Ayhan Mesci
Akdeniz University
Lymphatic Research and Biology | 2013
Saadet Ugur; Cumhur Arici; Muhittin Yaprak; Ayhan Mesci; Gulbin Ayse Arıcı; Kemal Dolay; Vahit Ozmen
INTRODUCTION Secondary lymphedema is one of the major important long-term complications of breast cancer treatment. The aim of this study is to determine patient- and treatment-related risk factors of lymphedema in breast cancer patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients, who had been operated on for primary breast cancer at Akdeniz University Hospital and followed regularly between August 1984 and December 2009 were included in the study. In order to evaluate the arm swelling objectively, measurements were performed with a flexible tape measure for both arms, and limb volume was calculated using a truncated cone volume formula. Participants, whose volume difference between the two arms was ≥ 5%, were considered as lymphedema-positive patients. The SPSS program (SPSS inc. Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS The mean age of 455 patients was 50.6 years and the median follow-up time was 53 months. Lymphedema was found in 124 (27%) patients. Most of the patients with a history of postoperative wound infection (52%) and lymphangitis (57%) had lymphedema (p=0.003 and p=0.002, respectively). Addition of radiation therapy increased lymphedema risk 1.83 times (p=0.007). The mean duration of the axillary drainage and number of the removed lymph nodes were 7.8 days and 19, respectively. The rate of lymphedema in patients with early stage breast cancer was less than patients with advanced breast cancer (24% and 35.3%, respectively, p=0.018). Most of the patients (92%) with lymphedema had a high body mass index (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m²), and obesity was another important factor for lymphedema (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS The most important treatment and patient-related risk factors for breast cancer-related lymphedema were obesity (≥ 25 kg/m²), axillary lymph node dissection, postoperative radiotherapy, wound infection, history of lymphangitis, and duration of axillary drainage. Elimination or prevention of these risk factors may reduce the incidence of lymphedema.
BJUI | 2013
Ayhan Dinckan; Ibrahim Aliosmanoglu; Huseyin Kocak; Filiz Gunseren; Ayhan Mesci; Zeki Ertug; Selcuk Yucel; Gultekin Suleymanlar; Alihan Gurkan
To evaluate the outcome of anti‐reflux revision surgery in patients diagnosed with at least a grade 3 reflux at voiding cysto‐urethrography in patients with recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) after renal transplantation.
Surgery Today | 2012
Ayhan Mesci; Burak Korkmaz; Ayhan Dinckan; Taner Çolak; Nilufer Balci; Güner Öğünç
PurposeAn inguinal hernia is a common pathology that can be treated using several different surgical procedures. Although there have been many studies comparing the clinical results of these techniques, there has so far been no digital analysis of the alterations developing secondary to pain with regard to the muscle functions of the lower extremities. This prospective randomized trial was designed to compare this aspect for subjects treated using the laparoscopic techniques and those treated using the conventional method.MethodsA total of 75 patients, 25 of whom who had undergone hernia repair using the total extraperitoneal technique, 25 of whom who had undergone repair using the transabdominal preperitoneal technique, and 25 who had undergone repair using the Prolene mesh graft technique, were evaluated preoperatively and on the third postoperative day by isometric and isokinetic measurements, the visual analog score (VAS), the necessity of postoperative analgesia, complications, and the time that had elapsed before returning to work, and these results were recorded.ResultsHernia repair using the conventional method led to an average of 3 times more muscle function loss compared with the laparoscopic techniques, and this difference was shown to be statistically significant. The VAS, postoperative complications, and time elapsed before returning to work were lower for laparoscopic surgeries and also were compatible with the findings described in the previous literature.ConclusionsUse of a digital environment with numerical parameters and measurements recorded using a dynamometer demonstrated that in the early postoperative period and on the third postoperative day, open surgery causes more functional loss in the lower extremities than laparoscopic methods. Therefore, surgeons should use laparoscopic methods whenever possible to reduce both pain and loss of muscle function.
