B. Büchner
RWTH Aachen University
Physical Review Letters | 2014
S. V. Borisenko; Quinn Gibson; D. V. Evtushinsky; Zabolotnyy; B. Büchner; R. J. Cava
We report the direct observation of the three-dimensional (3D) Dirac semimetal phase in cadmium arsenide (Cd(3)As(2)) by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We identify two momentum regions where electronic states that strongly disperse in all directions form narrow conelike structures, and thus prove the existence of the long sought 3D Dirac points. This electronic structure naturally explains why Cd(3)As(2) has one of the highest known bulk electron mobilities. This realization of a 3D Dirac semimetal in Cd(3)As(2) not only opens a direct path to a wide spectrum of applications, but also offers a robust platform for engineering topologically nontrivial phases including Weyl semimetals and quantum spin Hall systems.
Physical Review Letters | 2008
H.-H. Klauss; H. Luetkens; R. Klingeler; C. Hess; F. J. Litterst; M. Kraken; M. M. Korshunov; Ilya Eremin; S.-L. Drechsler; R. Khasanov; A. Amato; J. Hamann-Borrero; N. Leps; A. Kondrat; G. Behr; J. Werner; B. Büchner
We present a detailed study on the magnetic order in the undoped mother compound LaFeAsO of the recently discovered Fe-based superconductor LaFeAsO1-xFx. In particular, we present local probe measurements of the magnetic properties of LaFeAsO by means of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and muon-spin relaxation in zero external field along with magnetization and resistivity studies. These experiments prove a commensurate static magnetic order with a strongly reduced ordered moment of 0.25(5)muB at the iron site below T(N)=138 K, well separated from a structural phase transition at T(S)=156 K. The temperature dependence of the sublattice magnetization is determined and compared to theory. Using a four-band spin density wave model both, the size of the order parameter and the quick saturation below T(N) are reproduced.
Physical Review Letters | 2010
S. V. Borisenko; V. B. Zabolotnyy; D. V. Evtushinsky; T. K. Kim; I. V. Morozov; A. N. Yaresko; A. A. Kordyuk; G. Behr; A. N. Vasiliev; R. Follath; B. Büchner
We have studied the electronic structure of the nonmagnetic LiFeAs (T(c)∼18 K) superconductor using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We find a notable absence of the Fermi surface nesting, strong renormalization of the conduction bands by a factor of 3, high density of states at the Fermi level caused by a van Hove singularity, and no evidence for either a static or a fluctuating order except superconductivity with in-plane isotropic energy gaps. Our observations suggest that these electronic properties capture the majority of ingredients necessary for the superconductivity in iron pnictides.
Physical Review Letters | 2008
Hans-Joachim Grafe; Dalibor Paar; G. Lang; N. J. Curro; G. Behr; J. Werner; J. Hamann-Borrero; C. Hess; N. Leps; R. Klingeler; B. Büchner
We have performed 75As nuclear magnetic resonance measurements on aligned powders of the new LaFeAsO0.9F0.1 superconductor. In the normal state, we find a strong temperature dependence of the spin shift and Korringa behavior of the spin lattice relaxation rate. In the superconducting state, we find evidence for line nodes in the superconducting gap and spin-singlet pairing. Our measurements reveal a strong anisotropy of the spin lattice relaxation rate, which suggests that superconducting vortices contribute to the relaxation rate when the field is parallel to the c axis but not for the perpendicular direction.
Physical Review B | 2001
Christian Hess; C. Baumann; U. Ammerahl; B. Büchner; F. Heidrich-Meisner; Wolfram Brenig; A. Revcolevschi
We have measured the thermal heat conductivity kappa of the compounds Sr_14Cu_24O_41 and Ca_9La_5Cu_24O_41 containing doped and undoped spin ladders, respectively. We find a huge anisotropy of both, the size and the temperature dependence of kappa which we interpret in terms of a very large heat conductivity due to the magnetic excitations of the one-dimensional spin ladders. This magnon heat conductivity decreases with increasing hole doping of the ladders. The magnon heat transport is analyzed theoretically using a simple kinetic model. From this analysis we determine the spin gap and the temperature dependent mean free path of the magnons which ranges by several thousand angstroms at low temperature. The relevance of several scattering channels for the magnon transport is discussed.
