Barry Honig
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Proteins | 2004
Matthew P. Jacobson; David L. Pincus; Chaya S. Rapp; Tyler Day; Barry Honig; David E. Shaw; Richard A. Friesner
The application of all‐atom force fields (and explicit or implicit solvent models) to protein homology‐modeling tasks such as side‐chain and loop prediction remains challenging both because of the expense of the individual energy calculations and because of the difficulty of sampling the rugged all‐atom energy surface. Here we address this challenge for the problem of loop prediction through the development of numerous new algorithms, with an emphasis on multiscale and hierarchical techniques. As a first step in evaluating the performance of our loop prediction algorithm, we have applied it to the problem of reconstructing loops in native structures; we also explicitly include crystal packing to provide a fair comparison with crystal structures. In brief, large numbers of loops are generated by using a dihedral angle‐based buildup procedure followed by iterative cycles of clustering, side‐chain optimization, and complete energy minimization of selected loop structures. We evaluate this method by using the largest test set yet used for validation of a loop prediction method, with a total of 833 loops ranging from 4 to 12 residues in length. Average/median backbone root‐mean‐square deviations (RMSDs) to the native structures (superimposing the body of the protein, not the loop itself) are 0.42/0.24 Å for 5 residue loops, 1.00/0.44 Å for 8 residue loops, and 2.47/1.83 Å for 11 residue loops. Median RMSDs are substantially lower than the averages because of a small number of outliers; the causes of these failures are examined in some detail, and many can be attributed to errors in assignment of protonation states of titratable residues, omission of ligands from the simulation, and, in a few cases, probable errors in the experimentally determined structures. When these obvious problems in the data sets are filtered out, average RMSDs to the native structures improve to 0.43 Å for 5 residue loops, 0.84 Å for 8 residue loops, and 1.63 Å for 11 residue loops. In the vast majority of cases, the method locates energy minima that are lower than or equal to that of the minimized native loop, thus indicating that sampling rarely limits prediction accuracy. The overall results are, to our knowledge, the best reported to date, and we attribute this success to the combination of an accurate all‐atom energy function, efficient methods for loop buildup and side‐chain optimization, and, especially for the longer loops, the hierarchical refinement protocol. Proteins 2004;55:000–000.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology | 2000
Felix B. Sheinerman; Raquel Norel; Barry Honig
Structural and mutational analyses reveal a central role for electrostatic interactions in protein-protein association. Experiment and theory both demonstrate that clusters of charged and polar residues that are located on protein-protein interfaces may enhance complex stability, although the total effect of electrostatics is generally net destabilizing. The past year also witnessed significant progress in our understanding of the effect of electrostatics on protein association kinetics, specifically in the characterization of a partially desolvated encounter complex.
Nature | 2009
Remo Rohs; Sean M. West; Alona Sosinsky; Peng Liu; Richard S. Mann; Barry Honig
The recognition of specific DNA sequences by proteins is thought to depend on two types of mechanism: one that involves the formation of hydrogen bonds with specific bases, primarily in the major groove, and one involving sequence-dependent deformations of the DNA helix. By comprehensively analysing the three-dimensional structures of protein–DNA complexes, here we show that the binding of arginine residues to narrow minor grooves is a widely used mode for protein–DNA recognition. This readout mechanism exploits the phenomenon that narrow minor grooves strongly enhance the negative electrostatic potential of the DNA. The nucleosome core particle offers a prominent example of this effect. Minor-groove narrowing is often associated with the presence of A-tracts, AT-rich sequences that exclude the flexible TpA step. These findings indicate that the ability to detect local variations in DNA shape and electrostatic potential is a general mechanism that enables proteins to use information in the minor groove, which otherwise offers few opportunities for the formation of base-specific hydrogen bonds, to achieve DNA-binding specificity.
