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Featured researches published by Bainah Sari Dewi.
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Saturnino Xavier; Sugeng Prayitno Harianto; Bainah Sari Dewi
The presence of National Forest Park (Tahura) Wan Abdul Rachman is an opportunity to be developed into ecotourism if it is well-managed and have support from stakeholders especially the local community. The purpose of this study is to know the potential of human resource, management capabilities, community support in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman and to formulate priority development strategy of captive breeding timor deer into ecotourism. This research was conducted during February to April 2017. Data was collected by observation and interview. The data was analyzed descriptive ly using SWOT analysis. The result showed that the existence of captive timor deer in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman can be developed into ecotourism because of the support from society and other stakeholder. Management Unit in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman was implemented the functions of management such as planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. A main priority of strategy to maintain and develop the ecotourism potential based on deer breeding is by improving coordination and cooperation between UPTD Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman as the organizer of deer breeding unit with local Goverment of Lampung Province, private party and community. Keywords: deer breeding, ecotourism, human resource, management.
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Puja Anggriana; Bainah Sari Dewi; Gunardi Djoko Winarno
Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC) is a location model as a dedication Lampung University in mangrove forest management that can be used for “Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi”, including research on greater egret (Egretta alba). Research conducted by large birds (E. alba) is important to do, as one of the conservation efforts in LMC. The purpose of this study was to determine the population and the distribution pattern of Greater egret (E. Alba). The methods used in the three locations are Line Transect method, GIS method, and Literature method. The research analysis using population prediction, total population and bird distribution pattern with Morisita Index. Results of the study with a total of 1620 minute studies found greater egret (E. Alba) on field locations 64 frequency, at pond location 66 frequency and at mangrove forest 8 frequency, so the total encounter of greater egret (E. Alba) are 138 frequency. The distribution pattern of Greater egret (E. Alba) life in LMC is the random distribution with a Morisita Index value is 0,27 and Hernowo population prediction of large egrets value is 8 individuals/ha and Nurhasanah total population is 12-13 individuals/ha. Keywords: greater egret bird, distribution pattern, population
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Jumayanti Boru Hombing; Bainah Sari Dewi; Syahrio Tantalo; Sugeng Prayitno Harianto
Kesejahteraan rusa didalam penangkaran ex-situ dapat ditaksir menggunakan beberapa faktor salah satunya faktor kandungan gizi. Kecukupan pakan rusa diukur berdasarkan rata-rata pakan per hari dengan intensitas pengambilan sampel melalui 3 kali pengulangan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis proksimat dengan 100 gram per sampel pakan. Rata-rata konsumsi pakan drop in seluruh populasi rusa perhari sebesar 88,05 kg per hari dengan rata-rata per ekor sebesar 4,63 kg per hari per ekor. Jumlah kisaran kebutuhan pakan rusa seharusnya sebesar 6-10 kg hijauan per ekor per hari ditambah 1 kg konsentrat per ekor per hari (Perum Perhutani, 1997). Hasil analisis proksimat yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa pakan drop in yang diberikan oleh pengelola penangkaran memiliki kandungan gizi yang baik, hal ini terlihat pada kandungan air yang tinggi, BETN yang tinggi, protein dan serat yang tidak berbeda jauh nilainya serta kandungan lemak yang tidak berlebihan. Kata Kunci : Gizi Pakan Drop in, Pakan Rusa, Penangkaran Rusa PT. GMP ABSTRACT Deer prosperity within ex-situ sanctuary could be estimated according to some factors, one of those its nutriens. The rate of food comsumtion from whole deer from drop in feeder was about 88,05 kg per day with averages per individual about 4,63 kg per day. The averages amount off feeder needed should be around 6-10 kg per individual per day from vege-feeder and 1 kg from complementer feeder (Concentrate) (Perum Perhutani, 1997). The method use in this research were proximate analysis towards 100 grams per feeder samples. Based on ptoximat analyst it’s proven that drop in feeder contains good nutrition, which shown by its high water content, high BETN, protein and fiber in a close amount, and also contained enough fat. While, the fulfillment determined by the rate offeeder amount per day with sampling intensity about three times repetition. The result shown that feeder from drop in was high qualified to be consumed by deers. Keywords: Deer Captive of PT. GMP, Deer Food, Drop-in Nutrition.
