Audrey Galve
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Lina Constanza García Cano; Audrey Galve; Philippe Charvis; B. Marcaillou
In 2005, an onshore, offshore 3-D refraction and wide-angle reflection seismic experiment was conducted along the convergent margin at the border between Colombia and Ecuador, over the rupture zone of the 1958, Mw 7.6 subduction earthquake. A well-defined Vp velocity model of the plate boundary and upper and lower plates was constructed, down to 25 km depth, using first arrival traveltimes inversion. The model reveals a several kilometers thick, low-velocity zone in the upper plate, located immediately above the interplate contact. This low-velocity zone might be related to alteration and fracturing of the mafic and ultramafic rocks, which composed the upper plate in this area by fluids released by the lower plate with possible contributions from sediment underplating. Near the toe of the margin, the model shows a low-velocity gradient in the outer wedge, which is interpreted as highly faulted and fractured rocks. This low-velocity/low-gradient region appears to limit the oceanward extension of the rupture zones of the 1958 and 1979 earthquakes, possibly because coseismic deformation and uplift of the outer margin wedge dissipates most of the seismic energy.
Nature Communications | 2017
Michele Paulatto; Mireille Laigle; Audrey Galve; Philippe Charvis; Martine Sapin; G. Bayrakci; M. Evain; Heidrun Kopp
Subducting slabs carry water into the mantle and are a major gateway in the global geochemical water cycle. Fluid transport and release can be constrained with seismological data. Here we use joint active-source/local-earthquake seismic tomography to derive unprecedented constraints on multi-stage fluid release from subducting slow-spread oceanic lithosphere. We image the low P-wave velocity crustal layer on the slab top and show that it disappears beneath 60–100u2009km depth, marking the depth of dehydration metamorphism and eclogitization. Clustering of seismicity at 120–160u2009km depth suggests that the slab’s mantle dehydrates beneath the volcanic arc, and may be the main source of fluids triggering arc magma generation. Lateral variations in seismic properties on the slab surface suggest that serpentinized peridotite exhumed in tectonized slow-spread crust near fracture zones may increase water transport to sub-arc depths. This results in heterogeneous water release and directly impacts earthquakes generation and mantle wedge dynamics.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Maria Sachpazi; M. Laigle; M. Charalampakis; D. Sakellariou; Ernst R. Flueh; E. Sokos; E. Daskalaki; Audrey Galve; P. Petrou; Alfred Hirn
We present an integrated approach of the seismic structure and activity along the offshore SW Hellenic subduction from combined observations of marine and land seismic stations. Our imaging of the slab top topography from teleseismic receiver function analysis at ocean bottom seismometers supports a trenchward continuation of the along-dip slab faults beneath the Peloponnesus. We further show that their morphostructural control accounts for the backstepping of the thrust contact of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary wedge over the upper plate. Local seismic activity offshore SW Peloponnesus constrained by ocean bottom seismometer observations reveals a correlation with specific features of the forearc: the Matapan Troughs. We study the Mw6.8 14.02.2008 interplate earthquake offshore SW Peloponnesus and show that its nucleation, rupture zone, and aftershocks sequence are confined to one slab panel between two adjacent along-dip faults and are thus controlled by not only the offshore slab top segmentation but also the upper plate sea-bottom morphology.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2011
Heidrun Kopp; Wolfgang Weinzierl; Anne Becel; Philippe Charvis; M. Evain; Ernst R. Flueh; Audrey Gailler; Audrey Galve; A. Hirn; Aleksandre Kandilarov; Dirk Klaeschen; M. Laigle; Cord Papenberg; Lars Planert; E. Roux
Tectonophysics | 2013
M. Evain; Audrey Galve; Philippe Charvis; Mireille Laigle; Heidrun Kopp; Wolfgang Weinzierl; Alfred Hirn; Ernst R. Flueh; J. Gallart
Geophysical Journal International | 2015
B. Bouyahiaoui; Françoise Sage; Abdeslam Abtout; Frauke Klingelhoefer; K. Yelles-Chaouche; Philippe Schnurle; Abbas Marok; Jacques Déverchère; Madjid Arab; Audrey Galve; J. Y. Collot
Geophysical Journal International | 2015
Rabia Badji; Philippe Charvis; Rabah Bracene; Audrey Galve; Madjid Badsi; Alessandra Ribodetti; Zahia Benaissa; Frauke Klingelhoefer; Mourad Medaouri; Marie-Odile Beslier
Comptes Rendus Geoscience | 2004
Juan Martin Pi Alperin; Jean-Michel Marthelot; Audrey Galve; Maria Sachpazi; Brian Taylor; M. Laigle; Alfred Hirn
Tectonophysics | 2018
Chafik Aïdi; Marie-Odile Beslier; Abdel Karim Yelles-Chaouche; Frauke Klingelhoefer; Rabah Bracene; Audrey Galve; Abdallah Bounif; Laure Schenini; Lamine Hamai; Philippe Schnurle; Hamou Djellit; Françoise Sage; Philippe Charvis; Jacques Déverchère
Tectonics | 2018
Mónica Segovia; Yvonne Font; Marc Régnier; Philippe Charvis; Audrey Galve; Jean-Mathieu Nocquet; Y. Hello; Mario Ruiz; Andres Pazmiño