Basanta Raj Adhikari
Tribhuvan University
Seismological Research Letters | 2015
Robb E.S. Moss; Eric M. Thompson; D. Scott Kieffer; Binod Tiwari; Youssef M. A. Hashash; Indra Acharya; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Domniki Asimaki; Kevin B. Clahan; Brian D. Collins; Sachindra Dahal; Randall W. Jibson; Diwakar Khadka; Amy Macdonald; Chris M. Madugo; H. Benjamin Mason; Menzer Pehlivan; Deepak Rayamajhi; Sital Uprety
This article summarizes the geotechnical effects of the 25 April 2015 M 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake and aftershocks, as documented by a reconnaissance team that undertook a broad engineering and scientific assessment of the damage and collected perishable data for future analysis. Brief descriptions are provided of ground shaking, surface fault rupture, landsliding, soil failure, and infrastructure performance. The goal of this reconnaissance effort, led by Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance, is to learn from earthquakes and mitigate hazards in future earthquakes.
Science | 2016
Wolfgang Schwanghart; Anne Bernhardt; Amelie Stolle; Philipp Hoelzmann; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Christoff Andermann; Stefanie Tofelde; Silke Merchel; Georg Rugel; Monique Fort; Oliver Korup
Nepals quake-driven landslide hazards Large earthquakes can trigger dangerous landslides across a wide geographic region. The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorhka earthquake near Kathmandu, Nepal, was no exception. Kargal et al. used remote observations to compile a massive catalog of triggered debris flows. The satellite-based observations came from a rapid response team assisting the disaster relief effort. Schwanghart et al. show that Kathmandu escaped the historically catastrophic landslides associated with earthquakes in 1100, 1255, and 1344 C.E. near Nepals second largest city, Pokhara. These two studies underscore the importance of determining slope stability in mountainous, earthquake-prone regions. Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aac8353; see also p. 147 Sediment records are used to identify catastrophic debris flows from paleoquakes near Pokhara, Nepal. Geomorphic footprints of past large Himalayan earthquakes are elusive, although they are urgently needed for gauging and predicting recovery times of seismically perturbed mountain landscapes. We present evidence of catastrophic valley infill following at least three medieval earthquakes in the Nepal Himalaya. Radiocarbon dates from peat beds, plant macrofossils, and humic silts in fine-grained tributary sediments near Pokhara, Nepal’s second-largest city, match the timing of nearby M > 8 earthquakes in ~1100, 1255, and 1344 C.E. The upstream dip of tributary valley fills and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry of their provenance rule out local sources. Instead, geomorphic and sedimentary evidence is consistent with catastrophic fluvial aggradation and debris flows that had plugged several tributaries with tens of meters of calcareous sediment from a Higher Himalayan source >60 kilometers away.
Science | 2018
Kristen L. Cook; Christoff Andermann; Florent Gimbert; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Niels Hovius
A sudden outburst of erosion Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) are exactly what they sound like. The sudden emptying of a glacial lake in high-topography regions like the Himalaya can quickly destroy everything in its path. Cook et al. intercepted a GLOF in the Bhotekoshi and Sunkoshi river valleys in central Nepal as they were monitoring the region in the aftermath of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. They found that a massive amount of erosion occurred during the outburst flood, which suggests that GLOFs may be the primary factor in landscape evolution for these regions. Science, this issue p. 53 A very well monitored Himalayan glacial lake outburst flood shows the power of these large events to drive erosion. Himalayan rivers are frequently hit by catastrophic floods that are caused by the failure of glacial lake and landslide dams; however, the dynamics and long-term impacts of such floods remain poorly understood. We present a comprehensive set of observations that capture the July 2016 glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) in the Bhotekoshi/Sunkoshi River of Nepal. Seismic records of the flood provide new insights into GLOF mechanics and their ability to mobilize large boulders that otherwise prevent channel erosion. Because of this boulder mobilization, GLOF impacts far exceed those of the annual summer monsoon, and GLOFs may dominate fluvial erosion and channel-hillslope coupling many tens of kilometers downstream of glaciated areas. Long-term valley evolution in these regions may therefore be driven by GLOF frequency and magnitude, rather than by precipitation.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms | 2018
