Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer
Gazi University
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Featured researches published by Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation | 2012
Z. Z. Akarslan; Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer
Although the Gagging Problem Assessment Questionnaire (GPA) can be used to identify patients with gag reflex, it does not provide information about patient sensitivity to dental procedures. The aim of this study was to assess the utility of GPA in determining patient sensitivity (i.e. gag reflex) in response to intra-oral radiography and impression-taking procedures. The study included 95 patients (65 women; mean age, 44·2 ± 13·4 years) undergoing dental treatment at a Turkish dental school. Patients completed the patient section of the GPA before their dental examination. An observing dentist monitored and scored the gag reflex of patients during each step of intra-oral radiographic examination and impression taking. The overall sensitivity of the patient to the entire process was also recorded. Descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance and the Tukeys test were used for statistical analysis. Patients with GPA scores of 1·00-1·74 did not show any gagging or displayed only mild discomfort during the procedures. Patients with GPA scores of 1·75-3·24 showed moderate gagging, which was managed with prophylactic and suppressive precautions. Patients with GPA scores of 3·25-4·00 were unable to complete the procedures because of gagging. Differences (all P < 0·001) were found between the three groups for the observed responses of patients during radiography (F, 203·343), impression (F, 175·035) and radiography + impression procedures (F, 228·319), with no significant difference between women and men. In conclusion, GPA may be helpful for the prediction of patient sensitivity to dental treatments.
Journal of Adhesion | 2013
Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Arife Dogan; Selda Keskin; Orhan Doğan
This study evaluated the effect of argon plasma treatment on tensile bonding of heat-cured and auto-polymerized acrylic resins prior to the processing of a silicone soft liner. Both types of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) resins were treated with argon plasma for 1 min or 10 min (n = 5). A control group, including untreated resin specimens, was also formed. After processing of the soft liner, the specimens were deflasked and stored dry for 24 h, and they were then subjected to tensile bond strength testing. In order to see the plasma effect on the resin surface chemistry, representative specimens were analysed by XPS. Highest tensile bond strengths were observed in the 1-min exposure group for each resin, and 10-min exposure yielded the lowest bond strength likely due to the damaging effect of the plasma treatment. XPS analysis showed that the O/C ratios increased greatly in treated samples and that the binding energy values were not significantly changed.
Journal of Adhesion | 2012
Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Arife Dogan; Orhan Doğan; Merih Cemal Sengonul; Zafer Artvin
This study investigated the effect of surface finish and thermal cycling procedures on flexural strength and surface microhardness of three indirect resin composites, Artglass®, Signum®, and Solidex®. The specimens were prepared in sufficient number and size according to flexural and microhardness test requirements (n = 10). Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray (SEM-EDX) analysis was also used for studying the morphology, dispersion, and elemental compositions of fillers. The EDX results showed that Artglass contained 1.57% aluminium oxide (Al2O3), 53.29% silicon dioxide (SiO2), and 2.62% barium oxide (BaO); Signum had 55.69% silicon dioxide (SiO2) and Solidex had 44.99% silicon dioxide (SiO2) of total mass. Artglass appeared to display the best flexural strength values under all the test conditions employed (range: 116.8 ± 32.18 to 147.8 ± 47.97 MPa), and it was followed by Signum (range: 93.7 ± 22.84 to 118.0 ± 33.45 MPa). Thermal cycling did not seem to have affected the flexural strength of Artglass and Signum (p > 0.05); however, it led to a significant decrease, from (110.5 ± 20.69 MPa) to 74.0 ± 13.30 MPa (p < 0.001), in the strength of polished Solidex specimens. While surface microhardness of the three materials increased by polishing (Artglass: 55.7 ± 2.64/74.1 ± 8.63 Vickers Hardness Numbers (VHN); Signum: 44.8 ± 3.12/60.7 ± 4.50 VHN; Solidex: 44.0 ± 2.31/53.4 ± 3.58 VHN for unpolished/polished specimens), thermal cycling had a deleterious effect on this property (p < 0.001).
