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Featured researches published by Ariany Carvalho dos Santos.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2013

Doenças do sistema nervoso de bovinos no Mato Grosso do Sul: 1082 casos

Nickolly Lilge Kawski de Sá Ribas; Roosevelt Isaias Carvalho; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Renata A. Valençoela; Anderson F. Gouveia; Márcio Botelho de Castro; Ademar Etiro Mori; Ricardo A.A. Lemos

The aim of this study was to describe the types of diseases that affect the nervous system of cattle from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. A retrospective study from January 2008 to December 2012 was perfomed, based on reports of cattle autopsies autopsy carried out by the Laboratorio de Anatomia Patologica (LAP), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia (FAMEZ), Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). The material came from cases attended and forwarded to LAP by practicing veterinarians autonomous and from the official veterinary service. From 1028 cases studied, 588 presented a history of neurological clinical signs, 341 (53.75%) of which were diagnosed as affected bytrue neurological disease, and 247 (46.25%) had inconclusive diagnosis. The clinical records were reviewed to determine epidemiology, clinical signs, and gross and histopathological features. The most frequent diseases were botulism (16.67%), rabies (15.92%), polioencephalomalacia (8.05%), and herpesviral meningoencephalitis (4.31%). Other conditions were diagnosed occasionally, and included non suppurative meningoencephalitis (2.62%), suppurative meningoencephalitis (1.50%), brain abscesses and osteomyelitis caused by spinal cord compression (1.31%), tetanus (1.12%), hypothermia (0.94%), cerebral babesiosis (0.75%), malignant catarrhal fever (0.37%), and cases suggestive of oxalate poisoning (0.19%). No cases with lesions that may suggest of bovine spongiform encephalopathy were observed.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2014

Intoxicação espontânea por Senna obtusifolia em bovinos no Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense

Amanda Q. de Carvalho; Nilton M. Carvalho; Gustavo P. Vieira; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Gumercindo Loriano Franco; Arnildo Pott; Claudio S.L. Barros; Ricardo A.A. Lemos

Senna sp. poisoning in livestock has been reported in several occasions in Brazil usually from southern Brazil and involving S. occidentalis as the culprit. The objective of this study is to report the occurrence of an outbreak of S. obtusifolia poisoning in cattle in the Pantanal Region of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In a herd of 313 heifers, 165 were affected and died (morbidity rate of 52.7% and lethality rate of 100%). The 313 heifers remained in the paddock infested by S. obtusifolia for 37 days. Clinical signs consisted of reluctance to move, incoordination, permanent sternal recumbency, decrease in the tonus of the tongue, alertness, myoglobinuria characterized by dark brown urine, and dry stools with or without mucus; or occasionally diarrhea with streaks of blood. The main gross findings in 12 necropsied cattle were in the skeletal muscles of the hind limbs, and were characterized by varying degrees of paleness of muscle groups. Histologically, the most relevant lesion was segmental multifocal degeneration and necrosis in striated skeletal muscles (multifocal lypolyphasic toxic degenerative myopathy). The epidemiological, clinical and pathological data allowed to conclude for the diagnosis of poisoning by S. obtusifolia in this outbreak.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 2018

Ethnopharmacological approaches to kidney disease-prospecting an indigenous species from Brazilian Pantanal

Cleide Adriane Signor Tirloni; Rhanany Alan Calloi Palozi; Thainá de Almeida Tomazetto; Paulo César de Paula Vasconcelos; Roosevelt Isaias Carvalho Souza; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Valter Paes de Almeida; Jane Manfron Budel; Lauro Mera de Souza; Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior

ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE Although Luehea divaricata Mart. (Malvaceae) is popularly used by the population of the Brazilian Pantanal for the treatment of different types of kidney diseases, no study has been carried out to prove this ethnobotanical indication. AIM To investigate the possible cardiorenal effects of an herbal preparation obtained from L. divaricata leaves. MATERIALS AND METHODS First, to provide quality control standards, a detailed morphological and microchemical characterization of L. divaricata leaves was performed. Then, the purified aqueous extract was obtained from the leaves of this species (ESLD) and a thorough phytochemical characterization was performed. Subsequently, acute oral toxicity test was performed after single administration of different doses (5, 50, 300, 2000mg/kg) in male and female Wistar rats. Finally, the diuretic, hypotensive and antioxidant properties of ESLD (30, 100, 300mg/kg) were evaluated after acute and prolonged treatment and the role of angiotensin converting enzyme, aldosterone, vasopressin, and nitric oxide in these effects was investigated. RESULTS Analyses performed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that the main secondary metabolites present in ESLD were flavonol O-glycosides and flavone C-glycosides. Acute and prolonged treatment with ESLD was able to expressively increase urinary volume and electrolyte excretion. Mean blood pressure and systolic blood pressure were also significantly reduced after acute treatment. Moreover, treatment with ESLD was able to reduce thiobarbituric acid reactive species and increase serum nitrate levels. CONCLUSION The data obtained showed that ESLD has an important diuretic and hypotensive effect, which is probably dependent on the reduction of oxidative stress and increased bioavailability of nitric oxide.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2014