Journal of Computational Chemistry | 2002
Walter Rocchia; Sundaram Sridharan; Anthony Nicholls; Emil Alexov; Alessandro Chiabrera; Barry Honig
This article describes a number of algorithms that are designed to improve both the efficiency and accuracy of finite difference solutions to the Poisson–Boltzmann equation (the FDPB method) and to extend its range of application. The algorithms are incorporated in the DelPhi program. The first algorithm involves an efficient and accurate semianalytical method to map the molecular surface of a molecule onto a three‐dimensional lattice. This method constitutes a significant improvement over existing methods in terms of its combination of speed and accuracy. The DelPhi program has also been expanded to allow the definition of geometrical objects such as spheres, cylinders, cones, and parallelepipeds, which can be used to describe a system that may also include a standard atomic level depiction of molecules. Each object can have a different dielectric constant and a different surface or volume charge distribution. The improved definition of the surface leads to increased precision in the numerical solutions of the PB equation that are obtained. A further improvement in the precision of solvation energy calculations is obtained from a procedure that calculates induced surface charges from the FDPB solutions and then uses these charges in the calculation of reaction field energies. The program allows for finite difference grids of large dimension; currently a maximum of 5713 can be used on molecules containing several thousand atoms and charges. As described elsewhere, DelPhi can also treat mixed salt systems containing mono‐ and divalent ions and provide electrostatic free energies as defined by the nonlinear PB equation.
Annual Review of Biochemistry | 2010
Remo Rohs; Xiangshu Jin; Sean M. West; Rohit Joshi; Barry Honig; Richard S. Mann
Specific interactions between proteins and DNA are fundamental to many biological processes. In this review, we provide a revised view of protein-DNA interactions that emphasizes the importance of the three-dimensional structures of both macromolecules. We divide protein-DNA interactions into two categories: those when the protein recognizes the unique chemical signatures of the DNA bases (base readout) and those when the protein recognizes a sequence-dependent DNA shape (shape readout). We further divide base readout into those interactions that occur in the major groove from those that occur in the minor groove. Analogously, the readout of the DNA shape is subdivided into global shape recognition (for example, when the DNA helix exhibits an overall bend) and local shape recognition (for example, when a base pair step is kinked or a region of the minor groove is narrow). Based on the >1500 structures of protein-DNA complexes now available in the Protein Data Bank, we argue that individual DNA-binding proteins combine multiple readout mechanisms to achieve DNA-binding specificity. Specificity that distinguishes between families frequently involves base readout in the major groove, whereas shape readout is often exploited for higher resolution specificity, to distinguish between members within the same DNA-binding protein family.
Nature | 2012
Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang; Donald Petrey; Lei Deng; Li Qiang; Yu Shi; Chan Aye Thu; Brygida Bisikirska; Celine Lefebvre; Domenico Accili; Tony Hunter; Tom Maniatis; Barry Honig
The genome-wide identification of pairs of interacting proteins is an important step in the elucidation of cell regulatory mechanisms. Much of our present knowledge derives from high-throughput techniques such as the yeast two-hybrid assay and affinity purification, as well as from manual curation of experiments on individual systems. A variety of computational approaches based, for example, on sequence homology, gene co-expression and phylogenetic profiles, have also been developed for the genome-wide inference of protein–protein interactions (PPIs). Yet comparative studies suggest that the development of accurate and complete repertoires of PPIs is still in its early stages. Here we show that three-dimensional structural information can be used to predict PPIs with an accuracy and coverage that are superior to predictions based on non-structural evidence. Moreover, an algorithm, termed PrePPI, which combines structural information with other functional clues, is comparable in accuracy to high-throughput experiments, yielding over 30,000 high-confidence interactions for yeast and over 300,000 for human. Experimental tests of a number of predictions demonstrate the ability of the PrePPI algorithm to identify unexpected PPIs of considerable biological interest. The surprising effectiveness of three-dimensional structural information can be attributed to the use of homology models combined with the exploitation of both close and remote geometric relationships between proteins.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology | 2001
Bissan Al-Lazikani; Joon Jung; Zhexin Xiang; Barry Honig
