Bastian Gundlach
Braunschweig University of Technology
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Featured researches published by Bastian Gundlach.
Icarus | 2012
Bastian Gundlach; Jürgen Blum
Abstract In this work, we present a new model for the heat conductivity of porous dust layers in vacuum, based on an existing solution of the heat transfer equation of single spheres in contact. This model is capable of distinguishing between two different types of dust layers: dust layers composed of single particles (simple model) and dust layers consisting of individual aggregates (complex model). Additionally, we describe laboratory experiments, which were used to measure the heat conductivity of porous dust layers, in order to test the model. We found that the model predictions are in an excellent agreement with the experimental results, if we include radiative heat transport in the model. This implies that radiation plays an important role for the heat transport in porous materials. Furthermore, the influence of this new model on the Hertz factor are demonstrated and the implications of this new model on the modeling of cometary activity are discussed. Finally, the limitations of this new model are critically reviewed.
Icarus | 2011
Bastian Gundlach; Yuri V. Skorov; Jürgen Blum
Our knowledge about the physical processes determining the activity of comets were mainly influenced by several extremely successful space missions (Giotto, Deep Space I, Stardust, Deep Impact and EPOXI), the predictions of theoretical models and the results of laboratory experiments. However, novel computer models should not be treated in isolation but should be based on experimental results and should be verified and calibrated by experimental work. Therefore, a new experimental setup was constructed to investigate the temperature dependent sublimation properties of hexagonal water ice and the gas diffusion through a dry dust layer covering the ice surface. We show that this experimental setup is capable to reproduce known gas production rates of pure hexagonal water ice. The reduction of the gas production rate due to an additional dust layer on top of the ice surface was measured and compared to the results of another experimental setup in which the gas diffusion through dust layers at room temperature was investigated. We found that the relative permeability of the dust layer is inversely proportional to its thickness, which is also predicted by theoretical models. However, the measured absolute weakening of the gas flow was smaller than predicted by models. This lack of correspondence between model and experiment may be caused by an ill-determination of the boundary condition in the theoretical models, which further demonstrates the necessity of laboratory investigations. Furthermore, the impedance of the dust layer to the ice evaporation was found to be similar to the impedance at room temperature, which means that the temperature profile of the dust layer is not influencing the reduction of the gas production. Finally, we present the results of an extended investigation of the sublimation coefficient, which is an important factor for the description of the sublimation rate of water ice and, thus, an important value for thermophysical modeling of icy bodies in the Solar System. The achieved results of this laboratory investigations demonstrate that experimental works are essential for the understanding of the origin of cometary activity.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
Bastian Gundlach; J. Blum; H. U. Keller; Y. Skorov
We use the gravitational instability formation scenario of cometesimals to derive the aggregate size that can be released by the gas pressure from the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for different heliocentric distances and different volatile ices. To derive the ejected aggregate sizes, we developed a model based on the assumption that the entire heat absorbed by the surface is consumed by the sublimation process of one volatile species. The calculations were performed for the three most prominent volatile materials in comets, namely, H_20 ice, CO_2 ice, and CO ice. We find that the size range of the dust aggregates able to escape from the nucleus into space widens when the comet approaches the Sun and narrows with increasing heliocentric distance, because the tensile strength of the aggregates decreases with increasing aggregate size. The activity of CO ice in comparison to H_20 ice is capable to detach aggregates smaller by approximately one order of magnitude from the surface. As a result of the higher sublimation rate of CO ice, larger aggregates are additionally able to escape from the gravity field of the nucleus. Our model can explain the large grains (ranging from 2 cm to 1 m in radius) in the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko that have been observed by the OSIRIS camera at heliocentric distances between 3.4 AU and 3.7 AU. Furthermore, the model predicts the release of decimeter-sized aggregates (trail particles) close to the heliocentric distance at which the gas-driven dust activity vanishes. However, the gas-driven dust activity cannot explain the presence of particles smaller than ~1 mm in the coma because the high tensile strength required to detach these particles from the surface cannot be provided by evaporation of volatile ices. These smaller particles can be produced for instance by spin-up and centrifugal mass loss of ejected larger aggregates.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014
V. Alí-Lagoa; L. Lionni; Marco Delbo; Bastian Gundlach; J. Blum; J. Licandro
Aims. We derive the thermal inertia of 2008 EV5, the baseline target for the Marco Polo-R mission proposal, and infer information about the size of the particles on its surface. Methods. Values of thermal inertia were obtained by fitting an asteroid thermophysical model to NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infrared data. Grain size was derived from the constrained thermal inertia and a model of heat conductivity that accounts for different values of the packing fraction (a measure of the degree of compaction of the regolith particles). Results. We obtain an effective diameter D = 370 ± 6 m, geometric visible albedo pV = 0.13 ± 0.05 (assuming H = 20.0 ± 0.4), and thermal inertia Γ= 450 ± 60 J m −2 s −1/2 K −1 at the 1σ level of significance for its retrograde spin-pole solution. The regolith particles radius is r = 6.6 +1.3 −1.3 mm for low degrees of compaction and r = 12.5 +2.7 −2.6 mm for the highest packing densities.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2016
