
Architectural Engineering and Design Management | 2011

An Investigation into the Adoption of Target Costing on Brazilian Public Social Housing Projects

Ana Mitsuko Jacomit; Ariovaldo Denis Granja

The suitability of target costing for use in construction remains controversial and specific studies to assist its implementation are lacking. This research aims to critically inspect the contextual characteristics that may influence its implementation during the product development process (PDP) for social housing projects in Brazil. An exploratory and instrumental case study within a state social housing provider company provided PDP-related data. Data collection involved conducting unstructured interviews of higher management and diverse technical staff, and the analysis of company documents and records. A framework describing how target costing is applied in PDP is presented and general propositions are drawn from a theoretical basis built on the relationship between the characteristics of the analysed context and target costing theory. Opportunities and obstacles to target costing applicability were derived from them, as well as clarifications about relevant issues concerning the implementation process of this approach. Although the possibilities of applying target costing to social housing projects are limited by its intrinsic characteristics and traditional institutional barriers to new procurement methods, this article contributes to the discussion for more efficient and proactive ways of conceiving social housing projects, in an effort to deliver more value to stakeholders and end-users.

Built Environment Project and Asset Management | 2014

Cost reallocation in social housing projects considering the desired values of end-users

Joyce de Andrade Ruiz; Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Doris Catharine Cornelie Knatz Kowaltowski

Purpose – Challenges in social housing projects (SHP) in Brazil are mainly related to design and construction quality and cost constraints. Value delivery to end-users must be a goal, however, jointly considered with the restrictions of such developments. In the SHP context, tight cost constraints frequently have a negative impact on delivering value to end-users. The purpose of this paper is to put forward the proposition that value enhancement can be achieved by reallocating costs to better meet the attributes most valued by end-users, without increasing initial project costs. Design/methodology/approach – A set of tools used in value methodology (VM) is adopted to assist a systematic process with the goal of attaining an optimal functional balance between costs and value delivery to end-users. Desired values were indicated by users in a previous study, resulting in an Index of General Significance. A single case study was carried out to test the approach in a SHP. Opportunities for improvement guided b...

Ambiente Construído | 2010

Análise crítica da aplicação do custeio-meta no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos de habitação de interesse social

Ana Mitsuko Jacomit; Ariovaldo Denis Granja

O custeio-meta e uma abordagem amplamente aplicado na manufatura e representa uma inovacao no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, em que o custo, a qualidade e a funcionalidade nao sao consequencias do processo de projeto, mas parâmetros de entrada. Este artigo investiga a aplicabilidade da abordagem custeio-meta no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social (EHIS). Tais empreendimentos possuem muitas peculiaridades em relacao a produtos da manufatura, nao havendo evidencias de que esta abordagem seja adequada ao desenvolvimento de EHIS, nem mesmo de produtos da construcao civil em geral. Este artigo se propoe a investigar como e por que algumas caracteristicas dos EHIS - a maioria delas comuns tambem a outros tipos de empreendimentos de construcao - influenciam a aplicabilidade do custeio-meta. Estas questoes foram analisadas com base na adaptacao de conceitos da manufatura para a construcao civil e num estudo de caso exploratorio conduzido em uma companhia estadual de provisao habitacional. O estudo propoe adaptar o custeio-meta as condicoes do contexto de analise, concentrar esforcos nas atividades mais vantajosas ou ajustar o contexto de analise de modo a maximizar os seus beneficios e minimizar incertezas.

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-asce | 2014

Productivity Gains in a Line Flow Precast Concrete Process after a Basic Stability Effort

Carlos Antonio Samaniego Gallardo; Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Flavio Augusto Picchi

Lean principles and methods have been successfully applied to precast concrete job shops and batch flows. The conversion of processes from batch flow environments to line flow environments is the main reason for the productivity gains that have been reported in the literature. By means of an action-research approach rooted in the philosophy of lean thinking, the authors show that further productivity gains are possible for precast concrete fabrication processes already running in line flow. This study took place at a company that had previously implemented lean measures, such as value stream mapping (VSM), workplace organization (5S Method), pull systems, and total productive maintenance (TPM). This earlier initiative provided productivity gains, although in a variable and unsustained way. The research approach could devise a simple stability process with a focus on method and manpower. After a series of improvement cycles, the production process achieved almost complete stability and obtained an additional productivity gain of 24%. These results suggest that neglecting stability issues in lean implementations means wasting part of the potential gains, in addition to risking the loss of previously obtained gains, even in environments apparently optimized for line flow.

