Atike Nazik
Çukurova University
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Featured researches published by Atike Nazik.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2013
Paola Cipollari; Domenico Cosentino; Giuditta Radeff; Taylor F. Schildgen; Costanza Faranda; Francesco Grossi; Elsa Gliozzi; Alessandra Smedile; Rocco Gennari; Güldemin Darbaş; Francis O. Dudas; Kemal Gürbüz; Atike Nazik; Helmut Echtler
Abstract According to the literature, the Adana Basin, at the easternmost part of the Mediterranean Basin in southern Turkey, records the Pliocene stage with shallow-marine to fluvial deposits. Our micropalaeontological analysis of samples from the Adana Basin reveal Late Lago–Mare biofacies with Paratethyan ostracod assemblages pertaining to the Loxocorniculina djafarovi zone. Grey clays rich in planktonic foraminifera lie above the Lago–Mare deposits. Within the grey clays, the continuous occurrence of the calcareous nannofossil Reticulofenestra zancleana and the base of the Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus paracme points to an Early Zanclean age (5.332–5.199 Ma). Both ostracod and benthic foraminifera indicate epibathyal and bathyal environments. 87Sr/86Sr measurements on planktonic and benthic foraminifera fall below the mean global ocean value for the Early Zanclean, indicating potentially insufficient mixing of low 87Sr/86Sr Mediterranean brackish ‘Lago–Mare’ water with the global ocean in the earliest Pliocene. We utilize the ages and palaeodepths of the marine sediments together with their modern elevations to determine uplift rates of the Adana Basin of 0.06 to 0.13 mm a−1 since 5.2–5.3 Ma (total uplift of 350–650 m) from surface data, and 0.02–0.13 mm a−1 since c. 1.8 Ma (total uplift of 30–230 m) from subsurface data. Supplementary material: Microphotographs of foraminifers, ostracods, and calcareous nannofossils, plots of the calcareous nannofossil frequencies, occurrence of foraminifers and ostracods in the study sections, results of Sr isotopic analysis, and a complete list of fossils are available at
Geological Magazine | 2004
Atike Nazik
The aim of this study is to describe the biostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic and ecostratigraphic relationships of the Neogene sequence in the Adana Basin. The Adana Basin is located in southern Turkey, and bordered by the Tauride Orogenic Belt to the north, the Amanos Mountains to the east, the Mediterranean coast to the south and the Ecemis Fault Zone to the west. From base to top, the Neogene sequence consists of the Gildirli Formation (continental redbeds), the shallow marine Kaplankaya Formation, the reefal limestones of the Karaisali Formation, the shales of the Guvenc Formation (slope to deep marine), a thick submarine fan complex (Cingoz Formation), the shallow marine and fluvio-deltaic Kuzgun Formation and the shallow marine lagoonal–continental Handere Formation. The planktonic foraminiferal biozones identified within the Neogene sequence of the Adana Basin are Globigerinoides trilobus and Praeorbulina glomerosa curva (Burdigalian), Globorotalia fohsi peripheroronda/Orbulina suturalis (Langhian), and Globorotalia mayeri (Serravallian). The Late Tortonian is characterized by the first occurrence of Globorotalia suterae . There are no planktonic foraminiferal zones in the Messinian, but this level may be correlated with a non-distinctive zone in the Mediterranean region. The Pliocene is represented by the Sphaeroidinellopsis Acme Zone.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2013
Barbara Bassler-Veit; İpek F. Barut; Engin Meriç; Niyazi Avşar; Atike Nazik; Sevinç Kapan-Yeşilyurt; Ayşegül Yıldız
ABSTRACT Bassler-Veit, B.; Barut, I.F.; Meric, E.; Avsar, N.; Nazik, A.; Kapan-Yeşilyurt, S., and Yildiz, A., 2013. Distribution of microflora, meiofauna, and macrofauna assemblages in the hypersaline environment of northeastern Aegean Sea coasts. In this study, the morphology and taxonomy of microflora (charophytes and diatoms), meiofauna (benthic foraminifera and ostracoda), and macrofauna (mollusk) assemblages of the recent surface sediments from saltpans, hypersaline lagoons, and salt lakes of the Gulf of Saros (NW Turkey) were investigated. In total, 44 samples were collected from recent surface sediments in salt pans, hypersaline lagoons, and salt lakes of the Gulf of Saros (Enez Salt Lake, Isik Lake, Kuvalak Lake, Enez Gala Lake, Dalyan Lake, and Tasaltı Lake; Karagol, Vakif, and Erikli salt pans; and Uzungol Lagoon), Gallipoli Peninsula (salt pan), Biga Peninsula (Diremin and Azmak Lagoons and Dalyan Salt Lake), and Gokceada Island (salt lake). Surface sediments were collected, and some physical properties were measured, such as temperature, pH, and salt content. Grain size was determined and classified for each sample. In this study, foraminifera, ostracoda, and mollusca faunas in the normal marine environment were used as indicators and compared with the lagoonal environment, which has increased salt content during the summer months.
