Anwar Al-Mofleh
Al-Balqa` Applied University
Applied Solar Energy | 2012
Aiman Al Alawin; Omar Badran; Ahmad Awad; Yaser Abdelhadi; Anwar Al-Mofleh
A solar chimney power plant system is theoretically designed for future erection in Jordan. Analytical analysis of the system is simulated by mathematical software. The actual values of solar irradiation in Jordan are used in the simulation to predict the power output of the solar chimney power plant. The output results of the maximum (inlet) values of velocity, pressure, and mass flow rate of air versus the chimney height variation are obtained. Furthermore, the electrical power output and the efficiency of chimney versus chimney height variation were determined. For a solar collector diameter of 40 m and a chimney diameter of 3.5 m, the maximum power output (85 kW) was obtained for a chimney height of 210 m.
international symposium on mechatronics and its applications | 2008
Anwar Al-Mofleh; Soib Taib; H. Al-Gulman
Energy efficiency tools are pre-design evaluation program, which would give early indications whether the electrical equipments used are giving benefits to energy efficiency sectors or not. The program developed also serve as an indicators for making necessary improvements for the upcoming construction projects, as well as equipped the existing buildings with more applications. Among the tools practiced today, this paper focus on ENERGY-10 as a redesign programmed and the newly build SESE as a post design measurement. Comparison of the two energy efficiency tools would give invaluable information about the planning and also the estimation of energy saving in building.
Archive | 2012
Soib Taib; Anwar Al-Mofleh
Energy efficiency can be defined as utilizing minimum amounts of energy for heating, cooling, lighting and the equipment that is required to maintain conducive conditions in a building [1,2]. An important factor impacting energy efficiency is not only the building envelope but also the management of energy within the premises. The amount of energy consumed varies depending on the design of the building, the available electrical systems and how they operate. The heating and cooling systems consume the most energy in a building; however control system such as programmable thermostats and building energy management systems can significantly reduce the energy use of these systems. Some buildings also use zone heating and cooling systems, which can reduce heating and cooling in the unused areas of the building. In commercial buildings, integrated space and water cooling/ heating systems can provide the best approach to energy-efficient heating [3]. Energy audits can be conducted as a useful way of determining how energy efficient the building is and what improvements can be made to enhance its efficiency. Tests should be undertaken to ensure that the heating and cooling systems as well as equipments and lightings work effectively and efficiently.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2018
Anwar Al-Mofleh; Ali Salameh Khraiwish Dalabeeh; Abdallah Alzyoud
Zigbee technology has been developed for short range wireless sensor networks and it follows IEEE 802.15.4 standard. For such sensors, several considerations should be taken including; low data rate and less design complexity in order to achieve efficient performance considering to the transceiver systems. This research focuses on implementing a digital transceiver system for Zigbee sensor based on IEEE 802.15.4 . The system is implemented using offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) modulation technique with half sine pulse-shaping method. Direct conversion scheme has been used in the design of Zigbee receiver in order to fulfill the requirements mentioned above. System performance is analyzed considering to BER when it encountered adaptive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), besides showing the effect of using direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique.The inverted pendulum is an under-actuated and nonlinear system, which is also unstable. It is a single-input double-output system, where only one output is directly actuated. This paper investigates a single intelligent control system using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to stabilize the inverted pendulum system while tracking the desired position. The non-linear inverted pendulum system was modelled and built using MATLAB Simulink. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic controller was implemented and its performance was compared with a Sugeno-fuzzy inference system in both simulation and real experiment. The ANFIS controller could reach its desired new destination in 1.5 s and could stabilize the entire system in 2.2 s in the simulation, while in the experiment it took 1.7 s to reach stability. Results from the simulation and experiment showed that ANFIS had better performance compared to the Sugeno-fuzzy controller as it provided faster and smoother response and much less steady-state error.Association Rule mining plays an important role in the discovery of knowledge and information. Association Rule mining discovers huge number of rules for any dataset for different support and confidence values, among this many of them are redundant, especially in the case of multi-level datasets. Mining non-redundant Association Rules in multi-level dataset is a big concern in field of Data mining. In this paper, we present a definition for redundancy and a concise representation called Reliable Exact basis for representing non-redundant Association Rules from multi-level datasets. The given non-redundant Association Rules are loss less representation for any datasets.This paper presents a novel technique for numeral reading in Indian language speech synthesis systems using the rule-based Concatenative speech synthesis technique. The model uses a set of