Journal of Composite Materials | 2015
Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Duygu Karakis; Arife Dogan; Faruk Mert
Purpose The objective of this in vitro study was to investigate and compare two-body wear of hybrid, microhybrid, and nanohybrid direct and indirect composite resins. Materials and methods A pin-on-disc wear device was used to study the effects of the water on two-body wear rate of two microhybrid composites (Solidex® and Dialog®), a nanohybrid composite (Grandio®SO), and three direct composite resins: a hybrid composite (Herculite Classic™), a submicron hybrid composite (Charisma®), and a nanohybrid composite (Tetric® N-Ceram). For testing, 12 specimens of each material with 6.5 mm diameter and 4 mm height were made and half of the specimens were stored in the distilled water for 1 week at 37℃. In order to evaluate the wear rate of samples, a normal load of 15 N was applied to specimen’s surface. The 6.5 mm diameter composite sample held to pin holder and AISI 316 L stainless steel was employed as the disc. The following experimental parameters were kept constant for all tests: sliding velocity = 0.6 m/s, temperature 25 ± 3℃, 1.2 Hz, and 10,000 cycles. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey’s test were performed to compare the wear rate of resin composites. Results Ranking of wear rate (most to least) without water exposure was as follows: Dialog>Solidex>Charisma>GrandioSO>Tetric Ceram=Herculite. No significant difference in wear was observed between GrandioSO, Tetric N-Ceram, and Herculite Classic, with and without water exposure (p > .05, respectively). Conclusions The nanohybrid resins—regardless of indirect or direct use—showed significantly less abrasive wear than the microhybrid resins.
Acta Odontologica Turcica | 2014
Ilkay Peker; Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Erdal Bozkaya; Meryem Toraman Alkurt; Elif Sadık; Guven Kayaoglu
TANITIM: Axenfeld-Rieger sendromu (ARS), otozomal dominant gecisli, nadir gorulen bir hastaliktir. Esas olarak gozun on bolgesini etkileyen anomalilerle karakterizedir, ayni zamanda dental, sistemik ve kafa-yuz anomalilerini kapsayan goz disinda defektler de izlenmektedir. Bu olgu bildiriminin amaci, ARS’li bir hastadaki klinik, radyografik bulgulari ve ayni zamanda tedavi yaklasimlarini sunmaktir.OLGU BILDIRIMI: Yirmibir yasinda kadin hasta estetik problemler, yemek yeme ve konusma sirasinda meydana gelen gucluk sikayetleriyle klinigimize basvurdu. Medikal anamnezinde hastanin glokom, katarakt ve strabismus gibi bazi goz hastaliklari oldugu ve alti ayliktan itibaren gozluk kullandigi ogrenildi. Dental anamnezinde hic dis cekimi yaptirmadigi anlasildi. Ekstraoral muayenede hipertelorizm, malar hipoplazi, genis burun koprusu, kisa filtrum ve mandibular retrognati izlendi. Intraoral muayenede ise on acik kapanis, Angle Sinif II malokluzyon, dort adet sut disi ve onyedi adet daimi dis mevcuttu. Radyografik incelemede bazi kok anomalileri (dilaserasyon, taurodontizm, kisa kokler) curuk ve yari surmus mandibuler ucuncu molar dis izlendi. Sefalometrik olcumler hastada cesitli kafa-yuz anomalileri ile maksilla ve mandibulada hipoplazisi oldugunu gosterdi. Hastaya cerrahi, endodontik, restoratif ve protetik tedaviyi kapsayan multidisipliner tedavi uygulandi.SONUC: Burada bildirilen hasta, mandibula hipoplazisi ve iskeletsel Angle Sinif II malokluzyonu iceren farkli yuz ozellikleri nedeniyle nadir gorulen bir ARS olgusudur. Bu hastalarin agiz rehabilitasyonu multidisipliner bir klinik yaklasim gerektirmektedir.
