Appelbaum Fr
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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Featured researches published by Appelbaum Fr.
Annals of Internal Medicine | 1986
Thomas Ed; Clift Ra; Alexander Fefer; Appelbaum Fr; Patrick G. Beatty; William Bensinger; Buckner Cd; Cheever Ma; Deeg Hj; Doney K
One hundred ninety-eight patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia received marrow transplants after intensive chemotherapy and total body irradiation. Multivariate analysis showed disease status at time of transplantation to be the most powerful predictor of survival. The probability of long-term survival for allogeneic graft recipients was 49% for 67 patients in the first chronic phase, 58% for 12 in the second chronic phase, 15% for 46 in the accelerated phase, and 14% for 42 in the blastic phase. The major cause of death was interstitial pneumonia for patients in the chronic phase, and relapse for those in the blastic or accelerated phases. Factors favoring survival were early transplantation, age less than 30 years, and absence of severe graft-versus-host disease. Splenectomy or spleen size did not influence survival. For recipients of syngeneic grafts survival probability was 87% for 16 patients in the chronic phase, 27% for 7 in the accelerated phase, and 12% for 8 in the blastic phase. Of the 198 patients, 71 are alive without Philadelphia chromosomes 1 to 9 years after receiving their graft. All but 4 long-term disease-free survivors have Karnofsky performance scores of 80% or better.
The New England Journal of Medicine | 1983
Rainer Storb; Ross L. Prentice; Buckner Cd; Clift Ra; Appelbaum Fr; Joachim Deeg; Doney K; John A. Hansen; Mason M; Jean E. Sanders; Jw Singer; Keith M. Sullivan; Robert P. Witherspoon; Thomas Ed
One hundred thirty patients with severe aplastic anemia were conditioned with cyclophosphamide for transplantation of marrow from HLA-identical siblings. The patients were selected for the present analysis according to the criterion of sustained marrow engraftment. Of the 130 patients, 97 are now alive between 1.4 and 11 years (median, 5) after transplantation. Twenty-nine of the thirty-three who died had either acute or chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Our analysis was directed at identifying factors predicting GVHD and survival after transplantation in patients. Our key findings were that moderately severe to severe acute GVHD had a strong adverse influence on survival; that a protective environment significantly reduced mortality, which corresponded in part to a reduction in and delayed onset of acute GVHD; that refractoriness to random-donor platelet infusions at transplantation adversely influenced survival, particularly among patients with acute GVHD; and that increasing age was associated with increased mortality.
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1988
Jean E. Sanders; Buckner Cd; Amos D; Wayne C. Levy; Appelbaum Fr; Doney K; Storb R; Keith M. Sullivan; Robert P. Witherspoon; Thomas Ed
One hundred eighty-seven women between 13 and 49 years of age had ovarian function evaluated from 1 to 15 years (median, 4) after marrow transplant for aplastic anemia or leukemia. Among 43 women transplanted for aplastic anemia following 200 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (CY), all 27 less than 26 years of age, but only five of 16 greater than 26 years of age recovered normal ovarian function. Nine of the 43 have had 12 pregnancies, resulting in eight live births, and two elective and two spontaneous abortions. All eight children are normal. Nine of 144 women transplanted for leukemia following 120 mg/kg CY and 9.20 to 15.75 Gy total body irradiation (TBI) recovered ovarian function. Two of these nine have had three pregnancies, resulting in two spontaneous and one elective abortion. The probability of having ovarian failure was 0.35 by 7 years for patients receiving CY alone and was 1.00 at 1 year for patients receiving CY plus TBI (P less than .0001). By 7 years after transplant the probabilities of having normal ovarian function were 0.92 after CY alone and 0.24 after CY plus TBI (P less than .0001). Multivariate analysis showed that TBI was the only factor significantly influencing ovarian failure and that both TBI and greater patient age at transplant were significantly associated with a decreased probability of recovering normal ovarian function. These data demonstrate that after high-dose CY, recovery of ovarian function occurs in younger women and in a minority of older women, but after CY and TBI, recovery occurs in only a few younger women and none of the older women.
