Arno Rein
Technical University of Denmark
Chemosphere | 2013
G. Marchal; Kilian E. C. Smith; Arno Rein; Anne Winding; Stefan Trapp; Ulrich Karlson
Carbonaceous soil amendments are applied to contaminated soils and sediments to strongly sorb hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) and reduce their freely dissolved concentrations. This limits biouptake and toxicity, but also biodegradation. To investigate whether HOCs sorbed to such amendments can be degraded at all, the desorption and biodegradation of low concentrations of (14)C-labelled phenanthrene (≤5 μg L(-1)) freshly sorbed to suspensions of the pure soil amendments activated carbon (AC), biochar (charcoal) and compost were compared. Firstly, the maximum abiotic desorption of phenanthrene from soil amendment suspensions in water, minimal salts medium (MSM) or tryptic soy broth (TSB) into a dominating silicone sink were measured. Highest fractions remained sorbed to AC (84±2.3%, 87±4.1%, and 53±1.2% for water, MSM and TSB, respectively), followed by charcoal (35±2.2%, 32±1.7%, and 12±0.3%, respectively) and compost (1.3±0.21%, similar for all media). Secondly, the mineralization of phenanthrene sorbed to AC, charcoal and compost by Sphingomonas sp. 10-1 (DSM 12247) was determined. In contrast to the amounts desorbed, phenanthrene mineralization was similar for all the soil amendments at about 56±11% of the initially applied radioactivity. Furthermore, HPLC analyses showed only minor amounts (<5%) of residual phenanthrene remaining in the suspensions, indicating almost complete biodegradation. Fitting the data to a coupled desorption and biodegradation model revealed that desorption did not limit biodegradation for any of the amendments, and that degradation could proceed due to the high numbers of bacteria and/or the production of biosurfactants or biofilms. Therefore, reduced desorption of phenanthrene from AC or charcoal did not inhibit its biodegradation, which implies that under the experimental conditions these amendments can reduce freely dissolved concentration without hindering biodegradation. In contrast, phenanthrene sorbed to compost was fully desorbed and biodegraded.
Sar and Qsar in Environmental Research | 2011
Arno Rein; Charlotte Nielsen Legind; Stefan Trapp
Models for the prediction of chemical uptake into plants are widely applied tools for human and wildlife exposure assessment, pesticide design and for environmental biotechnology such as phytoremediation. Steady-state considerations are often applied, because they are simple and have a small data need. However, often the emission pattern is non-steady. Examples are pesticide spraying, or the application of manure and sewage sludge on agricultural fields. In these scenarios, steady-state solutions are not valid, and dynamic simulation is required. We compared different approaches for dynamic modelling of plant uptake in order to identify relevant processes and timescales of processes in the soil–plant–air system. Based on the outcome, a new model concept for plant uptake models was developed, approximating logistic growth and coupling transpiration to growing plant mass. The underlying system of differential equations was solved analytically for the inhomogenous case, i.e. for constant input. By superposition of the results of n periods, changes in emission and input data between periods are considered. This combination allows to mimic most input functions that are relevant in practice. The model was set up, parameterized and tested for uptake into growing crops. The outcome was compared with a numerical solution, to verify the mathematical structure.
Environmental Pollution | 2013
G. Marchal; Kilian E. C. Smith; Arno Rein; Anne Winding; Lis Wollensen de Jonge; Stefan Trapp; Ulrich Karlson
Sorption of PAHs to carbonaceous soil amendments reduces their dissolved concentrations, limiting toxicity but also potentially biodegradation. Therefore, the maximum abiotic desorption of freshly sorbed phenanthrene (≤5 mg kg(-1)) was measured in three soils amended with activated carbon (AC), biochar or compost. Total amounts of phenanthrene desorbed were similar between the different soils, but the amendment type had a large influence. Complete desorption was observed in the unamended and compost amended soils, but this reduced for biochar (41% desorbed) and AC (8% desorbed). Cumulative amounts mineralized were 28% for the unamended control, 19% for compost, 13% for biochar and 4% for AC. Therefore, the effects of the amendments in soil in reducing desorption were also reflected in the extents of mineralization. Modeling was used to analyze key processes, indicating that for the AC and charcoal treatments bacterial activity did not limit mineralization, but rather desorption into the dissolved phase.