Clinical Respiratory Journal | 2016
Venera Aydın; Hanife Karakaya Kabukcu; N. Sahin; Ayhan Mesci; Ayse Gulbin Arici; Gulsum Kahveci; Ozgen Ozmete
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has many advantages such as shorter hospital stay of patients, minimal postoperative pain, rapid recovery after the operation; however, systemic disadvantages because intra‐abdominal pressure, position and general anaesthesia may also appear. In this study, pressure‐controlled ventilation (PCV) and volume‐controlled ventilation (VCV) modes during laparoscopic cholecystectomy operations were compared in terms of their effects on haemodynamic, respiratory and blood gas parameters.
Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery | 2014
Yücel Yüksel; Bulent Dinc; Deniz Yüksel; Selcan Enver Dinc; Ayhan Mesci
BACKGROUND We aimed to investigate the reliability of the Alvarado score (AS) in determining acute appendicitis and the different parameters that affect the AS. METHODS Three hundred and thirteen patients suspected of acute appendicitis (AA) aged 18-70 years were included in this study. Patient data including AS calculated from emergency services and at discharge, follow-up, and operations were recorded. Patients were divided into three groups according to the AS, as AS <4, AS 5-7 and AS 8-10. AA and appendicitis perforation rates were compared according to the different parameters. RESULTS The mean age of patients (55% females, 45% males) was 30.8±10.8 years. The AA (appendix perforation) rates of 211 patients who underwent operation were found as: AS ≤4: 56.5% (7.7%), AS 5-7: 75.9% (10%), and AS 8-10: 89% (27.8%). The percentage of negative appendectomy was 19.4%. The scoring was more reliable in males with AS 5-7, and the reliability weakened as body mass index (BMI) increased in all groups. CONCLUSION Patients with AS ≤4 must be followed up and should be informed at the time of their discharge about the slight possibility of appendicitis. The effect of AS in determining the diagnosis of appendicitis is not influenced by age or symptom duration.
International Surgery | 2015
Ayhan Dinckan; İbrahim Aliosmanoglu; Huseyin Kocak; Ayhan Mesci; Hasan Altunbas; Alihan Gurkan
Patients who develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) associated with Type I Diabetes Mellitus may receive kidney alone (KA) transplantation, simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation, or a pancreas after kidney (PAK) transplantation. The goal of this study is to examine the long-term impact of pancreas transplantation on kidney graft and patient survival rates. A total of 85 transplantation cases, consisting of 30 that received living donor KA, 21 that received SPK, and 34 that received PAK, from 2003-2010 at Akdeniz University Organ Transplantation Institute were retrospectively screened. There was a graft loss in 4 cases from the KA group, and in 1 case from each of the SPK and PAK groups. The five-year kidney graft survival rates were 86.7% in KA, 95.2% in SPK, and 97.1% in PAK. There was a single patient loss in both KA and SPK. The kidney survival percentages were higher in SPK and PAK groups compared to the KA group. Therefore, SPK should be the primary preference in these patients; however, for the cases that have a living donor, pancreas transplantation should be considered after kidney transplantation, or the patients can be followed-up on with close blood sugar control.
Journal of Clinical Medicine Research | 2014
Bulent Dinc; Ayhan Mesci; Selcan Enver Dinc; Alten Oskay
Simple cysts (SCs) of the liver are not associated with the biliary malformations in intrahepatic bile duct biliary. Seen in 0.1% to 7% of adult population, biliary malformations are more common in women. The levels of glycoprotein-like tumor markers (carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9) in the cysts and serum could be high. Although studies regarding CA 19-9 exist, sufficient data on cancer antigen (CA) 15-3 are not available. This case is about a 76-year-old woman who complained of painless intra-abdominal mass. The patient with a giant simple cyst extending from the gallbladder to the pelvis had preoparative CA 19-9 and CA 15-3 serum levels of 87.3 IU/L and 37 IU/L respectively. It was observed that CA 19-9 levels had decreased to 36 IU/L and CA 15-3 to 28.1 IU/L in blood samples taken in the third month after the surgery. There is a need for comprehensive studies to investigate the relationship between the size of the cyst and biomarkers (including markers such as CA 15-3) in the assesment of liver SC.