Geo-marine Letters | 2012
Atike Nazik; Engin Meriç; Niyazi Avşar
In their discussion of our 2011 paper dealing with possible waterways between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the “late” Quaternary, based on data from ostracod and foraminifer assemblages in lakes İznik and Sapanca, Turkey, Yaltırak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267–274, 2012) essentially reject the idea of any links whatsoever, be they between the Marmara Sea and the lakes İznik and Sapanca, or further to the Black Sea via the valley of the Sakarya River. The evidence they provide in support of their view, however, is essentially circumstantial, in part conjectural, and also inconclusive considering the findings in favour of linkage between the Marmara Sea and the lakes at the very least, while the proposed connection with the Sakarya River valley remains speculative because of the lack of unambiguous data. On the other hand, Yaltırak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267–274, 2012) do raise valid points of concern which deserve careful future investigation, the most important being the possibility of sample contamination from dumped marine sediment used for construction purposes along some parts of the shore of Lake İznik. We agree that a concerted multidisciplinary effort is required to address the many unresolved issues in connection with the potential waterways proposed by us and others before us.
Geological Magazine | 2015
Ewa Olempska; Atike Nazik; Şenol Çapkinoğlu; Dilek Gülnur Saydamdemiray
A Lower Devonian silicified ostracod fauna has been recovered from limestone interbeds in the Buyukdere section of the Kozyatagi Member of the Pendik Formation. Forty-one species belonging to 33 genera have been recognized. Twenty-three are already known, and 15 are described in open nomenclature. One genus and three species ( Omerliella rectangulata gen. et sp. nov., Microcheilinella istanbulensis sp. nov. and Roundyella goekchenae sp. nov.) are described. Silicified larval stages of trilobites, agglutinated foraminifers and conodonts co-occur with the ostracods. The ostracod assemblages are ‘mixed faunas’, between the epineritic Eifelian Mega-Assemblage, representative of high-energy environments, and the basinal Thuringian Mega-Assemblage, representative of low-energy environments. The conodont faunas of the Pendik Formation represent the serotinus , patulus and partitus biozones of the late Emsian – earliest Eifelian. The Emsian ostracods of NW Turkey show numerous species-level links between the Western Pontides (Istanbul Terrane) and assemblages of contemporaneous faunas of the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain), Morocco and Thuringia (Germany), and of similar biofacies. This supports the notion that the Istanbul Terrane, Armorican terrane-collage and northern margins of Gondwana were in geographical proximity in late Early Devonian time.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments | 2018
Atike Nazik; Helga Groos-Uffenorde; Ewa Olempska; M. Namık Yalçın; Volker Wilde; Eberhard Schindler; Peter Königshof; Emine Şeker Zor; Achim Wehrmann
Non-metamorphic Palaeozoic sedimentary successions without major breaks exist in the Istanbul Zone of the Western Pontides (northern Turkey) and in the Taurides (southern Turkey). Based on different proxies, a Gondwanan affinity has been determined for the Taurides; however, the palaeogeographical position of the Istanbul Zone is still controversial. The aim of this paper is to discuss possible contributions of late Silurian and Devonian ostracods to the palaeogeographical assignment of the Western Pontides (Istanbul Zone). Furthermore, ostracods of the Taurides have also been evaluated in terms of the palaeogeographical setting of this terrane. Late Silurian ostracods of the Istanbul Zone (Western Pontides) show close similarities at the species level with the assemblage from the upper Silurian (Ludlow) rocks of Baltica. This Laurussian affinity indicates a palaeogeographical setting to the north of the Rheic Ocean for the Pontides during the late Silurian. The Devonian ostracod assemblages of both the Taurides and the Istanbul Zone have an affinity to both Laurussia and Gondwana. Therefore, a faunal link should exist during this long period between Laurussia and Gondwana. The faunal link between the two palaeocontinents can be explained on the one hand by a narrow ocean with shallow pathways. On the other hand, a wider ocean with long-shore currents, with broad and shallow shelf areas and/or islands functioning as stepping stones would also allow a faunal link for benthic ostracods.
Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration | 2017
Engin Meriç; İpek F. Barut; Atike Nazik; Niyazi Avşar; M. Baki Yokeş; Mustafa Eryilmaz; Fulya Yücesoy Eryilmaz; Erol Kam; Bora Sonuvar; Feyza Dinçer
Bu calisma, Kusadasi Korfezi’nin kuzey ucunu olusturan Doganbey Burnu’nun kiyi alanindaki farkli noktalarda bulunan denizici sicak su cikislarinin, yakin cevrede yasamini surduren cesitli mikro ve makrofauna topluluklari uzerindeki etkisini arastirmak amaciyla yapilmistir. Doganbey Burnu’nun guneydogusunda farkli derinliklerde 15 noktadan kepce ile genc cokel ornekleri alinip, bunlarin icermis oldugu bentik foraminifer, ostrakod ve mollusk faunasi degerlendirilmistir. Bentik foraminiferler 35 cins, 61 tur, ostrakodlar 16 cins 20 tur, gastropodlar 14 cins ve 18 tur, bivalvler ise 14 cins ve 15 tur olarak bulunmustur.. Ayrica calisma alaninda, Ege kiyilarinda sikca rastlanilan foraminifer kavkilarindaki renklenme, sekil bozuklugu ile gocmen bentik foraminiferlerin varligi tespit edilmistir. Calisilan bolgede tanimlanan foraminifer, ostrakod ve mollusk faunasi tipik Ege faunasina paralellik sunmaktadir. Tipik Ege bentik foraminifer toplulugu icindeki Amphistegina lobifera Larsen bireylerinin yasadigi ekolojik kosullarinin bolluk dagilimi uzerinde etkisi bilinmektedir. Bolge icin Amphistegina lobifera Larsen’nin ideal yasam araligi 18.00-32.00 m derinlik ve yaklasik 19-20o C sicaklik olarak belirlenmistir. Bir diger ozellik olarak CTD cihazi ile yapilan olcumlerde iletkenlik degerlerinin sicak su kaynagina yaklastikca arttigi ancak birey sayisinin azaldigi tespit edilmistir. Sediment orneklerinde kimyasal analizler X-Isini Floresans Analiz Spektrometresi (WDXRF) ile yapilmistir. Sediment orneklerinde agir metallerden Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn ve Pb degerlerine bakilmis, bu degerlerin. DB1-DB6 arasi orneklerde ve DB15 de Cr>Ni>Mn, DB8-DB11 arasi ornekler ile DB13 ve DB14 de Mn>Cr>Ni, DB7 ve DB12 de Cr>Mn>Ni, oldugu tespit edilmistir. Radyoaktif elementlerden U ve Th DB9, DB10 ve DB11 de yuksek degerdedir. Eser elementlerden Sr degeri DB7-DB11 arasi orneklerde yuksektir. Sedimentlerin kimyasal ve radyoaktif ozelliklerinin bentik foraminifer kavkilarinda etkisi gozlenirken ostrakod ve mollusk kavkilarinda herhangi bir etki belirlenmemistir.
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi | 2016
Emine Şeker Zor; Atike Nazik
Bu calismada Kuzeybati Turkiye Şile-Istanbul bolgesinde yuzeyleyen Buyukada Formasyonunun Yorukali Uyesi ostrakodlari calisilmistir. Sozu edilen birimden Yorukali ve Karamandere kesitleri olculmustur. Alinan orneklerde Myodocopid familyasina ait olan Entomozoacean (pelajik parmak izi) ostrakodlari calisilmistir. Kesitlerde Entomoprimitia Kummerow; Nehdentomis Matern; Rabienella Grundel; Richterina Gurich; Richterina (Volkina) Rabien; Waldeckella Rabien; Kuzminaella Tschigova; Franklinella Stewart and Hendrix; Nehdentomis (Matern), ostrakod cinsleri tanimlanmistir. Saptanan bu turler Frasniyen yasli Entomoprimitia sartenaeri Zonu‘nu (= variostriata Zone sensu Rabien) karakterize etmektedir. Yorukali Uyesi icinde bulunan Gec Devoniyen entomozoacean ostrakodlari, Polonya/Holy Cross Daglari, Almanya/Rheinische Schiefergebirge, Kuzey Fransa-Belcika/Ardenler, Volga-Ural Bolgesi ve Guney Cin‘de bilinmektedir.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | 2006
Fulya Bergin; F. Kucuksezgin; E. Uluturhan; İpek F. Barut; Engin Meriç; Niyazi Avşar; Atike Nazik
Geo-marine Letters | 2011
Atike Nazik; Engin Meriç; Niyazi Avşar; Selma Ünlü; Vildan Esenli; Erkan Gökaşan