Administração repetida de doses não tóxicas de monofluoroacetato de sódio não protege contra a intoxicação por este composto em ovinos

Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Franklin Riet-Correa; Rubiane F Heckler; Stephanie C. Lima; Mariana L Silva; Renato Rezende; Nilton M. Carvalho; Ricardo A.A. Lemos

With the objective to assess whether repeated non-toxic doses of sodium monofluoroacetate (MFA) induce resistance to poisoning by this compound, 18 sheep were randomly divided into two experimental groups of nine animals each. Sheep from Group 1 ingested non-lethal increasing doses of MFA for six periods: 0.05mg/kg for 5 days; 0.08mg/kg for 4 days; 0.08mg/kg for 4 days; 0.1mg/kg for 3 days; 0.1mg/kg for 3 days and 0.25mg/kg for 3 days. Between the first and second period of administration and between the second and third period the animals did not receive MFA for 10 consecutive days, between the third and fourth period and during the remaining periods of administration the sheep were left 15 days without ingesting MFA. Group 2 was not adapted to the ingestion of MFA and received a single dose of 1mg/kg of MFA at the same time that Group 1 was challenged. After challenge, seven sheep of Group 1 showed clinical signs of poisoning and one sheep recovered. In Group 2, all animals showed clinical signs of poisoning by MFA, however two sheep recovered. The mortality rate was 66.6% in Group 1 and 77.7% for Group 2. These results suggest that repeated administration of non-toxic doses of MFA does not protect against acute poisoning by this compound; therefore other alternatives of prophylaxis for poisoning by plants containing MFA should be searched, mainly the use of intraruminal bacteria that hydrolyze MFA.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2014

Estimativas de perdas econômicas causadas por reação granulomatosa local após uso de vacina oleosa contra febre aftosa em bovinos de Mato Grosso do Sul

Paula V. Leal; Rayane Chitolina Pupin; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Tatiane Cargnin Faccin; Eduardo Surdi; Cássia Rejane Brito Leal; Ricardo Carneiro Brumatti; Ricardo A.A. Lemos

Lesions caused by excessive reaction to foot and mouth vaccine were observed in 1,815 out of 5,000 cattle slaughtered in a slaughterhouse under federal meat inspection. Such lesions resulted in condemnation of the affect parts of the carcasses in accordance with the Brazilian Federal Meat Inspection Regulations. The affected cattle had been vaccinated on May 2012 and then slaughtered in September of the same year. They were allotted to two groups with 1,500 (Groups 1) and 315 cattle (Group 2). Post vaccination lesions were characterized as salient, firm variable sized nodules multifocally distributed in the musculature of the lateral neck. Pus oozed at the cut surface of these nodules. Samples of 28 cattle were submitted for histopathological examination; main findings were pyogranulomas with central variable-sized clear spaces surrounded by marked infiltrate of viable and dead neutrophils, which were surrounded by epithelioid macrophages with vacuolated cytoplasm and occasional multinucleated giant cell. This inflammatory reaction was walled by abundant connective tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells. Samples of the lesion of six cattle were submitted to bacteriological culture with negative results. When affected carcasses went through dressing, there was an average of 1.8 and 2.0 kg of muscle tissue cut off from the carcasses respectively of Group 1 and 2. Economic losses in the farm of origin of the affected cattle was R

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2013

Intoxicação experimental por Simarouba versicolor (Simaroubaceae) em ovinos e indução de resistência ao consumo da planta

Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Tatiane Cargnin Faccin; Nilton M. Carvalho; Paula V. Leal; Arnildo Pott; Ricardo A.A. Lemos

20,424.00, considering the price paid by kg of cattle for slaughter at the time of the occurrence. This amount at that time was enough to buy 29.17 weaned calves for fattening. If one considers theses 5,000 cattle vaccinated on the farm as the population at risk, the morbidity rate would be 0.36%. These results indicate that the losses due to vaccine reaction, even with no overt clinical signs, may cause important economic losses.

