Bartolomé Moyá
University of Florida
Featured researches published by Bartolomé Moyá.
PLOS Pathogens | 2009
Bartolomé Moyá; Andreas Dötsch; Carlos Juan; Jesús Blázquez; Laura Zamorano; Susanne Häussler; Antonio Oliver
It has long been recognized that the modification of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) to reduce their affinity for β-lactams is an important mechanism (target modification) by which Gram-positive cocci acquire antibiotic resistance. Among Gram-negative rods (GNR), however, this mechanism has been considered unusual, and restricted to clinically irrelevant laboratory mutants for most species. Using as a model Pseudomonas aeruginosa, high up on the list of pathogens causing life-threatening infections in hospitalized patients worldwide, we show that PBPs may also play a major role in β-lactam resistance in GNR, but through a totally distinct mechanism. Through a detailed genetic investigation, including whole-genome analysis approaches, we demonstrate that high-level (clinical) β-lactam resistance in vitro, in vivo, and in the clinical setting is driven by the inactivation of the dacB-encoded nonessential PBP4, which behaves as a trap target for β-lactams. The inactivation of this PBP is shown to determine a highly efficient and complex β-lactam resistance response, triggering overproduction of the chromosomal β-lactamase AmpC and the specific activation of the CreBC (BlrAB) two-component regulator, which in turn plays a major role in resistance. These findings are a major step forward in our understanding of β-lactam resistance biology, and, more importantly, they open up new perspectives on potential antibiotic targets for the treatment of infectious diseases.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents | 2009
Jesús Oteo; Karol Diestra; Carlos Juan; Verónica Bautista; Ângela Novais; María Pérez-Vázquez; Bartolomé Moyá; Elisenda Miró; Teresa M. Coque; Antonio Oliver; Rafael Cantón; Ferran Navarro; José Campos
In this study, we investigated the population structure of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli in Spain and determined possible associations between specific multilocus sequence typing (MLST) types and ESBL types. Ninety-two ESBL-producing E. coli isolates from 11 Spanish hospitals were studied. The predominant ESBLs in this collection were CTX-M-14 (45.7%), SHV-12 (21.7%) and CTX-M-9 (20.6%). Phylogenetic groups and MLST types were studied. Thirty-seven isolates (40.2%) belonged to phylogroup A, 26 (28.3%) to group B1, 13 (14.1%) to group B2 and 16 (17.4%) to group D. Fifty-six sequence types (STs) were identified, but ST131 (eight isolates) and ST167 (five isolates) were the most prevalent. The most common ST complexes were ST10 (13 isolates; 14.3%) and ST23 (10 isolates; 11%). Escherichia coli ST131 carried six different ESBLs (CTX-M-1, CTX-M-9, CTX-M-10, CTX-M-14, CTX-M-15 and SHV-12), E. coli ST10 complex carried five ESBLs and E. coli ST23 complex carried four ESBLs. A great diversity of MLST types was observed among Spanish ESBL-producing E. coli isolates.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2006
Carlos Juan; Bartolomé Moyá; José L. Pérez; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT Development of resistance to the antipseudomonal penicillins and cephalosporins mediated by hyperproduction of the chromosomal cephalosporinase AmpC is a major threat to the successful treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Although ampD inactivation has been previously found to lead to a partially derepressed phenotype characterized by increased AmpC production but retaining further inducibility, the regulation of ampC in P. aeruginosa is far from well understood. We demonstrate that ampC expression is coordinately repressed by three AmpD homologues, including the previously described protein AmpD plus two additional proteins, designated AmpDh2 and AmpDh3. The three AmpD homologues are responsible for a stepwise ampC upregulation mechanism ultimately leading to constitutive hyperexpression of the chromosomal cephalosporinase and high-level antipseudomonal β-lactam resistance, as shown by analysis of the three single ampD mutants, the three double ampD mutants, and the triple ampD mutant. This is achieved by a three-step escalating mechanism rendering four relevant expression states: basal-level inducible expression (wild type), moderate-level hyperinducible expression with increased antipseudomonal β-lactam resistance (ampD mutant), high-level hyperinducible expression with high-level β-lactam resistance (ampD ampDh3 double mutant), and very high-level (more than 1,000-fold compared to the wild type) derepressed expression (triple mutant). Although one-step inducible-derepressed expression models are frequent in natural resistance mechanisms, this is the first characterized example in which expression of a resistance gene can be sequentially amplified through multiple steps of derepression.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2012