Acta Odontologica Turcica | 2014
Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Duygu Karakis; Arife Dogan; Yusuf Şahin
AMAC: Farkli kimyasal solusyonlarin indirekt kompozit materyallerinin asinmasi ve mikrosertligine etkisinin degerlendirilmesidir. GEREC VE YONTEM: Calismada GrandioSO, Solidex ve Signum olmak uzere uc farkli indirekt kompozit rezin materyali kullanildi. Her bir materyalden, asinma testi icin 24 adet (6.5 mm capinda, 4 mm kalinliginda), mikrosertlik testi icin 20 adet (5 mm capinda, 2 mm kalinliginda) test ornegi hazirlandi. Solidex ve Signum, 320-500 nm dalgaboyu ksenon stroboskopik isik cihaziyla her iki yuzden 180 sn sureyle polimerize edildi. GrandioSO ise 20 sn halojen isik kaynagi ile polimerize edildi. Takiben ornekler dort alt gruba ayrilarak 1 hafta sure ile distile su, 0.02 N sitrik asit, %75 etanol veya yapay tukurukte (kontrol) bekletildi. Asinma testi icin hazirlanan ornekler pin-on-disk asinma cihazinin pin tutucu bolumune yerlestirildi ve test suresince ornek yuzeylerine 15 N kuvvet (kayma hizi: 0.6, kayma mesafesi: 100 m, frekans 1.5 Hz) uygulandi. Mikrosertlik testi icin hazirlanan orneklerin olcumleri Vickers mikrosertlik test cihazi kullanilarak olculdu. BULGULAR: GrandioSO, sitrik asit, etanol, yapay tukuruk ve distile suda Solidex ve Signum’dan daha yuksek sertlik degeri gosterdi (p < 0.05). En yuksek asinma degeri Signum icin distile suda goruldu (p < 0.05). Solidex icin en yuksek asinma sitrik asitte goruldu, ancak bu degerin sadece yapay tukurukte bekletilen orneklerden istatistiksel olarak farkli oldugu saptandi (p < 0.05). GrandioSO, yine sitrik asitte bekletilen orneklerde en fazla asinma gosterirken, bu degerin sadece distile suda bekletilen orneklerden istatistiksel farklilik gosterdigi tespit edildi (p < 0.05). SONUC: Farkli kimyasal solusyonlarin, asinma ve mikrosertlik uzerine etkileri materyale gore degiskenlik gosterdi. Calismada incelenen indirekt kompozitlerin asinma ve mikrosertlik olcumleri arasinda herhangi bir iliskinin olmadigi goruldu.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi | 2013
Duygu Karakiş; Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Evren Gültepe
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a highly prevalent sleep disorder, characterized by repeated disruptions of breathing during sleep. Oral appliances have less cost, better patient acceptance and minor side effects that have emerged as popular alternative treatment to other therapies. Mandibular advancement appliances have been succesfully used in patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. In the present case report, a patient who was diagnosed as modarete sleep apnea according to polysomnographic measurements was treated using monobloc mandibular advancement device. It has been demonstrated that monobloc mandibular advancement device had succesfull treatment outcomes that was predicted by a combination of polysomnographic and cephalometric measurements.
Community Development Journal | 2010
Ferhan Egilmez; Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Gulfem Ergun
Titanyum, dental implantolojide yaygin olarak kullanilan biyomateryaldir. Bununla birlikte, oral ortama korozyon urunlerinin salinimi ve hastaya ozgu asiri duyarlilik reaksiyonlari olusturmasi gibi nedenlerle hala tartismalidir Son 20 yilda titanyumun biyouyumlulugunu, cesitli yuzey islemlerini, bakteriyel adezyonunu, neden olabildigi enfeksiyoz hastaliklari degerlendiren pek cok calisma yapilmistir. Son yillarda dental implantlarda zirkonyumun (Y-TZP) gerek implant materyali, gerek dayanak olarak veya titanyumla birlikte (hibrit, zirkonyum boyunlu titanyum implant) kullanimlari ilgi cekmektedir. Bu derlemede zirkonyumun dental implantolojide kullanimi acisindan materyal ozellikleri, d ental uygulamalarda kullanilan farkli tip zirkonyum seramikler ve zirkonyum seramiklerin
The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics | 2014
Emel Uzunoglu; Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer; Istar Dolapci; Arife Dogan
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi | 2012
Doç. Dr. Serhan Akşit; Gamze Mandali; Arzu Zeynep Yildirim Bicer