B. Mayes
University of Houston
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Featured researches published by B. Mayes.
Physical Review Letters | 1999
M.L. Brooks; A. Empl; W. von Witsch; X.L. Tu; S.C. Wright; L. A. Van Ausdeln; K. Lan; R. Manweiler; Y. Chen; Kroupa; Cooper; J. J. Szymanski; L. E. Piilonen; C. A. Gagliardi; B. Mayes; K. O. H. Ziock; D. D. Koetke; E.B. Hughes; T. D. S. Stanislaus; G. E. Hogan; R. E. Mischke; J. E. Knott; E. Hungerford; K. M. Stantz; Peter S. Cooper; M. Dzemidzic; C. C. H. Jui; R. E. Tribble
The transport properties of a quasi-three-dimensional, 200 layer quantum well structure are investigated at integer filling in the quantum Hall state. We find that the transverse magnetoresistance R xx , the Hall resistance R xy , and the vertical resistance R zz all follow a similar behavior with both temperature and in-plane magnetic field. A general feature of the influence of increasing in-plane field B in is that the Hall conductance quantization first improves, but above a characteristic value B C in , the quantization is systematically removed. We consider the interplay of the chid edge state transport and the bulk (quantum Hall) transport properties. This mechanism may arise from the competition of the cyclotron energy with the superlattice band structure energies. A comparison of the resuIts with existing theories of the chiral edge state transport with in-plane field is also discussed.An experiment has been performed to search for the muon- and electron-number non-conserving decay mu+ to e+_gamma. The upper limit for the branching ratio to be GAMMA(mu+ to e+_gamma)/GAMMA(mu+ to e+_nu_nubar) < 1.2e-11 with 90% confidence.
Physical Review C | 2002
S. Afanasiev; I.K. Yoo; E. Gładysz; V. Eckardt; Z. Fodor; N. Schmitz; Peter Graham Jones; J. Zaranek; J. G. Reid; J. Sziklai; J. Bartke; K. Kadija; V. Friese; F. Sikler; P. Csato; M. Vassiliou; H. Bialkowska; G. Georgopoulos; M. Behler; H.G. Fischer; V. Kolesnikov; K. Perl; L. Pinsky; C. Blume; J. G. Cramer; A. Panagiotou; C. Markert; B. Mayes; G.T.A. Squier; D. Barna
Measurements of charged pion and kaon production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40, 80 and 158 AGeV are presented. These are compared with data at lower and higher energies as well as with results from p+p interactions. The mean pion multiplicity per wounded nucleon increases approximately linearly with s_NN^1/4 with a change of slope starting in the region 15-40 AGeV. The change from pion suppression with respect to p+p interactions, as observed at low collision energies, to pion enhancement at high energies occurs at about 40 AGeV. A non-monotonic energy dependence of the ratio of K^+ to pi^+ yields is observed, with a maximum close to 40 AGeV and an indication of a nearly constant value at higher energies.The measured dependences may be related to an increase of the entropy production and a decrease of the strangeness to entropy ratio in central Pb+Pb collisions in the low SPS energy range, which is consistent with the hypothesis that a transient state of deconfined matter is created above these energies. Other interpretations of the data are also discussed.
Physical Review Letters | 2004
C. Alt; T. Antičić; B. Baatar; D. Barna; J. Bartke; L. Betev; H. Bialkowska; A. Billmeier; C. Blume; B. Boimska; Michiel Botje; J. Bracinik; R. Bramm; R. Brun; P. Buncic; V. Cerny; P. Christakoglou; O. Chvala; J. G. Cramer; P. Csato; N. Darmenov; A. Dimitrov; P. Dinkelaker; V. Eckardt; G. Farantatos; P. Filip; D. Flierl; Z. Fodor; P. Foka; P. Freund
Results of resonance searches in the Xi- pi-, Xi- pi+, antiXi+ pi- and antiXi+ pi+ invariant mass spectra in proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s}=17.2 GeV are presented. Evidence is shown for the existence of a narrow Xi- pi- baryon resonance with mass of 1.862+/-0.002 GeV/c^2 and width below the detector resolution of about 0.018 GeV/c^2. The significance is estimated to be 4.0 sigma. This state is a candidate for the hypothetical exotic Xi_(3/2)^-- baryon with S = -2, I = 3/2 and a quark content of (d s d s ubar). At the same mass a peak is observed in the Xi- pi+ spectrum which is a candidate for the Xi_(3/2)^0 member of this isospin quartet with a quark content of (d s u s dbar). The corresponding antibaryon spectra also show enhancements at the same invariant mass.
Physical Review D | 2002
M. Ahmed; J. F. Amann; D. Barlow; K. Black; Richard D. Bolton; M. Brooks; Staffan Carius; Y. Chen; A. Chernyshev; H. M. Concannon; M. D. Cooper; Peter S. Cooper; J. Crocker; J. R. Dittmann; M. Dzemidzic; A. Empl; R. J. Fisk; E. Fleet; W. Foreman; Carl A. Gagliardi; D. Haim; A. Hallin; C. M. Hoffman; Gary E. Hogan; E. B. Hughes; Ed V. Hungerford; C. Jui; G. J. Kim; J. E. Knott; D. D. Koetke
The MEGA experiment, which searched for the muon- and electron-number violating decay μ +→e + γ, is described. The spectrometer system, the calibrations, the data taking procedures, the data analysis, and the sensitivity of the experiment are discussed. The most stringent upper limit on the branching ratio, B(μ + →e + γ)l1.2×10 -11 with 90% confidence, is derived from a likelihood analysis.