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Nora Fery Matondang; Bainah Sari Dewi; Indah Winarti
Keberadaan kukang berkaitan erat dengan habitatnya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penggunaan (1) strata hutan, (2) ruang substrat (3) ruang tajuk (4) tipe vegetasi dan (5) perilaku harian kukang Sumatera pelepasliaran (Nycticebus coucang) di Hutan Lindung KPHL Batutegi Blok Kalijernih, Tanggamus Lampung, Februari-Mei 2014 menggunakan metode jelajah, one zero sampling dan rappid assesment. Hasil penelitian dari 60 hari observasi ditemukan 50 jam perilakuN.coucangyang teramati dengan total 3652 data, N.coucangmenggunakan ruanghutanberupa (1) strata lantaihutan (57%), strata bawahhutan (42,7%) dan strata tengahhutan (0,2%), (2) ruangsubstrat A (4,3%),substrat B (13%),substrat C (43,7%), substratD (38,3%), substratE (0,4%) dansubstrat F (0,08%), (3) ruangtajuktengahtengah (24,6%), tengah atas (16,7%), tengah bawah (14,7%), tepi tengah (20,8%), tepi atas (13,4%), tepi bawah (9,6%), (4) tipe vegetasi pancang (46,2%), tiang (33,6%), dan pohon (20%), (5) untuk melakukan perilaku travelling(56,7%),feeding (7,5%), forage (25,9%), grooming(5,7%), active(3,6%), inactive(0,2%), dan defekasi (0,02%). Kata kunci : KPHL Batutegi, Kukang Sumatera pelepasliaran, Penggunaan ruang hutan abstract Nycticebus coucang had the closely related to their habitat. The observation research to determine using of (1) forest stratum, (2) substrate space (3) canopy space (4) vegetation types and (4) daily behavior of N.coucang in Protected Forest KPHL Batutegi Block Kalijernih, Tanggamus Lampung, February-May 2014, used the explore, one zero sampling and rapid assessment methods. The results of the 60 days observation was found 50 hours N.coucang behavior observed for a total of 3652 data, N.coucang used (1) forest floor (57%), understory layer (42,7%), canopy layer (0,2%), (2) A substrate (4,3%), B substrate (13%), C substrate (43,7%), D substrate (38,3%), E substrate (0,4%) and F substrate (0,08%), (3) middle (24,6%), top middle (16,7%), middle down (14,7%), middle edge (20,8%), top edge (13,4%), bottom edge (0,9%), (4) vegetation type are stake (46,2%), pole (33,6%) and tree (20%), (5) to did daily behavior are travelling (56,7%), feeding (7,5%), forage (25,9%), grooming (5,7%), active (3,6%), inactive (0,2%), and defecating (0,02%). Keywords : Space using of forest, Nycticebus coucang released, KPHL Batutegi
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Rohany Yanti Sihite; Agus Setiawan; Bainah Sari Dewi
KPH Unit XIII Gunung Rajabasa , Way Pisang, Batu Serampok has several potential natural tourism objects including waterfalls and sulfur spring . However the visitors were still a few. This study aimed to assess the natural tourism potential in this area and to develop an appropriate development strategy for priority natural attractions. Potential assessment and determination of natural attractions priority were conducted using Operation Areas Analysis of Object and Natural Tourism Attraction (ADO-ODTWA) guidelines issued by the Director General of Forest Protection and Natural Conservation (PHKA) 2003. Development strategy of natural attractions priority was conducted by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats using SWOT analysis. Result showed that among various natural tourism attractions in th e area , Kecapi Waterfall plus Way Belerang Simpur Hot spring were selected as the most potential tourism spot. Based on SWOT analisys, this object is located among growing market area that makes this object in a favorable condition because they have a positive strength and opportunity in terms of natural tourism development. Strategies needed in order to create a developing plan are increasing the information spreading and promotion trough offline either online mass me dia. Keywords: Potential Tourism Assessment, Natural Tourism .
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2017
Susi Indriyani; Bainah Sari Dewi; Niskan Walid Masruri
Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) has built deer sanctuary as a part of conservation effort for sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and spotted deer (Axis axis), this faunas has suppresed by extinction in its natural habitat which means need to be protected by ex-situ concervation effort. Important to conduct the research with aimed to recognize deers preference towards its served feeder (drop-in) and its availability. The research conducted in October to November 2015 in GMPs deer sanctuary . The method used in the research palatability test method and direct observation method through 8 tail sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and 10 tail spotted deer (Axis axis). According to the result, food preference of deer in GMP s Deer Sanctuary were elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum)25.9 %, sauhen grass (Penicum colonum) 22.25%, rayutan (Hypoestes polythyrsa) 21.87%, lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) 21.24% and rice mixture (Dedak oriza sativa) 8.74%.
Rusita Rusita; L. Elly; Rustiati Rustiati; Gunardi Djoko Winarno; Bainah Sari Dewi; Cahyaning Windarni
Hutan menyediakan pelayanan ekosistem yang mendasar bagi penghidupan dan kesejahteraan penduduk di sekitar hutan, khususnya mereka yang miskin. Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar hutan adalah melalui pariwisata alam atau ekowisata yang memberikan keterlibatan penuh kepada masyarakat sekitar mulai dari perencanaan, pengelolaan hingga evaluasi. Salah satu daerah yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat adalah Desa Margasari Kabupaten Lampung Timur yang memiliki areal hutan mangrove yang cukup luas sekitar 700.000 ha (Kustanti, 2007). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji potensi hutan mangrove sebagai tujuan ekowisata yang berbasis masyarakat. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara pengamatan langsung terhadap potensi hutan mangrove, wawancara dengan wisatawan dan masyarakat sekitar serta instansi terkait serta menghitung daya dukungnya. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan menggunakan SWOT dengan harapan diperoleh data yang dapat menggambarkan potensi hutan mangrove untuk arah pengembangan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat. Kata kunci: Hutan Mangrove, Lampung Mangrove Center, Ekowisata Berbasis Masyarakat
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Rita Gusmalinda; Bainah Sari Dewi; Niskan Walid Masruri
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Athaya Talitha Siti Awaliah; Bainah Sari Dewi; Gunardi Djoko Winarno
Journal of Symbolic Logic | 2018
Andari Mahardika Putri; Bainah Sari Dewi; Rudi Hilmanto