Aron Laszka
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Featured researches published by Aron Laszka.
ACM Computing Surveys | 2015
Aron Laszka; Mark Felegyhazi; Levente Buttyán
Risks faced by information system operators and users are not only determined by their own security posture, but are also heavily affected by the security-related decisions of others. This interdependence between information system operators and users is a fundamental property that shapes the efficiency of security defense solutions. Game theory is the most appropriate method to model the strategic interactions between these participants. In this survey, we summarize game-theoretic interdependence models, characterize the emerging security inefficiencies, and present mechanisms to improve the security decisions of the participants. We focus our attention on games with interdependent defenders and do not discuss two-player attacker-defender games. Our goal is to distill the main insights from the state of the art and to identify the areas that need more attention from the research community.
financial cryptography | 2014
Benjamin Johnson; Aron Laszka; Jens Grossklags; Marie Vasek; Tyler Moore
One of the unique features of the digital currency Bitcoin is that new cash is introduced by so-called miners carrying out resource-intensive proof-of-work operations. To increase their chances of obtaining freshly minted bitcoins, miners typically join pools to collaborate on the computations. However, intense competition among mining pools has recently manifested in two ways. Miners may invest in additional computing resources to increase the likelihood of winning the next mining race. But, at times, a more sinister tactic is also employed: a mining pool may trigger a costly distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack to lower the expected success outlook of a competing mining pool. We explore the trade-off between these strategies with a series of game-theoretical models of competition between two pools of varying sizes. We consider differences in costs of investment and attack, as well as uncertainty over whether a DDoS attack will succeed. By characterizing the game’s equilibria, we can draw a number of conclusions. In particular, we find that pools have a greater incentive to attack large pools than small ones. We also observe that larger mining pools have a greater incentive to attack than smaller ones.
decision and game theory for security | 2013
Aron Laszka; Benjamin Johnson; Jens Grossklags
We consider a strategic game in which a defender wants to maintain control over a resource that is subject to both targeted and non-targeted covert attacks. Because the attacks are covert, the defender must choose to secure the resource in real time without knowing who controls it. Each move by the defender to secure the resource has a one-time cost and these defending moves are not covert, so that a targeted attacker may time her attacks based on the defenders moves. The time between when a targeted attack starts and when it succeeds is given by an exponentially distributed random variable with a known rate. Non-targeted attackers are modeled together as a single attacker whose attacks arrive following a Poisson process. We find that in this regime, the optimal moving strategy for the defender is a periodic strategy, so that the time intervals between consecutive moves are constant.
decision and game theory for security | 2012
Aron Laszka; Dávid Szeszlér; Levente Buttyán
In order to design robust networks, first, one has to be able to measure robustness of network topologies. In [1], a game-theoretic model, the network blocking game, was proposed for this purpose, where a network operator and an attacker interact in a zero-sum game played on a network topology, and the value of the equilibrium payoff in this game is interpreted as a measure of robustness of that topology. The payoff for a given pair of pure strategies is based on a loss-in-value function. Besides measuring the robustness of network topologies, the model can be also used to identify critical edges that are likely to be attacked. Unfortunately, previously proposed loss-in-value functions are either too simplistic or lead to a game whose equilibrium is not known to be computable in polynomial time. In this paper, we propose a new, linear loss-in-value function, which is meaningful and leads to a game whose equilibrium is efficiently computable. Furthermore, we show that the resulting game-theoretic robustness metric is related to the Cheeger constant of the topology graph, which is a well-known metric in graph theory.
financial cryptography | 2014
Aron Laszka; Benjamin Johnson; Jens Grossklags; Mark Felegyhazi
Social, technical and business connections can all give rise to security risks. These risks can be substantial when individual compromises occur in combinations, and difficult to predict when some connections are not easily observed. A significant and relevant challenge is to predict these risks using only locally-derivable information.
