Barak Weiss
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Featured researches published by Barak Weiss.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | 2007
Boaz Rafaely; Barak Weiss; Eitan Bachmat
Performance of microphone arrays at the high-frequency range is typically limited by aliasing, which is a result of the spatial sampling process. This paper presents analysis of aliasing for spherical microphone arrays, which have been recently studied for a range of applications. The paper presents theoretical analysis of spatial aliasing for various sphere sampling configurations, showing how high-order spherical harmonic coefficients are aliased into the lower orders. Spatial antialiasing filters on the sphere are then introduced, and the performance of spatially constrained filters is compared to that of the ideal antialiasing filter. A simulation example shows how the effect of aliasing on the beam pattern can be reduced by the use of the antialiasing filters
Israel Journal of Mathematics | 1979
S. Glasner; Barak Weiss
It is shown that under fairly general conditions on a compact metric spaceY there are minimal homeomorphisms onZ×Y of the form(z,y)→(σz, hz(y)) where (Z, σ) is a arbitrary metric minimal flow andz→hz is a continuous map fromZ to the space of homeomorphisms ofY. Similar results are obtained for strict ergodicity, topolotical weak mixing and some relativized concepts.
Israel Journal of Mathematics | 2005
Dmitry Kleinbock; Barak Weiss
For a large class of closed subsetsC of ℝn, we show that the intersection ofC with the set of badly approximable vectors has the same Hausdorff dimension asC. The sets are described in terms of measures they support. Examples include (but are not limited to) self-similar sets such as Cantor’s ternary sets or attractors for irreducible systems of similarities satisfying Hutchinson’s open set condition.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems | 2001
Elon Lindenstrauss; Barak Weiss
We consider the action of the (n-1) -dimensional group of diagonal matrices in SL (n,\mathbb{R}) on SL (n,\mathbb{R})/\Gamma , where \Gamma is a lattice and n\ge 3 . Far-reaching conjectures of Furstenberg, Katok–Spatzier and Margulis suggest that there are very few closed invariant sets for this action. We examine the closed invariant sets containing compact orbits. For example, for \Gamma={\rm SL}(n,\mathbb{Z}) we describe all possible orbit-closures containing a compact orbit. In marked contrast to the case n=2 , such orbit-closures are necessarily homogeneous submanifolds in the sense of Ratner.
Duke Mathematical Journal | 2003
George Tomanov; Barak Weiss
Let G be a real algebraic group defined over Q, let 0 be an arithmetic subgroup, and let T be any torus containing a maximal R-split torus. We prove that the closed orbits for the action of T on G/0 admit a simple algebraic description. In particular, we show that if G is reductive, an orbit T x0 is closed if and only if x−1T x is a product of a compact torus and a torus defined over Q, and it is divergent if and only if the maximal R-split subtorus of x−1T x is defined over Q and Q-split. Our analysis also yields the following: • there is a compact K ⊂ G/0 which intersects every T -orbit; • if rankQ G < rankR G, there are no divergent orbits for T .
arXiv: Number Theory | 2012
Ryan Broderick; Lior Fishman; Dmitry Kleinbock; Asaf Reich; Barak Weiss
We prove that the countable intersection of C 1 -diffeomorphic images of cer- tain Diophantine sets has full Hausdorff dimension. For example, we show this for the set of badly approximable vectors in R d , improving earlier results of Schmidt and Dani. To prove this, inspired by ideas of McMullen, we define a new variant of Schmidts (�,�)-game and show that our sets are hyperplane absolute winning (HAW), which in particular implies winning in the original game. The HAW property passes automati- cally to games played on certain fractals, thus our sets intersect a large class of fractals in a set of positive dimension. This extends earlier results of Fishman to a more general set-up, with simpler proofs. ∞ \ i=1 f −1 i (S)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | 2001
Barak Weiss
We prove that almost no numbers in Cantors middle–thirds set are very well approximable by rationals. More generally, we discuss Diophantine properties of almost every point, where ‘almost every’ is understood relative to any measure on the real line satisfying a decay condition introduced in the work of Veech.
International Mathematics Research Notices | 2004
Dmitry Kleinbock; Barak Weiss
In the moduli space of quadratic differentials over complex structures on a surface, we construct a set of full Hausdorff dimension of points with bounded Teichmuller geodesic trajectories. The main tool is quantitative nondivergence of Teichmuller horocycles, due to Minsky and Weiss. This has an application to billiards in rational polygons.
Compositio Mathematica | 2013
Pascal Hubert; Barak Weiss
For a Z-cover of a translation surface, which is a lattice surface, and which admits infinite strips, we prove that almost every direction for the straightline flow is ergodic.
arXiv: Dynamical Systems | 2014
Alan Haynes; Michael Kelly; Barak Weiss
In 1998, Burago-Kleiner and McMullen independently proved the existence of separated nets in