Journal of Medicinal Food | 2018

Biological Characterization of an Edible Species from Brazilian Biodiversity: From Pharmacognostic Data to Ethnopharmacological Investigation

Cleide Adriane Signor Tirloni; Aniely Oliveira Silva; Rhanany Alan Calloi Palozi; Paulo César de Paula Vasconcelos; Roosevelt Isaias Carvalho Souza; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Valter Paes de Almeida; Jane Manfron Budel; Lauro Mera de Souza; Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior

Simarouba versicolor St. Hil. is a semideciduous tree belonging to the Simaroubaceae family. An outbreak of poisoning in cattle by shoots of S. versicolor present in the pasture in Mato Grosso do Sul and experimental reproduction of the poisoning was described. This study aimed to verify experimentally whether sheep could be used as a clinical-pathological model in the study of the poisoning caused by S. versicolor, to determine if there develops resistance induced by ingestion of small and repeated doses of the leaves, and if the plant keeps its toxicity when dried. Two experiments were conducted: Experiment 1 with green leaves or dried and powdered leave of S. versicolor, given in single doses of 5g/kg, 5g/kg and 3g/kg to three sheep (Sheep 1, 2 and 3 respectively). Experiment 2 was made with different daily doses of dried and powdered leaves of S. versicolor; to four sheep was given 1.5g/kg, 0.75g/kg, 0.6g/kg and 0.3g/kg, and the positive control (Sheep 4) received 3g/kg. The administration was suspended when the animals showed clinical signs of poisoning. After twelve days of recovery, the surviving sheep were challenged with the same daily dose given previously, to assess the development of resistance. Clinical signs observed in both experiments were characterized by anorexia, congested ocular mucosa, polydipsia, drooling, loose stools which evolved into fetid greenish watery diarrhea, lateral decumbency and death of Sheep 1 to 7. The main histological lesions observed were necrosis of lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes, spleen, Peyers patches) and necrotizing enteritis. With the results it can be concluded that sheep can be used as experimental model for the clinic-pathological aspects of poisoning by S. versicolor. The method used has not shown resistance to the daily consumption of the plant by the sheep, and the leaves kept their toxicity when dried.

Food and Chemical Toxicology | 2018

Preclinical safety evaluation of the ethanolic extract from guavira fruits (Campomanesia pubescens (D.C.) O. BERG) in experimental models of acute and short-term toxicity in rats

Gustavo Roberto Villas Boas; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Roosevelt Isaias Carvalho Souza; Flávio Henrique Souza de Araújo; Giseli Karenina Traesel; Jhony Moreira Marcelino; Ana Paula Stefanello da Silveira; Brunna Charlla Feitosa Farinelli; Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso; Roseli Boerngen de Lacerda; Silvia Aparecida Oesterreich

Abstract Talisia esculenta (A. St.-Hil.) Radlk. is a large tree belonging to family Sapindaceae and popularly known as “pitombeira” or “pitomba.” Although species have relevant economic and medicin...

Hormone and Metabolic Research | 2006

Endocrine Disorders in Pediatric - Onset Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

M. C. M. Amato; L.L.K. Elias; Jorge Elias; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; A. D. Bellucci; Ayrton C. Moreira; M. de Castro

Campomanesia pubescens is a fruit plant widely distributed in South America and used by the population for medicinal and nutritional purposes, with important economic and cultural value. This study evaluated the toxic potential of the ethanolic extract from C. pubescens (EEFCP) fruits through acute and short-term toxicity tests. For the acute toxicity test, female rats received a single oral dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight of EEFCP and were observed for 14 days. In the short-term toxicity test, male and female rats received repeated oral doses of 125, 250, 500 or 1000 mg/kg of EEFCP, being treated and observed for 28 days, and after the treatment period, a satellite and satellite control group remained under observation for another 14 days. No mortality, clinical and organ weight alterations were observed, indicating that LD50 is greater than 2000 mg/kg body weight. In addition, the doses tested did not produce significant changes in the behavioral, physiological, hematological or histopathological parameters of animals. These results demonstrate the low acute and short-term toxicity of EEFCP in rats. The data obtained are of great relevance since they provide important information about a plant species of great economic, nutritional and ethnopharmacological value.

Food and Chemical Toxicology | 2016

Oral acute and subchronic toxicity studies of the oil extracted from pequi (Caryocar brasiliense, Camb.) pulp in rats.

Giseli Karenina Traesel; Sara Emilia Lima Tolouei Menegati; Ariany Carvalho dos Santos; Roosevelt Isaias Carvalho Souza; Gustavo Roberto Villas Boas; Priscilla Narciso Justi; Candida Aparecida Leite Kassuya; Eliana Janet Sanjinez Argandoña; Silvia Aparecida Oesterreich


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Ricardo A.A. Lemos

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

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Roosevelt Isaias Carvalho Souza

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

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Nilton M. Carvalho

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

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Tatiane Cargnin Faccin

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

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Paula V. Leal

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

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Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior

Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

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Cleide Adriane Signor Tirloni

Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

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