
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012

Gerência do cuidado de enfermagem em cenários hospitalares: a construção de um conceito

Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Isaura Setenta Porto; Denise Cristina de Oliveira

Este estudo teve como objetivo construir e apresentar a definicao teorica do conceito de gerencia do cuidado de enfermagem em cenarios hospitalares, a partir de base literaria especifica. Optou-se pela utilizacao das estrategias para construcao de conceitos da Analise de Conceito, as regras de formacao de conceito da Analise Arqueologica e a Analise Lexical como referencial teorico-metodologico. A operacionalizacao das estrategias e das regras de formacao de conceito possibilitou a construcao do conceito gerencia do cuidado de enfermagem em cenarios hospitalares. O conceito construido apresentou, em sua natureza, a capacidade de integrar dialeticamente os aspectos relativos ao saber-fazer do cuidar e gerenciar. A definicao teorica do conceito Gerencia do Cuidado de Enfermagem em Cenarios Hospitalares deu significado ao termo, no contexto inicial de construcao de uma teoria, a Gerencia do Cuidado de Enfermagem em Servicos de Saude.The objective of this study was to build and present a theoretical definition of the concept of nursing care management in hospital settings, based on specific literature. We chose to use Concept Analysis strategies for building concepts, the rules of Archeological Analysis for forming concepts, and Lexical Analysis as the theoretical-methodological framework. The operationalization of the strategies and rules for forming the concept permitted the construction of the concept of nursing care in hospital settings. The constructed concept presented, by its nature, the capacity to form a dialectic integration of the aspects relative to the knowing-doing of care and management. The theoretical definition of the concept of Nursing Care Management in Hospital Settings assigned meaning to the term, in the initial context of the construction of a theory of Nursing Care Management in Health Services.

Escola Anna Nery | 2011

Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem como ferramenta da gerência do cuidado: estudo de caso

Érica Torres; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Patrícia Claro dos Santos Fuly; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Marilda Andrade

Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012

Nursing care management in hospital settings: the building of a construct

Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Isaura Setenta Porto; Denise Cristina de Oliveira

Este estudo teve como objetivo construir e apresentar a definicao teorica do conceito de gerencia do cuidado de enfermagem em cenarios hospitalares, a partir de base literaria especifica. Optou-se pela utilizacao das estrategias para construcao de conceitos da Analise de Conceito, as regras de formacao de conceito da Analise Arqueologica e a Analise Lexical como referencial teorico-metodologico. A operacionalizacao das estrategias e das regras de formacao de conceito possibilitou a construcao do conceito gerencia do cuidado de enfermagem em cenarios hospitalares. O conceito construido apresentou, em sua natureza, a capacidade de integrar dialeticamente os aspectos relativos ao saber-fazer do cuidar e gerenciar. A definicao teorica do conceito Gerencia do Cuidado de Enfermagem em Cenarios Hospitalares deu significado ao termo, no contexto inicial de construcao de uma teoria, a Gerencia do Cuidado de Enfermagem em Servicos de Saude.The objective of this study was to build and present a theoretical definition of the concept of nursing care management in hospital settings, based on specific literature. We chose to use Concept Analysis strategies for building concepts, the rules of Archeological Analysis for forming concepts, and Lexical Analysis as the theoretical-methodological framework. The operationalization of the strategies and rules for forming the concept permitted the construction of the concept of nursing care in hospital settings. The constructed concept presented, by its nature, the capacity to form a dialectic integration of the aspects relative to the knowing-doing of care and management. The theoretical definition of the concept of Nursing Care Management in Hospital Settings assigned meaning to the term, in the initial context of the construction of a theory of Nursing Care Management in Health Services.

Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line | 2013

Integralidade da atenção no SUS e sistematização da assistência de enfermagem

Raquel Calado da Silva Gonçalves; Patrícia Osório Pereira; Patrocínia Gonçalves Delatorre; Gisella de Carvalho Queluci; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam

INTEGRALITY OF THE CARE IN THE SUS AND NURSING CARE SYSTEMATIZATION INTEGRALIDADE DA ATENÇÃO NO SUS E SISTEMATIZAÇÃO DA ASSISTÊNCIA DE ENFERMAGEM INTEGRIDAD DE ATENCIÓN EM SUS Y SISTEMATIZACIÓN DE CUIDADO DE ENFERMERÍA Raquel Calado da Silva Gonçalves. Nurse, Master’s Student at the Programme of Professional Master Degree in Assistential Nursing from the Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa /MPEA/EEAAC/UFF. Niterói (RJ), Brazil. E-mail: Patrícia Osório Pereira. Nurse, Academic Student at the Programme of Professional Master Degree in Assistential Nursing from the Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa/MPEA/EEAAC/UFF. Niterói (RJ), Brazil. E-mail: Patrocinia Gonçalves Delatorre. Nurse, Master’s Student at the Programme of Professional Master Degree in Assistential Nursing from the Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa /MPEA/EEAAC/UFF. Niterói (RJ), Brazil. E-mail: E-mail: Gisella de Carvalho Queluci. Nurse, Professor PHD in Nursing, Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa/EEAAC/UFF. Niterói (RJ), Brazil. E-mail: Zenith Rosa Silvino. Nurse, PHD in Nursing, Professor Titular, Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa (EEAAC/UFF). Coordinator of the MPEA and the NECIGEN. Niterói (RJ), Brazil. E-mail: Bárbara Pompeu Christovam. Nurse, Professor PHD in Nursing, Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa /EEAAC/UFF. Coordinator of the Undergraduate Nursing Course from the Universidade Federal Fluminense/UFF. Niterói (RJ), Brazil. E-mail:

Escola Anna Nery | 2011

Systematization of nursing assistance as a care management tool: case study

Érica Torres; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Patrícia Claro dos Santos Fuly; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Marilda Andrade

Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2014

Death and organ donation from the point of view of nurses: a descriptive study

Bárbara Cristina de Aguiar Ernesto Virginio; Cristina Lavoyer Escudeiro; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Tereza Cristina Felippe Guimarães; Graciele Oroski

Aim: To describe the point of view of nurses regarding the moment of death in the process of organ donation in an intensive care unit of a transplant hospital. Method: This is a descriptive, qualitative study, performed with fifteen nurses working in intensive care. Alceste software was used to treat the data collected, which identified the category “ontological dimension of caring due to the moment of death in the process of organ donation and harvesting”. Results: During their practice nurses experience a dialectic relationship between the act of donation and facing death through the nursing care provided to the potential donor and his family. Discussion: The process of dying comes up against on a daily basis, when nurses have to deal with the unknown, and face the daily fear of fighting against the possibility of death. Conclusion: There is a need to rethink/review standards, to reconsider the educational background of nursing staff, and to demystify institutional truths when dealing with the unknown.

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2012

Terapia intravenosa: atualidades

Gustavo Dias da Silva; Alexei Rodrigues Gomes; Pollyanna Silva Cunha Dias; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Selma Petra Chaves Sá

O conhecimento nas suas diversas áreas, inclusive na enfermagem, é mutável e dinâmico. As constantes mudanças exigem atualização profissional permanente, o que depende diretamente da difusão e disponibilidade de acesso às obras recentemente publicadas. Nesse sentido, a presente resenha objetiva apresentar ao público da área de saúde em geral, em especial de enfermagem, produção veiculada na forma de livro que sugere oferecer atualidades no que tange à terapia intravenosa.

