Azzam Haidar
University of Tennessee
Featured researches published by Azzam Haidar.
ieee international symposium on parallel & distributed processing, workshops and phd forum | 2011
George Bosilca; Aurelien Bouteiller; Anthony Danalis; Mathieu Faverge; Azzam Haidar; Thomas Herault; Jakub Kurzak; Julien Langou; Pierre Lemarinier; Hatem Ltaief; Piotr Luszczek; Asim YarKhan; Jack J. Dongarra
We present a method for developing dense linear algebra algorithms that seamlessly scales to thousands of cores. It can be done with our project called DPLASMA (Distributed PLASMA) that uses a novel generic distributed Direct Acyclic Graph Engine (DAGuE). The engine has been designed for high performance computing and thus it enables scaling of tile algorithms, originating in PLASMA, on large distributed memory systems. The underlying DAGuE framework has many appealing features when considering distributed-memory platforms with heterogeneous multicore nodes: DAG representation that is independent of the problem-size, automatic extraction of the communication from the dependencies, overlapping of communication and computation, task prioritization, and architecture-aware scheduling and management of tasks. The originality of this engine lies in its capacity to translate a sequential code with nested-loops into a concise and synthetic format which can then be interpreted and executed in a distributed environment. We present three common dense linear algebra algorithms from PLASMA~(Parallel Linear Algebra for Scalable Multi-core Architectures), namely: Cholesky, LU, and QR factorizations, to investigate their data driven expression and execution in a distributed system. We demonstrate through experimental results on the Cray XT5 Kraken system that our DAG-based approach has the potential to achieve sizable fraction of peak performance which is characteristic of the state-of-the-art distributed numerical software on current and emerging architectures.
Geophysics | 2009
Jean Virieux; Stéphane Operto; H. Ben Hadj Ali; Romain Brossier; V. Etienne; Florent Sourbier; Luc Giraud; Azzam Haidar
Many scientific applications require accurate modeling of seismic wave propagation in complex media. These objectives can include fundamental understanding of seismic wave propagation of the Earth on a global scale, including fluid envelopes, mitigation of seismic risk with better quantitative estimates of seismic hazard, and improved exploitation of the natural resources in the crust of the Earth. Accurate quantification is a continual quest, and benchmark protocols have been designed for model definitions and comparison of solutions. Through this quest, an impressive number of numerical tools have been developed, ranging from efficient finite-difference methods to more sophisticated finite-element methods, and including the so-called pseudospectral methods (see Wu and Maupin for a review). The main motivation behind these permanent developments has been to improve the efficiency and accuracy of forward modeling. To achieve this, one systematic choice for both finite-difference and finite-element methods has involved explicit time-stepping integration to avoid matrix inversion...
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2011
Azzam Haidar; Hatem Ltaief; Jack J. Dongarra
This paper introduces a novel implementation in reducing a symmetric dense matrix to tridiagonal form, which is the preprocessing step toward solving symmetric eigenvalue problems. Based on tile algorithms, the reduction follows a two-stage approach, where the tile matrix is first reduced to symmetric band form prior to the final condensed structure. The challenging trade-off between algorithmic performance and task granularity has been tackled through a grouping technique, which consists of aggregating fine-grained and memory-aware computational tasks during both stages, while sustaining the applications overall high performance. A dynamic runtime environment system then schedules the different tasks in an out-of-order fashion. The performance for the tridiagonal reduction reported in this paper is unprecedented. Our implementation results in up to 50-fold and 12-fold improvement (130 Gflop/s) compared to the equivalent routines from LAPACK V3.2 and Intel MKL V10.3, respectively, on an eight socket hexa-core AMD Opteron multicore shared-memory system with a matrix size of 24000 × 24000.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | 2011
Azzam Haidar; Hatem Ltaief; Asim YarKhan; Jack J. Dongarra
