Ashraf M. Mahmoud
Assiut University
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Featured researches published by Ashraf M. Mahmoud.
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology | 2005
Ashraf M. Mahmoud; A. Haberland; M. Dürrfeld; D. Heydeck; S. Wagner; Monika Schäfer-Korting
Aim and Methods: Drug development in dermatotherapy and also development of transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS) demand high-predictive in vitro models to estimate drug levels in skin and systemic uptake. Here we compare three ready-to-use models, reconstructed human epidermis, split porcine skin and the perfused porcine forelimb. 17β-Estradiol (E2), which is highly metabolized by skin cells, serves as model drug since E2 application is of high relevance in hormone replacement therapy while topical E2 may promote wound healing. E2 TTS, gel and an ethanolic solution were investigated for cutaneous penetration, permeation and metabolism. Results: E2 TTS enabled an E2 uptake of 42.9% of the applied dose accompanied by a high percentage of E2 metabolism (30% of the penetrated dose) in the perfused porcine forelimb. In Franz cell experiments with reconstructed human epidermis and split porcine skin, the gel allowed an E2 uptake of 41.7 and 22.9% of the applied dose accompanied by a high E2 metabolism (42.6 and 28.6% of the penetrated dose). Due to toxic effects of the vehicle, this was not true with an ethanolic solution, then E2 permeation and metabolism were clearly diminished. Most importantly, the in vitro models proved to be predictive with respect to the E2/estrone ratio in female plasma under transdermal hormone replacement therapy. Conclusion: In vitro tests should reduce the need for both animal and human studies for cutaneous uptake and metabolism in the future.
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 2009
Ashraf M. Mahmoud; Nasr Y. Khalil; Ibrahim A. Darwish; Tarek Aboul-Fadl
New selective and sensitive spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods have been developed and validated for the determination of amantadine hydrochloride (AMD) in capsules and plasma. The methods were based on the condensation of AMD with 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate (NQS) in an alkaline medium to form an orange-colored product. The spectrophotometric method involved the measurement of the colored product at 460 nm. The spectrofluorometric method involved the reduction of the product with potassium borohydride, and the subsequent measurement of the formed fluorescent reduced AMD-NQS product at 382 nm after excitation at 293 nm. The variables that affected the reaction were carefully studied and optimized. Under the optimum conditions, linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (0.9972–0.9974) and low LOD (1.39 and 0.013 μg mL−1) were obtained in the ranges of 5–80 and 0.05–10 μg mL−1 for the spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods, respectively. The precisions of the methods were satisfactory; RSD ≤2.04%. Both methods were successfully applied to the determination of AMD in capsules. As its higher sensitivity, the spectrofluorometric method was applied to the determination of AMD in plasma; the recovery was 96.3–101.2 ± 0.57–4.2%. The results obtained by the proposed methods were comparable with those obtained by the official method
Talanta | 2015
Sameh Ahmed; Ashraf M. Mahmoud
Recently, new physiological roles of vitamin K homologues have been established in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and leukemia. However, relatively high plasma protein binding, low plasma concentrations and occurrences of interfering lipids make accurate determination of vitamin K homologues a challenging task. Therefore, a sensitive and reliable salting-out assisted liquid/liquid extraction (SALLE) method coupled with HPLC-Fluorescence detection was designed for efficient extraction and quantification of trace levels of vitamin K homologues in human plasma. The investigated vitamin K homologues were phylloquinone (PK, vitamin K1), menaquinone-4 (MK-4) and menaquinone-7 (MK-7). The method employed a new efficient fluorescence derivatization reaction using ethanolic solution of stannous chloride in acidic solution to generate highly fluorescent naphthohydroquinone derivatives. Correlation coefficients were more than 0.998 in the concentration ranges of 0.3-100 ng mL(-1) with detection limits of 0.1-0.17 ng mL(-1) in human plasma. The developed HPLC-FL system was successfully applied for sensitive determination of vitamin K homologues in plasma of healthy volunteers. The developed method may provide a valuable tool in the pharmacoinformatic studies concerning the roles of vitamin K homologues.
