
Physical Review D | 2015

Revised experimental upper limit on the electric dipole moment of the neutron

J.M. Pendlebury; S. Afach; N. J. Ayres; C. A. Baker; G. Ban; Georg Bison; K. Bodek; Martin Burghoff; P. Geltenbort; K. Green; W. C. Griffith; M. G. D. van der Grinten; Zoran D. Grujić; P. Harris; V. Hélaine; P. Iaydjiev; S.N. Ivanov; M. Kasprzak; Y. Kermaidic; K. Kirch; H.-C. Koch; S. Komposch; A. Kozela; J. Krempel; B. Lauss; T. Lefort; Y. Lemière; D. J. R. May; M. Musgrave; O. Naviliat-Cuncic

We present for the first time a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the experimental results that set the current world sensitivity limit on the magnitude of the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron. We have extended and enhanced our earlier analysis to include recent developments in the understanding of the effects of gravity in depolarizing ultracold neutrons; an improved calculation of the spectrum of the neutrons; and conservative estimates of other possible systematic errors, which are also shown to be consistent with more recent measurements undertaken with the apparatus. We obtain a net result of dn=−0.21±1.82×10−26  e cm, which may be interpreted as a slightly revised upper limit on the magnitude of the EDM of 3.0×10−26  e cm (90% C.L.) or 3.6×10−26  e cm (95% C.L.).

Physical Review Letters | 2009

Test of Lorentz invariance with spin precession of ultracold neutrons

I. Altarev; C.A. Baker; G. Ban; Georg Bison; K. Bodek; M. Daum; P. Fierlinger; P. Geltenbort; K. Green; M. G. D. van der Grinten; E. Gutsmiedl; P. Harris; W. Heil; R. Henneck; M. Horras; P. Iaydjiev; S.N. Ivanov; N. V. Khomutov; K. Kirch; St. Kistryn; A. Knecht; Paul E. Knowles; A. Kozela; F. Kuchler; M. Kuźniak; T. Lauer; B. Lauss; T. Lefort; A. Mtchedlishvili; O. Naviliat-Cuncic

A clock comparison experiment, analyzing the ratio of spin precession frequencies of stored ultracold neutrons and 199Hg atoms, is reported. No daily variation of this ratio could be found, from which is set an upper limit on the Lorentz invariance violating cosmic anisotropy field b perpendicular < 2 x 10(-20) eV (95% C.L.). This is the first limit for the free neutron. This result is also interpreted as a direct limit on the gravitational dipole moment of the neutron |gn| < 0.3 eV/c2 m from a spin-dependent interaction with the Sun. Analyzing the gravitational interaction with the Earth, based on previous data, yields a more stringent limit |gn| < 3 x 10(-4) eV/c2 m.

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2009

Towards a new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment

I. Altarev; G. Ban; Georg Bison; K. Bodek; Martin Burghoff; Milan Cvijovic; M. Daum; P. Fierlinger; E. Gutsmiedl; Gabriele Hampel; W. Heil; R. Henneck; M. Horras; N. V. Khomutov; K. Kirch; St. Kistryn; S. Knappe-Grüneberg; A. Knecht; Paul E. Knowles; A. Kozela; J. V. Kratz; F. Kuchler; M. Kuźniak; T. Lauer; B. Lauss; T. Lefort; A. Mtchedlishvili; O. Naviliat-Cuncic; S. Paul; A. S. Pazgalev

The effort towards a new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) at the Paul Scherrer Instituts (PSI) new high intensity source of ultracold neutrons (UCN) is described. The experimental technique relies on Ramseys method of separated oscillatory fields, using UCN in vacuum with the apparatus at ambient temperature. In the first phase, R&D towards the upgrade of the RAL/Sussex/ILL apparatus is being performed at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL). In the second phase the apparatus, moved from ILL to PSI, will allow an improvement in experimental sensitivity by a factor of 5. In the third phase, a new spectrometer should gain another order of magnitude in sensitivity. The improvements will be mainly due to (1) much higher UCN intensity, (2) improved magnetometry and magnetic field control, and (3) a double chamber configuration with opposite electric field directions.

Physical Review Letters | 1998


B. Lauss; P. Ackerbauer; W. H. Breunlich; B. Gartner; M. Jeitler; P. Kammel; J. Marton; W. Prymas; J. Zmeskal; D. Chatellard; J.-P. Egger; E. Jeannet; H. Daniel; F. J. Hartmann; A. Kosak; C. Petitjean

We report our investigations of X rays emitted during the muonic cascade in hydrogen employing charge coupled devices as X-ray detectors. The density dependence of the relative X-ray yields for the muonic hydrogen lines (K_alpha, K_beta, K_gamma) has been measured at densities between 0.00115 and 0.97 of liquid hydrogen density. In this density region collisional processes dominate the cascade down to low energy levels. A comparison with recent calculations is given in order to demonstrate the influence of Coulomb deexcitation.

Hyperfine Interactions | 2012

Startup of the high-intensity ultracold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute

B. Lauss

Ultracold neutrons (UCN) can be stored in suitable bottles and observed for several hundreds of seconds. Therefore UCN can be used to study in detail the fundamental properties of the neutron. A new user facility providing ultracold neutrons for fundamental physics research has been constructed at the Paul Scherrer Institute, the PSI UCN source. Assembly of the facility finished in December 2010 with the first production of ultracold neutrons. Operation approval was received in June 2011. We give an overview of the source and the status at startup.