rules to determine the context of the numeral pronunciation and is being integrated with the waveform concatenation technique to produce speech out of the input text in Indian languages. To analyze the performance of the proposed technique, a set of numerals are considered in different context and a comparison of the proposed technique with an existing numeral reading method is also presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed technique in producing intelligible speech out of the entered text.This paper presents a data processing system based on an architecture comprised of multiple stacked layers of computational processes that transforms Raw Binary Pollution Data com- ing directly from Two EUMETSAT Metop satellites to our servers, into ready to interpret and visualise continuous data stream in near real time using techniques varying from task automation, data preprocessing and data analysis to machine learning using feed forward ar- tificial neural networks. The proposed system handles the acquisition, cleaning, processing, normalizing, and predicting of Pollution Data in our area of interest of Morocco.Advanced Communication Systems are wideband systems to support multiple applications such as audio, video and data so and so forth. These systems require high spectral efficiency and data rates. In addition, they should provide multipath fading and inter-symbol interference (ISI) free transmission. Multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO OFDM) meets these requirements Hence, MIMO-OFDM is the most preferable technique for long term evaluation advanced (LTE-A). The primary objective of this paper is to control bit error rate (BER) by proper channel coding, pilot carriers, adaptive filter channel estimation schemes and space time coding (STC). A combination of any of these schemes results in better BER performance over individual schemes. System performance is analyzed for various digital modulation schemes. In this paper,adaptive filter channel estimated MIMO OFDM system is proposed by integrating channel coding, adaptivefilter channel estimation, digital modulation and space time coding. From the simulation results, channel estimated 2×2 MIMO OFDM system shows superior performance over individual schemes.Electricity markets are different from other markets as electricity generation cannot be easily stored in large amounts and in order to avoid blackouts, the generation of electricity must be balanced with customer demand for it on a second-by-second basis. Customers tend to rely on electricity for day-to-day living and cannot replace it easily so when electricity prices increase, customer demand generally does not reduce significantly in the short-term. As electricity generation and customer demand must be matched perfectly second-by-second, and because generation cannot be stored to a large extent, cost bids from generators must be balanced with demand estimates in advance of real-time. This paper outlines a a forecasting algorithm built on artificial neural networks in order to predict short-term (72 hours ahead) wholesale prices on the Irish Single Electricity Market so that market participants can make more informed trading decisions. Research studies have demonstrated that an adaptive or self-adaptive approach to forecasting would appear more suited to the task of predicting energy demands in territory such as Ireland. Implementing an in-house self-adaptive model should yield good results in the dynamic uncertain Irish energy market. We have identified the features that such a model demands and outline it here.Received May 2, 2018 Revised Jul 9, 2018 Accepted Aug 2, 2018 Zigbee technology has been developed for short range wireless sensor networks and it follows IEEE 802.15.4 standard. For such sensors, several considerations should be taken including; low data rate and less design complexity in order to achieve efficient performance considering to the transceiver systems. This research focuses on implementing a digital transceiver system for Zigbee sensor based on IEEE 802.15.4. The system is implemented using offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) modulation technique with half sine pulse-shaping method. Direct conversion scheme has been used in the design of Zigbee receiver in order to fulfill the requirements mentioned above. System performance is analyzed considering to BER when it encountered adaptive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), besides showing the effect of using direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique. Keyword:This paper presents the use of Simelectronics Program for modeling and control of a two degrees-of freedom coupled mass-spring-damper mechanical system.The aims of this paper are to establish a mathematical model that represents the dynamic behaviour of a coupled mass-spring damper system and effectively control the mass position using both Simulink and Simelectronics.The mathematical model is derived based on the augmented Lagrange equation and to simulate the dynamic accurately a PD controller is implemented to compensate for the oscillation sustained by the system as a result of the complex conjugate pair poles near to the imaginary axis.The input force has been subjected to an obstacle to mimic actual challenges and to validate the mathematical model a Simulink and Simelectronics models were developed, consequently, the results of the models were compared. According to the result analysis, the controller tracked the position errors and stabilized the positions to zero within a settling time of 6.5sec and significantly reduced the overshoot by 99.5% and 99. 7% in Simulink and Simelectronics respectively. Furthermore, it is found that Simelectronics model proved to be capable having advantages of simplicity, less time-intense and requires no mathematical model over the Simulink approach.