Physical Review Letters | 2008
H. Luetkens; H.-H. Klauss; R. Khasanov; A. Amato; R. Klingeler; I. Hellmann; N. Leps; A. Kondrat; C. Hess; Anke Köhler; G. Behr; J. Werner; B. Büchner
We present zero field and transverse field muon spin relaxation experiments on the recently discovered Fe-based superconductor LaFeAsO1-xFx (x=0.075 and x=0.1). The temperature dependence of the deduced superfluid density is consistent with a BCS s-wave or a dirty d-wave gap function, while the field dependence strongly evidences unconventional superconductivity. We obtain the in-plane penetration depth of lambda ab(0)=254(2) nm for x=0.1 and lambda ab(0)=364(8) nm for x=0.075. Further evidence for unconventional superconductivity is provided by the ratio of Tc versus the superfluid density, which is close to the Uemura line of high-Tc cuprates.
Physical Review B | 2009
D. V. Evtushinsky; D. S. Inosov; V. B. Zabolotnyy; A. Koitzsch; M. Knupfer; B. Büchner; M. S. Viazovska; G. L. Sun; V. Hinkov; A. V. Boris; C. T. Lin; B. Keimer; A. Varykhalov; A. A. Kordyuk; S. V. Borisenko
D. V. Evtushinsky,1 D. S. Inosov,1,2 V. B. Zabolotnyy,1 A. Koitzsch,1 M. Knupfer,1 B. Buchner,1 M. S. Viazovska,3 G. L. Sun,2 V. Hinkov,2 A. V. Boris,2,4 C. T. Lin,2 B. Keimer,2 A. Varykhalov,5 A. A. Kordyuk,1,6 and S. V. Borisenko1 1Institute for Solid State Research, IFW Dresden, P.O. Box 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany 2Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany 3Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Vivatsgasse 7, 53111 Bonn, Germany 4Department of Physics, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU. United Kingdom 5BESSY GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany 6Institute of Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03142 Kyiv, Ukraine Received 24 September 2008; revised manuscript received 30 December 2008; published 17 February 2009
Physical Review B | 2007
E. A. Popova; D. V. Volkov; A. N. Vasiliev; A.A. Demidov; N.P. Kolmakova; I.A. Gudim; L. N. Bezmaternykh; N. Tristan; Y. Skourski; B. Büchner; C. Hess; R. Klingeler
ions inthe trigonal crystal field. Our experimental data are analyzedin the context of the unified approach which is based onmean-field approximation and crystal-field calculations. Thespin-flop transition is apparently accompanied by magneto-elastic effects. Magnetoelectric effects might therefore be as-sociated with the spin-flop transition, leading TbFe
Physical Review Letters | 2001
Marco Windt; M. Grüninger; Tamara S. Nunner; Christian Knetter; Kai Phillip Schmidt; Goetz S. Uhrig; T. Kopp; A. Freimuth; U. Ammerahl; B. Büchner; A. Revcolevschi
Phonon-assisted two-magnon absorption is studied in the spin- 1/2 two-leg ladders of (Ca,La)(14)Cu(24)O(41) for E parallel c (legs) and E parallel a (rungs). We verify the theoretically predicted existence of two-magnon singlet bound states, which give rise to peaks at approximately equal to 2140 and 2800 cm(-1). The two-magnon continuum is observed at approximately equal to 4000 cm(-1). Two different theoretical approaches (Jordan-Wigner fermions and perturbation theory) describe the data very well for J parallel approximately equal to 1020-1100 cm(-1), J parallel/J perpendicular approximately equal to 1-1.2. At high energies, the magnetic contribution to sigma(omega) is strikingly similar in the ladders and in the undoped high-T(c) cuprates, which emphasizes the importance of strong quantum fluctuations in the latter.
Physical Review B | 2006
E. Vavilova; I. Hellmann; V. Kataev; C. Taschner; B. Büchner; R. Klingelerl
Measurements of the static magnetic susceptibility and of the nuclear magnetic resonance of multiwalled vanadium-oxide nanotubes are reported. In this nanoscale magnet the structural low-dimensionality and mixed valency of vanadium ions yield a complex temperature dependence of the static magnetization and the nuclear relaxation rates. Analysis of the different contributions to the magnetism allows to identify individual interlayer magnetic sites as well as strongly antiferromagnetically coupled vanadium spins (S = 1/2) in the double layers of the nanotubes wall. In particular, the data give strong indications that in the structurally well-defined vanadium-spin chains in the walls, owing to an inhomogeneous charge distribution, antiferromagnetic dimers and trimers occur. Altogether, about 30% of the vanadium ions are coupled in dimers, exhibiting a spin gap of the order of 700 K, the other ~ 30% comprise individual spins and trimers, whereas the remaining \~ 40% are nonmagnetic.