Physics Letters B | 2014

A measurement of the neutron to 199Hg magnetic moment ratio

S. Afach; C. A. Baker; G. Ban; Georg Bison; K. Bodek; M. Burghoff; Z. Chowdhuri; M. Daum; M. Fertl; B. Franke; P. Geltenbort; K. Green; M. G. D. van der Grinten; Zoran D. Grujić; P. Harris; W. Heil; V. Hélaine; R. Henneck; M. Horras; P. Iaydjiev; S.N. Ivanov; M. Kasprzak; Y. Kermaidic; K. Kirch; A. Knecht; H.-C. Koch; J. Krempel; M. Kuźniak; B. Lauss; T. Lefort

The neutron gyromagnetic ratio has been measured relative to that of the 199Hg atom with an uncertainty of 0.8 ppm. We employed an apparatus where ultracold neutrons and mercury atoms are stored in the same volume and report the result γn/γHg=3.8424574(30).

Hyperfine Interactions | 1993

Systematic analysis of the PSI experiment to directly measure the sticking probabilityωs in dt fusion

T. Case; K. Crowe; K. Lou; C. Petitjean; W. H. Breunlich; M. Jeitler; P. Kammel; B. Lauss; J. Marton; W. Prymas; J. Zmeskal; D. V. Balin; V. N. Baturin; Yu. S. Grigoriev; A. I. Ilyin; E. M. Maev; G. E. Petrov; G. G. Semenchuk; Yu. V. Smirenin; A.A. Vorobyov; N. I. Voropaev; P. Baumann; H. Daniel; F. J. Hartmann; M. Mühlbauer; W. Schott; P. Wojciechowski

Starting in 1989 an experiment was run at PSI to directly measure the final sticking probability in muon catalyzed dt fusion. This experiment was based on an “active-target” ionization chamber (IC) built at Gatchina, Russia, and an array of plastic neutron counters. In three runs approximately 5×106 isolated alpha signals were recorded with around one half of these occurring in the inner chamber region where we have more complete understanding of the systematic errors. Particularly from a long run in 1992 we were able to obtain a very clean sticking peak of some 5000 μα events. However, to reach an accurate value of sticking, all systematic effects and several major backgrounds had to be understood in detail. To this end a Monte Carlo code was written to simulate the full electrostatic environment of the IC and to recreate completely each signal type including the actual tritium decay noise from the live experiment. A slightly model dependent value of approx. 0.56±0.04% is obtained for final sticking.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2014

Dynamic stabilization of the magnetic field surrounding the neutron electric dipole moment spectrometer at the Paul Scherrer Institute

S. Afach; Georg Bison; K. Bodek; F. Burri; Z. Chowdhuri; M. Daum; M. Fertl; B. Franke; Zoran D. Grujić; V. Hélaine; R. Henneck; M. Kasprzak; K. Kirch; H.-C. Koch; A. Kozela; J. Krempel; B. Lauss; T. Lefort; Y. Lemière; M. Meier; O. Naviliat-Cuncic; F. M. Piegsa; G. Pignol; C. Plonka-Spehr; P. N. Prashanth; G. Quéméner; D. Rebreyend; S. Roccia; P. Schmidt-Wellenburg; A. Schnabel

The Surrounding Field Compensation (SFC) system described in this work is installed around the four-layer Mu-metal magnetic shield of the neutron electric dipole moment spectrometer located at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The SFC system reduces the DC component of the external magnetic field by a factor of about 20. Within a control volume of approximately 2.5m x 2.5m x 3m disturbances of the magnetic field are attenuated by factors of 5 to 50 at a bandwidth from

Physics Letters B | 2015

Constraining interactions mediated by axion-like particles with ultracold neutrons

S. Afach; G. Ban; Georg Bison; K. Bodek; Martin Burghoff; M. Daum; M. Fertl; B. Franke; Zoran D. Grujić; V. Hélaine; M. Kasprzak; Y. Kermaidic; K. Kirch; Paul E. Knowles; H.-C. Koch; S. Komposch; A. Kozela; J. Krempel; B. Lauss; T. Lefort; Y. Lemière; A. Mtchedlishvili; O. Naviliat-Cuncic; F. M. Piegsa; G. Pignol; P. N. Prashanth; G. Quéméner; D. Rebreyend; D. Ries; S. Roccia


Hyperfine Interactions | 1996

Experimental investigation of the muon transfer reaction from deuterium to helium isotopes

B. Gartner; P. Ackerbauer; W. H. Breunlich; M. Cargnelli; A. Fischer; P. Kammel; R. King; G. Kminek; B. Lauss; J. Marton; W. Prymas; E. Steininger; J. Zmeskal; C. Petitjean; D. Chatellard; J. Egger; E. Jeannet; F. J. Hartmann; A. Kosak; M. Mühlbauer; T. von Egidy; C. Piller; L.A. Schaller; L. Schellenberg; H. Schneuwly; Y. A. Thalmann; S. Tresch; A. Werthmüller

Hz up to 0.5 Hz, which corresponds to integration times longer than several hundreds of seconds and represent the important timescale for the nEDM measurement. These shielding factors apply to random environmental noise from arbitrary sources. This is achieved via a proportional-integral feedback stabilization system that includes a regularized pseudoinverse matrix of proportionality factors which correlates magnetic field changes at all sensor positions to current changes in the SFC coils.

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