Acta Pharmaceutica | 2010
Ibrahim A. Darwish; Ashraf M. Mahmoud; Abdulrahman A. Al-Majed
A novel analytical approach for reducing the consumption of organic solvents in the charge transfer-based spectrophotometric analysis: Application in the analysis of certain antihypertensive drugs The present study describes the development of a novel analytical approach that can reduce by 50-fold the consumption of organic solvents in the charge transfer (CT)-based spectrophotometric analysis. The proposed approach employed 96-microwell assay plates for carrying out the reaction. The CT reaction between the electron-donating analyte and electron-accepting reagent was performed in microwells (200-μL of organic solvent) and the color signals were measured with a microwell-plate reader. Optimum conditions for the proposed approach were established for two antihypertensive drugs, namely ramipril (RML) and lisinopril (LSL) as model compounds for the electron-donating analytes, and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) as a π-electron acceptor. Under the optimum conditions, Beers law was obeyed in the concentration range of 6-100 and 6-60 μg mL-1 for RML and LSL, respectively. The limits of detection were 0.97 and 1.10 μg mL-1 for RML and LSL, respectively. The precision of the methods was satisfactory; the values of relative standard deviations did not exceed 1.1 %. The proposed approach was successfully applied to the analysis of pharmaceutical dosage forms with good accuracy and precision. The results were comparable with those of the reported methods. The approach described herein is of great practical value in pharmaceutical analysis because it reduces the exposure of analysts to the toxic effects of organic solvents, lowers the analysis cost by 50-fold, and it has a high throughput property. Although the approach was validated for RML and LSL, the same methodology could be used for any electron-donating analyte for which a CT-reaction can be performed. Novi analitički pristup sa smanjenom potrošnjom organskih otapala u spektrofotometrijskoj analizi temeljenoj na prijenosu naboja: Primjena u analizi nekih antihipertenziva U radu je opisan razvoj novog analitičkog pristupa koji 50 puta smanjuje potrošnju organskih otapala u spektrofotometrijskoj analizi na bazi prijenosa naboja (CT). Predložena metoda koristi ploče s 96 jažica za izvođenje analize. CT reakcije između elektron-donora i elektron-akceptora izvode se u jažicama s 200-μL organskog otapala. Promjene boje mjere se pomoću posebnog mikročitača za ploče s jažicama. Određeni su optimalni uvjeti za dva antihipertenzivna lijeka, ramipril (RML) i lizinopril (LSL) koji su upotrebljeni kao modelni spojevi za elektron-donorske analite, i 2,3-diklor-5,6-dicijano-1,4-benzokinon (DDQ) kao π-elektronski akceptor. U optimalnim uvjetima Beerov zakon je vrijedio u koncentracijskom području 6-100 i 6-60 μg mL-1 za RML, odnosno LSL. Granice detekcije bile su 0,97 i 1,1 μg mL-1 za RML, odnosno LSL. Preciznost metode bila je zadovoljavajuća, a relativna standardna devijacija bila je manja od 1,1 %. Predložena metoda uspješno je primijenjena za analizu doziranih farmaceutskih pripravaka koji sadrže ispitivane lijekove, uz dobru točnost i preciznost. Rezultati predložene metode usporedivi su s rezultatima poznatih metoda. Postupak opisan u ovom radu vrlo je praktičan: analitičari su manje izloženi toksičnim učincima organskih otapala, troškovi analize smanjeni su 50 puta, a također ju odlikuje visoka propusnost. Iako je postupak validiran za RML i LSL, ista metoda može se upotrijebiti za elektron-donirajući analit koji ulazi u CT reakciju.
