
The EMBO Journal | 1983

Stage-specific embryonic antigens (SSEA-3 and -4) are epitopes of a unique globo-series ganglioside isolated from human teratocarcinoma cells.

R. Kannagi; N. A. Cochran; F. Ishigami; Sen-Itiroh Hakomori; Peter W. Andrews; Barbara B. Knowles; Davor Solter

Two monoclonal antibodies (MC631 and MC813‐70) raised against 4‐ to 8‐cell stage mouse embryos and a human teratocarcinoma cell line, respectively, detect the stage‐specific embryonic antigens, the previously defined SSEA‐3 and SSEA‐4, described herein. These antibodies were both reactive with a unique globo‐series ganglioside with the structure shown below: (formula; see text) The antibodies were found to recognize sequential regions of this ganglioside, i.e., MC813‐70 recognizes the terminal ‘a’ structure whereas antibody MC631 recognizes the internal ‘b’ structure. Thus, a set of two antibodies defines this unique embryonic antigen. During differentiation of human teratocarcinoma 2102Ep cells, the globo‐series glycolipids defined by these antibodies decrease and the lacto‐series glycolipids, reacting with the SSEA‐1 antibody appear. This antigenic conversion suggests that a shift of glycolipid synthesis from globo‐series to lacto‐series glycolipids occurs during differentiation of human teratocarcinoma and perhaps of pre‐implantation mouse embryos.

Genes & Development | 2014

DNA methylation dynamics during epigenetic reprogramming in the germline and preimplantation embryos

Daniel M. Messerschmidt; Barbara B. Knowles; Davor Solter

Methylation of DNA is an essential epigenetic control mechanism in mammals. During embryonic development, cells are directed toward their future lineages, and DNA methylation poses a fundamental epigenetic barrier that guides and restricts differentiation and prevents regression into an undifferentiated state. DNA methylation also plays an important role in sex chromosome dosage compensation, the repression of retrotransposons that threaten genome integrity, the maintenance of genome stability, and the coordinated expression of imprinted genes. However, DNA methylation marks must be globally removed to allow for sexual reproduction and the adoption of the specialized, hypomethylated epigenome of the primordial germ cell and the preimplantation embryo. Recent technological advances in genome-wide DNA methylation analysis and the functional description of novel enzymatic DNA demethylation pathways have provided significant insights into the molecular processes that prepare the mammalian embryo for normal development.

Science | 2012

Trim28 Is Required for Epigenetic Stability During Mouse Oocyte to Embryo Transition

Daniel M. Messerschmidt; Wilhelmine N. de Vries; Mitsuteru Ito; Davor Solter; Anne C. Ferguson-Smith; Barbara B. Knowles

Trimprinting the Genome Reprogramming the parental genomes during the oocyte-to-embryo transition requires highly controlled epigenetic mechanisms. Although resetting the genome to a ground state is essential, conservation of inheritable marks is equally important. Now, Messerschmidt et al. (p. 1499) demonstrate that maternal deletion of the epigenetic modifier Trim28 in mice results in a strongly variable, yet ultimately embryonic, lethal phenotype. Aberrant loss of DNA methylation at imprinting control regions and thus partial loss of epigenetic memory was responsible for the phenotype. The stochastic time and mode of embryonic death reflect the exquisitely balanced interplay of maternal and zygotic factors in the early mammalian embryo. In early mouse embryos, the loss of a single maternal gene results in lethal phenotypic and epigenetic variability. Phenotypic variability in genetic disease is usually attributed to genetic background variation or environmental influence. Here, we show that deletion of a single gene, Trim28 (Kap1 or Tif1β), from the maternal germ line alone, on an otherwise identical genetic background, results in severe phenotypic and epigenetic variability that leads to embryonic lethality. We identify early and minute epigenetic variations in blastomeres of the preimplantation embryo of these animals, suggesting that the embryonic lethality may result from the misregulation of genomic imprinting in mice lacking maternal Trim28. Our results reveal the long-range effects of a maternal gene deletion on epigenetic memory and illustrate the delicate equilibrium of maternal and zygotic factors during nuclear reprogramming.