Physics Letters B | 1982
H. Piekarz; S. Bart; R. Hackenburg; A.D. Hancock; E. Hungerford; B. Mayes; K. Sekharan; J. Piekarz; M. Deutsch; R.E. Chrien; S. Chen; M. J. Levine; D. Maurizio; M. May; H. Palevsky; Y. Xu; Peter D. Barnes; B. Basslleck; R. Eisenstein; R. Grace; C. J. Maher; P. Pile; R. Rieder; W. Wharton; R. L. Stearns
Abstract The hypernuclei Σ 6 H and Σ 16 C were observed by the (K − , π + ) reaction on targets of 6 Li and liquid O, respectively, at 713 MeV/ c incident K − momentum. Structure is seen in Σ 6 H which may be interpreted in terms of particle-hole excitations similar to the previously observed states in Λ 6 Li. The inablitity to resolve individual Σ hypernuclear levels in Σ 16 C, due in part to the excitation of non-coherent states as a result of the large momentum transfer of about 130 MeV/ c , precludes the extraction of the Σ-nucleus spin-orbit potential strength. The Σ-nucleus well depth appears to be 7 to 10 MeV less than that for the Λ.
Physics Letters B | 1979
R.E. Chrien; M. May; Daniel Marlow; F. Takeutchi; Moshe Deutsch; L. Pinsky; R. L. Stearns; T. M. Williams; E. Hungerford; R. Cester; Peter D. Barnes; R. Sutter; H. Palevsky; S. A. Dytman; S. Bart; B. Mayes
Abstract States of 12 Λ C formed in the (K − , π − ) reaction have been studied for momentum transfers up to 260 MeV/ c , using an incident K − beam of 800 MeV/ c momentum. The angular distributions for the g.s. and for a peak at 11 meV have been measured between 0° and 19° in the laboratory. Limits on the splitting of the 11 MeV peak and on the formation of low-lying excited states are given.
Physics Letters B | 2002
S. Afanasiev; T. Antičić; D. Barna; J. Bartke; R.A. Barton; L. Betev; H. Bialkowska; A. Billmeier; C. Blume; C. O. Blyth; B. Boimska; M. Botje; J. Bracinik; R. Bramm; R. Brun; P. Buncic; V. Cerny; J. G. Cramer; P. Csato; P. Dinkelaker; V. Eckardt; P. Filip; H.G. Fischer; Z. Fodor; P. Foka; P. Freund; V. Friese; J. Gal; M. Gaździcki; G. Georgopoulos
Results of the production of Xi and Xi-bar hyperons in central Pb+Pb interactions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon are presented. This analysis utilises a global reconstruction procedure, which allows a measurement of 4pi integrated yields to be made for the first time. Inverse slope paramters, which are determined from an exponential fit to the transverse mass spectra, are shown. Central rapidity densities are found to be 1.49 +- 0.08 and 0.33 +- 0.04 per event per unit of rapidity for Xi and Xi-bar respectively. Yields integrated to full phase space are 4.12 +- 0.02 and 0.77 +- 0.04 for Xi and Xi-bar. The ratio of Xi-bar/Xi at mid-rapidity is 0.22 +- 0.03.
Nuclear Physics | 2003
M. van Leeuwen; S. Afanasiev; T. Anticic; B. Baatar; D. Barna; J. Bartke; R.A. Barton; M. Behler; L. Betev; H. Bialkowska; A. Billmeier; C. Blume; C. O. Blyth; B. Boimska; Michiel Botje; J. Bracinik; R. Bramm; R. Brun; P. Buncˇić; V. Cerny; O. Chvala; J. G. Cramer; P. Csato; P. Dinkelaker; V. Eckardt; P. Filip; H.G. Fischer; Z. Fodor; P. Foka; P. Freund
The energy dependence of hadron production in central Pb+Pb collisions is presented and discussed. In particular, midrapidity
Physical Review Letters | 2004
T. Antičić; B. Baatar; D. Barna; J. Bartke; M. Behler; L. Betev; H. Bialkowska; A. Billmeier; C. Blume; B. Boimska; M. Botje; J. Bracinik; R. Bramm; R. Brun; P. Buncic; Cerny; P. Christakoglou; O. Chvala; J. G. Cramer; P. Csato; N. Darmenov; A. Dimitrov; P. Dinkelaker; Eckardt; P. Filip; D. Flierl; Z. Fodor; P. Foka; P. Freund; Friese
Physical Review C | 2004
T. Antičić; B. Baatar; D. Barna; J. Bartke; M. Behler; L. Betev; H. Bialkowska; A. Billmeier; C. Blume; B. Boimska; M. Botje; J. Bracinik; R. Bramm; R. Brun; P. Buncic; V. Cerny; P. Christakoglou; O. Chvala; J. G. Cramer; P. Csato; N. Darmenov; A. Dimitrov; P. Dinkelaker; V. Eckardt; P. Filip; D. Flierl; Z. Fodor; P. Foka; P. Freund; V. Friese
-spectra for