Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç
Ege University
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Featured researches published by Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç.
Angle Orthodontist | 2009
Sercan Akyalcin; Servet Dogan; Banu Dinçer; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Gökhan Önçağ
The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency and association of Bolton tooth size discrepancies with dental discrepancies. Forty-eight skeletal Class I, 60 Class II, and 44 Class III subjects with similar skeletal characteristics were included in this study. Analysis of variance was performed to compare the mean ratios of Bolton analysis as a function of the Angle classification and sex. To determine the prevalence of tooth size imbalances among the three groups of occlusions and the two sexes, chi-square tests were performed. To determine the correlation of tooth size imbalances with certain dental characteristics, Pearsons correlation coefficients were calculated. No statistically significant differences were determined for the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies and the mean values of Boltons anterior and overall ratios among the occlusal groups and sexes. Boltons anterior ratio discrepancies had significant correlations with midline shifts (P < .05) in Angle Class I cases, with U1-SN angle (P < .01) in Angle Class II cases, and with L1-APog distance (P < .05) in Angle Class III cases. Bolton discrepancies related to overall ratio had significant correlations with overjet (P < .05) in Class I cases, with overbite (P < .05) and U1-SN angle (P < .01) in Class II cases, and with IMPA (P < .01) in Class III cases. A high prevalence of tooth size discrepancies in an orthodontic patient population and the statistically significant correlation of some of these with some dental characteristics suggest that the measurement of interarch tooth size ratios might be clinically beneficial for treatment outcomes.
Angle Orthodontist | 2006
Gökhan Önçağ; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Ebru Cal
Morquio syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by the accumulation of mucopolysaccharides in lysosomes because of the deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulphate sulphatase. Patients with Morquio syndrome often need orthodontic treatment. This study demonstrates the correction of malocclusion by orthodontic treatment and the improvement of the masticatory function by prosthodontic treatment in a male patient affected by Morquio syndrome. Labial inclinations of mandibular and maxillary anterior teeth were corrected, and spaces necessary for prosthodontic restorations were preserved. After this procedure, the restorations were made, and Hawley appliances were used in both jaws for retention. Patient satisfaction and an acceptable occlusal relationship were achieved by following an optimal treatment plan when considering the general status of the patient with Morquio syndrome.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2000
Banu Dinçer; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Gökhan Önçağ; Servet Doğan
OZET: Sinif I, Sinif II DI ve Sinif III anomalisine sahip 45 bireyde hyoid kemiginin konumunun ve konumuna bagli olarak cene- yuz sistemi ile iliskisi karsilastirilarak incelenmistir. Lateral sefalometrik olcumlerde SNA, SNB ve ANB, Go-Gn-SN acilari tanimlayici olcum olarak kullanilmistir. Hyoid konumunu belirlemek icin ise 7 adet horizontal, 5 adet vertikal ve 5 adet acisal olmak uzere toplam 17 adet sefalometrik olcum yapilmistir. SN duzlemi referans duzlemi olarak kullanilmistir.Yapilan olcumlerin istatistiksel olarak degerlendirilmesinde Mann-whitney testi kullanilmistir. Sinif I grubu ile Sinif II D 1 gruplari karsilastirildiginda At-H, H-CVT ve H-OP, A-H, N-H, H-PTR degerleri, Sinif I grubu ile Sinif III gruplari karsilastirildiginda, At-H ve H-OP, A-H, N-H, H-PTR, degerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli farklilik belirlenmistir. Hyoid kemiginin Sinif II D1 anomalisinde normalden daha geride, Sinif III anomalisinde ise daha onde konumlandigi gozlenmistir.
Angle Orthodontist | 2018
Tugce Celenk-Koca; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Serpil Hazar; Lacey Harris; Jeryl D. English; Sercan Akyalcin
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare the dental and skeletal changes with conventional and miniscrew-supported maxillary expansion appliances in adolescents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients were divided into two groups, with one group receiving a tooth-borne expander and the other group receiving an expander supported by four miniscrews (bone-borne). Multiplanar coronal and axial slices obtained from cone-beam computed tomography images were used to measure the changes in transverse skeletal widths, buccal bone thickness, tooth inclination, and root length. Paired t-tests and independent-sample t-tests were used to compare the two expansion methods. RESULTS: Bone-borne expansion increased the maxillary suture opening more than 2.5 times than tooth-borne expansion both anteriorly and posteriorly. Between the maxillary first premolars, sutural expansion accounted for 28% and 70% of the total transverse width increase in the tooth-borne and bone-borne expander groups, respectively. Similarly, 26% and 68% of the total expansion was of skeletal nature in the tooth-borne and bone-borne expander groups between the maxillary first molars. The pattern of expansion was variable, with most of the patients in both groups demonstrating a triangular-shaped sutural opening that was wider anteriorly. Subjects in the conventional group experienced significantly more buccal bone reduction and greater buccal inclination of the teeth. No significant differences were observed for root length measurements between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Use of bone-borne expansion in the adolescent population increased the extent of skeletal changes in the range of 1.5 to 2.8 times that of tooth-borne expansion and did not result in any dental side effects.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2017