Differentiation | 2010

myc maintains embryonic stem cell pluripotency and self-renewal

Natalia Varlakhanova; Rebecca Cotterman; Wilhelmine N. deVries; Judy Morgan; Leah Rae Donahue; Stephen Murray; Barbara B. Knowles; Paul S. Knoepfler

While endogenous Myc (c-myc) and Mycn (N-myc) have been reported to be separately dispensable for murine embryonic stem cell (mESC) function, myc greatly enhances induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell formation and overexpressed c-myc confers LIF-independence upon mESC. To address the role of myc genes in ESC and in pluripotency generally, we conditionally knocked out both c- and N-myc using myc doubly homozygously floxed mESC lines (cDKO). Both lines of myc cDKO mESC exhibited severely disrupted self-renewal, pluripotency, and survival along with enhanced differentiation. Chimeric embryos injected with DKO mESC most often completely failed to develop or in rare cases survived but with severe defects. The essential nature of myc for self-renewal and pluripotency is at least in part mediated through orchestrating pluripotency-related cell cycle and metabolic programs. This study demonstrates that endogenous myc genes are essential for mESC pluripotency and self-renewal as well as providing the first evidence that myc genes are required for early embryogenesis, suggesting potential mechanisms of myc contribution to iPS cell formation.

Science | 2013

Single-Cell DNA-Methylation Analysis Reveals Epigenetic Chimerism in Preimplantation Embryos

Chanchao Lorthongpanich; Lih Feng Cheow; Sathish Balu; Stephen R. Quake; Barbara B. Knowles; William F. Burkholder; Davor Solter; Daniel M. Messerschmidt

Fatal Chimeras Impaired DNA-methylation maintenance during early embryonic development may cause imprinting-related diseases. Lorthongpanich et al. (p. 1110) have devised a sensitive assay to probe multiple imprinted gene loci for their DNA-methylation state at the single-cell level. Blastomeres with defective imprinting showed complex, epigenetic chimeras developed with fatal defects. Pronuclear transfer restored normal mouse development, offering a therapeutic strategy to overcome epigenetic defects caused by maternal insufficiencies. Lethal epigenetic chimerism can be rescued by transfer of pronuclei. Epigenetic alterations are increasingly recognized as causes of human cancers and disease. These aberrations are likely to arise during genomic reprogramming in mammalian preimplantation embryos, when their epigenomes are most vulnerable. However, this process is only partially understood because of the experimental inaccessibility of early-stage embryos. Here, we introduce a methodologic advance, probing single cells for various DNA-methylation errors at multiple loci, to reveal failed maintenance of epigenetic mark results in chimeric mice, which display unpredictable phenotypes leading to developmental arrest. Yet we show that mouse pronuclear transfer can be used to ameliorate such reprogramming defects. This study not only details the epigenetic reprogramming dynamics in early mammalian embryos but also suggests diagnostic and potential future therapeutic applications.

Genes & Development | 2013

A genetic and developmental pathway from STAT3 to the OCT4–NANOG circuit is essential for maintenance of ICM lineages in vivo

Do Dv; Ueda J; Daniel M. Messerschmidt; Chanchao Lorthongpanich; Zhou Y; Bo Feng; Guo G; Lin Pj; Hossain Mz; Wencheng Zhang; Moh A; Qiang Wu; Paul Robson; Huck-Hui Ng; Lorenz Poellinger; Barbara B. Knowles; Davor Solter; Fu Xy

Although it is known that OCT4-NANOG are required for maintenance of pluripotent cells in vitro, the upstream signals that regulate this circuit during early development in vivo have not been identified. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (STAT3)-dependent regulation of the OCT4-NANOG circuitry necessary to maintain the pluripotent inner cell mass (ICM), the source of in vitro-derived embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We show that STAT3 is highly expressed in mouse oocytes and becomes phosphorylated and translocates to the nucleus in the four-cell and later stage embryos. Using leukemia inhibitory factor (Lif)-null embryos, we found that STAT3 phosphorylation is dependent on LIF in four-cell stage embryos. In blastocysts, interleukin 6 (IL-6) acts in an autocrine fashion to ensure STAT3 phosphorylation, mediated by janus kinase 1 (JAK1), a LIF- and IL-6-dependent kinase. Using genetically engineered mouse strains to eliminate Stat3 in oocytes and embryos, we firmly establish that STAT3 is essential for maintenance of ICM lineages but not for ICM and trophectoderm formation. Indeed, STAT3 directly binds to the Oct4 and Nanog distal enhancers, modulating their expression to maintain pluripotency of mouse embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. These results provide a novel genetic model of cell fate determination operating through STAT3 in the preimplantation embryo and pluripotent stem cells in vivo.

Annals of Human Genetics | 1985

A human cell-surface antigen defined by a monoclonal antibody and controlled by a gene on human chromosome 1

Peter W. Andrews; Barbara B. Knowles; M. Parkar; B. Pym; K. Stanley; P. N. Goodfellow

An antigen expressed by most human cells, but not erythrocytes, has been defined by a murine monoclonal antibody, TRA‐2–10. This antigen is expressed on the surface of human‐mouse somatic cell hybrids, and segregation analysis indicates that it is controlled by a gene located on human chromosome 1. From lysates of most human cells, surface‐labelled with 125I, TRA‐2–10 immunoprecipitates two polypeptides with molecular weights in the range of about 55000 to 73000 depending upon the cell line. Since the TRA‐2–10 polypeptides from a fibroblast cell strain and a hepatoma cell line from one individual differ, we conclude that the observed difference in molecular weight has an epigenetic origin.

