Asda Laining
Kagoshima University
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Featured researches published by Asda Laining.
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur | 2018
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin; Usman Usman; Asda Laining
Salah satu bahan nabati yang perlu dievaluasi sebagai bahan pakan untuk kepiting bakau adalah daun murbei yang mengandung protein cukup tinggi dan hormone ecdisterone yang penting untuk proses molting krustase. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan dosis optimum penggunaan tepung daun murbei dalam pakan pembesaran kepiting bakau, Scylla olivacea. Juvenil kepiting bakau yang digunakan terdiri atas 3 kelompok ukuran bobot yaitu (i) 36±1,9 g; (ii) 45±1,5 g; dan (iii) 63±3,9 g. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah enam pakan dengan kandungan tepung daun murbei yang berbeda yaitu: 0%(DM0); 10% (DM10); 12,5% (DM12,5); 15% (DM15); 17,5% (DM17,5); dan 20% (DM20). Wadah penelitian yang digunakan berupa kotak kepiting (crab box) sebanyak 90 buah, diisi sebanyak 1 ekor/boks, dan didisain dengan rancangan acak kelompok. Pemberian pakan uji dilakukan dua kali sehari pukul 08.00 dan pukul 17.00 sebanyak 3-4% dari biomassa per hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pertumbuhan spesifik (bobot, lebar karapas, dan panjang karapas), serta sintasan kepiting, rasio konversi pakan, dan efisiensi protein pakan, tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) antar perlakuan. Namun kandungan tepung daun murbei dalam pakan di atas 15% menurunkan nilai koefisien kecernaan total pakan, dan kandungan tepung murbei di atas 17,5% menurunkan nilai kecernaan protein pakan. Berdasarkan respon pertumbuhan dan nilai kecernaan pakan, tepung daun murbei dapat dimanfaatkan hingga 15% dalam pakan pembesaran kepiting bakau. One of plant ingredients suitable to be evaluated as a feed ingredient for mud crab is mulberry leaves which contains protein and ecdisteron. The purpose of this study is to obtain the optimum dose of mulberry leaf meal in grow-out diet for mud crab Scylla olivacea. Juvenile mud crabs were used consisting of 3 groups of weight size ie. (i)36±1.9 g; (ii) 45±1.5 g; and (iii) 63±3.9 g. The treatments were six diets containing different levels of mulberry leaf at 0% (DM0); 10% (DM10); 12,5% (DM12,5); 15% (DM15); 17,5% (DM17,5); and 20% (DM20). The experiment was conducted using 90 crab boxes with a density of 1 individual/box. Feeding was applied twice a day at 08.00 and 17.00 with the rate of 3-4% of biomass per day. The results showed that the specific growth rates (weight, carapace width, and carapace length) and survival rate of crab, feed conversion ratio, and feed protein efficiency were not significantly different (P>0.05) among the treatments. However, mulberry leaf meal content above 15% in the diet decreased the apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter (total) diet, and mulberry leaf meal content above of 17.5% decreased the apparent digestibility coefficient of protein diets. Based on the growth response and the apparent digestibility coefficient of the test diets, mulberry leaf meal can be utilized up to 15% in diet for mud crab grow-out.
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur | 2017
Samuel Lante; Asda Laining
Salah satu kendala utama dalam domestikasi udang windu adalah rendahnya tingkat perkawinan secara alami dalam wadah budidaya. Hal yang sama terjadi pada udang windu alam yang digunakan di unit pembenihan. Salah satu upaya untuk mendapatkan telur fertil adalah melalui inseminasi buatan (IB). Inseminasi buatan merupakan teknik mentransfer spermatofor dari induk jantan dengan cara memasukkannya ke dalam telikum udang betina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reproduksi udang windu betina alam pasca-inseminasi menggunakan sumber dan jumlah spermatofor induk jantan alam yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap yaitu 1) IB menggunakan spermatofor induk jantan dari perairan Sulawesi Selatan (SS) dan spermatofor induk jantan dari Aceh (SA) dan 2) IB menggunakan jumlah spermatofor berbeda yaitu satu spermatofor (S-1) dan dua spermatofor (S-2) pada udang windu betina alam. Inseminasi spermatofor dilakukan pada induk udang windu betina setelah dua hari moulting. Hasil yang diperoleh pada IB tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa daya tetas telur udang windu betina alam lokal tidak dipengaruhi oleh sumber (lokasi) asal udang jantan, di mana daya tetas telur relatif sama pada kedua perlakuan, yaitu 61,6% pada SS dan 61,7% pada SA. IB pada tahap kedua menunjukkan bahwa daya tetas telur fertil yang diperoleh pada S-2 sebesar 40,5%; lebih rendah dari S-1 sebesar 44%. One of the main constraints in the domestication of black tiger shrimp is very low natural mating in the tank. Similar condition have been happened in commercial hatcheries. An effort to improve the eggs fertility is through artificial insemination (AI). This study aimed to know reproductive performance of wild black tiger shrimp after insemination with different sources and numbers of spermatophore. This study consisted of two trials.The first one was AI using spermatophores of wild male obtained from two different locations, namely from South Sulawesi (SS) and Aceh (SA). The second trial was AI using different numbers of spermatophore namely one spermatophore (S-1) and two spermatophores (S-2). AI was applied to the females at two days post-moulting. The results of the first trial showed that the hatching rate (HR) was not affected by the source of the male which was 61.6% for SS and 61.7% for SA. The second trial indicated that female inseminated S-2 had lower HR than S-1 (40.5% vs 44%).
