Artemio Scalabrin
State University of Campinas
Featured researches published by Artemio Scalabrin.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | 1980
F. R. Petersen; K. M. Evenson; Donald A. Jennings; Artemio Scalabrin
The frequencies of 70 optically pumped CW FIR12CH 3 OH laser lines have been measured relative to stabilized CO 2 lasers. Fifteen new laser lines together with the relative output powers and polarizations for most of the 104 known lines pumped by laser lines in the normal 9 and 10 μm bands of12C16O 2 are also reported.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | 1991
João Carlos Silos Moraes; E. M. Telles; Flavio C. Cruz; Artemio Scalabrin; D. Pereira; C. Garelli; N. Ioli; A. Moretti; F. Strumia
We report the discovery of 57 new fir laser lines from13CD3OH molecule optically pumped by a waveguide CO2 laser of 300 MHz tunability. For all lines, precise frequency offset measurements between the CO2 line center and the center of the absorbing13CD3OH line were performed using the transferred Lamb-Dip technique. We have also measured directly the frequency of seven FIR laser lines by heterodyning with already known laser lines. We present a complete list of all known laser lines (134) and frequency measurements (24) for this molecule.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | 1992
D. Pereira; Artemio Scalabrin; G.P. Galvao; K. M. Evenson
In this work we report the first observation of FIR laser lines from13CD3OH pumped by the13CO2 isotope laser. Using the same pump we have also found 3 new lines from12CD3OH. Tentative assignments for the absorption and emission transitions of the observed lines are also proposed.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | 1986
Davide Pereira; C. A. Ferrari; Artemio Scalabrin
In this work we report laser action in 69 new FIR laser lines in CD3OH optically pumped by a regular cw CO2 laser. We have performed measurements of laser wavelength, optimum pressure of the gas, relative polarization and intensity on all lines, including some previously known.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | 1985
Artemio Scalabrin; J. Tomaselli; Davide Pereira; E. C. C. Vasconcellos; K. M. Evenson; F. R. Petersen; Lyndon R. Zink; D. A. Jennings
Laser action in carbon-13 difluormethane, C-13H/sub 2/F/sub 2/ was obtained by pumping with CO/sub 2/ CW laser lines from 10R4 to 9R44. Sixty-five lines ranging from 106 to 1220 microns were found. Wavelength, polarization and intensity measurements were performed. The frequencies of 57 of these lines were measured by the synthesis of two frequency-stabilized CO/sub 2/ lasers in a MIM diode. Most of these lines have intensities comparable to those of the well known C-12H/sub 2/F/sub 2/. 5 references.
Optical Engineering | 2002
Haroldo Jose Onisto; Reinaldo L. Cavasso-Filho; Artemio Scalabrin; Daniel Pereira; Flavio C. Cruz
We describe in detail the design, construction, and characterization of an efficient frequency doubled and stabilized all-solid-state Ti: sapphire laser. The laser frequency has been locked to the resonance of a Fabry-Perot cavity, and doubled in a Brewster-cut potassium niobate crystal placed inside a power enhancement cavity. Up to 200 mW of single frequency blue light with fast frequency instabilities of 40-kHz rms and a drift of 10 MHz/hour has been generated. The spectral distributions of amplitude and frequency noise for the free-running laser have been measured and compared with the case of pumping from an argon ion laser. Our laser is well suited in atomic physics for high resolution spectroscopy and for laser cooling and trapping using transitions in the blue-violet region, as we demonstrate with the calcium resonant transition, at 423 nm.
IV Iberoamerican Meeting of Optics and the VII Latin American Meeting of Optics, Lasers and Their Applications | 2001
E. M. Telles; Edson Bezerra; Artemio Scalabrin
A high-resolution external laser photoacoustic spectrometer has been developed. The spectrometer was used to analyze the absorption transitions of the ozone in coincidence with the CO2 laser emission and to evaluate its limit of sensitivity. A CO2 laser and a photoacoustic resonant cell, totally built in project, formed the spectrometer. The CO2 laser operates in 80 CW transitions distributed in the regular bands with power of up to 15W, tuned by a diffraction grating. The cell has frequency resonance of longitudinal mode close to 1600 Hz. The cell is equipped with two small electret microphones and ZnSe windows in Brewster angle. The quality factor of the cell was measured about 30 through the ozone absorption in resonance with the 9P14 line of CO2 laser. The spectrometer sensitivity limit was preliminary evaluated for ozone detection around 100 ppb.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | 1999
Ronaldo Celso Viscovini; Edjar Martins Telles; Artemio Scalabrin; Daniel Pereira
In this paper, we report new optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser lines from the in-plane CD/sub 3/-rocking and asymmetric CD/sub 3/ deformation absorption vibrational bands of /sup 13/CD/sub 3/OD. A waveguide CO/sub 2/ laser of wide tunability (290 MHz) was used as the pump source, and a Fabry-Perot open cavity as the FIR laser resonator. Optoacoustic absorption spectrum was used as a guide to search for new FIR laser lines. We could observe 13 new laser lines in the range 103-491 /spl mu/m. The lines were characterized according to wavelength, relative polarization, relative intensity, and optimum working pressure. The transferred lamb-dip technique was used to measure the frequency absorption transition for both new and previously reported laser lines.
Applied Optics | 1999
Germano Woehl; Guilherme de Andrade Garcia; Flavio C. Cruz; Daniel Pereira; Artemio Scalabrin
A calcium atomic beam has been decelerated by a single extended-cavity diode laser, frequency doubled to 423 nm. A potassium niobate crystal is placed in an external power buildup cavity, and the second-harmonic laser beam, counterpropagating with the atomic beam, is tuned into resonance with the strong 1S0–1P1 transition of calcium. For input power of 78 mW at 846 nm, we generate 22 mW at 423 nm after correction for the reflectivity of our cavity output coupler. To keep the atoms always in resonance during the deceleration process, the Zeeman tuning technique was used.
Il Nuovo Cimento D | 1992
A. Mirage; D. Pereira; Flavio C. Cruz; Artemio Scalabrin
SummaryThe optogalvanic signal (OGS) induced in a uranium-neon hollow-cathode discharge was measured as a function of the laser power density for the 0→16900 cm−1 (591.5 nm) uranium transition. Theoretical relations derived by solving a two-level system rate equations showed the OGS dependence on the laser photon flux, for a modulated c.w. light and for stimulated transitions starting from the ground state. A fitting of the theoretical relations to the experimental measurements allowed the determination of the σ0τ product, that is, the saturation parameter of the transition. The results showed good agreement between the σ0τ values obtained by the optogalvanic and the usual optical absorption processes.