Dairon Cárdenas; Jyh-Min Chiang; G. Chuyong; Keith Clay; Richard Condit; H. S. Dattaraja; Stuart J. Davies; Alvaro Duque; Shameema Esufali; Corneille E. N. Ewango; R. H. S. Fernando; Christine Fletcher; I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke; Zhanqing Hao; Kyle E. Harms; Terese B. Hart; Bruno Hérault; Robert W. Howe

Journal of Ecology | 2018

Spatial patterns of local species richness reveal importance of frugivores for tropical forest diversity

Wirong Chanthorn; Thorsten Wiegand; Stephan Getzin; Warren Y. Brockelman; Anuttara Nathalang

Biotropica | 2018

High interannual variation in the diet of a tropical forest frugivore (Hylobates lar)

Udomlux Suwanvecho; Warren Y. Brockelman; Anuttara Nathalang; Jantima Santon; Umaporn Matmoon; Rathasart Somnuk; Narong Mahannop

Archive | 2005

The Role of Gibbons in Forest Regeneration: Seed Dispersal and Regeneration of Nephelium melliferum Gagnep. (Sapindaceae) on the Mo Singto Plot, Khao Yai National Park

Warren Y. Brockelman; Anuttara Nathalang; Kim R. McConkey

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