Enfermería Global | 2018

Saberes e práticas de trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre riscos ocupacionais na atenção básica à saúde: um estudo de intervenção

Renata Vieira Girão Arcanjo; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Norma Valéria Dantas de Oliveira Souza; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Taiza Florencio da Costa

Work accidents are caused by exposure to occupational hazards. These risks may affect the safety, human health, professional integrity and corporate image. Despite the growing demand for activities carried out by professionals in Primary Health Care, evidence of an incipient production about occupational risks they face professionals who work in this scenario. In this sense, it is essential to implement educational measures as interventional strategy aimed at awareness and training of professionals for the development of preventive practices in your workplace. Therefore, the present study proposed the implementation of an educational intervention with nursing professionals in Primary Care Health, with the application of educational technology in order to reduce the exposure of these professionals to occupational risks. Hypotheses: H1: There is improvement in knowledge and change the practices of the experimental group nursing professionals after the implementation of educational intervention in primary care; H0: The knowledge and practices of the experimental group nursing professionals after the implementation of educational intervention are the same as the control group. Objectives: To characterize the occupational risks to which the nursing professionals who work in Jurujuba primary care units are exposed; raise the knowledge and practices of nursing staff to occupational hazards found in the studied primary care units; build and implement an educational technology for the basic health care nursing professionals; and assess the impact of interventional actions relating to the knowledge and the nursing team practice, after application of educational technology. Method: The study was quantitative, quasi-experimental with design pre-test/post-test with non-equivalent control group. We were to study two units scenarios Primary Health Care for low and medium complexity care, located in Jurujuba neighborhood in Niteroi/RJ (Brazil). Survey participants (n = 14) were all professionals who make up the nursing staff of the study scenarios. Data collection took place between 14-24 September 2015. The data collected were processed using two software, Sphinx® 2011 version and IBM SPSS Statistics. Results: 93% of participants are female and ages ranged 31-57 years old. With regard to working hours, the hours worked by professionals is heterogeneous, predominantly professionals with forty hours per week (n = 10; 71.4%). It found a strong positive correlation between the implementation of educational intervention and improvement of knowledge (r = 0.858) and change in preventive practices (r = 0.992) about the occupational risks by nursing professionals in the experimental group, working in Primary Care Health, after its implementation. Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrated the efficacy of educational interventions performed. Also confirm that the training of professionals constitutes effective strategy for the acquisition of knowledge promotes the adoption of preventive practices that prevent accidents and harm to health professionals. It is recommended to study replication in other primary health care units and the development of further research to validate the educational technology.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2017

Use of technologies in intravenous therapy: contributions to a safer practice

Ana Paula Amorim Moreira; Cristina Lavoyer Escudeiro; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Márglory Fraga de Carvalho; Roberto Carlos Lyra da Silva

Objectives To identify what are the difficulties of the nursing staff in the management of technologies during intravenous therapy (IVT) and discuss the difficulties identified under the perspective of patients safety. Method Descriptive study of qualitative approach with data collected by semi-structured interview and analyzed by the Alceste software. Results The greatest difficulty of cognitive and technical emphasis was the lack of training; and regarding administrative emphasis, the greatest difficulty was the lack of material and human resources. Infusion pumps and their proper use were highlighted as the technological resource that most contributed to patient safety. Final considerations The lack of training is presented as the greatest difficulty of nursing professionals and permeates safety issues of both patient and professional when using the hard technologies in IVT. Training is essential to the development of techniques, considered nursing tools.

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2014

Organizational guidelines for care provision management in nephrology: analysis of critical incidents

Cecília Teixeira da Silva; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam

Overall aim: to propose organizational guidelines for the management actions associated with nursing care based on problem situations identified by nurses of the Nephrology and Renal Transplantation Center (CRNTR) via the analysis of critical incidents. Specific aims: To describe the management actions of care provision performed by nurses in the CRNTR; to characterize the problem situations faced by nurses performing care provision management actions in the CRNTR; to discuss problem situations, behaviors and consequences in the implementation of management actions of nursing care performed by nurses in the CRNTR. Method: a descriptive, qualitative-approach research, performed through the use of the Critical Incident Analysis (CIA) method. The data will be collected using semi-structured interviews with nurses of a university hospital CRNTR. For data analysis and organization, the Alceste 4.9 software will be used.

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