Arthur H. Chappelka
Auburn University
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Featured researches published by Arthur H. Chappelka.
Environmental Pollution | 2012
Chi Zhang; Hanqin Tian; Guangsheng Chen; Arthur H. Chappelka; Xiaofeng Xu; Wei Ren; Dafeng Hui; Mingliang Liu; Chaoqun Lu; Shufen Pan; Graeme Lockaby
Using a process-based Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model, we assessed carbon dynamics of urbanized/developed lands in the Southern United States during 1945-2007. The results indicated that approximately 1.72 (1.69-1.77) Pg (1P = 10(15)) carbon was stored in urban/developed lands, comparable to the storage of shrubland or cropland in the region. Urbanization resulted in a release of 0.21 Pg carbon to the atmosphere during 1945-2007. Pre-urbanization vegetation type and time since land conversion were two primary factors determining the extent of urbanization impacts on carbon dynamics. After a rapid decline of carbon storage during land conversion, an urban ecosystem gradually accumulates carbon and may compensate for the initial carbon loss in 70-100 years. The carbon sequestration rate of urban ecosystem diminishes with time, nearly disappearing in two centuries after land conversion. This study implied that it is important to take urbanization effect into account for assessing regional carbon balance.
Environmental Pollution | 1995
Arthur H. Chappelka; Peter Freer-Smith
Air pollution can have direct effects on trees. It can cause visible injury to foliage and a disruption of physiological processes, such as photosynthesis and carbon allocation, leading to losses in growth and productivity. This review suggests that of equal or greater importance is the potential of air pollutants to indirectly affect tree growth and vitality by predisposing them to injury from other abiotic and biotic stresses. Predisposition by air pollutants can be the result of a disruption in biochemical processes, such as enzyme activity or production, or physiological factors (e.g. stomatal closure, carbon allocation). Air pollutants such as SO(2), O(3) and acidic mists have been implicated as predisposing agents to two of the most important of these stresses: low temperature and soil moisture. Probable mechanisms, as well as implications of predicted changes in global climate will be discussed.
Environmental Pollution | 1997
Arthur H. Chappelka; James R. Renfro; Greg L. Somers; Bruce Nash
The incidence and severity of visible foliar ozone injury on black cherry (Prunus serotina) seedlings and saplings and tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) plants in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were determined by surveys along selected trails conducted during late summer 1992. The incidence (% injured plants) of ozone injury on black cherry was 47% and the percent injured leaves/injured plant and average leaf area injured were 43 and 6%, respectively. Maximum severity (avg. leaf area of the most severely injured leaf) was 12%. Black cherry seedlings and saplings exhibiting ozone injury were taller than non-injured plants. When insect feeding was present, it occurred 96% of the time on plants with ozone injury. Significantly more injury (p=0.007) on black cherry (% injured leaves/injured black cherry) occurred in the NW section of GRSM compared with the other Park sections. Regression analyses showed no relationships in ozone injury with respect to aspect, slope or elevation. Tall milkweed was evaluated twice during August for ozone injury. The incidence (% injured plants) of ozone injury was 74 and 79% for the first and second survey, respectively. The percentage of injured leaves per plant from the first to second survey was 63 to 79%, respectively. Tall milkweeds showing ozone injury were taller than the non-injured plants. The percentage of insect-damaged plants was 50% among plants without ozone injury and 60% among ozone-injured plants. Non-injured tall milkweed had fewer flowers and/or pods than the injured plants. Mean leaf area injured increased over time, and mean maximum leaf area injured increased from 8 to 11% during the same period. Regression analyses showed no differences in ozone injury regarding aspect, slope or elevation. Our findings indicate that ozone injury is widespread throughout the Park on sensitive vegetation.
Photosynthesis Research | 2006
Howard S. Neufeld; Arthur H. Chappelka; Greg L. Somers; Kent O. Burkey; A. W. Davison; Peter L. Finkelstein
The ability of the SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter to quantify chlorophyll amounts in ozone-affected leaves of cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata var. digitata) was assessed in this study. When relatively uninjured leaves were measured (percent leaf area affected by stipple less than 6%), SPAD meter readings were linearly related to total chlorophyll with an adjusted R2 of 0.84. However, when leaves with foliar injury (characterized as a purple to brownish stipple on the upper leaf surface affecting more than 6% of the leaf area) were added, likelihood ratio tests showed that it was no longer possible to use the same equation to obtain chlorophyll estimations for both classes of leaves. Either an equation with a common slope or a common intercept was necessary. We suspect several factors are involved in altering the calibration of the SPAD meter for measuring chlorophyll amounts in visibly ozone-injured leaves, with the most likely being changes in either light absorption or scattering resulting from tissue necrosis.
