Arnaldo M. Vaz
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2009
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
El estudio caracteriza aspectos latentes de masculinidades que traen implicaciones para el aprendizaje individual y colectivo de una clase de la escuela secundaria. Clases de fisica del primer ano de una escuela secundaria fueron acompanadas a lo largo de un ano. A microanalisis de una secuencia de seis clases - gravadas en audio y en video - envolviendo una actividad que simula el trabajo de una comunidad cientifica, caracteriza las interacciones predominantes entre los jovenes. Las masculinidades destacadas se movilizan en torno del estimulo frente a situaciones desafiantes y de competicion, de la curiosidad por el fenomeno investigado, del desafio a las reglas establecidas en la conduccion de la actividad. Entre las implicaciones del estudio, se destaca la necesidad de tener en cuenta las manifestaciones de masculinidades que puedan comprometer el desarrollo de las actividades en la clase y el funcionamiento de los grupos de aprendizajeThe study characterizes latent aspects of masculinity that present implications for individual and collective learning in a class of secondary education. Physics classes of first year students were observed for one academic year. A microanalysis of a thematic unit - recorded on audio and video - in an activity that simulates the work of a scientific community characterizes the predominant interactions between the boys. Some manifestations of masculinity were predominant among boys in classroom activities that were challenging and competitive and others, in which rules had to be observed. Results suggest the kind of circumstances in which such masculinities might be manifested jeopardizing the development of classroom activities and the dynamics of learning groups
Revista Brasileira De Ensino De Fisica | 2005
A. Tarciso Borges; Oto Borges; Arnaldo M. Vaz
This paper reports part of a research programme on physics curriculum development. Here, we look at the ways students choose relevant factors in two practical problems; deflne strategies to test them; and plan data collection in the school laboratory. Individual written investigation plans provided data about 73 physics students from three classes at grade 11. We look at the relevant independent variables identifled, explanations adopted by students and the quality of their plans. Analysis indicates that more than half of the students have satisfactory knowledge of how to control variables in the context of a simpler problem (P2). However, in a more complex situation (P1), this flgure drops to about 1/3. We suggest that students need more teacher support in their efiorts to develop their scientiflc reasoning. It becomes clear the importance of a balanced curriculum, based on traditional as well as on open practical activities.
Archive | 2014
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
This chapter reports on a study on students’ learning from the perspective of a social theory of gender. That is part of a research programme aimed at identifying and characterizing the key factors intervening in students’ collaborative learning of higher order thinking in exigent educational contexts. The present study aimed, first, to reveal the influence of certain configurations of masculinity on the development of learning opportunities in upper secondary school physics lessons. The second aim was to correlate learning opportunities experienced by students and manifestations of masculinity, which occur in the form of resistance patterns, power relations and collaboration. Data collection was inspired by interactional ethnography. Over the course of 1 year, we observed all the physics lessons of two Grade 10 classes (the first of a 3-year course), making audio and video recordings only on occasions. Both the nature of our data and the result of our analyses demanded a special format for the research report. Analyses of the longitudinal observations during the year are communicated here in reference to a small set of episodes. Concentrating the narrative on a microanalysis of a group of three boys on a six-lesson activity is the best solution that we have found so far for the research report challenge. We communicate our conclusion about the influence of masculinity on students’ learning and vice versa, having recourse to a selection of interactions that were recorded on audio and video in the first days of the school year. The passages illustrate singular relational interactions representative of those observed during the year. We have drawn on passages from a single unit of the school programme in order to reduce the contextual variables of the study and to expedite the description of the school settings in which it was conducted. The present study gives us evidence that resistance patterns, power relations and collaboration are factors that intervene in students’ group learning. The data show that when the teacher alternates between small- and large-group dynamics, those patterns are modified, thereby lessening the loss these factors represent for the students involved.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2010
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
Observamos grupos de alunos de ensino medio que foram desafiados a realizar uma atividade de pesquisa em Fisica. O objetivo era distinguir o engajamento colaborativo de outras formas de participacao em grupo. Apresentamos um estudo pormenorizado de aulas que ocorreram no inicio do ano letivo em turmas do primeiro ano. Recorremos a gravacoes em audio e video para categorizar a participacao dos alunos durante a atividade. As categorias sao inspiradas no referencial psicanalitico de Grupos de Trabalho e Suposicoes Basicas. Com a ajuda desses conceitos foi possivel caracterizar a participacao individual no grupo, atentando para os impulsos emocionais que desviaram os individuos da tarefa. Baseados nos dados obtidos e em outros trabalhos nos quais analisamos esses grupos isoladamente, concluimos que a participacao dos alunos depende de aspectos intrinsecos da dinâmica dos grupos de aprendizagem. A colaboracao e objetividade, necessarias para que o grupo funcione bem, dependem de uma interferencia externa ao grupo.
Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2009
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
El estudio caracteriza aspectos latentes de masculinidades que traen implicaciones para el aprendizaje individual y colectivo de una clase de la escuela secundaria. Clases de fisica del primer ano de una escuela secundaria fueron acompanadas a lo largo de un ano. A microanalisis de una secuencia de seis clases - gravadas en audio y en video - envolviendo una actividad que simula el trabajo de una comunidad cientifica, caracteriza las interacciones predominantes entre los jovenes. Las masculinidades destacadas se movilizan en torno del estimulo frente a situaciones desafiantes y de competicion, de la curiosidad por el fenomeno investigado, del desafio a las reglas establecidas en la conduccion de la actividad. Entre las implicaciones del estudio, se destaca la necesidad de tener en cuenta las manifestaciones de masculinidades que puedan comprometer el desarrollo de las actividades en la clase y el funcionamiento de los grupos de aprendizajeThe study characterizes latent aspects of masculinity that present implications for individual and collective learning in a class of secondary education. Physics classes of first year students were observed for one academic year. A microanalysis of a thematic unit - recorded on audio and video - in an activity that simulates the work of a scientific community characterizes the predominant interactions between the boys. Some manifestations of masculinity were predominant among boys in classroom activities that were challenging and competitive and others, in which rules had to be observed. Results suggest the kind of circumstances in which such masculinities might be manifested jeopardizing the development of classroom activities and the dynamics of learning groups
Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2009
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
El estudio caracteriza aspectos latentes de masculinidades que traen implicaciones para el aprendizaje individual y colectivo de una clase de la escuela secundaria. Clases de fisica del primer ano de una escuela secundaria fueron acompanadas a lo largo de un ano. A microanalisis de una secuencia de seis clases - gravadas en audio y en video - envolviendo una actividad que simula el trabajo de una comunidad cientifica, caracteriza las interacciones predominantes entre los jovenes. Las masculinidades destacadas se movilizan en torno del estimulo frente a situaciones desafiantes y de competicion, de la curiosidad por el fenomeno investigado, del desafio a las reglas establecidas en la conduccion de la actividad. Entre las implicaciones del estudio, se destaca la necesidad de tener en cuenta las manifestaciones de masculinidades que puedan comprometer el desarrollo de las actividades en la clase y el funcionamiento de los grupos de aprendizajeThe study characterizes latent aspects of masculinity that present implications for individual and collective learning in a class of secondary education. Physics classes of first year students were observed for one academic year. A microanalysis of a thematic unit - recorded on audio and video - in an activity that simulates the work of a scientific community characterizes the predominant interactions between the boys. Some manifestations of masculinity were predominant among boys in classroom activities that were challenging and competitive and others, in which rules had to be observed. Results suggest the kind of circumstances in which such masculinities might be manifested jeopardizing the development of classroom activities and the dynamics of learning groups
Educational Review | 2009
Regina Mendes; Arnaldo M. Vaz
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências | 2011
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
Revista Portuguesa de Educação | 2013
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz
Archive | 2011
Josimeire M. Julio; Arnaldo M. Vaz; Alexandre Fagundes