Aristoteles Pires de Matos
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Featured researches published by Aristoteles Pires de Matos.
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2005
Z. J. M. Cordeiro; Aristoteles Pires de Matos
Yellow Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella musicola / Pseudocercospora musae continues to be a great problem for the banana (Musa spp.) crop in Brazil, with the causal agent presenting high pathogenic variability among the isolates of the pathogen. The objective of this work was to characterize the reaction type that has been observed among the resistant varieties. The researches have been carried out under greenhouse conditions with artificial inoculation of different isolates of M. musicola on a group of banana varieties, composed by Pacovan, Prata Ana, Thap Maeo, Caipira, Grand Naine, Terra and Pioneira. In inoculations on those varieties, involving about 38 isolates M. musicola, until now only the Terra variety, had its resistance mechanism overcome by some of the isolates. Some of these isolates were also inoculated on other genotypes not included in this relationship, such as: JV03-15, PV03-44, FHIA-01 and FHIA-18. Observing the reactions of the varieties Caipira, Thap Maeo, Pioneira, Terra, JV03-15 and PV03-44, varieties which are resistant to most of the isolates, a very similar behavior is noticed. All of them showed a reaction to powdered inoculation by the formation of barely perceptible lesions shaped like points or grooves. This reaction is similar to a hypersensitive reaction with the formation of local lesions of late visualization. The phenotypes have the characteristics of a qualitative answer, involving a hipersensibility mechanism.
Euphytica | 1998
Orlando Borrás Hidalgo; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; Renato Santos Cabral; Raúl Tapia Tussel; Mayda Arzola; Ramón Santos; María Cristina Pérez
Two pineapple varieties differing in resistance to fusariose were examined for the phytotoxic effect of Fusarium subglutinans culture filtrate. The cultivars were Perolera (more resistant to pathovars of Fusarium subglutinans) and Smooth Cayenne (more susceptible). The phytotoxic effect of culture filtrate was assessed in tissue culture pineapple plantlets (by electrolyte leakage and placing the culture filtrate on wound leaf segments) and callus (inhibition of growth). Smooth Cayenne proved to be the most sensitive cultivar in each test, whereas Perolera showed resistance to the culture filtrate and its callus grew in the presence of high concentrations of culture filtrate that were completely toxic to Smooth Cayenne. These results show that plants can display cellular resistance to the culture filtrate.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Sebastião de Oliveira e Silva; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; Z. J. M. Cordeiro; Mateus Jonnei Carneiro Lima; Edson Perito Amorim
ABSTRACT – Fusarium wilt is one of the major diseases which cause great damage to the banana crop in Brazil since most cultivars used are susceptible. This study was carried out to evaluate agronomical characteristics and resistance to Fusarium wilt in tetraploid banana hybrids. The experiment was led in the experimental field at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits in a complete randomized design with 14 treatments and 10 replicates in the years 2000 and 2001. Fourteen tetraploids were evaluated: FHIA-03, PV03-44, PC42-01, PV42-53, PV42-68, PV42-81, PV42-85, PV42-129, PV42-142, PV42-143, SH3640, ST12-31, ST42-08 and YB42-21 and the Silk cultivar used as the control. The following characteristics were evaluated: plant height (m) and pseudostem diameter (cm) at 30cm from the ground, bunch weight (kg), hand weight (kg) and fruit weight (g), number of hands per bunch, fruits per hand and days to flowering until harvest and Fusarium wilt incidence. The mean values of the genotypes were grouped by the Scott Knott test at 5% significance. There is a broad variation regarding the characteristics evaluated. FHIA 03, ST12-31, SH3640, PV42-142, PV42-53 and PV42-68 present good agronomical characteristics as well as resistance to Fusarium wilt.Index terms: Musa spp., evaluation, plant breeding, Fusarium.
Summa Phytopathologica | 2009
Jaqueline Rosemeire Verzignassi; Maria de Fátima Santos; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; R. L. Benchimol; L. S. Poltronieri
(L.) Merrill) e uma especietropical de grande interesse economico para o Para. Em 2004, o Estadoproduziu 315.428 mil frutos de abacaxi, seguido pela Paraiba (268.106mil frutos), Minas Gerais (219.137 mil frutos) e Bahia (117.973 milfrutos). Em 2005, tornou-se o segundo maior produtor, com 268.808mil frutos, superado pela Paraiba, com 325.612 mil frutos. Em 2006tornou-se o maior produtor brasileiro, com area colhida de 14.062 ha,producao de 353.773 mil frutos e rendimento medio de 25.158 frutospor hectare.Em diferentes localidades do Estado do Para foram coletados frutosde abacaxi, da cultivar “Perola”, com sintomas de apodrecimento, comou sem exsudacao de goma pelos frutilhos, bem como mudas (filhotes),pedunculos dos frutos, caules, folhas e raizes de plantas apresentandolesoes e apodrecimento, com ou sem exsudacao de goma (figuras 1 e2). As amostras foram coletadas em areas de producao comercial nosmunicipios de Floresta do Araguaia, Salvaterra, Capitao Poco,Castanhal, Conceicao do Araguaia, Nova Timboteua, Peixe Boi eCachoeira do Arari e encaminhadas ao Laboratorio de Fitopatologia daEmbrapa Amazonia Oriental para a diagnose do agente causal.Da interface entre o tecido lesionado e sadio de todas as partesvegetais procedeu-se isolamentos. Para tanto, pequenas porcoes detecido foram plaqueadas em meio de cultura BDA (batata-dextrose-agar, 26oC, fotoperiodo de 12h). Os isolados obtidos forammultiplicados em BDA e, apos tres dias do isolamento, foramobservadas colonias fungicas, de crescimento rasteiro e hialino,tornando-se branco e cotonoso, com microconidios em falsa cabeca, oque permitiu a identificacao como