Gabriel Cabot; Alain A. Ocampo-Sosa; M. Angeles Domínguez; Juan F. Gago; Carlos Juan; Fe Tubau; Cristina Rodríguez; Bartolomé Moyá; Carmen Peña; Luis Martínez-Martínez; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT Recent reports have revealed the existence of widespread extensively drug-resistant (XDR) P. aeruginosa high-risk clones in health care settings, but there is still scarce information on their specific chromosomal (mutational) and acquired resistance mechanisms. Up to 20 (10.5%) of 190 bloodstream isolates collected from 10 Spanish hospitals met the XDR criteria. A representative number (15 per group) of isolates classified as multidrug-resistant (MDR) (22.6%), resistant to 1 to 2 classes (moderately resistant [modR]) (23.7%), or susceptible to all antibiotics (multiS) (43.2%) were investigated in parallel. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis revealed that all XDR isolates belonged to sequence type 175 (ST175) (n = 19) or ST111 (n = 1), both recognized as international high-risk clones. Clonal diversity was higher among the 15 MDR isolates (4 ST175, 2 ST111, and 8 additional STs) and especially high among the 15 modR (13 different STs) and multiS (14 STs) isolates. The XDR/MDR pattern in ST111 isolates correlated with the production of VIM-2, but none of the ST175 isolates produced acquired β-lactamases. In contrast, the analysis of resistance markers in 12 representative isolates (from 7 hospitals) of ST175 revealed that the XDR pattern was driven by the combination of AmpC hyperproduction, OprD inactivation (Q142X), 3 mutations conferring high-level fluoroquinolone resistance (GyrA T83I and D87N and ParC S87W), a G195E mutation in MexZ (involved in MexXY-OprM overexpression), and the production of a class 1 integron harboring the aadB gene (gentamicin and tobramycin resistance). Of particular interest, in nearly all the ST175 isolates, AmpC hyperproduction was driven by a novel AmpR-activating mutation (G154R), as demonstrated by complementation studies using an ampR mutant of PAO1. This work is the first to describe the specific resistance markers of widespread P. aeruginosa XDR high-risk clones producing invasive infections.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2011
Gabriel Cabot; Alain A. Ocampo-Sosa; Fe Tubau; María D. Maciá; Cristina Rodríguez; Bartolomé Moyá; Laura Zamorano; Cristina Suárez; Carmen Peña; Luis Martínez-Martínez; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT The prevalence and impact of the overexpression of AmpC and efflux pumps were evaluated with a collection of 190 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates recovered from bloodstream infections in a 2008 multicenter study (10 hospitals) in Spain. The MICs of a panel of 13 antipseudomonal agents were determined by microdilution, and the expressions of ampC, mexB, mexY, mexD, and mexF were determined by real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. Up to 39% of the isolates overexpressed at least one of the mechanisms. ampC overexpression (24.2%) was the most prevalent mechanism, followed by mexY (13.2%), mexB (12.6%), mexF (4.2%), and mexD (2.2%). The overexpression of mexB plus mexY, documented for 5.3% of the isolates, was the only combination showing a significantly (P = 0.02) higher prevalence than expected from the frequencies of the individual mechanisms (1.6%). Additionally, all imipenem-resistant isolates studied (25 representative isolates) showed inactivating mutations in oprD. Most of the isolates nonsusceptible to piperacillin-tazobactam (96%) and ceftazidime (84%) overexpressed ampC, while mexB (25%) and mexY (29%) overexpressions gained relevance among cefepime-nonsusceptible isolates. Nevertheless, the prevalence of mexY overexpression was highest among tobramycin-nonsusceptible isolates (37%), and that of mexB was highest among meropenem-nonsusceptible isolates (33%). Regarding ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates, besides the expected increased prevalence of efflux pump overexpression, a highly significant link to ampC overexpression was documented for the first time: up to 52% of ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible isolates overexpressed ampC, sharply contrasting with the 24% documented for the complete collection (P < 0.001). In summary, mutation-driven resistance was frequent in P. aeruginosa isolates from bloodstream infections, whereas metallo-β-lactamases, detected in 2 isolates (1%) producing VIM-2, although with increasing prevalences, were still uncommon.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2014
