
Physical Review D | 2011

What if the LHC does not find supersymmetry in the

P. Bechtle; Carsten Robens; K. Desch; P. Wienemann; Herbi K. Dreiner; B. Sarrazin; Ben O'Leary; Michael Krämer

We investigate the implications for supersymmetry from an assumed absence of any signal in the first period of LHC data taking at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy and with 1 to 7 fb^(-1) of integrated luminosity. We consider the zero-lepton plus four jets and missing transverse energy signature, and perform a combined fit of low-energy measurements, the dark matter relic density constraint and potential LHC exclusions within a minimal supergravity model. A non-observation of supersymmetry in the first period of LHC data taking would still allow for an acceptable description of low-energy data and the dark matter relic density in terms of minimal supergravity models, but would exclude squarks and gluinos with masses below 1 TeV.

arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2014


P. Bechtle; Tim Stefaniak; Werner Porod; X. Prudent; B. Sarrazin; K. Desch; P. Wienemann; Herbert K. Dreiner; Michael Krämer; Ben O'Leary; M. Hamer; M. Uhlenbrock

Xavier Prudent Institut fur Kernund Teilchenphysik, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany E-mail: We present preliminary results from the latest global fit analysis of the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM) performed within the FITTINO framework. The fit includes low-energy and astrophysical observables as well as collider constraints from the non-observation of new physics in supersymmetric searches at the LHC. Furthermore, the Higgs boson mass and signal rate measurements from both the LHC and Tevatron experiments are included via the program HIGGSSIGNALS. Although the LHC exclusion limits and the Higgs mass measurements put tight constraints on the viable parameter space, we find an acceptable fit quality once the Higgs signal rates are included. The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics -EPS-HEP2013 18-24 July 2013 Stockholm, Sweden

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2017

TeV run?

J. M. Butterworth; David Grellscheid; Michael Krämer; B. Sarrazin; David Paul Yallup

A bstractA new method providing general consistency constraints for Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) theories, using measurements at particle colliders, is presented. The method, ‘Constraints On New Theories Using Rivet’, Contur, exploits the fact that particle-level differential measurements made in fiducial regions of phase-space have a high degree of model-independence. These measurements can therefore be compared to BSM physics implemented in Monte Carlo generators in a very generic way, allowing a wider array of final states to be considered than is typically the case. The Contur approach should be seen as complementary to the discovery potential of direct searches, being designed to eliminate inconsistent BSM proposals in a context where many (but perhaps not all) measurements are consistent with the Standard Model. We demonstrate, using a competitive simplified dark matter model, the power of this approach. The Contur method is highly scaleable to other models and future measurements.

European Physical Journal C | 2017

Constrained Supersymmetry after the Higgs Boson Discovery: A global analysis with Fittino

P. Bechtle; Tim Keller; Jan Schütte-Engel; Daniel Dercks; M. Hamer; Michael Krämer; B. Sarrazin; Sebastian Belkner; Jamie Tattersall

SCYNet (SUSY Calculating Yield Net) is a tool for testing supersymmetric models against LHC data. It uses neural network regression for a fast evaluation of the profile likelihood ratio. Two neural network approaches have been developed: one network has been trained using the parameters of the 11-dimensional phenomenological Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (pMSSM-11) as an input and evaluates the corresponding profile likelihood ratio within milliseconds. It can thus be used in global pMSSM-11 fits without time penalty. In the second approach, the neural network has been trained using model-independent signature-related objects, such as energies and particle multiplicities, which were estimated from the parameters of a given new physics model.

European Physical Journal C | 2016

Constraining new physics with collider measurements of Standard Model signatures

P. Bechtle; José Eliel Camargo-Molina; K. Desch; Herbert K. Dreiner; M. Hamer; Michael Krämer; Ben O’Leary; Werner Porod; B. Sarrazin; Tim Stefaniak; M. Uhlenbrock; P. Wienemann

Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings | 2016

SCYNet: Testing supersymmetric models at the LHC with neural networks

P. Bechtle; K. Desch; Herbert K. Dreiner; M. Hamer; Michael Krämer; Ben O'Leary; Werner Porod; B. Sarrazin; Tim Stefaniak; M. Uhlenbrock; P. Wienemann

arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2011

Killing the cMSSM softly

P. Bechtle; K. Desch; Herbi K. Dreiner; Michael Krämer; Ben O'Leary; Carsten Robens; B. Sarrazin; P. Wienemann

Frascati Phys.Ser. | 2012

How alive is constrained SUSY really

Michael Krämer; Carsten Robens; K. Desch; P. Wienemann; Herbi K. Dreiner; B. Sarrazin; Ben O'Leary; P. Bechtle

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