Visceral medicine | 2005
Cumhur Arici; Dinc Dincer; Alihan Gurkan; Ayhan Dinckan; Ayhan Mesci; Güner Öğünç
Ziel: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, unsere Erfahrungen in der chirurgischen Therapie stromaler Tumoren des Magens vorzustellen. Material und Methoden: Diese retrospektive Studie evaluiert die klinischen und pathologischen Ergebnisse von 9 Patienten, die im Zeitraum zwischen Dezember 1998 und Dezember 2003 im Universitätshospital der Akdeniz-Universität an einem stromalen Magentumor operiert wurden. Ergebnisse: Das Alter der Patienten (7 Frauen, 2 Männer) lag zwischen 52 Jahren und 75 Jahren (Median 62 Jahre). Die häufigsten Symptome waren Gewichtsverlust und Dyspepsie, gefolgt von gastrointestinaler Blutung und abdominellen Schmerzen. Eine Lokalisation des Tumorherds in der Magenwand war mittels Ultraschall und/oder CT in allen Fällen möglich. Eine definitive präoperative Diagnose der stromalen Magentumoren wurde in keinem der Fälle gestellt. Alle Patienten unterzogen sich einer chirurgischen Resektion. Bei 5 Patienten wurde eine Wedge-Resektion mit tumorfreien Rändern durchgeführt (in einem Fall zusätzlich eine Splenektomie mit distaler Pankreatektomie). Drei Patienten wurden mit einer distalen Gastrektomie und 1 Patient mit einer totalen Gastrektomie mit Splenektomie und partieller Hepatektomie behandelt. Die regionale Lymphknotendissektion wurde in der Regel auf die angrenzenden Lymphknoten beschränkt. Keiner der Patienten verstarb nach der Operation. Drei Patienten unterzogen sich einer adjuvanten Chemotherapie. Der Follow-up-Zeitraum lag zwischen 3 und 46 Monaten (Median 16 Monate). Bis auf 1 Patienten leben alle ohne den Nachweis von lokalen oder Fernmetastasen. Ein Patient wurde nach 3 Jahren wegen eines lokalen Rezidivtumors erneut operiert. Zusammenfassung: Die komplette Resektion der stromalen Magentumoren mit tumorfreien Rändern geht mit einer günstigen Prognose einher, zumindest für eine kurze Follow-up-Periode.
Transplantation Proceedings | 2013
Ayhan Dinckan; Bulent Dinc; Serdar Turkyilmaz; Ahmet Tekin; Huseyin Kocak; H. Akbas; Ayhan Mesci; M. Saracoğlu; C. Polat; A. Kahraman; Necmiye Hadimioglu; Alihan Gurkan
BACKGROUND This study was designed to compare donors who underwent open (ODN) versus retroperitonoscopic nephrectomy (RDN) in terms of intra-operative oxidative stress and recipients graft function in the early postoperative period. METHODS Among 40 patients who underwent donor nephrectomy, 23 were operated via an open method and 17 via retroperitonoscopic method. To analyze oxidative stress, we measured plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl, and protein sulfhydryl moieties in donor venous blood before induction of anesthesia and postoperatively at 0, 6, and 24 hours. The influence of oxidative stress on graft function was evaluated by means of the postoperative 5th day recipient creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Formula (MDRD) to evaluate delayed graft function (DGF) status. RESULTS ODN patients showed significantly higher 24-hour mean levels of MDA, (6,139 ± 1,854 vs 4,813 ± 1,771 nmol/L; P = .01), protein carbonyl (366 ± 64 vs 311 ± 62 μmol/L; P = .01) and protein sulfhydryl (468 ± 110 vs 386 ± 75 μmol/L; P = .01) moieties compared with those RDN patients. However, ODN and RDN recipients were similar in terms of 5th day mean creatinine and eGFR (1.1 ± 0.3 vs 1.4 ± 0.8 mg/dL and 69.15 ± 12.24 vs 56.31 ± 25.2, respectively) and DGF status (4.4% [1/23] vs 5.9% [1/17], respectively). CONCLUSIONS Although ODN donors were more prone to intra-operative oxidative stress than RDN donors, based on significantly higher levels of oxidative stress markers, this difference seems to not significantly influence recipients early graft function.
International Surgery | 2007
Cumhur Arici; Ayhan Mesci; Dinc Dincer; Ayhan Dinckan; Taner Çolak