WINE 2013 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web and Internet Economics - Volume 8289 | 2013
Aron Laszka; Benjamin Johnson; Jens Grossklags
Attackers of computing resources increasingly aim to keep security compromises hidden from defenders in order to extract more value over a longer period of time. These covert attacks come in multiple varieties, which can be categorized into two main types: targeted and non-targeted attacks. Targeted attacks include, for example, cyberespionage, while non-targeted attacks include botnet recruitment. We are concerned with the subclass of these attacks for which detection is too costly or technically infeasible given the capabilities of a typical organization. As a result, defenders have to mitigate potential damages under a regime of incomplete information. A primary mitigation strategy is to reset potentially compromised resources to a known safe state, for example, by reinstalling computer systems, and changing passwords or cryptographic private keys. In a game-theoretic framework, we study the economically optimal mitigation strategies in the presence of targeted and non-targeted covert attacks. Our work has practical implications for the definition of security policies, in particular, for password and key renewal schedules.
ieee computer security foundations symposium | 2014
Benjamin Johnson; Aron Laszka; Jens Grossklags
This risk of catastrophe from an attack is a consequence of a networks structure formed by the connected individuals, businesses and computer systems. Understanding the likelihood of extreme events, or, more generally, the probability distribution of the number of compromised nodes is an essential requirement to provide risk-mitigation or cyber-insurance. However, previous network security research has not considered features of these distributions beyond their first central moments, while previous cyber-insurance research has not considered the effect of topologies on the supply side. We provide a mathematical basis for bridging this gap: we study the complexity of computing these loss-number distributions, both generally and for special cases of common real-world networks. In the case of scale-free networks, we demonstrate that expected loss alone cannot determine the riskiness of a network, and that this riskiness cannot be naively estimated from smaller samples, which highlights the lack/importance of topological data in security incident reporting.
international conference on game theory for networks | 2012
Aron Laszka; Dávid Szeszlér; Levente Buttyán
In this paper, we study the robustness of networks that are characterized by many-to-one communications (e.g., access networks and sensor networks) in a game-theoretic model. More specifically, we model the interactions between a network operator and an adversary as a two player zero-sum game, where the network operator chooses a spanning tree in the network, the adversary chooses an edge to be removed from the network, and the adversary’s payoff is proportional to the number of nodes that can no longer reach a designated node through the spanning tree. We show that the payoff in every Nash equilibrium of the game is equal to the reciprocal of the persistence of the network. We describe optimal adversarial and operator strategies and give efficient, polynomial-time algorithms to compute optimal strategies. We also generalize our game model to include varying node weights, as well as attacks against nodes.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing | 2013
Aron Laszka; Levente Buttyán; Dávid Szeszlér
Abstract In this paper, we address the problem of deploying sink nodes in a wireless sensor network such that the resulting network topology be robust. In order to measure network robustness, we propose a new metric, called persistence, which better captures the notion of robustness than the widely known connectivity based metrics. We study two variants of the sink deployment problem: sink selection and sink placement. We prove that both problems are NP-hard, and show how the problem of sink placement can be traced back to the problem of sink selection using an optimal search space reduction technique, which may be of independent interest. To solve the problem of sink selection, we propose efficient heuristic algorithms. Finally, we provide experimental results on the performance of our proposed algorithms.
world of wireless mobile and multimedia networks | 2011
Aron Laszka; Levente Buttyán; Dávid Szeszlér
In this paper, we address the problem of assigning the sink role to a subset of nodes in a wireless sensor network with a given topology such that the resulting network configuration is robust against denial-of-service type attacks such as node destruction, battery exhaustion and jamming. In order to measure robustness, we introduce new metrics based on a notion defined in [1]. We argue that our metrics are more appropriate to measure the robustness of network configurations than the widely known connectivity based metrics. We formalize the problem of selecting the sink nodes as an optimization problem aiming at minimizing the deployment budget while achieving a certain level of robustness.We propose an efficient greedy heuristic algorithm that approximates the optimal solution reasonably well.