The objective of this paper is to analyze the dynamic scheduling of dense linear algebra algorithms on shared‐memory, multicore architectures. Current numerical libraries (e.g., linear algebra package) show clear limitations on such emerging systems mainly because of their coarse granularity tasks. Thus, many numerical algorithms need to be redesigned to better fit the architectural design of the multicore platform. The parallel linear algebra for scalable multicore architectures library developed at the University of Tennessee tackles this challenge by using tile algorithms to achieve a finer task granularity. These tile algorithms can then be represented by directed acyclic graphs, where nodes are the tasks and edges are the dependencies between the tasks. The paramount key to achieve high performance is to implement a runtime environment to efficiently schedule the execution of the directed acyclic graph across the multicore platform. This paper studies the impact on the overall performance of some parameters, both at the level of the scheduler (e.g., window size and locality) and the algorithms (e.g., left‐looking and right‐looking variants). We conclude that some commonly accepted rules for dense linear algebra algorithms may need to be revisited. Copyright
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2015
Azzam Haidar; Tingxing Dong; Piotr Luszczek; Stanimire Tomov; Jack J. Dongarra
Scientific applications require solvers that work on many small size problems that are independent from each other. At the same time, the high-end hardware evolves rapidly and becomes ever more throughput-oriented and thus there is an increasing need for an effective approach to develop energy-efficient, high-performance codes for these small matrix problems that we call batched factorizations. The many applications that need this functionality could especially benefit from the use of GPUs, which currently are four to five times more energy efficient than multicore CPUs on important scientific workloads. This paper, consequently, describes the development of the most common, one-sided factorizations, Cholesky, LU, and QR, for a set of small dense matrices. The algorithms we present together with their implementations are, by design, inherently parallel. In particular, our approach is based on representing the process as a sequence of batched BLAS routines that are executed entirely on a GPU. Importantly, this is unlike the LAPACK and the hybrid MAGMA factorization algorithms that work under drastically different assumptions of hardware design and efficiency of execution of the various computational kernels involved in the implementation. Thus, our approach is more efficient than what works for a combination of multicore CPUs and GPUs for the problems sizes of interest of the application use cases. The paradigm where upon a single chip (a GPU or a CPU) factorizes a single problem at a time is not at all efficient in our applications’ context. We illustrate all of these claims through a detailed performance analysis. With the help of profiling and tracing tools, we guide our development of batched factorizations to achieve up to two-fold speedup and three-fold better energy efficiency as compared against our highly optimized batched CPU implementations based on MKL library. The tested system featured two sockets of Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs and we compared with a batched LU factorizations featured in the CUBLAS library for GPUs, we achieve as high as 2.5× speedup on the NVIDIA K40 GPU.
international parallel and distributed processing symposium | 2012
Azzam Haidar; Hatem Ltaief; Piotr Luszczek; Jack J. Dongarra
We present new high performance numerical kernels combined with advanced optimization techniques that significantly increase the performance of parallel bidiagonal reduction. Our approach is based on developing efficient fine-grained computational tasks as well as reducing overheads associated with their high-level scheduling during the so-called bulge chasing procedure that is an essential phase of a scalable bidiagonalization procedure. In essence, we coalesce multiple tasks in a way that reduces the time needed to switch execution context between the scheduler and useful computational tasks. At the same time, we maintain the crucial information about the tasks and their data dependencies between the coalescing groups. This is the necessary condition to preserve numerical correctness of the computation. We show our annihilation strategy based on multiple applications of single orthogonal reflectors. Despite non-trivial characteristics in computational complexity and memory access patterns, our optimization approach smoothly applies to the annihilation scenario. The coalescing positively influences another equally important aspect of the bulge chasing stage: the memory reuse. For the tasks within the coalescing groups, the data is retained in high levels of the cache hierarchy and, as a consequence, operations that are normally memory-bound increase their ratio of computation to off-chip communication and become compute-bound which renders them amenable to efficient execution on multicore architectures. The performance for the new two-stage bidiagonal reduction is staggering. Our implementation results in up to 50-fold and 12-fold improvement (~130 Gflop/s) compared to the equivalent routines from LAPACK V3.2 and Intel MKL V10.3, respectively, on an eight socket hexa-core AMD Opteron multicore shared-memory system with a matrix size of 24000 × 24000. Last but not least, we provide a comprehensive study on the impact of the coalescing group size in terms of cache utilization and power consumption in the context of this new two-stage bidiagonal reduction.
