Atish Dabholkar
Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University
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Featured researches published by Atish Dabholkar.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2006
Atish Dabholkar; C.M. Hull
We undertake a systematic analysis of non-geometric backgrounds in string theory by seeking stringy liftings of a class of gauged supergravity theories. In addition to conventional flux compactifications and non-geometric T-folds with T-duality transition functions, we find a new class of non-geometric backgrounds with non-trivial dependence on the dual coordinates that are conjugate to the string winding number. We argue that T-duality acts in our class of theories, including those cases without isometries in which the conventional Buscher rules cannot be applied, and that these generalised T-dualities can take T-folds or flux compactifications on twisted tori to examples of the new non-geometric backgrounds. We show that the new class of non-geometric backgrounds and the generalised T-dualities arise naturally in string field theory, and are readily formulated in terms of a doubled geometry, related to generalised geometry. At special points in moduli space, some of the non-geometric constructions become equivalent to asymmetric orbifolds which are known to provide consistent string backgrounds. We construct the bosonic sector of the corresponding gauged supergravity theories and show that they have a universal form in any dimension, and in particular construct the scalar potential. We apply this to the supersymmetric WZW model, giving the complete non-linear structure for a class of WZW-model deformations.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2003
Atish Dabholkar; C.M. Hull
We investigate compactifications with duality twists and their relation to orbifolds and compactifications with fluxes. Inequivalent compactifications are classified by conjugacy classes of the U-duality group and result in gauged supergravities in lower dimensions with nontrivial Scherk-Schwarz potentials on the moduli space. For certain twists, this mechanism is equivalent to introducing internal fluxes but is more general and can be used to stabilize some of the moduli. We show that the potential has stable minima with zero energy precisely at the fixed points of the twist group. In string theory, when the twist belongs to the T-duality group, the theory at the minimum has an exact CFT description as an orbifold. We also discuss more general twists by nonperturbative U-duality transformations.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2004
Atish Dabholkar; Renata Kallosh; Alexander Maloney
We consider a class of 4D supersymmetric black hole solutions, arising from string theory compactifications, which classically have vanishing horizon area and singular space-time geometry. String theory motivates the inclusion of higher derivative terms, which convert these singular classical solutions into regular black holes with finite horizon area. In particular, the supersymmetric attractor equations imply that the central charge, which determines the radius of the AdS2 × S2 near horizon geometry, acquires a non-vanishing value due to quantum effects. In this case quantum corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking relation between entropy and area are large. This is the first explicit example where stringy quantum gravity effects replace a classical null singularity by a black hole with finite horizon area.
Physical Review Letters | 2005
Atish Dabholkar
It is shown that the entropy of certain two-charge supersymmetric black holes in N=4 string theories can be computed to all orders using Walds formula and the supersymmetric attractor equations with an effective action that includes the relevant higher curvature terms. Classically, these black holes have zero area but the attractor equations are still applicable at the quantum level and result in finite quantum area. The quantum corrected macroscopic entropy agrees precisely with the microscopic counting for an infinite tower of fundamental string states to all orders in an asymptotic expansion.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2005
Atish Dabholkar; Frederik Denef; Gregory W. Moore; Boris Pioline
We examine the recently proposed relations between black hole entropy and the topological string in the context of type II/heterotic string dual models. We consider the degeneracies of perturbative heterotic BPS states. In several examples with = 4 and = 2 supersymmetry, we show that the macroscopic degeneracy of small black holes agrees to all orders with the microscopic degeneracy, but misses non-perturbative corrections which are computable in the heterotic dual. Using these examples we refine the previous proposals and comment on their domain of validity as well as on the relevance of helicity supertraces.
Nuclear Physics | 2002
Atish Dabholkar; Shahrokh Parvizi
Abstract Dirichlet p-branes in the background of pp-waves are constructed using the massive Green–Schwarz world-sheet action for open strings. These branes are localized at the origin and only for p =7,5,3 preserve half the supersymmetries. The spectrum of the brane theory is analyzed and is found to be in agreement with the spectrum of the small fluctuations of the world-volume super-Yang–Mills theory in this background. These branes are expected to correspond to objects that are nonperturbative in N in the dual gauge theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2007
Atish Dabholkar; Sandip P. Trivedi; Ashoke Sen
Due to the attractor mechanism, the entropy of an extremal black hole does not vary continuously as we vary the asymptotic values of various moduli fields. Using this fact we argue that the entropy of an extremal black hole in string theory, calculated for a range of values of the asymptotic moduli for which the microscopic theory is strongly coupled, should match the statistical entropy of the same system calculated for a range of values of the asymptotic moduli for which the microscopic theory is weakly coupled. This argument does not rely on supersymmetry and applies equally well to nonsupersymmetric extremal black holes. We discuss several examples which support this argument and also several caveats which could invalidate this argument.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2008
Atish Dabholkar; Suresh Nampuri; Davide Gaiotto
We address a number of puzzles relating to the proposed formulae for the degeneracies of dyons in orbifold compactifications of the heterotic string to four dimensions with = 4 supersymmetry. The partition function for these dyons is given in terms of Siegel modular forms associated with genus-two Riemann surfaces. We point out a subtlety in demonstrating S-duality invariance of the resulting degeneracies and give a prescription that makes the invariance manifest. We show, using M-theory lift of string webs, that the genus-two contribution captures the degeneracy only if a specific irreducibility criterion is satisfied by the charges. Otherwise, in general there can be additional contributions from higher genus Riemann surfaces. We analyze the negative discriminant states predicted by the formula. We show that even though there are no big black holes in supergravity corresponding to these states, there are multi-centered particle-like configurations with subleading entropy in agreement with the microscopic prediction and our prescription for S-duality invariance. The existence of the states is moduli dependent and we exhibit the curves of marginal stability and comment on its relation to S-duality invariance.
Lecture Notes in Physics | 2012
Atish Dabholkar; Suresh Nampuri
In these notes we describe recent progress in understanding finite size corrections to the black hole entropy. Much of the earlier work concerning quantum black holes has been in the limit of large charges when the area of the even horizon is also large. In recent years there has been substantial progress in understanding the entropy of supersymmetric black holes within string theory going well beyond the large charge limit. It has now become possible to begin exploring finite size effects in perturbation theory in inverse size and even nonperturbatively, with highly nontrivial agreements between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Unlike the leading Bekenstein–Hawking entropy which follows from the two-derivative Einstein–Hilbert action, these finite size corrections depend sensitively on the ‘phase’ under consideration and contain a wealth of information about the details of compactification as well as the spectrum of nonperturbative states in the theory. Finite-size corrections are therefore very interesting as a valuable window into the microscopic degrees of freedom of the quantum theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2007
Atish Dabholkar; Suresh Nampuri
The degeneracies of supersymmetric quarter BPS dyons in four dimensions and of spinning black holes in five dimensions in a CHL compactification are computed exactly using Borcherds lift. The Hodge anomaly in the construction has a physical interpretation as the contribution of a single M-theory Kaluza-Klein 6-brane in the 4d-5d lift. Using factorization, it is shown that the resulting formula has a natural interpretation as a two-loop partition function of left-moving heterotic string, consistent with the heuristic picture of dyons in the M-theory lift of string webs.