Ambiente Construído | 2011

O custeio-meta para o desenvolvimento de habitações de interesse social: diretrizes a partir da comparação de duas modalidades de provisão

Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Ana Mitsuko Jacomit; Sidnei Junior Guadanhim; Ercília Hitomi Hirota

Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar a aplicacao do custeio-meta como uma abordagem alternativa ao processo de desenvolvimento de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social (EHIS) atualmente utilizado por companhias publicas de provisao habitacional no Brasil. A estrategia de pesquisa consistiu no estudo dos fatores que influenciam uma implementacao do custeio-meta, a partir de dois estudos de casos, e na identificacao das caracteristicas de EHIS que poderao influenciar, positiva ou negativamente, uma implementacao desta abordagem por companhias publicas de provisao habitacional. A analise dos fatores de Cooper e Slagmulder forneceu a base teorica para a identificacao de oportunidades para a adocao do custeio-meta no contexto analisado, e a comparacao de duas modalidades diferentes de provisao habitacional foi utilizada para a formulacao das inferencias apresentadas. A analise das caracteristicas dos EHIS permitiu a identificacao de barreiras e oportunidades para a adocao do custeio-meta no desenvolvimento deste tipo de empreendimento. O artigo aponta, ao final, diretrizes para a implementacao desta abordagem para o desenvolvimento de EHIS.

Construction Management and Economics | 2018

Categorizing modularization strategies to achieve various objectives of building investments

Antti Peltokorpi; Hylton Olivieri; Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Olli Seppänen

Abstract Modularization has recently attracted considerable interest among academics and practitioners. In the construction industry, several modular solutions have been introduced and examined; however, hardly any study comprehensively classifies the different modularization strategies according to their possibility to achieve various objectives of building investments. This research aims to develop a framework for identifying and classifying modularization strategies in construction according to their suitability to achieve the specific outcomes intended for a building or its subsystem. Using the literature on product modularity, product platforms and production strategies as a basis, this study has developed a theoretical framework that proposes connections between the main objectives of a building investment and the dimensions of modularization strategies. The framework is elaborated by testing the propositions, based on an empirical analysis of nine real-life case studies. The findings reveal that modularization can be a suitable approach to develop an innovative design solution; improve a project’s quality, cost and schedule performance; and enable flexibility in building use and maintenance. However, suggestions for achieving these objectives vary from project organization-driven to collaborative, integrated or supplier-driven modularization strategies. Developers, owners, contractors and module suppliers can use the framework when positioning and developing their roles in the construction supply chain.

Construction Management and Economics | 2018

Improving workflow and resource usage in construction schedules through location-based management system (LBMS)

Hylton Olivieri; Olli Seppänen; Ariovaldo Denis Granja

Abstract Critical Path Method (CPM), a planning and controlling technique, is widely used in the construction industry. However, CPM is criticized for its lack of workflow and inability to schedule continuous resource usage. Location-Based Management System (LBMS) fill these gaps and has been implemented in many construction projects. We propose that LBMS will improve schedules and project performance, addressing CPM’s main shortcomings. This study is composed of three case studies. CPM schedules were analyzed and were improved using LBMS tools. The resulting schedules show improved workflows, crew balancing, resource usage and had fewer interruptions, without affecting project duration. Furthermore, LBMS schedules were optimized with only a few scheduling operations and fewer planning elements. The computational benefit of LBMS increases with the number of locations and tasks in a schedule. Project managers will benefit from a simpler scheduling process and better resource flow.

