Atsushi Oikawa
Tohoku University
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 1980
Atsushi Oikawa; Hiroko Tohda; Mieko Kanai; Masanao Miwa; Takashi Sugimura
Summary Benzamide and m -aminobenzamide, which are the most potent inhibitors of poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) polymerase known, induced many sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in Chinese hamster ovary cells CHO-K1. Nicotinamide, o -aminobenzamide, p -aminobenzamide and 3-acetylpyridine, which are moderate inhibitors of the enzyme, induced SCEs significantly. 1-Methylnicotinamide + , N′-methylnicotinamide, nicotinic acid and benzoic acid, which are very weak inhibitors of the enzyme, induced no appreciable SCEs. There was a positive correlation between the inhibitory effects of these compounds on the enzyme and their effects in inducing SCEs.
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant | 1976
Yasu Nishiuch; Mieko Sasaki; Michie Nakayasu; Atsushi Oikawa
SummaryWhen added to Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium supplemented with 10% bovine serum (MEM-10BS), 1mM cysteine was highly toxic to cultured cells. This toxicity was eliminated by (a) preincubation of the medium at 37°C for 24 hr before use, or (b) presence of 5mM pyruvate. Similar results were obtained with freshly prepared CMRL 1066 supplemented with 10% bovine serum (CMRL-10BS), which contains 1.5 mM cysteine as an original ingredient. Medium L 15 supplemented with 10% bovine serum (L-10BS), which contains both 1 mM cysteine and 5 mM pyruvate, supported cell growth. On incubation of MEM-10BS supplemented with 1 mM cysteine (MEM-10BS-1CySH) or CMRL-10BS without cells for one day, the cysteine concentrations decreased to about one-tenth or less of the original concentrations. The cysteine concentration in L-10BS did not decrease so much on similar incubation. Pyruvate reduced the rate of disappearance of the cysteine in MEM-10BS-1CySH or CMRL-10BS as assayed with p-chloromercuribenzoate, although less than that in L-10BS. This effect of pyruvate was concentration dependent. These paradoxical effects of pyruvate on cysteine, i.e. the reduction of its cytotoxicity and the stabilization as an SH compound, are probably due to the formation of a dissociable complex between these two compounds, which is not cytotoxic and resistant to oxidation.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 1991
Katsuto Tamai; Hongxie Shen; Shigeki Tsuchida; Ichiro Hatayama; Kimihiko Satoh; Akira Yasui; Atsushi Oikawa; Kiyomi Sato
To clarify the role(s) of thiol (sulfhydryl) groups of cysteine (Cys) residues in the activity of the rat glutathione transferase P (7-7) form (GST-P), a cDNA clone, pGP5, containing the entire coding sequence of GST-P (Y. Sugioka et al., (1985) Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 6044-6057) was inserted into the expression vector pKK233-2 and the recombinant GST-P (rGST-P) expressed in E. coli JM109. All four Cys residues in rGST-P were independently substituted with alanine (Ala) by site-directed mutagenesis, the resultant mutants as well as the rGST-P being identical to GST-P purified from liver preneoplastic nodules with regard to molecular weight and immunochemical staining. Since all mutants proved as enzymatically active towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as liver GST-P, it was indicated that none of the four Cys residues is essential for GST-P activity. However, the mutant with Ala at the 47th position from the N-terminus (Ala47) became resistant to irreversible inactivation by 0.1 mM N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), whereas the other three mutants remained as sensitive as the nonmutant type (rGST-P). Ala47 was also resistant to inactivation by the physiological disulfides, cystamine or cystine, which cause mixed disulfide and/or intra- or inter-subunit disulfide bond formation. These results suggest that the 47-Cys residue of GST-P may be located near the glutathione binding site, and modulation of this residue by thiol/disulfide exchange may play an important role in regulation of activity.
FEBS Letters | 1974
Atsushi Oikawa; Michie Nakayasu
UV-irradiation of skin has two well-known results, skin darkening and conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol [l] . Although the latter reaction is a simple photochemical reaction demonstrable in a quartz tube [2] , the molecular mechanism of stimulation of melanin synthesis by UV-irradiation, resulting in skin darkening, has not been elucidated. The establishment of cell culture system of melanotic melanoma [3] made it possible to examine this mechanism in a simplified model system. Results described here show that 1) cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol stimulate melanogenesis, 2) this stimulation results from an elevated level of tyrosinase activity of cells, and 3) the melanogenesis is stimulated specifically by calciferols but not by their precursors before photoconversion.
Mechanisms of Development | 1972
Atsushi Oikawa; Michie Nakayasu; Carolyn Claunch; T.T. Tchen
Abstract Cell lines, which were melanotic in monolayer cultures, were isolated from cultured cell lines of mouse melanoma B 16, and they were classified into two distinct types. Type I showed the highest rate of melanin synthesis in culture in the late exponential phase of growth and then synthesis decreased to a low level. Type II mainly synthesized melanin after cell proliferation had ceased.