Furkan Dindaroğlu; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Servet Dogan
Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the parameters that might affect the esthetic perception of localized and full-face views of social and spontaneous smiles. Methods Video records of 40 individuals were used. Further, 200 images of each individual were captured for social and spontaneous smiles with and without calibration glasses. Full-face images of social smile (SSF) and spontaneous smile (smile of joy) (JSF) were obtained. Furthermore, the mouth-area images of the same social (SSM) and spontaneous (JSM) smiles from each subject were acquired. Here 160 images were evaluated by orthodontists and laypersons using the Q-sort method. The data were analyzed with logistic regression and independent samples t-test. Results From the orthodontic perspective, upper lip thickness (p=0.004), lip curtain over incisors (p=0.016), maxillary incisor display (p=0.01), and buccal corridor ratio (p=0.006) were significant to determine attractive and unattractive images when viewing localized social smiles. Laypersons identified no particular parameter to explain the variation in preferences for all the image groups (p>0.05). Conclusion Upper lip thickness and maxillary incisor display during smiling were found to be effective for distinguishing images as attractive and unattractive by orthodontists. No objective evaluations for the attractiveness were made by laypersons.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2005
Banu Dinçer; Prof.Dr. Serpil Hazar; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Doç.Dr. Hüseyin Tezel; Yrd.Doç.Dr. Özlem Söğüt Ertaş
OZET Sabit ortodontik tedavi goren hastalarda, tedavi sonrasinda disler uzerinde dekalsifi-kasyon alanlari olusabilmektedir. Dekalsifi-kasyonun kalsiyum kaybina bagli oldugu bilindiginden, bu calismada gazli iceceklerin asitlenmis ve adeziv uygulanmis disin minesinde kalsiyum kaybina neden olup olmadiginin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Bes adet ortodontik amacla yeni cekilmis premolar dis temizlendikten sonra, asitleme ve ardindan adeziv uygulanmasi islemleri yapildi. Her bir dis, 4 esit parcaya ayrildi. Kesilen parcalar mikroskop altinda incelenerek catlagi olmayan 3 parca calismaya dâhil edildi. Dislerden kesilen 2 parcaya kola ve fanta, 3. parcaya da yapay tukuruk uygulandi. Disler gunde 3 defa 15 dakika boyunca gazli iceceklerin ve sentetik tukurugun icinde bekletildi. Diger zamanlarda da ayri deney tuplerinde sentetik tukurugun icinde kaldi. 5 gun suren bu islemlerden sonra dislerden kola, fanta ve tukuruge gecen kalsiyum miktari atomik absorbsiyon spektofotometresinde olculdu. Dislerden kola ve fantaya k...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2005
Dt. Sercan Akyalçin; Servet Doğan; Banu Dinçer; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Gökhan Önçağ
OZET Calismamizin amaci normal vertikal gelisim gosteren, iskeletsel Sinif I ceneler arasi iliskiye sahip bir grup ortodonti hastasinda Bolton oranlari ve dis boyutu uyumsuzlugu prevelansinin belirlenmesidir. 850 hasta incelenerek, secim kriterlerine uyan 48 Sinif I, 60 Sinif II, 44 Sinif III malokluz-yona sahip toplam 152 hasta calismaya dahil edilmistir. Calisma materyali bireylerden standart kosullarda elde edilmis sefalomet-rik filmler ve ortodontik modellerden olusmaktadir. Varyans analiziyle, 3 grup hasta arasinda cinsiyet ve Angle siniflamasinin bir fonksiyonu olarak ortalama Bolton oranlar-nin karsilastirilmasi yapilmistir. Bu 3 grup arasinda Bolton duzensizligine bagli dagilimlar ki-kare testleriyle degerlendirilmistir. Bolton oranlarina ait ortalamalar gruplar ve cinsiyetler acisindan yapilan degerlendirmelerde onemli farklilik gostermemistir. Bolton anterior ve genel oranlarina bagli dagilim incelemelerinde de cinsiyet ve gruplar acisindan onemli dagilim farkliliklari bulunmamistir. Bununla bir...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2004
Yahya Tosun; Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Banu Dinçer
OZET: Kuvvetin onemli bir bolumunun surtunme ile kaybedilmesi nedeniyle, tel ile braket arasindaki surtunme klinisyenler icin onemlidir. Bu calismanin amaci tel capinin, materyal ozelliklerinin (yuzey puruzu ve stiffness) ve tel ile braket arasindaki acinin surtunme kuvvetleri uzerine etkisini ortaya koymaktir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore; Surtunme direnci butun tel materyallerinde aci arttikca artmaktadir. Ayni materyalden tellerde ise ince capli teller kalin caplilara oranla daha az surtunme gostermektedir. Yuzey puruzu tel ile braket arasindaki surtunme uzerinde etkin bir faktor olarak gorulmektedir. Iyon implantasyonu metoduyla yuzeyi sertlestirilen ve puruzleri azaltilan Slippery NiTi ayni capli SS, NiTi ve TMA tellerden daha dusuk surtunme degerleri gostermektedir. Cok sarimli teller tum aci degerlerinde SS, NiTi ve TMA tellere gore dusuk surtunme direncine sahiptir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2000
Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Hakan Bulut
OZET: Gomuk dislerin dental arka kazandirilmasi ortodontik tedavi ile mumkun olabilmektedir. Ancak, bu dislerin pozisyonlarindaki anormal sapmalar ortodontik repozisyonu imkansiz kilmaktadir. Ototransplantasyon, ortodontik repozisyonun mumkun olmadigi durumlarda alternatif tedavi olarak kullanilmaktadir. 20 yasindaki bir erkek hastada gomuk olan sol maksiller kanin disin cerrahi yontem ile kronu aciga cikartilmis ve maksiller arka kazandirilmaya calisilmistir. Birinci yilin sonunda istenilen hareket saglanamayinca dis, ototransplantasyon yardimiyla maksiller arktaki yerine getirilmistir. Bu olgu raporunda ototransplantasyonu yapilan disin 3 yillik klinik ve radyografik kayitlari sunulmustur.
European Journal of Orthodontics | 2004
Aslıhan M. Ertan Erdinç; Banu Dinçer