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur | 2017
Usman Usman; Kamaruddin Kamaruddin; Asda Laining
Kepiting bakau bersifat kanibal dan cenderung memiliki laju pertumbuhan yang lambat ketika diberi pakan buatan. Triptopan adalah salah satu asam amino esensial untuk pertumbuhan dan merupakan prekursor pembentukan serotonin yang dapat mengontrol sifat agresif pada beberapa vertebrata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis optimum triptopan pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan krablet selama masa pendederan. Empat dosis penambahan L-triptopan dalam pakan yaitu: 0% (A); 0,25% (B); 0,5% (C); dan 1,0% (D) dengan kadar triptopan dalam pakan berturut-turut 0,41%; 0,52%; 0,67%; dan 0,96%; serta kontrol berupa pakan rebon kering (E) yang mengandung triptopan sebanyak 0,79%. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah krablet kepiting bakau berumur 3-5 hari sejak memasuki stadia krablet. Krablet dipelihara dalam bak fiber berukuran 1,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,5 m sebanyak 15 unit dengan kepadatan masing-masing 50 ekor/m2. Selama lima minggu pemeliharaan, krablet diberi pakan uji sebanyak 30%-15%/hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa krablet yang diberi pakan mengandung triptopan 0,67% menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan tertinggi dan berbeda nyata (P 0.05) among the treatments.
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia | 2017
Rachmansyah Rachmansyah; Petrus Rani Pong-Masak; Asda Laining; Aris George Mangawe
Benih ikan kerapu bebek berbobot 17,34 +-,2,10 g/ekor dipelihara dalam keramba jaring apung selama 60 hari dengan kepadatan 15 ekorlm3.
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia | 2017
Asda Laining; Rachmansyah Rachmansyah
Analisis komposisi nutrisi beberapa bahan baku lokal dan penentuan nilai kecernaan proteinnya pada ikan kerapu bebek
Journal of Applied Aquaculture | 2017
Asda Laining; Usman Usman; Rachman Syah
ABSTRACT The aims of this study were to evaluate fermentation of copra cake meal with Rhizopus spp. to enhance its nutritive value and to determine the optimum supplementation levels of the fermented meal on the growth performance and feed utilization of the rabbitfish, Siganus javus. Copra cake meal was fermented with Rhizopus spp. and included in four iso-nitrogenous diets at 0, 150, 300, and 450 g/kg. Rabbitfish (88.3 ± 1.7 g initial body mass) were fed with the test diets at 2.5%–3.0% of biomass/d for 12 weeks. After fermentation, the crude protein content of copra cake increased significantly (P < 0.05) from 218 ± 16 g/kg (mean ± SD) to 293 ± 4 g/kg, while lipid decreased from around 127 ± 4 g/kg to 60 ± 11 g/kg. Total amino acid content of copra cake meal increased after fermentation from 176 ± 12 g/kg to 207 ± 18 g/kg. Based on the third-order (cubic) polynomial regression, inclusion of fermented copra cake meal (FCCM) in test diets had significant (P < 0.05) effects on all parameters observed except for feed intake and survival rate. Fish fed the FCCM0 and FCCM150 diets had a similar protein retention (PR) but significantly differed (P < 0.05) from the diets containing higher FCCM inclusion rates. The breakpoint of two regressions fitted to specific growth rate (SGR) determined that the optimum inclusion rate is 137 g FCCM /kg diet, and at this level, protein from soybean meal can be included at approximately 315 g/kg diet for grow-out of rabbitfish, S. javus, in floating net cages.