Building Research and Information | 2018

A critical analysis of research of a mass-housing programme

Doris Catharine Cornelie Knatz Kowaltowski; Elisa Atália Daniel Muianga; Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Daniel de Carvalho Moreira; Sidney Piochi Bernardini; Mariana Rios Castro

ABSTRACT A recent expansion of mass-housing programmes has occurred in emerging economies. The analysis of research on programmes raises questions about what type of research is produced and what its impact is on housing. The Brazilian ‘My House, My Life’ (Minha Casa, Minha Vida – MCMV) programme demonstrates that more of the same type of housing is produced and that the focus of most research repeats the same mistakes. Three million homes have been built and the research community has examined the programme’s social, economic and environmental impacts. A total of 2477 scientific studies on MCMV are analyzed. Few studies were found to assess living conditions from a user perspective at the residential unit scale. Although improvements have occurred on some social issues, the siting of housing on the urban periphery is problematic for urban mobility, social segregation and aesthetic monotony. Also, the design model does not respond to the diverse needs of inhabitants. Opportunities are identified for actions and essential missing research on mass housing. Retrofit strategies are urgent and social cost studies should induce change to the design model. Evidence-based research is needed to support policies and design processes for affordable and quality housing solutions that value users, their needs and aspirations.

Ambiente Construído | 2015

Desvios de custos e prazos em empreendimentos da construção civil: categorização e fatores de influência

Elisa Atália Daniel Muianga; Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Joyce de Andrade Ruiz

Desvios de custos e prazos sao desafios recorrentes na construcao civil. Neste artigo, os autores objetivaram revisar sistematicamente a literatura relacionada a desvios de prazos e custos para determinar uma estrutura de categorizacao e respectivos fatores responsaveis por esses desvios. Foi empregada a abordagem Systematic Literature Review (Revisao Sistematica de Literatura – RSL) de maneira metodica, para proporcionar acompanhamento e reproducao futura. Informacoes relevantes foram extraidas dos artigos selecionados e posteriormente sintetizadas para a obtencao da proposta de categorizacao e respectivos fatores responsaveis pelos desvios. Nove categorias foram identificadas e definidas com base em seus determinantes: relacoes governamentais; contratos; organizacao; gerenciamento; financiamento; projeto e documentacao; alteracoes de escopo; aspectos ambientais e economicos; e atividades e equipamentos. Alem disso, 95 fatores de influencia foram identificados e anexados as categorias pertinentes. Apesar de a literatura ser heterogenea em relacao a contextos e regioes globais, o que dificulta a conducao da RSL, houve boa sustentacao para os fatores identificados. Escassez de evidencias foram identificadas na America Latina, particularmente no Brasil. A literatura existente em desvios de prazos e custos ate o momento se mostrou multifacetada, com 92 artigos publicados em 46 fontes diferentes no intervalo de tempo de 1985 a 2014. A maioria das pesquisas teve como foco o estudo de alguns desses fatores em particular, enquanto esta pesquisa classificou-os e sintetizou-os de forma a possibilitar uma visao nova e mais abrangente sobre o fenomeno.

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-asce | 2014

Mejorias en la Productividad de un Proceso de Prefabricados de Concreto con Flujo en Linea Despues de un Esfuerzo de Estabilidad Basica

Carlos Antonio Samaniego Gallardo; Ariovaldo Denis Granja; Flavio Augusto Picchi

AbstractLos principios y metodologia lean han sido aplicadas con exito en plantas de prefabricados y flujo de lotes. La transformacion de procesos en ambientes de flujo de lotes a flujo en linea es la principal causa de beneficios en productividad reportadas en la literatura. Por medio de una investigacion-accion enraizada en la filosofia lean, mostramos que beneficios en la productividad son posibles en procesos de prefabricados que ya se encuentran funcionando con flujo en linea. El presente estudio fue realizado en una compania donde previamente se habian medidas de la filosofia lean, tales como MCV (Mapa de Cadena de Valor), organizacion del area de trabajo(5S), sistema empujado y MPT (Mantenimiento Productivo Total). Dicha iniciativa trajo como consecuencia mejoras en la productividad, a pesar que de una manera variable y no constante. El enfoque de esta investigacion pudo idear una estabilidad simple en el proceso teniendo como foco la metodologia y mano de obra. Despues de una serie de ciclos de me...

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