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2003
Danúzia Maria Vieira Ferreira; Z. J. M. Cordeiro; Aristoteles Pires de Matos
Yellow Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella musicola Leach) is one of the most serious banana diseases in Brazil, it can cause yield losses higher than 50%. The main control method has been based on spraying fungicides. The use of a monitoring system able to indicate the appropriate moment for spraying fungicide, is a very important alternative to rationalize its uses. This work aimed to defining a Total Sum value for the biological forecasting system that allows to reduce the number of annual fungicide applications needed for Yellow Sigatoka control in Reconcavo Baiano Region. The work was carried out at Embrapa Cassava & Fruits, of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA , located in the Municipality of Cruz das Almas, State of Bahia. Eight treatments were evaluated: six of them using pre-established Total Sum values of the biological forecasting system (1000; 1300; 1600; 1900; 2200 and 2500), the sistematic disease control by fungicide spraying every 21 days, and the control treatment without spraying. The treatments consisted of eight plots containing 48 plants each, of the cultivar Grand Naine. Every week, ten plants of each treatment were evaluated for rate of leaf emission and disease incidence in the leaves 2, 3 and 4, in order to determine the highest degree of lesion intensity. The weekly data were used to calculate the respective Total Sum values thus indicating the necessity or not of fungicide application (propiconazole, 3 mL, plus mineral oil, 1 L). At harvest, data on production and disease severity were taken. Only three of the evaluated treatments were statistically different from the control treatment without sprayings: fungicide application every 21 days; fungicide application when the Total Sum reached 1,300; and fungicide application when the Total Sum reached 1,600. Considering the yield obtained and the number of fungicide applications required during the crop cycle, it is concluded that, for the Reconcavo Baiano Region, the application of the biological forecasting system for chemical control of Yellow Sigatoka should be performed when the Total Sum reaches 1,600. This system allowed a decrease in the number of fungicide application from thirteen to eight per year, that means 40% less fungicide used without decreasing yield.
Summa Phytopathologica | 2009
Jaqueline Rosemeire Verzignassi; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; Maria de Fátima Santos; L. S. Poltronieri; R. L. Benchimol; N. F. Sanches
(L.) Merrill) e uma especietropical de grande interesse economico para o Para. Em 2004, o Estadoproduziu 315.428 mil frutos de abacaxi, seguido pela Paraiba (268.106mil frutos), Minas Gerais (219.137 mil frutos) e Bahia (117.973 milfrutos). Em 2005, tornou-se o segundo maior produtor, com 268.808mil frutos, superado pela Paraiba, com 325.612 mil frutos. Em 2006,tornou-se o maior produtor brasileiro, com area colhida de 14.062 ha,producao de 353.773 mil frutos e rendimento medio de 25.158 frutospor hectare. Floresta do Araguaia e o maior produtor de abacaxi doPara, com cerca de 12,5 mil ha de area plantada, 18 milhoes de frutospor safra e rendimento medio de 27 t/ha, correspondendo aaproximadamente 15% da producao nacional. O Municipio apresentaa maior industria de suco concentrado da fruta do Brasil, exportandopara os paises da Uniao Europeia, Estados Unidos, Israel e Mercosul,e e seguido por Salvaterra, Conceicao do Araguaia e, no NordesteParaense, por Capitao Poco e Castanhal e, nestes ultimos, tem ocorridogrande expansao da cultura nos ultimos anos. Em Floresta do Araguaia,a abacaxicultura em escala comercial, foi iniciada na segunda metade dadecada de oitenta. Embora existam pequenos produtores, as areascultivadas com abacaxizais sao relativamente medias a grandes, havendoprodutores com mais de 1.200.000 pes.Frutos da cv. Perola, com ausencia de lesoes externas, com coloracaoamarelada e apresentando lesoes internas de coloracao marrom clara aescura, foram coletados em plantios comerciais de Floresta do Araguaia,Moju, Salvaterra e Braganca. A partir das lesoes, procedeu-se oisolamento em meio BDA. Colonias fungicas, brancas a roseas, ecolonias esverdeadas, com micelio aereo e amareladas no reverso daplaca, surgiram apos tres dias do isolamento. Foram identificados
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 1998
Sebastião de Oliveira e Silva; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; Élio José Alves
Circular tecnica - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Mandioca e Fruticultura | 1997
A. L. Borges; Élio José Alves; Sebastião de Oliveira e Silva; Luciano da Silva Souza; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; Marilene Fancelli; Arlene Maria Gomes Oliveira; Z. J. M. Cordeiro
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2007
Andréa Jaqueira da Silva Borges; Aldo Vilar Trindade; Aristoteles Pires de Matos; Maria de Fátima da Silva Peixoto
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2005
César M. B. Querino; Delson Laranjeira; Rildo Sartori Barbosa Coelho; Aristoteles Pires de Matos
Dive into the Aristoteles Pires de Matos's collaboration.
Getúlio Augusto Pinto da Cunha
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
View shared research outputsJaqueline Rosemeire Verzignassi
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
View shared research outputsMaria de Fátima da Silva Peixoto
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
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