Mutation Research-dna Repair | 1992
Akira Yasui; Hirohiko Yajima; Takayasu Kobayashi; André P. M. Eker; Atsushi Oikawa
Photolyase genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli were expressed in S. cerevisiae and photoreactivation in nuclei and mitochondria of the host cells was analyzed by determination of survival and petit rates. Yeast photolyase was able to repair mitochondrial DNA effectively, whereas E. coli photolyase could reduce only a small fraction of the petit rate produced by UV irradiation. Analysis using fusion between yeast photolyase and E. coli lacZ genes as well as a chimeric gene between yeast and E. coli photolyase genes suggests the importance of the protruding amino terminal region of the yeast photolyase for its transport into mitochondria. A significant similarity between the protruding amino termini of yeast photolyase and yeast uracil-DNA-glycosylase suggests a common functional importance of the terminal sequences for both DNA repair enzymes.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 1990
Masashi Takao; Atsushi Oikawa; Akira Yasui
A gene encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD) was cloned from the archaebacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, the first example from an anaerobic bacterium. The deduced amino acid sequence showed overall similarity to sequences of known Mn- and Fe-SODs from aerobic organisms. Judging from a detailed sequence comparison, the cloned SOD gene is classified as Mn-SOD. By comparison of Mn-SOD sequences among various species it was suggested that archaebacterial superoxide dismutase is a direct descendant of a primordial enzyme. Between a putative promoter and the start codon there is an inverted repeat sequence which is also found in the counterpart of Halobacterium halobium.
Photochemistry and Photobiology | 1989
Masashi Takao; Atsushi Oikawa; André P. M. Eker; A. Yasui
Abstract— The Anacystis nidulans photolyase gene inserted in an expression vector plasmid was introduced into Escherichia coli cells and the production of Anacystis photolyase protein was confirmed by reaction with antibodies raised against photolyase purified from A. nidulans cells. The Anacystis photolyase functioned in photoreactivation repair defective E. coli cells. The E. coli transformants exhibited an action spectrum with a maximum around 380 nm similar to that of E. coli photolyase in contrast with the action spectrum of A. nidulans cells which has a maximum at 437 nm. These results indicate that the Anacystis photolyase produced in E. coli cells has enzymatic activity in spite of the apparent lack of its intrinsic 8‐hydroxy‐5‐deazaflavin cofactor.
Development Growth & Differentiation | 1984
Yuko Wakamatsu; Atsushi Oikawa; Masataka Obika; Tomohisa Hirobe; Kenjiro Ozato
Four cell lines including two sublines were established from hereditary melanomas in interspecific hybrids between platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) carrying the Sp gene and swordtails (X. helleri) and maintained in vitro for more than 34 months. Cells in each cell line grew randomly across each other with an apparent lack of contact inhibition of growth and at a population doubling time of 50 to 72 hr. They retained the characteristics of young pigment cells in regard to ultrastructure, tyrosinase activity, the DOPA and combined DOPA‐premelanin reactions. In the degree of differentiation, the cells of the three cell lines seemed comparable to early melanocytes close to melanoblasts, and those of the remaining one cell line seemed comparable to young melanocytes but were in a more differentiated state than the early melanocytes. Colony forming ability on plastic plates was at a level of 10% in the three cell lines but only 1% in the one cell line. All four cell lines failed to form colonies in soft agar. Chromosome analysis revealed that these four cell lines were heteroploid with many abnormal figures of chromosomes and double minute chromosomes. None of the cell lines showed transplantability to fish.
Mutation Research | 1993
Hiroko Tohda; Minako Nagao; Takashi Sugimura; Atsushi Oikawa
Okadaic acid (OA), a potent tumor promoter and an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1 and 2A, induced sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in human lymphoblastoid cells and Chinese hamster ovary cells at low concentrations of 2-10 nM, when the cells were grown for two cell cycles in the presence of OA and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd). Prolonged treatment with OA prior to addition of BrdUrd did not induce SCEs, indicating an essential role of BrdUrd. A similar important role of BrdUrd in SCE induction has been reported in the cases of benzamide (BA) (Natarajan et al., 1981) and camptothecin (CPT) (Zhao et al., 1992), which are inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase and DNA topoisomerase I (topo I), respectively. Unlike many DNA-damaging agents, they are required to be present during S phase along with BrdUrd in the medium and/or in the parental DNA as BrdUMP. Thus OA, like BA and CPT, is a new type of SCE inducer. Exposing cells to a combined treatment with OA, BA and CPT, a significantly higher level of SCEs was induced than that expected if the numbers of SCE caused by these three inhibitors were additive, while no such synergistic increase was seen in every combination of two agents. Since both phosphorylation and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation have been known to modify topo I activity, the results suggest a common involvement of topo I for SCE formation by OA, BA and CPT. In addition to SCE induction, OA resulted in an increase of mitotic cells which were characterized by a marked chromosome condensation. OA also induced chromosome fragmentation/pulverization in human lymphoblastoid cells and fragmented nuclei in Chinese hamster cells.