Bone Marrow Transplantation | 2000
Jorge Sierra; Barry E. Storer; John A. Hansen; P.J. Martin; Effie W. Petersdorf; Ann E. Woolfrey; Dana C. Matthews; Jean E. Sanders; Rainer Storb; Appelbaum Fr; Claudio Anasetti
Between 1985 and 1998, 161 patients with primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) received T-replete bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from unrelated donors in Seattle. Median age was 30 (range 1–55) years. Conditioning for BMT consisted of cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation in 154 (96%) cases and graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis was the standard methotrexate and cyclosporine combination in 134 (83%) cases. Median post-transplant follow-up was 2.9 years. Leukemia-free survival (LFS) at 5 years was 50 ± 12% for transplants during first complete remission (n = 16), 28 ± 8% during second CR (n = 40), 27 ± 17% during subsequent CR (n = 8), 7 ± 3% during relapse (n = 81) and 19 ± 10% during primary induction failure (n = 16). The cumulative incidences of relapse were 19%, 23%, 25%, 44% and 63%, for the five groups, respectively. Transplantation during remission, a marrow cell dose above 3.5 × 108/kg, and cytomegalovirus seronegative status before BMT in both patient and donor were favorable prognostic factors. Adults in any CR who received a marrow cell dose above 3.5 × 108/mg had a LFS of 54 ± 9% at 5 years. These data extend our previous findings on the association between a high marrow cell dose and improved survival and support the use of unrelated donor BMT for treatment of patients with high risk AML when a family match is not available. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2000) 26, 397–404.
Bone Marrow Transplantation | 2000
Cavallaro Am; Lilleby K; Majolino I; Storb R; Appelbaum Fr; Scott D. Rowley; William I. Bensinger
One hundred and one donors who had received filgrastim (rhG-CSF) for the purpose of donating either granulocytes or peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) for their relatives more than 3 years ago were contacted. All donors had received daily rhG-CSF at a median dose of 16 μg/kg/day (range 3–16) for a median of 6 days (range 3–15 days). All collection procedures were completed and short-term side-effects of rhG-CSF were mild in the majority of the donors. At a median time interval of 43.13 months (range 35–73), the donors were contacted to assess whether adverse effects related to rhG-CSF administration had occurred. Prior to rhG-CSF two donors had cancer, one had a myocardial infarction, one was hepatitis C virus positive, one had a history of sinusitis, one had Graves’ disease and two had arterial hypertension. None worsened with the rhG-CSF administration but the donor with a history of infarction had an episode of angina following apheresis, and the donor with Graves’ disease had a stroke 15 months after rhG-CSF. Two pregnancies occurred after the rhG-CSF administration and one donor was 2–3 weeks pregnant during rhG-CSF treatment. Three pregnancies resulted in two normal births and one in a spontaneous abortion of a pregnancy which occurred more than 2 years following rhG-CSF. In the time following rhG-CSF administration two donors developed cancer (breast and prostate cancer) at a follow-up of 70 and 11 months, respectively. One donor developed lymphadenopathy 38 months after the rhG-CSF, which spontaneously resolved. Blood counts were obtained in 70 donors at a median follow up of 40.4 months (range 16.8–70.8). Hematocrit was 43% (median, range 36.8–48), white blood cells were 5.7 × 109/l (median, range 3–14), granulocytes 3.71 × 109/l (median, range 1.47–10.36), lymphocytes 1.67 × 109/l (median, range 0.90–3.96), monocytes 0.46 × 109/l (median, range 0.07–0.87) and platelet counts were 193.0 × 109/l (median, range 175.0–240.0). This study indicates that short-term administration of rhG-CSF to normal donors for the purpose of mobilizing the PBSC or granulocytes appears safe and without any obvious adverse effects more than 3 years after the donation. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2000) 25, 85–89.