Stem cell reports | 2013

BCL-XL Mediates the Strong Selective Advantage of a 20q11.21 Amplification Commonly Found in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Cultures

Stuart Avery; Adam J. Hirst; Duncan Baker; Chin Yan Lim; Sharmini Alagaratnam; Rolf I. Skotheim; Ragnhild A. Lothe; Martin F. Pera; Alan Colman; Paul Robson; Peter W. Andrews; Barbara B. Knowles

Summary Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) regularly acquire nonrandom genomic aberrations during culture, raising concerns about their safe therapeutic application. The International Stem Cell Initiative identified a copy number variant (CNV) amplification of chromosome 20q11.21 in 25% of hESC lines displaying a normal karyotype. By comparing four cell lines paired for the presence or absence of this CNV, we show that those containing this amplicon have higher population doubling rates, attributable to enhanced cell survival through resistance to apoptosis. Of the three genes encoded within the minimal amplicon and expressed in hESCs, only overexpression of BCL2L1 (BCL-XL isoform) provides control cells with growth characteristics similar to those of CNV-containing cells, whereas inhibition of BCL-XL suppresses the growth advantage of CNV cells, establishing BCL2L1 as a driver mutation. Amplification of the 20q11.21 region is also detectable in human embryonal carcinoma cell lines and some teratocarcinomas, linking this mutation with malignant transformation.

Development | 2012

Developmental fate and lineage commitment of singled mouse blastomeres

Chanchao Lorthongpanich; Tham Puay Yoke Doris; Vachiranee Limviphuvadh; Barbara B. Knowles; Davor Solter

The inside-outside model has been invoked to explain cell-fate specification of the pre-implantation mammalian embryo. Here, we investigate whether cell-cell interaction can influence the fate specification of embryonic blastomeres by sequentially separating the blastomeres in two-cell stage mouse embryos and continuing separation after each cell division throughout pre-implantation development. This procedure eliminates information provided by cell-cell interaction and cell positioning. Gene expression profiles, polarity protein localization and functional tests of these separated blastomeres reveal that cell interactions, through cell position, influence the fate of the blastomere. Blastomeres, in the absence of cell contact and inner-outer positional information, have a unique pattern of gene expression that is characteristic of neither inner cell mass nor trophectoderm, but overall they have a tendency towards a ‘trophectoderm-like’ gene expression pattern and preferentially contribute to the trophectoderm lineage.

Methods in Enzymology | 1993

Construction of primary and subtracted cDNA libraries from early embryos

J L Rothstein; D Johnson; J Jessee; J Skowronski; J A DeLoia; Davor Solter; Barbara B. Knowles

By modifying current cDNA cloning and electroporation methods, large and representative murine cDNA libraries were synthesized from 10 to 100 ng mRNA isolated from unfertilized egg and preimplantation mouse embryos. High cloning efficiency is essential for complete representation of genes expressed in egg and preimplantation embryos and for the isolation of stage-specific genes using subtractive hybridization. Because the mouse embryo contains no more than 50 pg of poly(A)+ mRNA at any stage of preimplantation development, approximately 5000-10,000 embryos are required to obtain enough mRNA to synthesize libraries using current methods. To obtain a representative library that also includes rare transcripts, the size of the library should be at least 10(6) clones. The average percent conversion of mRNA to single-stranded cDNA was 20-40%, so that a cloning efficiency of nearly 2 x 10(8) cfu/microgram cDNA is required for such a cDNA library. No previous methods have provided directional cloning of cDNA into plasmids with these high efficiencies. The advent of electroporation methods for the introduction of nucleic acids into bacteria has made possible the use of standard plasmid vectors for high-efficiency cDNA cloning. Plasmid vectors are currently available that can accommodate the directional cloning of cDNA such that T7 and T3 RNA polymerase promoter sequences can be used to generate sense and anti-sense transcripts for subtractive hybridization and riboprobe synthesis. The cDNA libraries we derived using this methodology are a reusable and abundant source of genetic information about the control of preimplantation development. Specialized subtractive cDNA libraries enriched for genes expressed exclusively at a predetermined time in development give access to genes expressed in a stage-specific manner. The ability to construct new cDNA libraries from limited amounts of starting material ensures the provision of new and important resources for the identification and study of novel genes or gene families, and it is an important new tool for understanding the molecular control of mammalian development.

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