Amelie Stolle; Wolfgang Schwanghart; Christoff Andermann; Anne Bernhardt; Monique Fort; John D. Jansen; Hella Wittmann; Silke Merchel; Georg Rugel; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Oliver Korup
Mountain rivers respond to strong earthquakes by rapidly aggrading to accommodate excess sediment delivered by co-seismic landslides. Detailed sediment budgets indicate that rivers need several years to decades to recover from seismic disturbances, depending on how recovery is defined. We examine three principal proxies of river recovery after earthquake-induced sediment pulses around Pokhara, Nepal’s second largest city. Freshly exhumed cohorts of floodplain trees in growth position indicate rapid and pulsed sedimentation that formed a fan covering 150 km in a Lesser Himalayan basin with tens of metres of debris between the 11th and 15th centuries AD. Radiocarbon dates of buried trees are consistent with those of nearby valley deposits linked to major medieval earthquakes, such that we can estimate average rates of re-incision since. We combine high-resolution digital elevation data, geodetic field surveys, aerial photos, and dated tree trunks to reconstruct geomorphic marker surfaces. The volumes of sediment relative to these surfaces require average net sediment yields of up to 4200 t km yr for the 650 years since the last inferred earthquake-triggered sediment pulse. The lithological composition of channel bedload differs from that of local bedrock, confirming that rivers are still mostly evacuating medieval valley fills, locally incising at rates of up to 0.2myr. Pronounced knickpoints and epigenetic gorges at tributary junctions further illustrate the protracted fluvial response; only the distal portions of the earthquake-derived sediment wedges have been cut to near their base. Our results challenge the notion that mountain rivers recover speedily from earthquakes within years to decades. The valley fills around Pokhara show that even highly erosive Himalayan rivers may need more than several centuries to adjust to catastrophic perturbations. Our results motivate some rethinking of postseismic hazard appraisals and infrastructural planning in active mountain regions.
Workshop on World Landslide Forum | 2017
Kaushal Raj Gnyawali; Basanta Raj Adhikari
This paper presents the results of an extensive mapping of co-seismic landslides triggered by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in central Nepal. More than 19,332 landslides have been identified covering 61.5 km2 of land in about 20,500 km2 area of investigation using Google Earth imagery. Their spatial distribution characteristics and relation to the triggering mechanism is studied. Interesting regional localization and angular distribution characteristics, more controlled by the rupture directivity is observed. Seismic, geomorphic and lithological parameters that induce susceptibility to their occurrence is studied using two indices of landslide concentration: Landslide Area Percentage (LAP) and Landslide Number Percentage (LNP) in comparison with % area of each parameter classes. Positive correlation with the chosen triggering parameters are observed but there are some significant differences in the parameter values and distribution plots to co-seismic landslides in other parts of world. These results provide valuable information about the slope response characteristics in case of seismic activation in thrust faulting Himalayan landscapes, and this is important in further researches on co-seismic landslide prediction models for mountainous settlements, sediment yield studies and cascading landslide disasters after major earthquakes.
Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaisance GEER Association Report No. GEER-040 | 2015
Youssef M. A. Hashash; Binod Tiwari; Robb E.S. Moss; Domniki Asimaki; Kevin B. Clahan; D. Scott Kieffer; Doug S. Dreger; Amy Macdonald; Chris M. Madugo; H. Benjamin Mason; Menzer Pehlivan; Deepak Rayamajhi; Indra Acharya; Basanta Raj Adhikari
Quaternary Science Reviews | 2017
Amelie Stolle; Anne Bernhardt; Wolfgang Schwanghart; Philipp Hoelzmann; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Monique Fort; Oliver Korup
Archive | 2018
Monique Fort; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Bhawat Rimal
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | 2018
Brian G. McAdoo; Michelle Quak; Kausha Gnyawali; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Sanjay Devkota; Purna Rajbhandari; Karen Sudmeier
Bulletin of The Department of Geology | 2018
Basanta Raj Adhikari; Nagendra Raj Sitoula