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1990
Finn Bo Petersen; Appelbaum Fr; Roger Hill; Lyly Fisher; Carolyn L. Bigelow; Jean E. Sanders; Keith M. Sullivan; William I. Bensinger; Robert P. Witherspoon; Storb R
Between October 1979 and January 1988, 101 patients with malignant lymphoma who failed initial induction treatment or relapsed received high-dose combination chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy followed by infusion of autologous bone marrow. Twenty-eight of the 101 patients survive, 18 of whom are disease-free for a median of 26 (range, 12 to 66) months. The 5-year actuarial probabilities of survival, event-free survival (EFS), and relapse from transplantation were 20%, 11%, and 84%, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that the likelihood of EFS was decreased among patients transplanted with a Karnofsky score of less than 80%. Recurrent lymphoma after transplant was the most important cause of treatment failure with 36 of 62 relapses occurring within 100 days from marrow infusion. Early, but not late relapse, was more frequent in patients transplanted for advanced lymphoma, and both early and late relapses were increased among patients with impaired pretransplant clinical performance or high-grade histology of lymphoma. Ten patients who relapsed post-transplant are alive, seven in remission. Further improvement of these results will require earlier transplantation, improved preparative regimens, or early posttransplant therapy.
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1989
Joanne Mortimer; Morey A. Blinder; Susan Schulman; Appelbaum Fr; Buckner Cd; Clift Ra; Jean E. Sanders; Storb R; Thomas Ed
Of 455 acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANL) patients who underwent marrow transplantation, 95 (21%) relapsed a median of 6.5 months posttransplantation and 62 received further treatment. Twenty achieved remission. Success of therapy was related to the length of time from marrow transplant to relapse and to the use of cytarabine (Ara-C) and daunomycin. Aggressive chemotherapy for patients relapsing within 100 days of marrow transplant was associated with a high incidence of early death (six of 14 patients) and a low probability of remission (one of 14). Of 23 patients who relapsed in excess of 1 year from marrow transplant, 15 achieved a complete remission. The median disease-free survival is 6 months (range, 0.4 to 53+ months). Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) recurred in 130 of 366 patients (36%), and 94 received further therapy. Fifty-two achieved a remission. Remissions were more common in late relapse patients (greater than 1 year from transplantation): 65% v 7% for those relapsing within 100 days from transplant (P less than .05). Testicular relapse occurred in 11 patients and was the sole site of relapse in seven. Three are alive and free of disease 58 to 109+ months after relapse. The median survival for the treated patients is 10.5 months (range, 5 to 109+ months). We propose that reinduction be attempted in all patients relapsing greater than 1 year from marrow transplantation. Ara-C and daunomycin should be employed in the treatment of ANL. The decision for treatment of patients relapsing earlier than 1 year should be made on an individual basis.
The New England Journal of Medicine | 1982
Alexander Fefer; Martin A. Cheever; Philip D. Greenberg; Appelbaum Fr; Cheryl Boyd; Buckner Cd; Kaplan Hg; Robert Ramberg; Jean E. Sanders; Rainer Storb; Thomas Ed
Twelve patients in the chronic phase of Ph1 (Philadelphia)-positive chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL) received chemoradiotherapy and marrow from their normal, identical twins. All had a complete remission, with disappearance of all Ph1-positive cells. One patient died of pneumonitis while in remission. Three had a cytogenetic relapse 22 to 30 months after grafting; only one of these three entered blast crisis and died. Eight remain in complete remission 21 to 65 months (median, 30) after transplantation. Thus, the Ph1-positive clone can be ablated and blast crisis delayed or prevented. Of 10 patients with CGL who received transplants during the terminal phase, eight died soon after, one is in complete remission 11 months after receiving a second graft, and one remains in complete remission 71 months after transplantation. This experience suggests to us that every patient with CGL and an identical twin should receive a marrow graft, preferably in the chronic phase. On the basis of our results, trials of allogeneic-marrow transplantation for CGL seem justified.