The prediction of protein structure, based primarily on sequence and structure homology, has become an increasingly important activity. Homology models have become more accurate and their range of applicability has increased. Progress has come, in part, from the flood of sequence and structure information that has appeared over the past few years, and also from improvements in analysis tools. These include profile methods for sequence searches, the use of three-dimensional structure information in sequence alignment and new homology modeling tools, specifically in the prediction of loop and side-chain conformations. There have also been important advances in understanding the physical chemical basis of protein stability and the corresponding use of physical chemical potential functions to identify correctly folded from incorrectly folded protein conformations.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 2002
Matthew P. Jacobson; Richard A. Friesner; Zhexin Xiang; Barry Honig
The role of crystal packing in determining the observed conformations of amino acid side-chains in protein crystals is investigated by (1) analysis of a database of proteins that have been crystallized in different unit cells (space group or unit cell dimensions) and (2) theoretical predictions of side-chain conformations with the crystal environment explicitly represented. Both of these approaches indicate that the crystal environment plays an important role in determining the conformations of polar side-chains on the surfaces of proteins. Inclusion of the crystal environment permits a more sensitive measurement of the achievable accuracy of side-chain prediction programs, when validating against structures obtained by X-ray crystallography. Our side-chain prediction program uses an all-atom force field and a Generalized Born model of solvation and is thus capable of modeling simple packing effects (i.e. van der Waals interactions), electrostatic effects, and desolvation, which are all important mechanisms by which the crystal environment impacts observed side-chain conformations. Our results are also relevant to the understanding of changes in side-chain conformation that may result from ligand docking and protein-protein association, insofar as the results reveal how side-chain conformations change in response to their local environment.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002
Zhexin Xiang; Cinque Soto; Barry Honig
In this paper, we introduce a method to account for the shape of the potential energy curve in the evaluation of conformational free energies. The method is based on a procedure that generates a set of conformations, each with its own force-field energy, but adds a term to this energy that favors conformations that are close in structure (have a low rmsd) to other conformations. The sum of the force-field energy and rmsd-dependent term is defined here as the “colony energy” of a given conformation, because each conformation that is generated is viewed as representing a colony of points. The use of the colony energy tends to select conformations that are located in broad energy basins. The approach is applied to the ab initio prediction of the conformations of all of the loops in a dataset of 135 nonredundant proteins. By using an rmsd from a native criterion based on the superposition of loop stems, the average rmsd of 5-, 6-, 7-, and 8-residue long loops is 0.85, 0.92, 1.23, and 1.45 Å, respectively. For 8-residue loops, 60 of 61 predictions have an rmsd of less than 3.0 Å. The use of the colony energy is found to improve significantly the results obtained from the potential function alone. (The loop prediction program, “Loopy,” can be downloaded at
Proteins | 2003
Donald Petrey; Zhexin Xiang; Christopher L. Tang; Lei Xie; Marina Gimpelev; Therese Mitros; Cinque Soto; Sharon Goldsmith-Fischman; Andrew Kernytsky; Avner Schlessinger; Ingrid Y.Y. Koh; Emil Alexov; Barry Honig
We participated in the fold recognition and homology sections of CASP5 using primarily in‐house software. The central feature of our structure prediction strategy involved the ability to generate good sequence‐to‐structure alignments and to quickly transform them into models that could be evaluated both with energy‐based methods and manually. The in‐house tools we used include: a) HMAP (Hybrid Multidimensional Alignment Profile)—a profile‐to‐profile alignment method that is derived from sequence‐enhanced multiple structure alignments in core regions, and sequence motifs in non‐structurally conserved regions. b) NEST–a fast model building program that applies an “artificial evolution” algorithm to construct a model from a given template and alignment. c) GRASP2–a new structure and alignment visualization program incorporating multiple structure superposition and domain database scanning modules. These methods were combined with model evaluation based on all atom and simplified physical‐chemical energy functions. All of these methods were under development during CASP5 and consequently a great deal of manual analysis was carried out at each stage of the prediction process. This interactive model building procedure has several advantages and suggests important ways in which our and other methods can be improved, examples of which are provided. Proteins 2003;53:430–435.