Acta Pharmaceutica | 2008
Ibrahim A. Darwish; Samiha A. Hussein; Ashraf M. Mahmoud; Ahmed I. Hassan
A sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of H2-receptor antagonists by means of N-bromosuccinimide and p-aminophenol A simple, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method for determination of H2-receptor antagonists: cimetidine (CIM), famotidine (FAM), nizatidine (NIZ), and ranitidine hydrochloride (RAN) has been fully developed and validated. The method was based on the reaction of these drugs with NBS and subsequent measurement of the excess N-bromosuccinimide by its reaction with p-aminophenol to give a violet colored product (λmax at 552 nm). Decrease in the absorption intensity (ΔA) of the colored product, due to the presence of the drug, was correlated with its concentration in the sample solution. Different variables affecting the reaction were carefully studied and optimized. Under optimal conditions, linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (0.9988--0.9998) were found between ΔA values and the corresponding concentrations of the drugs in a concentration range of 8--30, 6--22, 6--25, and 4--20 μg mL-1 for CIM, FAM, NIZ, and RAN, respectively. Limits of detection were 1.22, 1.01, 1.08, and 0.74 μg mL-1 for CIM, FAM, NIZ, and RAN, respectively. The method was validated in terms of accuracy, precision, ruggedness, and robustness; the results were satisfactory. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of the above mentioned drugs in bulk substance and in pharmaceutical dosage forms; percent recoveries ranged from 98.5 ± 0.9 to 102.4 ± 0.8% without interference from the common excipients. The results obtained by the proposed method were comparable with those obtained by the official methods. Osjetljiva spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje antagonista H2-receptora uz uporabu N-bromsukcinimida i p-aminofenola Razvijena je i validirana ispravna, jednostavna i osjetljiva spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje antagonista H2-receptora: cimetidina (CIM), famotidina (FAM), nizatidina (NIZ) i ranitidin hidroklorida (RAN). Metoda se temelji na reakciji tih ljekovitih tvari s N-bromsukcinimidom (NBS). Višak N-bromsukcinimida određuje se nakon reakcije s p-aminofenolom s kojim daje ljubičasti produkt (λmax pri 552 nm). Smanjenje apsorpcijskog intenziteta (ΔA) obojenog produkta, zbog prisutnosti ljekovite tvari korelirano je s njegovom koncentracijom u otopini uzorka. Proučavane su različite varijable koje utječu na reakciju. Linearno koncentracijsko područje za CIM, FAM, NIZ i RAN, s koeficijentom korelacije od 0,9988 do 0,9998, iznosi 8--30, 6--22, 6--25 odnosno 4--20 μg mL-1. Granice detekcije bile su 1,23, 1,02, 1,09 i 0,75 g mL-1 za CIM, FAM, NIZ, odnosno RAN. Predložena metoda je uspješno primijenjena za analizu navedenih ljekovitih tvari i ljekovitih pripravaka. Nepreciznost od 0,7 do 1,2% i visoka ispravnost (analitički povrat između 98,5 i 102,4%), bez interferencije uobičajenih pomoćnih tvari, ukazuju na dobru analitičku metodu. Rezultati dobiveni predloženom metodom usporedivi su s rezultatima dobivenim službenom metodom.
Talanta | 2007
Ibrahim A. Darwish; Ashraf M. Mahmoud; A.A. Al-Majed
Generic simple and sensitive universal enzyme immunoassay approach for the determination of small analytes has been developed to avert the problems associated with small molecule immobilization onto solid phases. The developed assay employed a heterogeneous non-competitive binding format. The assay used anti-analyte antibody coupled to polyacrylamide beads as a solid-phase and beta-d-galactosidase enzyme-labeled analyte as a label. In this assay, the analyte in a sample was firstly incubated to react with an excess of the antibody-coupled beads, and then the unoccupied antibody binding sites were allowed to react with the enzyme-labeled analyte. Analyte bound to the antibody-coupled beads was separated by centrifugation, and the enzyme activity of the supernatant was measured spectrophotometrically at 420nm, after reaction with 4-nitrophenyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside as a substrate for the enzyme. The signal was directly proportional to the concentration of analyte in the sample. The optimum conditions for the developed assay were established and applied to the determination of tobramycin, as a representative example of the small analytes, in serum samples. The assay limit of detection was 10ngmL(-1) and the effective working range at relative standard deviation of </=10% was 40-800ngmL(-1). The assay precisions were acceptable; the relative standard deviations were 4.36-5.17 and 5.62-7.40% for intra- and inter-assay precision, respectively. Analytical recovery of tobramycin spiked in serum ranged from 95.89+/-4.25 to 103.45+/-4.60%. The assay results correlated well with those obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography (r=0.992). The assay described herein has great practical value in determination of small analytes because it is sensitive, rapid, and easy to perform in any laboratory. Although the assay was validated for tobramycin, however, it is also anticipated that the same methodology could be used for essentially any analyte for which a selective antibody exists, and an appropriate enzyme conjugate can be made.