Gabriel Cabot; Sebastian Bruchmann; Xavier Mulet; Laura Zamorano; Bartolomé Moyá; Carlos Juan; Susanne Häussler; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT We compared the dynamics and mechanisms of resistance development to ceftazidime, meropenem, ciprofloxacin, and ceftolozane-tazobactam in wild-type (PAO1) and mutator (PAOMS, ΔmutS) P. aeruginosa. The strains were incubated for 24 h with 0.5 to 64× MICs of each antibiotic in triplicate experiments. The tubes from the highest antibiotic concentration showing growth were reinoculated in fresh medium containing concentrations up to 64× MIC for 7 consecutive days. The susceptibility profiles and resistance mechanisms were assessed in two isolated colonies from each step, antibiotic, and strain. Ceftolozane-tazobactam-resistant mutants were further characterized by whole-genome analysis through RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). The development of high-level resistance was fastest for ceftazidime, followed by meropenem and ciprofloxacin. None of the mutants selected with these antibiotics showed cross-resistance to ceftolozane-tazobactam. On the other hand, ceftolozane-tazobactam resistance development was much slower, and high-level resistance was observed for the mutator strain only. PAO1 derivatives that were moderately resistant (MICs, 4 to 8 μg/ml) to ceftolozane-tazobactam showed only 2 to 4 mutations, which determined global pleiotropic effects associated with a severe fitness cost. High-level-resistant (MICs, 32 to 128 μg/ml) PAOMS derivatives showed 45 to 53 mutations. Major changes in the global gene expression profiles were detected in all mutants, but only PAOMS mutants showed ampC overexpression, which was caused by dacB or ampR mutations. Moreover, all PAOMS mutants contained 1 to 4 mutations in the conserved residues of AmpC (F147L, Q157R, G183D, E247K, or V356I). Complementation studies revealed that these mutations greatly increased ceftolozane-tazobactam and ceftazidime MICs but reduced those of piperacillin-tazobactam and imipenem, compared to those in wild-type ampC. Therefore, the development of high-level resistance to ceftolozane-tazobactam appears to occur efficiently only in a P. aeruginosa mutator background, in which multiple mutations lead to overexpression and structural modifications of AmpC.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2012
Bartolomé Moyá; Alejandro Beceiro; Gabriel Cabot; Carlos Juan; Laura Zamorano; Sebastián Albertí; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT We investigated the mechanisms leading to Pseudomonas aeruginosa pan-β-lactam resistance (PBLR) development during the treatment of nosocomial infections, with a particular focus on the modification of penicillin-binding protein (PBP) profiles and imipenem, ceftazidime, and ceftolozane (former CXA-101) PBP binding affinities. For this purpose, six clonally related pairs of sequential susceptible-PBLR isolates were studied. The presence of oprD, ampD, and dacB mutations was explored by PCR followed by sequencing and the expression of ampC and efflux pump genes by real-time reverse transcription-PCR. The fluorescent penicillin Bocillin FL was used to determine PBP profiles in membrane preparations from all pairs, and 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) of ceftolozane, ceftazidime, and imipenem were analyzed in 3 of them. Although a certain increase was noted (0 to 5 2-fold dilutions), the MICs of ceftolozane were ≤4 μg/ml in all PBLR isolates. All 6 PBLR isolates lacked OprD and overexpressed ampC and one or several efflux pumps, particularly mexB and/or mexY. Additionally, 5 of them showed modified PBP profiles, including a modified pattern (n = 1) or diminished expression (n = 1) of PBP1a and a lack of PBP4 expression (n = 4), which correlated with AmpC overexpression driven by dacB mutation. Analysis of the essential PBP IC50s revealed significant variation of PBP1a/b binding affinities, both within each susceptible-PBLR pair and across the different pairs. Moreover, despite the absence of significant differences in gene expression or sequence, a clear tendency toward increased PBP2 (imipenem) and PBP3 (ceftazidime, ceftolozane, imipenem) IC50s was noted in PBLR isolates. Thus, our results suggest that in addition to AmpC, efflux pumps, and OprD, the modification of PBP patterns appears to play a role in the in vivo emergence of PBLR strains, which still conserve certain susceptibility to the new antipseudomonal cephalosporin ceftolozane.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2010