Media Akuakultur | 2016
Usman Usman; Kamaruddin Kamaruddin; Neltje Nobertine Palinggi; Asda Laining
Jumlah pemberian pakan yang tepat sangat penting dalam periode pendederan krablet kepiting bakau karena pada periode tersebut tingkat kanibalisme krablet sangat tinggi. Informasi dosis pemberian pakan pada krablet ini masih sangat kurang khususnya dengan penggunaan pakan buatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kinerja pertumbuhan dan sintasan krablet kepiting bakau yang diberi pakan buatan dengan dosis berbeda selama periode pendederan. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah krablet kepiting bakau dengan bobot awal rata-rata 0,038 g dan lebar karapas awal rata-rata 3,25 mm. Krablet dipelihara dalam bak berukuran 1,0 m × 1,0 m × 0,5 m sebanyak sembilan unit, dengan kepadatan awal masing-masing 50 ekor/bak. Tiga level dosis pakan harian yang dicobakan yaitu: 20%, 30%, dan 40% dari biomassa dan diberikan pada pagi dan sore hari selama lima minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dua minggu pertama periode pendederan, pemberian dosis pakan 20% memiliki sintasan yang lebih rendah (P 0,05) di antara perlakuan. Pada pendederan krablet kepiting bakau, dosis pemberian pakan harian sebaiknya sebanyak 30% pada dua minggu pertama hingga krablet berukuran 0,2-0,3 g (lebar karapas 8-10 mm), selanjutnya 20% pada minggu ke-3, 15% pada minggu ke-4, dan 10% pada minggu ke-5. Appropriate feeding rate applied during nursery of mud crab crablet is important due to high cannibalism occurred at this stage. The information on feeding rates for crablet during nursery is still limited, in particularly the used of artificial diet. This study aims to evaluate the growth performance and survival rate of mud crab crablet fed artificial feed at different feeding rates during the nursery. The crablets with average initial weight of 0.038 g and initial carapace width of 3.25 mm were used in this study. The crablets were stocked in nine tanks sizing of 1.0 m × 1.0 m × 0.5 m each, with the initial density of 50 crablets/tank. Three daily feeding rates were tested at 20%, 30%, and 40% of the biomass and fed twice in the morning and afternoon for five weeks of observation. Finding indicated that for the first two weeks, feeding rate of 20% showed a lower survival rate (P 0.05) among the treatments. It is recommended that at the first two weeks, daily feeding rate of 30% can be given to the crablets until they reach 0.2-0.3 g with the carapace width around 8-10 mm, and further it reduce to 20% in the 3rd week, 15% in the 4th week, and10% in the 5th week.
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur | 2016
Neltje Nobertine Palinggi; Usman Usman; Asda Laining; Kamaruddin Kamaruddin; Makmur Makmur
Ikan kerapu bebek dengan bobot awal sekitar 60 gr/ekor dipelihara dalam keramba jaring apung ukuran 1x1x2 meter kubik dengan kepadatan awal 16 ekor/keramba
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada | 2014
Usman Usman; Asda Laining; Erik Sutikno
In intensive fi sh farming, feed costs can reach up to 70% of the total cost production, so that its effi ciency needs to be improved. The aims of this study were to improve fi sh growth rate and feed effi ciency for rabbit fi sh grow-out through supplementation of crude papain enzyme in the feed. Test fi sh were juvenile of rabbitfi sh, Siganus guttatus, with average initial weight of 40±3.5 g. Fish were stocked in 12 of 1×1×2 m3 fl oating net cages with density of 16 fi sh/cage. As dietary treatments were different dosages of crude papain enzyme namely (A) 0%, (B) 0.0125%, (C) 0.025%, and (D) 0.050%. The rabbitfi sh were fed to satiation in the morning and afternoon for 120 days. The results showed that specifi c growth rate, survival rate of the fi sh, feed effi ciency, protein effi ciency ratio, and the level of feed intake were not signifi cantly different (P>0.05) among treatments. However, there was a tendency that increasing of supplementation level of crude papain enzyme in diets, fi sh growth rate, feed effi ciency, and protein effi ciency ratio also increased.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal | 2013
Asda Laining
Triplicate groups of juvenile Japanese flounder (0.56 g) were fed with six experimental diets to examine the effects of phytic acid, with or without phytase on growth performances, nutrient digestibility, and vertebral phosphorus (P) content. Diet without both phytic acid (PA) and phytase supplementation was used as control. One diet was added with 10 g PA/kg without phytase supplement. Four diets were formulated to contain two levels of phytase (1,000 FTU or 2,000 FTU phytase/kg diet) combined with 2 levels of PA (10 and 20 g/kg diet). All diets were added with 10 g/kg in-organic P to meet flounder requirement. After 50 days culture, fish fed 10PA/2,000P grew significantly (P 0.05) effects on feed intake and FCR. However, fish fed 10 g PA/kg combined with phytase had significant (P<0.05) higher whole body lipid, ash, and P than other groups. Moreover, P digestibility and vertebral P content were significantly increased by dietary phytase. This finding suggested that dietary phytase had potential to enhance the growth and nutrient utilization in juvenile Japanese flounder fed diet containing phytic acid. Specifically, inclusion of 2,000 FTU phytase/kg diet gave better performances when diet containing PA at level of 10 g/kg diet.