S. Lorek; Bastian Gundlach; P. Lacerda; J. Blum
Comets are remnants of the icy planetesimals that formed beyond the ice line in the Solar Nebula. Growing from micrometre-sized dust and ice particles to km-sized objects is, however, difficult because of growth barriers and time scale constraints. The gravitational collapse of pebble clouds that formed through the streaming instability may provide a suitable mechanism for comet formation. We study the collisional compression of cm-sized porous ice/dust-mixed pebbles in collapsing pebble clouds. For this, we developed a collision model for pebbles consisting of a mixture of ice and dust, characterised by their dust-to-ice mass ratio. Using the final compression of the pebbles, we constrain combinations of initial cloud mass, initial pepple porosity, and dust-to-ice ratio that lead to cometesimals which are consistent with observed bulk properties of cometary nuclei. We find that observed high porosity and low density of ~0.5 g/cc of comet nuclei can only be explained if comets formed in clouds with mass approximately M>1e18 g. Lower mass clouds would only work if the pebbles were initially very compact. Furthermore, the dust-to-ice ratio must be in the range of between 3 and 9 to match the observed bulk properties of comet nuclei. (abridged version)
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2016
Bastian Gundlach; J. Blum
Context: Surveys in the visible and near-infrared spectral range have revealed the presence of low-albedo asteroids in cometary like orbits (ACOs). In contrast to Jupiter family comets (JFCs), ACOs are inactive, but possess similar orbital parameters. Aims: In this work, we discuss why ACOs are inactive, whereas JFCs show gas-driven dust activity, although both belong to the same class of primitive solar system bodies. Methods: We hypothesize that ACOs and JFCs have formed under the same physical conditions, namely by the gravitational collapse of ensembles of ice and dust aggregates. We use the memory effect of dust-aggregate layers under gravitational compression to discuss under which conditions the gas-driven dust activity of these bodies is possible. Results: Owing to their smaller sizes, JFCs can sustain gas-driven dust activity much longer than the bigger ACOs, whose sub-surface regions possess an increased tensile strength, due to gravitational compression of the material. The increased tensile strength leads to the passivation against dust activity after a relatively short time of activity. Conclusions: The gravitational-collapse model of the formation of planetesimals, together with the gravitational compression of the sub-surface material simultaneously, explains the inactivity of ACOs and the gas-driven dust activity of JFCs. Their initially larger sizes means that ACOs possess a higher tensile strength of their sub-surface material, which leads to a faster termination of gas-driven dust activity. Most objects with radii larger than
Journal of Visualized Experiments | 2014
Jürgen Blum; Eike Beitz; Bastian Gundlach; Jan-Hendrik Hagemann; Daniel Heißelmann; Stefan Kothe; Rainer Schräpler; Ingo von Borstel; René Weidling
2 \, \mathrm{km}
The Astrophysical Journal | 2017
Sabrina Gärtner; Bastian Gundlach; Thomas F. Headen; Judy Ratte; Joachim Oesert; Stanislav N. Gorb; Tristan G. A. Youngs; Daniel T. Bowron; Jürgen Blum; H. J. Fraser
have already lost their activity due to former gravitational compression of their current surface material.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
L. E. Ellerbroek; Bastian Gundlach; A. Landeck; C. Dominik; J. Blum; S. Merouane; Martin Hilchenbach; Mark Stephen Bentley; Thurid Mannel; H. John; H. A. van Veen
For the purpose of investigating the evolution of dust aggregates in the early Solar System, we developed two vacuum drop towers in which fragile dust aggregates with sizes up to ~10 cm and porosities up to 70% can be collided. One of the drop towers is primarily used for very low impact speeds down to below 0.01 m/sec and makes use of a double release mechanism. Collisions are recorded in stereo-view by two high-speed cameras, which fall along the glass vacuum tube in the center-of-mass frame of the two dust aggregates. The other free-fall tower makes use of an electromagnetic accelerator that is capable of gently accelerating dust aggregates to up to 5 m/sec. In combination with the release of another dust aggregate to free fall, collision speeds up to ~10 m/sec can be achieved. Here, two fixed high-speed cameras record the collision events. In both drop towers, the dust aggregates are in free fall during the collision so that they are weightless and match the conditions in the early Solar System.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2017
X. Hu; X. Shi; H. Sierks; M. Fulle; J. Blum; H. U. Keller; E. Kührt; B. Davidsson; C. Güttler; Bastian Gundlach; M. Pajola; D. Bodewits; Jean-Baptiste Vincent; N. Oklay; M. Massironi; S. Fornasier; C. Tubiana; Olivier Groussin; S. Boudreault; S. Höfner; S. Mottola; Cesare Barbieri; P. L. Lamy; R. Rodrigo; D. Koschny; Hans Rickman; Michael F. A’Hearn; Jessica Agarwal; M. A. Barucci; J.-L. Bertaux
Models and observations suggest that ice-particle aggregation at and beyond the snowline dominates the earliest stages of planet-formation, which therefore is subject to many laboratory studies. However, the pressure-temperature gradients in proto-planetary disks mean that the ices are constantly processed, undergoing phase changes between different solid phases and the gas phase. Open questions remain as to whether the properties of the icy particles themselves dictate collision outcomes and therefore how effectively collision experiments reproduce conditions in pro- toplanetary environments. Previous experiments often yielded apparently contradictory results on collision outcomes, only agreeing in a temperature dependence setting in above