Energy Sources Part B-economics Planning and Policy | 2016
Anwar Al-Mofleh; Anas Quteishat; Majdi Oraiqat; Wael A. Salah; Sultan Qoussouse; Mohammad Subhi Al-Batah
ABSTRACT The electrical energy consumption in Malaysia has increased sharply in the past few years, and modern energy-efficient technologies are desperately needed for the national energy policy. This article presents a comprehensive picture of the current status of energy consumption and various energy conservation options viable for the Malaysian environment. A detailed survey is made to assess the consumption pattern and the existing techniques for energy efficiency. Based on the survey, the feasibility of improving the available systems and adopting new programs in different sectors is investigated. The proposed options are then categorized into four main sectors such as building, industrial, electrical and transportation. The study reveals the fact that the energy conservation policy of the country has been fairly improved in the last ten years. However the country has to pay more attention to this area and make urgent measures to adopt more energy-efficient technologies in various sectors.
Energy Sources Part B-economics Planning and Policy | 2016
Wael A. Salah; Anwar Al-Mofleh; Soib Taib
ABSTRACT Most household electronic products and office equipment circuitry are operated internally at a low direct current (DC) voltage. However, they are designed to be plugged directly into wall outlets with alternating current (AC). AC to DC conversion is performed by devices called DC power supplies. Energy efficiency is a serious concern for most electrical and electronic appliances that require power supplies to operate. The majority of end users consume excess energy because of inefficient, bulky, and outdated power supply systems. A great gap exists in studies on energy saving in power supply design and selection. This article presents an overview of power supply energy consumption patterns and the effects of different operation modes on overall system power consumption. Recommendations for achieving an efficient energy system are presented.
Energy Sources Part B-economics Planning and Policy | 2015
Anwar Al-Mofleh; Anas Quteishat; Wael A. Salah
There is a need to ensure efficient utilization and diversification of energy sources while minimizing its waste. The electrical energy consumption in Malaysia has increased sharply in the past few years, and modern energy-efficient technologies are desperately needed for the national energy policy. The development of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems is essential to ensure smooth operation of any energy system. This article outlines the present status of energy utilization in Malaysia and introduces the SCADA system as one of the promising energy management tools for the future.
British Journal of Applied Science and Technology | 2014
Ali Salameh Khraiwish Dalabeeh; Anwar Al-Mofleh
This paper presents detailed modelling of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system components. The study is helpful to understand the working principles of the PV system. The performance of the system has been discussed by means of a Matlab/Simulink Toolbox. The results show that the PV system capable of tracking the maximum power point (MPP) quickly and precisely in case of sudden changes in solar radiation, cell temperature, and in case of existence of sand. Under the non-uniform atmospheric conditions, to get a high performance of the PV system, appropriate converters are required to operate at the MPP.
British Journal of Applied Science and Technology | 2014
Ahmad Awad; Omar Badran; Mohammad Ghaith; Anwar Al-Mofleh
Aims: Two diagnosing faults of the vehicle’s parts, an old and modern method, mechanical or electronic methods, before or after faulty occurring, One of methods which can be used before faulty occurring is Acoustic Emission (AE) for parts producing sound, this give an indication of the status of the part, and an expectation if the part is in good condition, needs repairing or replacing. Study Design: Mention the design of the study here. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Mechanical Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Technology Al-Balqa Applied University, P.O.Box (15008), North Marka, 11134 Amman Jordan, between June 2012 and July 2013. Methodology: The detection software of MATLAB V7 were used (i.e. For signal analyses and processing of the results), a Crystal Piezoelectric microphone (sensor has a sensitivity 60 dc, 5 mv/pa/1KHz). Sound recorder program (from Jet Audio Program V7.6 for recording sound from microphone and save it on a computer with wav file). Band pass filter (for filtering sounds which we recorded at a certain range of frequency of about 100-20000 Hz). Results: In this work, it was observed and concluded that the sound of the faulty parted Original Research Article British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 4(24): 3481-3491, 2014 3482 has frequency fluctuation higher than frequency fluctuation of good part. In a similar trend found in the energy of sound, where the sound level of the faulty part is found to be much higher than the sound level of the good part. Hence, a healthy monitoring of the huge mechanical system such as vehicles and industrial machines can be achieved as a non destructive testing (NDT). Conclusion: The experimental and theoretical study in this project has been proven to be successful for the failure prevention for vehicle components by the combination of acoustic emission properties and a written code using MatLab software besides using very simple inexpensive signal collector.
international conference on modeling, simulation, and applied optimization | 2011
Anas Quteishat; Anwar Al-Mofleh; Mutaz Al-Mefleh; Mohammad Subhi Al-Batah
There are many systems that give the ability to submit an assignment online, in an easy method for the student and the lecturer who will receive and evaluate the student work; also it gives the ability for the student to submit the assignment from different locations served by internet. The proposed model is based on identifying the user functionality that must exist in the OAS. The expected result from this model is to show the result of function test from the teacher side in e-learning process.