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2013
Azzam Haidar; Jakub Kurzak; Piotr Luszczek
The enormous gap between the high-performance capabilities of todays CPUs and off-chip communication poses extreme challenges to the development of numerical software that is scalable and achieves high performance. In this article, we describe a successful methodology to address these challenges-starting with our algorithm design, through kernel optimization and tuning, and finishing with our programming model. All these lead to development of a scalable high-performance Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) solver. We developed a set of highly optimized kernels and combined them with advanced optimization techniques that feature fine-grain and cache-contained kernels, a task based approach, and hybrid execution and scheduling runtime, all of which significantly increase the performance of our SVD solver. Our results demonstrate a many-fold performance increase compared to currently available software. In particular, our software is two times faster than Intels Math Kernel Library (MKL), a highly optimized implementation from the hardware vendor, when all the singular vectors are requested; it achieves a 5-fold speed-up when only 20% of the vectors are computed; and it is up to 10 times faster if only the singular values are required.
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2012
Raffaele Solcà; Azzam Haidar; Stanimire Tomov; Thomas C. Schulthess; Jack J. Dongarra
The adoption of hybrid GPU-CPU nodes in traditional supercomputing platforms such as the Cray-XK6 opens acceleration opportunities for electronic structure calculations in materials science and chemistry applications, where medium-sized generalized eigenvalue problems must be solved many times. These eigenvalue problems are too small to effectively solve on distributed systems, but can benefit from the massive compute performance concentrated on a single node, hybrid GPU-CPU system. However, hybrid systems call for the development of new algorithms that efficiently exploit heterogeneity and massive parallelism of not just GPUs, but of multi/many-core CPUs as well. Addressing these demands, we developed a novel algorithm featuring innovative: Fine grained memory aware tasks, Hybrid execution/scheduling, and Increased computational intensity}. The resulting eigensolvers are state-of-the-art in HPC, significantly outperforming existing libraries. We describe the algorithm and analyze its performance impact on applications of interest when different fractions of eigenvectors are needed by the host electronic structure code.
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2016
Ahmad Abdelfattah; Azzam Haidar; Stanimire Tomov; Jack J. Dongarra
The general matrix-matrix multiplication (GEMM) is the most important numerical kernel in dense linear algebra, and is the key component for obtaining high performance in most LAPACK routines. As batched computations on relatively small problems continue to gain interest in many scientific applications, a need arises for a high performance GEMM kernel for batches of small matrices. Such a kernel should be well designed and tuned to handle small sizes, and to maintain high performance for realistic test cases found in the higher level LAPACK routines, and scientific computing applications in general.
international conference on parallel processing | 2014
Tingxing Dong; Azzam Haidar; Stanimire Tomov; Jack J. Dongarra
Currently, state of the art libraries, like MAGMA, focus on very large linear algebra problems, while solving many small independent problems, which is usually referred to as batched problems, is not given adequate attention. In this paper, we proposed a batched Cholesky factorization on a GPU. Three algorithms -- non-blocked, blocked, and recursive blocked -- were examined. The left-looking version of the Cholesky factorization is used to factorize the panel, and the right-looking Cholesky version is used to update the trailing matrix in the recursive blocked algorithm. Our batched Cholesky achieves up to 1.8× speedup compared to the optimized parallel implementation in the MKL library on two sockets of Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs. Further, we use the new routines to develop a single Cholesky factorization solver which targets large matrix sizes. Our approach differs from MAGMA by having an entirely GPU implementation where both the panel factorization and the trailing matrix updates are on the GPU. Such an implementation does not depend on the speed of the CPU. Compared to the MAGMA library, our full GPU solution achieves 85% of the hybrid MAGMA performance which uses 16 Sandy Bridge cores, in addition to a K40 Nvidia GPU. Moreover, we achieve 80% of the practical dgemm peak of the machine, while MAGMA achieves only 75%, and finally, in terms of energy consumption, we outperform MAGMAby 1.5× in performance-per-watt for large matrices.