Bartolomé Moyá; Laura Zamorano; Carlos Juan; José L. Pérez; Yigong Ge; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT CXA-101, previously designated FR264205, is a new antipseudomonal cephalosporin. We evaluated the activity of CXA-101 against a highly challenging collection of β-lactam-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutants selected in vitro and after antipseudomonal treatment of intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The in vitro mutants investigated included strains with multiple combinations of mutations leading to several degrees of AmpC overexpression (ampD, ampDh2, ampDh3, and dacB [PBP4]) and porin loss (oprD). CXA-101 remained active against even the AmpD-PBP4 double mutant (MIC = 2 μg/ml), which shows extremely high levels of AmpC expression. Indeed, this mutant showed high-level resistance to all tested β-lactams, except carbapenems, including piperacillin-tazobactam (PTZ), aztreonam (ATM), ceftazidime (CAZ), and cefepime (FEP), a cephalosporin considered to be relatively stable against hydrolysis by AmpC. Moreover, CXA-101 was the only β-lactam tested (including the carbapenems imipenem [IMP] and meropenem [MER]) that remained fully active against the OprD-AmpD and OprD-PBP4 double mutants (MIC = 0.5 μg/ml). Additionally, we tested a collection of 50 sequential isolates that were susceptible or resistant to penicillicins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, or fluoroquinolones that emerged during treatment of ICU patients. All of the mutants resistant to CAZ, FEP, PTZ, IMP, MER, or ciprofloxacin showed relatively low CXA-101 MICs (range, 0.12 to 4 μg/ml; mean, 1 to 2 μg/ml). CXA-101 MICs of pan-β-lactam-resistant strains ranged from 1 to 4 μg/ml (mean, 2.5 μg/ml). As described for the in vitro mutants, CXA-101 retained activity against the natural AmpD-PBP4 double mutants, even when these exhibited additional overexpression of the MexAB-OprM efflux pump. Therefore, clinical trials are needed to evaluate the usefulness of CXA-101 for the treatment of P. aeruginosa nosocomial infections, particularly those caused by multidrug-resistant isolates that emerge during antipseudomonal treatments.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2010
Bartolomé Moyá; Laura Zamorano; Carlos Juan; Yigong Ge; Antonio Oliver
ABSTRACT CXA-101, previously designated FR264205, is a new antipseudomonal cephalosporin. The objective of this study was to determine the penicillin-binding protein (PBP) inhibition profile of CXA-101 compared to that of ceftazidime (PBP3 inhibitor) and imipenem (PBP2 inhibitor). Killing kinetics, the induction of AmpC expression, and associated changes on cell morphology were also investigated. The MICs for CXA-101, ceftazidime, and imipenem were 0.5, 1, and 1 μg/ml, respectively. Killing curves revealed that CXA-101 shows a concentration-independent bactericidal activity, with concentrations of 1× the MIC (0.5 μg/ml) producing a >3-log reduction in bacterial load after 8 h of incubation. Live-dead staining showed that concentrations of CXA-101 as low as 0.5× the MIC stopped bacterial septation and induced an intense filamentation, which is consistent with the documented high affinity of PBP3. CXA-101 was found to be a potent PBP3 inhibitor and showed affinities ≥2-fold higher than those of ceftazidime for all of the essential PBPs (1b, 1c, 2, and 3). Compared to imipenem, in addition to the obvious inverse PBP2/PBP3 affinities, CXA-101 showed a significantly higher affinity for PBP1b but a lower affinity for PBP1c. Furthermore, CXA-101, like ceftazidime and in contrast to imipenem, was found to be a very weak inducer of AmpC expression, consistent with the low PBP4 affinity documented.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | 2008
Karol Diestra; Carlos Juan; Tânia Curiao; Bartolomé Moyá; Elisenda Miró; Jesús Oteo; Teresa M. Coque; María Pérez-Vázquez; José Campos; Rafael Cantón; Antonio Oliver; Ferran Navarro
OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to characterize plasmids that harbour blaESBL genes and their genetic environment in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae clones circulating in Spain. METHODS The incompatibility group of plasmids within 58 strains harbouring blaCTX-M (n=45) and blaSHV (n=15) genes was determined by rep-typing-PCR and hybridization. The blaESBL genetic environment was determined by PCR and sequencing. RESULTS The blaCTX-M-9 genes (n=14) were linked to In60 located in IncI1 (50%) or IncHI2 plasmids (28%). All blaCTX-M-14 genes (n=13) were flanked by ISEcp1 and IS903 and 12 were associated with IncK plasmids. One of two blaCTX-M-10 genes was present in an IncK plasmid, but both genes were linked to a phage-related element. Five of seven blaCTX-M-1 (71%), all three blaCTX-M-32 and one of two blaCTX-M-3 genes were linked to IncN plasmids. The other blaCTX-M-3 gene was linked to IncA/C and the remaining two blaCTX-M-1 genes to IncFII plasmids. Three blaCTX-M-15 genes were associated with IncF (repFIA) and one with IncFII plasmids. All these genes from blaCTX-M group-1 showed the ISEcp1 upstream truncated by different insertion sequences. Forty-three percent of blaSHV-12 genes (n=14) were located in IncI1 plasmids, all flanked by the IS26 and DEOR region. The only detected blaSHV-5 gene was located in an IncFII plasmid and flanked by recF and DEOR regions. CONCLUSIONS A diversity of the plasmid incompatibility groups that harbour blaESBL genes was observed, except for the blaCTX-M-14 gene. Moreover, a high variability was confirmed in the genetic environment of these genes as a result of insertion and deletion events.