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1996
Jeanne E. Anderson; Appelbaum Fr; Gary Schoch; Theodore A. Gooley; Claudio Anasetti; William I. Bensinger; E Bryant; Buckner Cd; Thomas R. Chauncey; Clift Ra
PURPOSE To determine if an intensive preparative regimen of busulfan (BU), cyclophosphamide (CY), and total-body irradiation (TBI) could improve outcome after marrow transplantation for advanced morphology myelodysplasia (refractory anemia with excess blasts [RAEB], RAEB in transformation [RAEB-T], and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia [CMML]) compared with that obtained with conventional CY/TBI and to analyze prognostic factors for transplantation for myelodysplasia. PATIENTS AND METHODS A phase II study was conducted of 31 patients (median age, 41 years) treated with BU (7 mg/kg), CY (50 mg/kg), TBI (12 Gy), and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched (n = 23) or -mismatched (n = 2) related or unrelated donor (n = 6) marrow transplantation. Results were compared with 44 historical control patients treated with CY (120 mg/kg) and TBI. RESULTS The 3-year actuarial disease-free survival (DFS) rate was similar for the BU/CY/TBI group and the CY/TBI group (23% v 30%, P = .6), but there were trends toward lower relapse rates (28% v 54%, P = .27) and higher nonrelapse mortality rates (68% v 36%, P = .12) among the current patients compared with historical controls. Multivariate analysis showed that a normal karyotype pretransplant and the use of methotrexate as part of posttransplant immunosuppression were associated with improved survival and reduced nonrelapse mortality. Univariate analysis showed significant differences in relapse rates based on marrow source (57% for HLA genotypically matched marrow v 18% for all others, P = .04) and on disease morphology (66% for RAEB-T v 38% for RAEB and CMML, P = .05). CONCLUSION Patients with advanced morphology myelodysplasia tolerated the intensified BU/CY/TBI preparative regimen and reduced posttransplant immunosuppression poorly. Novel transplant procedures are needed to reduce relapse rates without increasing nonrelapse mortality rates. In addition, transplantation before progression to RAEB-T, if possible, may reduce the risk of relapse.
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1993
Charles H. Weaver; Appelbaum Fr; Finn Bo Petersen; Clift Ra; Jack W. Singer; Oliver W. Press; William I. Bensinger; J Bianco; Paul J. Martin; Claudio Anasetti
PURPOSE To evaluate high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) in patients with lymphoid malignancy who had received prior radiation therapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS Fifty-seven patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL; n = 23), Hodgkins disease (HD, n = 32), or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; n = 2) with a history of previous radiation therapy were treated with cyclophosphamide (Cy; 7.2 g/m2), carmustine (300 mg/m2 or 600 mg/m2), and etoposide (2,400 mg/m2) (CBV) followed by ABMT. RESULTS The projected 2-year probabilities of survival, event-free survival (EFS), and relapse were .31, .24, and .76, respectively. For patients with intermediate- and high-grade lymphoma and HD the probabilities were .27, .10, and .14 for EFS and .57, .90, and .77 for relapse. The probability of nonrelapse mortality in the first 100 days post-ABMT was 33%. Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome (IPS) was observed in no patients who received carmustine 300 mg/m2 and 23% of patients who received carmustine 600 mg/m2 (P = .05). Eight-three percent of patients who received mediastinal radiation therapy less than 3 months before transplant developed IPS, compared with 13% who received radiation therapy more than 3 months before transplant (P = .001). CONCLUSION ABMT following high-dose CBV resulted in long-term disease-free survival in 25% of patients with lymphoid malignancies who had previously received dose-limiting radiation therapy. Fatal IPS and a high relapse rate were major factors limiting successful outcome following ABMT. The morbidity and mortality rates associated with the administration of carmustine 600 mg/m2 were prohibitively high, especially in patients who received mediastinal radiation immediately before ABMT, and were not associated with a decrease in post-ABMT relapse.