New Forests | 2000
Mark Dubois; Arthur H. Chappelka; Efrem Robbins; Greg L. Somers; Karl Baker
In the southern USA oaks (Quercusspp.) are often favored by forest owners havingmultiple objectives for forest ownership as oaksprovide mast for wildlife, are consideredaesthetically pleasing, and are valuable for timberproducts. Regeneration and early seedling growth isa concern to those forest owners interested insustaining oaks as a component of their forests. Theeffects of tree shelters and herbaceous weed controlon second-year seedling survival, browse by deer andrabbits, and seedling growth of hand-plantedcherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) wereexamined. The study was established on a cutovermixed pine-hardwood forest in Alabama. Fourtreatments were: weed control only, tree shelter only,tree shelter with weed control, and a controlconsisting of a seedling without a tree shelter orweed control. No significant difference in seedlingsurvival was found among the treatments after twoyears. Tree shelters were effective in preventingbrowsing. No seedlings in the tree-shelter-onlytreatment were browsed. There was no significant,difference, however, in the percentage of seedlingsbrowsed between the control treatment and the weedcontrol treatment. The use of tree shelters with weedcontrol was the most effective treatment for promoting2-year ground-line diameter, height, and stem volumegrowth.
Environmental Pollution | 2003
Arthur H. Chappelka; Howard S. Neufeld; A. W. Davison; Greg L. Somers; James R. Renfro
Incidence and severity of visible foliar ozone injury on cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata L.) and crown-beard (Verbesina occidentalis Walt.) were determined along selected trails at three locations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park during the summers of 2000 and 2001: Clingmans Dome, Cherokee Orchard Road and Purchase Knob. Cutleaf coneflower exhibited a greater amount of foliar injury than crown-beard each year of the 2-year study. Incidence and severity of injury was significantly greater for cutleaf coneflower growing near the edge of the Clingmans Dome trail than in the interior of the stand. Injury was greater at Clingmans Dome than Purchase Knob (70% vs. 40% ozone-injured plants, respectively), coincident with greater ozone exposures. In contrast to Clingmans Dome, there were no differences in injury between plants growing near- and off-trail at Purchase Knob. Differences in sensitivity to ozone were not observed for crown-beard growing near the edge compared with the interior of the stand adjacent to the Cherokee Orchard Road Loop. Ozone injury was greatest on the lower leaves for both species sampled with over 95% of the injured leaves occurring on the lower 50% of the plant. This is the first report of foliar ozone injury on these plant species in situ, in the Park, illustrating the great variability in symptom expression with time, and within and between populations.
Environmental Pollution | 2003
M.C Powell; Russell B. Muntifering; John C. Lin; Arthur H. Chappelka
Sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata cv. Interstate 76) and little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium cv. Aldous) were raised from seed in a glasshouse, transplanted into 5.7-l pots and placed into open-top chambers (OTC) on 6 June 1999. Following a 7-day adjustment period, each of six OTCs (duplicate OTCs per treatment) was ventilated with either air that had been carbon-filtered (CF) to remove ambient ozone (O3); non-filtered (NF), representative of ambient air; or enriched to twice-ambient O3 concentration (2X). Primary-growth forage was harvested on days 7, 32, 46, 59 and 72 following the start of fumigation, and regrowth forage from the first primary-growth harvest was harvested on days 36, 54 and 72 following the start of fumigation. Dry matter (DM) yield of either forage species did not differ among treatments except in the final regrowth period when yield of sericea lespedeza was greater for the NF than 2X O3 treatment. In vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD) and concentrations of crude protein (CP), soluble phenolics (SP) and condensed tannins (CT) in primary-growth sericea lespedeza did not differ between treatments, but NF primary-growth forage had higher concentration of protein-precipitating tannins (PPT) than did 2X primary-growth forage. Concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were higher in NF and 2X than in CF primary-growth sericea lespedeza. Similarly, concentrations of NDF and ADL were higher, and IVDMD was lower for NF and 2X than for CF regrowth sericea lespedeza. Concentrations of ADF and ADL were lower, whereas IVDMD, in vitro NDF digestibility (IVNDFD) and concentrations of CP and SP were greater, in CF than in NF and 2X primary-growth little bluestem. Percentages IVDMD and IVNDFD and concentrations of CP and SP in NF primary-growth little bluestem were greater than those in forage exposed to 2X O3 treatment. No significant differences were observed among treatments in percentages IVDMD and IVNDFD, or concentrations of cell wall constituents or SP in little bluestem regrowth. Nutritive quality of little bluestem was decreased by < 2%, and that of sericea lespedeza by approximately 7% as a result of increased concentrations of cell wall constituents and decreased in vitro digestibility of NF and 2X compared with CF forages. Results indicate that existing and projected O3 levels can drive alterations in forage quality of select warm-season forages sufficient to have nutritional and economic implications for their utilization by ruminant herbivores.