Environmental Science & Technology | 2012
Kilian E. C. Smith; Arno Rein; Stefan Trapp; Philipp Mayer; Ulrich Karlson
Biotransformation plays a key role in hydrophobic organic compound (HOC) fate, and understanding kinetics as a function of (bio)availability is critical for elucidating persistence, accumulation, and toxicity. Biotransformation mainly occurs in an aqueous environment, posing technical challenges for producing kinetic data because of low HOC solubilities and sorptive losses. To overcome these, a new experimental approach based on passive dosing is presented. This avoids using cosolvent for introducing the HOC substrate, buffers substrate depletion so biotransformation is measured within a narrow and defined dissolved concentration range, and enables high compound turnover even at low concentrations to simplify end point measurement. As a case study, the biodegradation kinetics of two model HOCs by the bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis EPA505 were measured at defined dissolved concentrations ranging over 4 orders of magnitude, from 0.017 to 658 μg L(-1) for phenanthrene and from 0.006 to 90.0 μg L(-1) for fluoranthene. Both compounds had similar mineralization fluxes, and these increased by 2 orders of magnitude with increasing dissolved concentrations. First-order mineralization rate constants were also similar for both PAHs, but decreased by around 2 orders of magnitude with increasing dissolved concentrations. Dynamic passive dosing is a useful tool for measuring biotransformation kinetics at realistically low and defined dissolved HOC concentrations.
Pest Management Science | 2011
Charlotte Nielsen Legind; Coleen M Kennedy; Arno Rein; Nathan Snyder; Stefan Trapp
BACKGROUND Drip application of insecticides is an effective way to deliver the chemical to the plant that avoids off-site movement via spray drift and minimizes applicator exposure. The aim of this paper is to present a cascade model for the uptake of pesticide into plants following drip irrigation, its application for a soil-applied insecticide and a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters. RESULTS The model predicted the measured increase and decline of residues following two soil applications of an insecticide to peppers, with an absolute error between model and measurement ranging from 0.002 to 0.034 mg kg fw(-1). Maximum measured concentrations in pepper fruit were approximately 0.22 mg kg fw(-1). Temperature was the most sensitive component for predicting the peak and final concentration in pepper fruit, through its influence on soil and plant degradation rates. CONCLUSION Repeated simulations of pulse inputs with the cascade model adequately describe soil pesticide applications to an actual cropped system and reasonably mimic it. The model has the potential to be used for the optimization of practical features, such as application rates and waiting times between applications and before harvest, through the integrated accounting of soil, plant and environmental influences.
PLOS ONE | 2012
Charlotte Nielsen Legind; Arno Rein; Jeanne Serre; Violaine Brochier; Claire-Sophie Haudin; Philippe Cambier; Sabine Houot; Stefan Trapp
The water budget of soil, the uptake in plants and the leaching to groundwater of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were simulated simultaneously using a physiological plant uptake model and a tipping buckets water and solute transport model for soil. Simulations were compared to results from a ten-year experimental field study, where four organic amendments were applied every second year. Predicted concentrations slightly decreased (Cd) or stagnated (Pb) in control soils, but increased in amended soils by about 10% (Cd) and 6% to 18% (Pb). Estimated plant uptake was lower in amended plots, due to an increase of Kd (dry soil to water partition coefficient). Predicted concentrations in plants were close to measured levels in plant residues (straw), but higher than measured concentrations in grains. Initially, Pb was mainly predicted to deposit from air into plants (82% in 1998); the next years, uptake from soil became dominating (30% from air in 2006), because of decreasing levels in air. For Cd, predicted uptake from air into plants was negligible (1–5%).