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 2009
Ashraf M. Mahmoud
New rapid, sensitive, and accurate kinetic spectrophotometric methods were developed, for the first time, to determine omeprazole (OMZ) in its dosage forms. The methods were based on the formation of charge-transfer complexes with both iodine and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ). The variables that affected the reactions were carefully studied and optimized. The formed complexes and the site of interaction were examined by UV/VIS, IR, and 1H-NMR techniques, and computational molecular modeling. Under optimum conditions, the stoichiometry of the reactions between OMZ and the acceptors was found to be 1 : 1. The order of the reactions and the specific rate constants were determined. The thermodynamics of the complexes were computed and the mechanism of the reactions was postulated. The initial rate and fixed time methods were utilized for the determination of OMZ concentrations. The linear ranges for the proposed methods were 0.10–3.00 and 0.50–25.00 μg mL−1 with the lowest LOD of 0.03 and 0.14 μg mL−1 for iodine and DDQ, respectively. Analytical performance of the methods was statistically validated; RSD was <1.25% for the precision and <1.95% for the accuracy. The proposed methods were successfully applied to the analysis of OMZ in its dosage forms; the recovery was 98.91–100.32% ± 0.94–1.84, and was found to be comparable with that of reference method.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics | 2018
Mohamed M. El-Wekil; Ashraf M. Mahmoud; Saad A. Alkahtani; Adel A. Marzouk; Ramadan Ali
Novel and sensitive electrochemical sensor was fabricated for the assay of anti-HCV ledipasvir (LEDV) in different matrices. The designed sensor was based on 3D spinel ferromagnetic NiFe2O4 nanospheres and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) supported by morpholinium acid sulphate (MHS), as an ionic liquid (RGO/NSNiFe2O4/MHS). This sensor design was assigned to synergistically tailor the unique properties of nanostructured ferrites, RGO, and ionic liquid to maximize the sensor response. Electrode modification prevented aggregation of NiFe2O4, increasing electroactive surface area and allowed remarkable electro-catalytic oxidation of LEDV with an enhanced oxidation response. Differential pulse voltammetry was used for detection LEDV in complex matrices whereas; cyclic voltammetry and other techniques were employed to characterize the developed sensor properties. All experimental factors regarding sensor fabrication and chemical sensing properties were carefully studied and optimized. Under the optimum conditions, the designated sensor displayed a wide linear range (0.4-350 ng mL-1) with LOD of 0.133 ng mL-1. Additionally, the proposed sensor demonstrated good selectivity, stability and reproducibility, enabling the quantitative detection of LEDV in Harvoni® tablets, human plasma and in a pharmacokinetic study. Our findings suggest that the developed sensor is a potential prototype material for fabrication of high-performance electrochemical sensors.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 2012
Ashraf M. Mahmoud; Niveen A. Mohamed
A simple and sensitive kinetic spectrophotometric method has been developed and validated for determination of amlodipine besylate (AML). The method was based on the condensation reaction of AML with 7-chloro-4-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole in an alkaline buffer (pH 8.6) producing a highly colored product. The color development was monitored spectrophometrically at the maximum absorption λmax 470 nm. The factors affecting the reaction were studied and the conditions were optimized. The stoichiometry of the reaction was determined, and the reaction pathway was postulated. Moreover, both the activation energy and the specific rate constant (at 70 °C) of the reaction were found to be 6.74 kcal mole−1 and 3.58 s−1, respectively. The initial rate and fixed time methods were utilized for constructing the calibration graphs for the determination of AML concentration. Under the optimum reaction conditions, the limits of detection and quantification were 0.35 and 1.05 μg/mL, respectively. The precision of the method was satisfactory; the relative standard deviations were 0.85–1.76%. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of AML in its pure form and tablets with good accuracy; the recovery percentages ranged from 99.55±1.69% to 100.65±1.48%. The results were compared with that of the reported method.
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 2013
Noha N. Atia; Ashraf M. Mahmoud; Salwa R. El-Shabouri; Wesam M. El-Koussi
Two new, sensitive, and selective spectrofluorometric methods were developed for the determination of gemifloxacin mesylate (GFX) in tablets and spiked human plasma. Method A was based on measurement of the enhanced fluorescence spectral behaviour of GFX in a sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) micellar system. In aqueous solution of acetate buffer pH 5.5, the fluorescence intensity of GFX was greatly enhanced about tenfold in the presence of SDS. The fluorescence intensity was measured at 402 nm after excitation at 274 nm. Method B was based on Hantzsch condensation reaction between the primary amino group of GFX with acetylacetone and formaldehyde in acetate buffer of pH 3.5 yielding a highly yellow fluorescent derivative. The reaction of GFX with acetylacetone-formaldehyde system solution resulted in bathochromic shift of both emission (476 nm) and excitation (420 nm) wavelengths. The fluorescence intensity was directly proportional to the concentration over the range 10–1000 ng/ml and 100–2000 ng/ml for method A and B, respectively. The proposed methods were applied successfully for determination of GFX in its tablets and spiked plasma. Therefore, these methods can be considered of real interest for reliable and practical quality control analysis of GFX.