Forest Ecology and Management | 1998
Greg L. Somers; Arthur H. Chappelka; P Rosseau; James R. Renfro
Differences in radial growth at breast height of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) were tested between individual trees with a history of visible foliar ozone injury and those not expressing foliar injury to ozone at three sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. No significant differences in growth for black cherry were found although there was a 12% reduction in radial growth over 5 yrs (1990–1994) (p-level 0.4) and 8% over 10 yrs (1985–1994) (p-level 0.6). There was a significant difference in radial growth for yellow-poplar of 43% over 5 yrs (p-level 0.001) and 30% over 10 yrs (p-level 0.005). Even though the trees of both species were selected to balance the diameter distribution of each species between the two groups at each site, it was still possible that the differences were due to some other factors than sensitivity to ozone exposure. Therefore, a series of multiple linear regressions were used to identify the most explanatory model based on principal components derived from the following independent variables: Diameter at breast height, total height, height to the live crown, percent slope, and a number of competition indices based on the diameter and distance to competitors. These regressions were then tested for different intercepts and slopes between the sensitive and nonsensitive trees. Once again, no significant differences occurred for black cherry (p-levels of 0.4 and 0.7 for five-year and ten-year radial growth, respectively) and some differences for yellow-poplar (p-levels of 0.04 and 0.1 for five-year and ten-year radial growth, respectively). Although the conclusions did not change, the importance of proper balancing of the diameter distribution and accounting for the effects of uncontrollable independent variables are discussed.
Environmental Pollution | 2003
A. W. Davison; Howard S. Neufeld; Arthur H. Chappelka; Kirsten Wolff; Peter L. Finkelstein
Visible injury caused by ozone is recorded every year in native plant species growing in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA). One of the most sensitive species, cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata L.), shows great variation in symptoms between and within populations but the causes of this variation and its ecological significance are currently unknown. This paper presents data relating to genetic variation, ozone concentrations, stomatal conductance and light (PAR) within populations. The data show that populations differ in genetic diversity, one consisting of only three genets while another was very diverse. In the former population, symptoms varied greatly within a single genet, pointing to a large micro-environmental influence. Measurements of ozone, stomatal conductance and PAR within plant canopies suggest that variation in symptom expression is unlikely to be due to differences in ozone flux and more likely to be due to variation in light. The variation in visible symptoms raises the question of what bioindicators actually indicate, and it suggests that symptoms should be interpreted with great caution until the underlying causes of that variation are fully understood.
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2000
S. Anderson; Arthur H. Chappelka; K. M. Flynn; J. W. Odom
Lead is very toxic and if ingested cancause severe health problems to both animals andhumans. To determine if lead accumulation in treescould provide a direct pathway to enter the foodchain, oaks (Q. nigra or Q. velutina)growing near two lead smelting facilities in Alabama,U.S.A., were analyzed for lead in acorns, leaves and treecores. A relatively pristine site was used as acontrol. Lead was not detected in acorns collected atany site, and was only found in tree cores from thesites near smelters. Significant increases in treecore lead from 1975–1995 were detected at the activesmelter site. Results were different from the inactivesmelter site; lead increased in tree cores until thesmelter ceased operation, then decreased afterclosing. Soil lead decreased linearly with distancefrom both smelters. In addition, a significantpositive relationship was observed between leaf andsoil lead at the site with the active smelter, andmay be the result of both translocation via treeroots, and foliar absorption of deposited lead ionsinto the leaf structure.