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2016
Arno Rein; Iris K. U. Adam; Anja Miltner; Katja Brumme; Matthias Kästner; Stefan Trapp
Many attempts for bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated sites failed in the past, but the reasons for this failure are not well understood. Here we apply and improve a model for integrated assessment of mass transfer, biodegradation and residual concentrations for predicting the success of remediation actions. First, we provide growth parameters for Mycobacterium rutilum and Mycobacterium pallens growing on phenanthrene (PHE) or pyrene (PYR) degraded the PAH completely at all investigated concentrations. Maximum metabolic rates vmax and growth rates μ were similar for the substrates PHE and PYR and for both strains. The investigated Mycobacterium species were not superior in PHE degradation to strains investigated earlier with this method. Real-world degradation scenario simulations including diffusive flux to the microbial cells indicate: that (i) bioaugmentation only has a small, short-lived effect; (ii) Increasing sorption shifts the remaining PAH to the adsorbed/sequestered PAH pool; (iii) mobilizing by solvents or surfactants resulted in a significant decrease of the sequestered PAH, and (iv) co-metabolization e.g. by compost addition can contribute significantly to the reduction of PAH, because active biomass is maintained at a high level by the compost. The model therefore is a valuable contribution to the assessment of potential remediation action at PAH-polluted sites.
Environmental Science & Technology | 2014
Iris K. U. Adam; Arno Rein; Anja Miltner; Ana C. D. Fulgêncio; Stefan Trapp; Matthias Kästner
Metabolism of a low-solubility substrate is limited by dissolution and availability and can hardly be determined. We developed a numerical model for simultaneously calculating dissolution kinetics of such substrates and their metabolism and microbial growth (Monod kinetics with decay) and tested it with three aerobic phenanthrene (PHE) degraders: Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1, Sphingomonas sp. EPA505, and Sphingobium yanoikuyae B1. PHE was present as microcrystals, providing non-limiting conditions for growth. Total PHE and protein concentration were tracked over 6-12 days. The model was fitted to the test results for the rates of dissolution, metabolism, and growth. The strains showed similar efficiency, with vmax values of 12-18 g dw g(-1) d(-1), yields of 0.21 g g(-1), maximum growth rates of 2.5-3.8 d(-1), and decay rates of 0.04-0.05 d(-1). Sensitivity analysis with the model shows that (i) retention in crystals or NAPLs or by sequestration competes with biodegradation, (ii) bacterial growth conditions (dissolution flux and resulting chemical activity of substrate) are more relevant for the final state of the system than the initial biomass, and (iii) the desorption flux regulates the turnover in the presence of solid-state, sequestered (aged), or NAPL substrate sources.
International Journal of Phytoremediation | 2012
Mette Algreen; Arno Rein; Charlotte Nielsen Legind; Carl Einar Amundsen; Ulrich Karlson; Stefan Trapp
Tree core samples have been used to delineate organic subsurface plumes. In 2009 and 2010, samples were taken at trees growing on a former dump site in Norway and analyzed for arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). Concentrations in wood were in averages (dw) 30 mg/kg for Zn, 2 mg/kg for Cu, and <1 mg/kg for Cd, Cr, As and Ni. The concentrations in wood samples from the polluted test site were compared to those derived from a reference site. For all except one case, mean concentrations from the test site were higher than those from the reference site, but the difference was small and not always significant. Differences between tree species were usually higher than differences between reference and test site. Furthermore, all these elements occur naturally, and Cu, Ni, and Zn are essential minerals. Thus, all trees will have a natural background of these elements, and the occurrence alone does not indicate soil pollution. For the interpretation of the results, a comparison to wood samples from an unpolluted reference site with same species and similar soil conditions is required. This makes the tree core screening method less reliable for heavy metals than, e.g., for chlorinated solvents.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2014
Mette Algreen; Stefan Trapp; Arno Rein